Playstation 3 System Update Thread

... as I have clearly said before, I too preferred the original sort.

I just think there some people who have a very different definition of what is very difficult, challenging, and a mess than others.

If they want to complain about it in a public forum then they should also expect others who may not feel the same way as they do to respond.

Ok, so we agree, previous system was better then the current one. And that's the main point.

We only don't agree because you think the current system isn't a mess. And you don't think it's a mess because it's easy to keep changing between options according to what we want to do /who we want to easily find.

I have no problem with the part on which we disagree. In fact, I don't know if the last part I quoted from your post was meant to me. But, if it was, let me state clearly that I never have problems with other people thinking or feeling differently. In fact, I expect that to happen in a public forum. And I really don't know what did I write that made you think otherwise. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not a native english speaker so I don't see/detect the "nuances" that come with the words we choose. I have/use(know a very basic english vocabulary, that must be it.

Have to agree with you there, D_N... it's not that hard to do, infact it is almost impossible for it to be any easier.

I agree. It's not hard. Switching between the sorting options is very simple, any kid can do it. But it was totally unnecessary before, when you had an option that gave you two alphabetic orders in the same sorting option. Online friends and, after that, offline friends. That's all I'm saying. And I hope you understand I don't have any problem with you or anyone else thinking differently.
Ok, so we agree, previous system was better then the current one. And that's the main point.

Actually thanks to this discussion, and giving it more thought, now I'm not sure the old way was better... only what I was used to.

For instance while the original sort was a nice hybrid, the new sort options do have some distinct advantages, like:
  • Finding people on your friends list that have not been online for a long time in order to remove people that you rarely see online.

    • Before Update: Like Hun200kmh's example, if you had 90+ people on your friends list, to find out which has been offline the longest, you would have to slowly scroll through each and every offline ID and cheack the number of days they have been offline.

    • After Update: Simply sort by status, and zip down to the bottom of the list. Voila.

  • Sending a message to multiple people on your friends list:

    • Before Update: Scroll through and select friends, but if some of the people are going on or offline while you are scrolling through the list, you might miss them in the list without going back and looking for them specifically.

    • After Update: Sorted alphabetically, whether someone goes online or off, it doesn't matter, they will all be listed in the same order, thus making sure you don't overlook someone.

  • Sending a message to a specific person:

    • Before Update: First you have to see if they are on the "online" part of the list, and if not, then you scroll down to their name in the offline section.

    • After Update: Sorted alphabetically, simply scroll straight to that person's ID.
Another advantage to the new sort options which came up was when I noticed a good friend of mine had just signed off a few minutes before I signed on, so his name was at the top of the offline friends. I called him on the phone to see if he wanted to sign back on and play some chess in Home... thirty minutes later he was trash talking me as he check-mated me... so maybe this was a disadvantage... as before this sort option I would not have even considered going through my entire friends list to see who just signed off to invite them back online and then get whopped in chess. :D

That said, and as I mentioned a few days ago, the best of all worlds would be to also have the original sort as an additional option. 👍

However, if I had to choose between the old way it was sorted and the two new sorting options, I would prefer the new options... so thanks for inspiring me to give this more thought. 👍
I am supporting a return of the previous way of listing friends, the new one is annoying (to me at least).
I did some more messing around last night and I believe I have found something else not mentioned.

Remote Play has lost a good deal of its lag. Previously attempting Remote Play found a near half second lag in response. There was some form of latency issue, even when connecting directly to the PS3 as the wireless connection point. For slower paced games it wasn't an issue. I could steal play High Stakes Poker or even frustrate my way through PJ Monsters. I prefer testing on PS1 games, as there is a larger variety of those to test with. Medieval and other action/adventure titles could be done after you adjust. Platformers like Crash Bandicoot were OK until you hit levels where you were riding on something fast and had to time jumps or had to run toward the screen from a rolling boulder. You have less than a second of reaction time and the lag would result in your death. Racing games (I was using Rally Cross) were just unplayable. PS1 racers had a lot of pop-up graphics due to system constraints and that combined with the PSP's tiny screen meant half a second was disastrous.

So, for me the lag would not be acceptable until a racing game was playable via Remote Play. Last night I was able to play Rally Cross with just a minor amount of lag. The latency is short enough that it just felt like a sluggish car, not one that visibly reacted long after I pushed a button. It's not perfect but it is definitely doable now.

