PlayStation 4 General DiscussionPS4 

  • Thread starter Sier_Pinski
Well they are in a business. If people are paying $60 for a game why on earth would you lower the price to appease some that don't? You wouldn't, I wouldn't, no sane businessman would.
Well they are in a business. If people are paying $60 for a game why on earth would you lower the price to appease some that don't?

Never said or suggested they would or should do. Not sure why you need to post that.
Yeah sorry your post wasn't there when I wrote the message but I took a few minutes before I hit reply. Should have quoted.
Really looking forward to this one. My favourite games magazine sent someone to an electronic store in Tokyo for the midnight release of the ps2 and the ps3. As well as writing about their first impressions of the consoles, there would be a write up on the hours spent queueing and the release itself. Sadly, the magazine is no longer in print, but I'll be in the queue at yodobashi camera in Shibuya waiting for my console. I just hope this one will have launch titles worth remembering.
Really looking forward to this one. My favourite games magazine sent someone to an electronic store in Tokyo for the midnight release of the ps2 and the ps3. As well as writing about their first impressions of the consoles, there would be a write up on the hours spent queueing and the release itself. Sadly, the magazine is no longer in print, but I'll be in the queue at yodobashi camera in Shibuya waiting for my console. I just hope this one will have launch titles worth remembering.

"It's a giant enemy crab".
After the shootings and muggings during the PS3 launch I dont know about waiting in line. I'll preorder way in advance and then show up right at or shortly before (5 mins) launch with 2 or 3 guys with me, watching everyone and everything. It was a sad day when the pathetic human beings among us realized everyone in those lines has $500 on them.

Some more PS4 predictions from me

* It will once again be primarily black. If there is a 2nd complimentary color it will be white.

* Gran Turismo 6, Little Big Planet 3, Killzone 4, and Uncharted 4 will all be announced and shown alongside the PS4. None of which will be a launch title but all will be announced to release within 12 months of launch.

* PS4 will not be backwards compatible with PS3 games. Or at least it shouldnt be. Hate to see Sony waste time and resources adding such a feature which increases the cost of the console for the consumer, a feature which will become obsolete in 12-24 months after launch anyway just as it was with the PS3. Will we learn from the past or are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes?
"It's a giant enemy crab".


After the shootings and muggings during the PS3 launch I dont know about waiting in line. I'll preorder way in advance and then show up right at or shortly before (5 mins) launch with 2 or 3 guys with me, watching everyone and everything. It was a sad day when the pathetic human beings among us realized everyone in those lines has $500 on them.

I'm not too worried about that. Crime in Japan is virtually non-existent. Besides, at six feet tall and being bulkier than the average native, I probably won't be the easiest target should anyone have that idea.

As for the ps4, I actually hope it is backwards compatible even if that feature is exclusive to a higher cost model. I've bought far too many hd re-releases this gen (with hitman HD collection to come at the end of the month) and I'd like to be able to play them on future consoles. A massive hard drive is a must too. Failing that, I'll just buy one and do an install on day one. I've been meaning to buy a bigger hard drive for my ps3 but I keep putting it off as I have no means to transfer my save data over.

I'd also like current gen psn id's and trophy data to carry over too. Most importantly, I'd like the system to be developer friendly so there are no more sub par ports. The next installment in one of my favourite franchises is rumored to be a release title for next gen. While I don't put much trust in rumours, I'd be happy if that was the case.
I actually walked through the centre of Manchester with a PS3 a few months after launch, one shop had a decent in store only bundle, I had it covered in large bag. If you remember the old PS3 was big and heavy, the box was very large and the shop guy had to piece together 2 bags. Sweating like hell when I finally got to my car.

Don't think I'll be that eager this time and probably wait a year or two. 360 was easy to avoid at launch as the failures were quick, but PS3 60gb dropped like flies after 2 years. If I get any clues from early adopters to improper cooling one year in I'l leave it till they improve and stick with my trusty pc.

