Playstation 3 System Update Thread

Firmware v1.54 is out, pretty much it only adds the ability to change pictures, I believe, during voice chat.

Another update... I mean its been 10 updates since the launch??.. Theres many things that could have been improved like being able to listen to a song while browsing the menu...

Well at least we know that a team is devoted to the XMB but i hope some are working on the core of this menu because there's many lacks...
Another update... I mean its been 10 updates since the launch??.. Theres many things that could have been improved like being able to listen to a song while browsing the menu...

Well at least we know that a team is devoted to the XMB but i hope some are working on the core of this menu because there's many lacks...

When you say "at least being able to listen to a song while browsing the menu"...are you talking about the XMB?

You can listen to music while browsing the XMB, surfing the web, the PS Store, and Chatting with friends. Currently the only thing you cannot do is listen to music during a game.
When you say "at least being able to listen to a song while browsing the menu"...are you talking about the XMB?

You can listen to music while browsing the XMB, surfing the web, the PS Store, and Chatting with friends. Currently the only thing you cannot do is listen to music during a game.

Well seems like im not able to do that, is there any special method?

EDIT: Nevermind just found out, hit the PS button... Sorry Sony :S
Well seems like im not able to do that, is there any special method?

EDIT: Nevermind just found out, hit the PS button... Sorry Sony :S

:) Glad you figured it out man.

This is just a small time update, the big one will come around March 23rd, 1.60 will be the big firmware update.
Background Downloading
Custom Wallpapers (I assume)
Chat Rooms
Improved Network features (possible message during game)
Rumored Voice Chat during all games

There is a lot we DON'T know right now, so here's to hoping it's huge.

After 1.60, the only thing to be excited about is the big Firmware 2.0...which should be a giant update.
I am glad that they are giving regular updates, 10 since the launch I see as a good thing because at least they are bothering to address issues.
There's lots of rumors floating around these past few days in regards to future System Updates. After browsing around this site:

I tracked down the following articles:

How 'Happy' Will PS3 Owners Be Next Week?
Happiness is a warm gun, is Sony pulling the trigger next week?

Sony to Release PS3 Emulator/Firmware For 'Software Playback': PS3's Built-In
HD Scaler to Eventually Upscale Existing PS2/PS1 Games to 1080i/720p

Are these sites considered to be reliable?
so I just downloaded the update, everything went smoothly and you can now download games while playing games or doing pretty much whatever you want. I cannot figure out how to set image as backround yet so if someone could help me with that. maybe it didn't make it on this update?
so I juswt downloaded the update, everything went smoothly and you can now download games while playing games or doing pretty much whatever you want. I cannot figure out how to set image as backround yet so if someone could help me with that. maybe it didn't make it on this update?
Didn't make it.
so I juswt downloaded the update, everything went smoothly and you can now download games while playing games or doing pretty much whatever you want. I cannot figure out how to set image as backround yet so if someone could help me with that. maybe it didn't make it on this update?

So you can play proper blu ray games whilst its downloading right? Because it was unclear that it could do this..... I thought you could only view photos and stuff.
So you can play proper blu ray games whilst its downloading right? Because it was unclear that it could do this..... I thought you could only view photos and stuff.
Yes, you can play games. However, can someone confirm you can also play BDs and DVDs while downloading for me? Last time I heard, you couldn't, but that could've been inaccurate info.
I would imagine you can since BD and HDD games work perfectly fine, theres even a little message that pops up in the corner when its done. damn shame about not being able to change themes though. I don't think its part of this update but has anyone noticed what happens when you select a folder of photos and hit start??
BD and DVD pauses downloading, HDD games and BDROM games will not stop downloading, playing games online will pause it, surfing the web will not.
I would imagine you can since BD and HDD games work perfectly fine, theres even a little message that pops up in the corner when its done. damn shame about not being able to change themes though. I don't think its part of this update but has anyone noticed what happens when you select a folder of photos and hit start??

But honestly, I wouldn't really need the custom wallpapers... even though it more or less looks like semen, it changes colors to whatever the time and date is. :)
BD and DVD pauses downloading, HDD games and BDROM games will not stop downloading, playing games online will pause it, surfing the web will not.

thats wierd, anyone know why that is

@ Duck, I have some really good pictures that I like to use, I do it on my desktop and my PSP so why not my big screen/PS3
This doesn't really seem to be as big of an update as Sony was making it out to be, back round downloading is nice but thats really the only big deal on this one.
I wish they would tell you what is in the update like they do on PSP.
The PS button now works instantly, you can disable auto-start. No difference in BC. I didn't notice Sony hyping up this update to begin with. Few missing things are the PS2 software emulator and DVD upscaling. Background downloads is a nice change also zooming in with the web browser is cool.
The PS button now works instantly, you can disable auto-start. No difference in BC. I didn't notice Sony hyping up this update to begin with. Few missing things are the PS2 software emulator and DVD upscaling. Background downloads is a nice change also zooming in with the web browser is cool.

WMA was also enabled for music, which is nice but expected considering the PSP

Now that I look back it's actually hard to tell where the hype started. It was definitely there, however, and this update is more fitting since its really only 1.6. I expect we will see more actual changes on 2.0 whenever that comes
BD and DVD pauses downloading, HDD games and BDROM games will not stop downloading, playing games online will pause it, surfing the web will not.
thats wierd, anyone know why that is
Not sure why, other than to assure an uninterrupted playback experience. Even prior to this update, I noticed that any time I put in a BD or DVD, the PS3 automatically disconnects me from the internet. I confirmed this by having someone on my friend's list on the phone, and to tell me what they see while watching my icon on their friend's list when I inserted a disc. It always showed that I signed off.

As long as downloads are only paused, and restart once the disc is stopped, that's more than acceptable for me.
As long as downloads are only paused, and restart once the disc is stopped, that's more than acceptable for me.

On that note, has anyone figured out a way to directly pause downloads yet?
its still cool that it will let you browse the net while downloading, however I don't think it will allow you to copy media from an MS PRO DUO since the option is blacked out while downloading
But honestly, I wouldn't really need the custom wallpapers... even though it more or less looks like semen, it changes colors to whatever the time and date is. :)
Semen?... I'm never going to be able to look at the PS3 wallpaper/theme the same way ever again. :)

I never noticed that the color changes depending on the time of day... so I changed my clock settings to see what happens and sure enough it does. I have to say though, if it were me, I would just as well have it always set at the nighttime "black" theme.

On that note, has anyone figured out a way to directly pause downloads yet?
Not that I can tell. You can get status information on the files from the "Download Management" folder, located above the PS Store icon. This also allows you to cancel any file in the que in case you change your mind. 👍

However, why would you need to pause a downloading file on your own?
This doesn't really seem to be as big of an update as Sony was making it out to be, back round downloading is nice but thats really the only big deal on this one.
I wish they would tell you what is in the update like they do on PSP.

You mean something like...this?

Really excited......updating now and had to come to this thread to say how exciting it is....