I also noticed that using any form of Internet connection from remote play, either through the browser or the PlayStation Store, was not noticeably delayed during Remote Play, which I had seen before.

With that said, it occurred to me that when using Remote Play I am basically doing cloud computed gaming. This is doing what OnLive is saying they will do. So, while Sony just trademarked PS Cloud, they actually beat OnLive and everyone else to the remote gaming concept. So, now I wonder, could PS Cloud actually be a system for use with either a future PSP and/or console? Could it be a network designed for remote gaming from another PS3 on to your PS3? You go to a friend's house and you can now play your PSN games via their PS3 by just Remote Playing? Once it occurred to me that Remote Play is just an early version of cloud computed gaming the actual applications for a console became very large, and it seems that PS Cloud could be a great number of things.

I also believe I have come to a conclusion on what it is that bothers people with the new Friend's List sorting options.

First, is of course that we have become used to the old way, and the only people who immediately liked the change are the ones that didn't like the old way to begin with.

But I think I see more to it than just this. I have noticed people in other places, like the PlayStation Blog, who wanted a change even say they didn't like losing the original layout. Why?

The key is that we are naturally predisposed to be attracted to symmetry and order. A room that appears cluttered, but has everything you need easily accessible, is less appealing than an organized room that requires you to dig into cabinets or other storage units to find things. Something completely utilitarian has only moderate appeal if it doesn't look appealing.

The old system had online friends sorted alphabetically with offline friends below that sorted alphabetically. It had a sense of symmetry. It wasn't true symmetry as that would require exactly half of your friends online. But it did have a sense of order and symmetry.

The two new options are:
1) Alphabetical - this has zero symmetry. It has a utilitarian purpose, but due to online and offline friends having a different look through both color and information presented up front it appears to just be a jumbled mess. It is actually easier to find a person when you aren't concerned with them being online, but from a purely visual stand point you just have blue and red dots randomly scattered through the list. This is your messy room.

2) Online status and time sense last online - It appears to have symmetry, but the moment you go into offline names all organization is purely at the whim of the friends on your friends list. It is like walking into an organized room (online status) but then looking for a screwdriver in a junk drawer (offline status) where things are just taken in and out and jumbled up based purely on what the last item used was. The junk drawer serves a purely utilitarian purpose and hat you want is easily found, but unless you have been watching precisely what people have been taking out and putting into it the initial look will be a jumbled mess.

The old system was the equivalent of finding an organized room where everything is hung up where it belongs and opening a drawer finds dividers that sort each item into a place that immediately makes sense when you look at it (think toolbox).

So, none of these things make it impossible to do what you want to do, but the aesthetic appeal is not present in the new options.

So, the question is why does it matter? Because of our own human nature. We live in a world where millions are spent on designing packaging and labels to appeal to our aesthetic nature. How many changes have soda bottles and cans gone through over the last 20 years? Ever notice that diet and caffeine free products use the same color scheme among all brands? Heck, even regular flavored soda comes in red, blue, or some variation of the two, colored packaging (at least in the US).

Does Sony care about aesthetics? They must, as for two consoles now they have made an effort to assure everything is black, allowing only special edition things to be other colors (again, focusing on my US experience), as that makes them stand out as special.

So, why did this lack of aesthetic appeal not get caught in testing? Simple, testing is done on special test machines on special test, and probably management, accounts. There is a very high likelihood that these were mostly all online at the same time, causing the handful that were offline to not stand out as much. And then they were likely just testing for bugs, and this is free of bugs.
I did some more messing around last night and I believe I have found something else not mentioned. Remote Play has lost a good deal of its lag.

I actually noticed this last week just before the update, I have an external drive hooked up with all the episodes of top gear on it and I decided to try watching it on my psp since both TVs and the laptop were occupied. With settings both on normal while sitting in the same room as the PS3 and connected directly to it there was no skipping at all. Then I tried playing my Test Drive 5 disc and by clicking response speed all the way up and leaving image quality at normal there was only the occasional skip and I actually won a few races. I have yet to try this over the internet though.
I actually noticed this last week just before the update, I have an external drive hooked up with all the episodes of top gear on it and I decided to try watching it on my psp since both TVs and the laptop were occupied. With settings both on normal while sitting in the same room as the PS3 and connected directly to it there was no skipping at all. Then I tried playing my Test Drive 5 disc and by clicking response speed all the way up and leaving image quality at normal there was only the occasional skip and I actually won a few races. I have yet to try this over the internet though.
Perhaps it was the last PSP update then?