In one way I want Sony/MS to push the hardware but this often results in hot chips, problems cooling. The newer PS3/360 run so cool and quiet as the chips have improved.
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I think console manufacturers are too afraid to make a larger console, which is causing masses of problems with overheating. At the end of the day, I think consumers would be much happier with a large console that works, rather than a stylish console that fries itself.
I think console manufacturers are too afraid to make a larger console, which is causing masses of problems with overheating. At the end of the day, I think consumers would be much happier with a large console that works, rather than a stylish console that fries itself.

Im pretty sure the size of the.console was not the problem with overheating.
A larger console with more open interior space would theoretically have less problems with overheating. Not more.

The launch PS3 has very good cooling (some models slightly better than others because of Sony's cost cutting soon after launch) and an exterior design that only helps that. Much better than the first exterior redesign of the console (the 40GB) where they filled in some of the vents and switched to an inferior fan. The problem is that it still runs very hot simply by nature of how much power it uses up. In comparison, the original 360 didn't run as hot (since the PSU was external so a lot of the heat was kept away from the inside and wasn't as power hungry to begin with), but the cooling system was really poorly designed so it overheated to the extent of damaging the system anyway. That's why even the last of the fat model 360s had somewhat prevalent overheating problems even after so many efficiency gains were made for the components.

It's all about good airflow inside the system. Not how much space the exterior dimensions of the system have.
It's all about good airflow inside the system. Not how much space the exterior dimensions of the system have.

True, although I do believe that having more space to work with allows for a better cooling system (potentially of course)
No, you're right about that. Greater dimensions allow greater airflow potential, if for no other reason than you can space hot components farther apart. But if you use that space poorly, you can have overheating problems no matter how powerful/large your fans are or how much open space you have between everything. The problem with the original 360 and some of the PS3s was that the fans would circulate hot air around the inside of it rather than getting all of the air out. Something like this (which is an image comparing the original PS3 fan design with the later ones for the Phat):

As a comparison, if you've built a desktop PC you'll see warnings on the box for the case to try to keep a parity between the number and location of intake and exhaust fans; because if you don't even if you do have air circulating there will be low pressure zones where hot air just goes around in laps rather than being vented out. That's why those exterior fan things for the PS3 and 360 were usually such a bad idea (aside from their propensity to catch on fire).
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Everything said here is right ^^^ I found some common sense on the internet haha!

It seems that the first version of each PlayStation seems to have the best cooling. I remember the slim PS2s having problems with overheating, whereas my good ol' fatty never got too warm.
After the shootings and muggings during the PS3 launch I dont know about waiting in line. I'll preorder way in advance and then show up right at or shortly before (5 mins) launch with 2 or 3 guys with me, watching everyone and everything. It was a sad day when the pathetic human beings among us realized everyone in those lines has $500 on them.

Some more PS4 predictions from me

* It will once again be primarily black. If there is a 2nd complimentary color it will be white.

* Gran Turismo 6, Little Big Planet 3, Killzone 4, and Uncharted 4 will all be announced and shown alongside the PS4. None of which will be a launch title but all will be announced to release within 12 months of launch.

* PS4 will not be backwards compatible with PS3 games. Or at least it shouldnt be. Hate to see Sony waste time and resources adding such a feature which increases the cost of the console for the consumer, a feature which will become obsolete in 12-24 months after launch anyway just as it was with the PS3. Will we learn from the past or are we doomed to repeat the same mistakes?

i always find it funny when people mention bc increases costs, yeah right. irt can be done through software, n need to increase costs. also it should play ps1,2 and 3 games. i would like it if it was possible to play pirated ps1 games, like the ps2 did (but ps3 cant, fail).

gt6 should be on ps3 imo, and uncharted is over.