I give up trying over the Internet because the only opportunity I have is using my own connection point at home, which of course isn't going to be a good test sample. But whenever I am out I find most free WiFi access points are setup so that I have trouble connecting. I've read firewalls have to be setup to allow it properly and since I have no control over firewalls in hospitals, restaurants, and hotels I rarely actually get a connection.
Perhaps it was the last PSP update then?

I give up trying over the Internet because the only opportunity I have is using my own connection point at home, which of course isn't going to be a good test sample. But whenever I am out I find most free WiFi access points are setup so that I have trouble connecting. I've read firewalls have to be setup to allow it properly and since I have no control over firewalls in hospitals, restaurants, and hotels I rarely actually get a connection.

This is the opposite of me, I find that it's easier to connect my PSP than my laptop and I often use it as a signal finder since it can tell me all the names, encryption types, and signal strengths. As long as the access isn't encrypted and has more than 20 or 30% strength I am almost always able to connect and use the internet.

EDIT: I have a psp2000 with the latest firmware but both my old 1000s were just as good.
This is the opposite of me, I find that it's easier to connect my PSP than my laptop and I often use it as a signal finder since it can tell me all the names, encryption types, and signal strengths. As long as the access isn't encrypted and has more than 20 or 30% strength I am almost always able to connect and use the internet.
I was referring purely to logging in to Remote Play. I have no problems whatsoever using the Internet in general. In fact, when I am away from work I have Outlook forward all email to a gmail account and then check it on my PSP.

But when doing Remote Play it is hit or miss if it will actually connect to my PS3.
System Software 2.76 Update is available.

The official word:

This is a minor update that improves the playback quality of some PS3 format software.

Apparently the update also updated the trophy system such that trophies don't need their game reopened to display after a hard drive upgrade or backup restore.
What bollocks. My connection is definitely not in the shape right now to download an update. My download is out and it is going to take me ages, 7% and it has been a few minutes...*sigh*.
Before the Update: System backup.

I'll have to download it when I get home as I wasn't on after 8:00 last night.
Before the Update: System backup.

I'll have to download it when I get home as I wasn't on after 8:00 last night.

Is it really worth backing the system up?

I don't really have much saved on the HDD other than perhaps High stakes poker and a few games saves that aren't too important.
In your case possibly not, but don't forget that most games install in part onto the hard disk so re-installation could take some time.

ripping_silk: By brick, what do you mean? Does it power up at all, does the red standby light come on? Can you hear the fans?
In your case possibly not, but don't forget that most games install in part onto the hard disk so re-installation could take some time.

ripping_silk: By brick, what do you mean? Does it power up at all, does the red standby light come on? Can you hear the fans?

'brick' is perhaps overdoing it.
Essentially, no video output.
I watched TV on another AV while update was installing.
Went back to PS3 AV and black screen with a few random pixels. No button worked. waited a while, reset system.
System starts, fans go, green light, disc can go in and out.. I get sound. G25 wheel goes through normal cycle. Controller buttons work as I can sometimes hear the 'pip', but no video. On HDMI or standard video cable.
tried another HDMI cable, tried all HDMI ports on receiver and TV.
Tried holding power on switch down for the 'restore menu', but nothing.
TV reports a 576i signal when PS3 is turned on but just a black screen.
I think thats all I can do.
Hold down the PS button when you start up the PS3, this will auto-detect display settings and that should get you a picture. Unless of course your PS3 has suddenly broke.
Is it really worth backing the system up?

I don't really have much saved on the HDD other than perhaps High stakes poker and a few games saves that aren't too important.
What do you use your PS3 for? I have less than 5GB free on my 60GB HDD, and I have moved all media, but about 1GB of music, to an external hard drive.

I am more concerned about the game saves than anything.
yes done that... nothing.

Try disconnecting the hdmi cable, connect the original a/v cable and hold the power button down when booting up
see if that gives any picture. I used to have the problem with not being able to get the hdmi signal sometimes even resetting the video settings would not work. I had to first connect the AV cable then connect hdmi at the same time and try switch to hdmi with both connected.
Just for info, I updated mine a few minutes ago and it works :-) I only use HDMI though.