and now that you mention it, why aren't there more criminals on launch day when a new console gets released? hordes of people with 500 on them, it would be stupid not to take advantage of a situation like that. the world needs more high tier low life criminals, that read the internet and watch the news to capitalise on such events. shouldn't a situation like this be like a wolf in front of a heard of sheap with no shepherd? they could even go in packs, easiest money a lowlife could hope for.

like smokey said; take advantage man, take advantage.
i always find it funny when people mention bc increases costs, yeah right. irt can be done through software, n need to increase costs. also it should play ps1,2 and 3 games. i would like it if it was possible to play pirated ps1 games, like the ps2 did (but ps3 cant, fail).

gt6 should be on ps3 imo, and uncharted is over.

and now that you mention it, why aren't there more criminals on launch day when a new console gets released? hordes of people with 500 on them, it would be stupid not to take advantage of a situation like that. the world needs more high tier low life criminals, that read the internet and watch the news to capitalise on such events. shouldn't a situation like this be like a wolf in front of a heard of sheap with no shepherd? they could even go in packs, easiest money a lowlife could hope for.

like smokey said; take advantage man, take advantage.

If backwards compatibility is free, by all means do it. But it wasnt free with the PS3. Apparently the original PS3s had physical PS2 hardware inside them for BC. The process improved but eventually was removed from the consoles as it became obsolete and a feature not many wanted anymore.

If your going to be playing PS3 games when you have a PS4 I suggest not buying a PS4 until theres enough software to keep you busy. Cant have your cake and eat it too. I admit that there usually isnt much reason to own a console at launch or even during the first 6 months other then you get the chance to drool over new graphics and hardware. And you risk the chance of buying faulty hardware. So I dont see why BC supporters just dont wait.

GT6 on PS3 was doomed when PD decided to spend 18 months of resources and manpower patching their broken game, GT5, instead of working on a sequel. At this point, in the small chance GT5 is a PS3 game, I probably wouldnt buy it. I'd probably be more interested in Ridge Racer PS4 or Motorstorm PS4. That boat has sailed a long time ago, around TGS last year.

They probably want to get you when you go back to your car by yourself. I dont think many are brave enough to be seen committing a crime by so many people.
irt can be done through software, n need to increase costs.

It can be done through software only if the hardware is reasonably close to the hardware that needs to be emulated taking much of the load off (as was the case on the PSP for PSX games) or if the console is powerful enough to emulate the aspects of the hardware that need to be emulated (as on the PS3 for PSX games). And when you have very complex hardware to emulate (as was the case on the PS2), it only gets harder to do.
You want PS4 to play pirate games and it was a fail that PS3 didn't? Really?

there is no reason why it shouldnt, the ps2 could. no develper or publisher is making money of the second hand market, so why not allow it to play back ups like the ps2 could. i was heartbroken to find out the ps2 couldnt do this. games like suikoden 2 and a few other so called "rare" titles have ridiculous asking prices for second hand games. and personally i dont like playing on emulators, so having them on my ps3 would be better. but spending 200 to 300 bucks on a 15 year old second hand game makes no sense at all.

there isnt a single reason why ps3 or 4 shouldnt be able to play back ups of ps1/2 software, none.

personally im still hoping i wont see a ps4 untill late 2014 and that it is at least 10x more powerful than a ps3. otherwise, not worth it at all imo. why not just buy a new high end pc instead?

also the ps3 wasnt worth owning till uncharted 2 came out (thats when i bought one), the price was worthy of purchase and there were enough titles by then worth owning the system.
Really, there is no reason why it shouldn't play pirated games? Are you on crack? This is also the first time I've heard of the PS2 being able to do so without any sort of modding.
there is no reason why it shouldnt, the ps2 could. no develper or publisher is making money of the second hand market, so why not allow it to play back ups like the ps2 could. i was heartbroken to find out the ps2 couldnt do this. games like suikoden 2 and a few other so called "rare" titles have ridiculous asking prices for second hand games. and personally i dont like playing on emulators, so having them on my ps3 would be better. but spending 200 to 300 bucks on a 15 year old second hand game makes no sense at all.

there isnt a single reason why ps3 or 4 shouldnt be able to play back ups of ps1/2 software, none.

personally im still hoping i wont see a ps4 untill late 2014 and that it is at least 10x more powerful than a ps3. otherwise, not worth it at all imo. why not just buy a new high end pc instead?

also the ps3 wasnt worth owning till uncharted 2 came out (thats when i bought one), the price was worthy of purchase and there were enough titles by then worth owning the system.