Advice above seems good, if you haven't already tried it. When I'm away I sometimes use a SCART cable and I found I had to do the procedure above twice, although that may be due to the very old telly I was using!
Mine still works after the update.

Ripping, so have you tried to access the Recovery Menu or try a USB stick with the update on it.
Try disconnecting the hdmi cable, connect the original a/v cable and hold the power button down when booting up
see if that gives any picture. I used to have the problem with not being able to get the hdmi signal sometimes even resetting the video settings would not work. I had to first connect the AV cable then connect hdmi at the same time and try switch to hdmi with both connected.

yes did that.

Just for info, I updated mine a few minutes ago and it works :-) I only use HDMI though.

Advice above seems good, if you haven't already tried it. When I'm away I sometimes use a SCART cable and I found I had to do the procedure above twice, although that may be due to the very old telly I was using!

yes did that

Mine still works after the update.

Ripping, so have you tried to access the Recovery Menu or try a USB stick with the update on it.

yes did that.
I always get a little uneasy whenever it's firmware update time. You know, what with all the bricking reports and everything. Thankfully I just updated mine and everything works as it should.
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Called Sony, they said, "yes, it seems to be broken." (duh!)
I have now delivered it to the retailer for a warranty fix. 3-4 weeks to repair.
what are they hand carving me a new one ?? :dunce:
Did you ever actually make it to the recovery menu? You've got to press and hold the power button for 1 cycle (Power up, hold till it powers down), then press and hold the power button until you hear 2 (or 3?) beeps or the menu shows up.

if you can't fix it doing anything in the recovery menu, then I guess sony gets another call :P

Edit: Seems I was just a bit late :-|

Called Sony, they said, "yes, it seems to be broken." (duh!)
I have now delivered it to the retailer for a warranty fix. 3-4 weeks to repair.
what are they hand carving me a new one ?? :dunce:

I got fortunate. I sent mine off on a Friday got it the next Friday. Though I did pay $150
Did you ever actually make it to the recovery menu? You've got to press and hold the power button for 1 cycle (Power up, hold till it powers down), then press and hold the power button until you hear 2 (or 3?) beeps or the menu shows up.

if you can't fix it doing anything in the recovery menu, then I guess sony gets another call :P

Edit: Seems I was just a bit late :-|


Yes, Like I said there is/was no video output. Zero, Zilch, Nix, Nada.
So yes I did try getting to recovery menu, but I can't see anything.
Actually I lie. On three occasions out of the 40 odd times I restarted using various methods, i did get a video output.
First time, a pixellated background screen with instruction: "Connect controller to usb port and press PS button"
( I did that.. no response from system)
Second time, A black screen with a few random pixels.
Third time, black screen, random pixels, then a flashing blue turning to a half black, half yellow screen (with a bit of blue).
I don't know a lot about PS3 specifically, but its a computer after all.
All these things, to me, point to a broken graphics board, card.. whatever these thing have.
I guess its all on one board, and they will replace with a refurbished 'motherboard'
Yes, Like I said there is/was no video output. Zero, Zilch, Nix, Nada.
So yes I did try getting to recovery menu, but I can't see anything.
Actually I lie. On three occasions out of the 40 odd times I restarted using various methods, i did get a video output.
First time, a pixellated background screen with instruction: "Connect controller to usb port and press PS button"
( I did that.. no response from system)
Second time, A black screen with a few random pixels.
Third time, black screen, random pixels, then a flashing blue turning to a half black, half yellow screen (with a bit of blue).
I don't know a lot about PS3 specifically, but its a computer after all.
All these things, to me, point to a broken graphics board, card.. whatever these thing have.
I guess its all on one board, and they will replace with a refurbished 'motherboard'

You probably will get a refurbished PS3 (same model). At least that's what they did to me. I didn't mind, my old PS3 had scratches all over it.
Well, did my back up and then the system update and all went well. I also noticed that this update did not make me log off until I did it. I even accessed the store to see if the update was there.
You probably will get a refurbished PS3 (same model). At least that's what they did to me. I didn't mind, my old PS3 had scratches all over it.

Did you have any problem using your original PSN login on your new machine ? It all works OK ? I heard somewhere that your PSN name is fixed to one system.. I'd hate that...