So what you are saying here is that Sony should make a PS4 and sell it at a loss (which they probably will like the PS3). Then instead of recouping that loss from the game development, they let us just pirate the games so no one buys them, riiiiight.

I'm sure Sony will totally stay in business with this model, that is just asking them to cut their own throat. You might want to take some business classes, just sayin'.

Oh, and did I mention it's ILLEGAL?

no develper or publisher is making money of the second hand market,

Ford, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota, Dodge, Yugo, Morris, BMW, Mercedes, Goodyear, Pirelli, Fram, Castrol, BP, Shell, Bosch, or the stinking UAW makes any money when a car is sold on the used market the 1st time or even the 5th time. Used car sales are bad for the auto industry too I guess. Tommy Hillfugger nor Abercrombie & Fich nor Nike nor the sweat shop kids that make their overpriced crap, makes a dime when their garments are donated to or sold from a Goodwill store or even a consignment store. Apple doesn't make any money when their products are sold second hand. Neither does Microsoft when a product they have been embedded into is sold at a used store. Auto manufacturers don't get a dime from Hertz, Enterprise, or Avis when a car is rented.

I really don't see why the pretentious video game industry believes it is beyond reproach. They are on the edge of a very slippery slope and are about to commit suicide. WE are the ones allowing then to do this to us.
If you're talking about the second hand patent thing, patents are filed all the time and not used, they're filed so other people can't steal your idea, even if you're not going to use it.
Ford, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota, Dodge, Yugo, Morris, BMW, Mercedes, Goodyear, Pirelli, Fram, Castrol, BP, Shell, Bosch, or the stinking UAW makes any money when a car is sold on the used market the 1st time or even the 5th time. Used car sales are bad for the auto industry too I guess. Tommy Hillfugger nor Abercrombie & Fich nor Nike nor the sweat shop kids that make their overpriced crap, makes a dime when their garments are donated to or sold from a Goodwill store or even a consignment store. Apple doesn't make any money when their products are sold second hand. Neither does Microsoft when a product they have been embedded into is sold at a used store. Auto manufacturers don't get a dime from Hertz, Enterprise, or Avis when a car is rented.

I really don't see why the pretentious video game industry believes it is beyond reproach. They are on the edge of a very slippery slope and are about to commit suicide. WE are the ones allowing then to do this to us.

The analogy is heavilly flawed. If you get a new car vs used the used generally show signs of wear and tear... Regarding games your play disc may have some scratches and maybe you miss a manual but you are essentially getting a new car! You can also much more easily pirate a game and get an equal experience as a new car. It´s kind of hard to pirate a Ferrari or even a mere mini cooper and do it right without spending a lot of money in the process, time and you will unlikely get as good of a result ;)

Thus there is a push to online to try and give paying customers more value and give more reasons to buy new instead of used. Future is probably with digital distribution as the average guy gets an internet connection primarily for this reason.

If games would be cheaper to buy more would maybe not bother with the used market so maybe this loose on the hardware and make up for the game won´t work in the future. It didn´t work out to well for this generation and nothing say it will be easier the next.
I will be massively disappointed if the PS4 has less than a 7850 graphics card in performance. I think that should be bare minimum for a good console generation. Obviously hoping for better though, don't mind which is more powerful then as long as it has a decent GPU for 1080p 60FPS gaming at very high detail.

I am looking forward to the new consoles as I think they will take gaming back to the good old days but in modern form.