Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Who'd have thought it, GTP's greatest ever tuner like's to dress as a girl at weekends:lol:

Ok here I am telling you that home actually is not that bad at all as I thought, actually is quite fun and I can see a tremendous potential, not only for Sony but for every player.
It's all very well done, textures are great and the 'beaming around' is just crazy!
BIG Thanks to Lanky_Man for giving me this opportunity. 👍 👍

Oh, yeah and watch out if you make a female avatar, hehe. ;)
H20hybrid is the most critical (and sometimes the most cynical) GTP member I know......if it aint perfect H20 will tell you......if it's 0.001% not perfect H20 will still tell you! I've just fell off my chair reading your post matey! Home has to be prety special guys, it comes with the official H20 stamp of gaming goodness!
When is this supposed to go live for everyone? It seems like it's been a long time coming so I really do hope it's worth the wait. Looking at the screens around the net it looks like it's going to be pretty neat. Also I like the avatars as they look better then the Wii's or the 360's.

I just hope this doesn't turn into a nickel and dime affair to get things in the game, although Home is going to be a free download when it finally gets up and running for everyone, right?
When is this supposed to go live for everyone? It seems like it's been a long time coming so I really do hope it's worth the wait. Looking at the screens around the net it looks like it's going to be pretty neat. Also I like the avatars as they look better then the Wii's or the 360's.

I just hope this doesn't turn into a nickel and dime affair to get things in the game, although Home is going to be a free download when it finally gets up and running for everyone, right?

Home will be a free download and its been said that everyone will have it by Christmas.

While not an offical date I have heard the 15th Dec being mentioned a few times.


Cool, thanks. I guess that's why I wasn't really finding out anything official. Hopefully it won't be delayed as I'm pretty excited to try it out.
The paid for stuff in home is really just window dressing, flashy apartments and club houses various clothes. All stuff you can live without although depending on the cost some of it might be worth getting. The core program is, as scarf said, is completly free. the features in home are all free.
I just had my first taste of Home - many thanks to Casio for the code! :)👍

It's a bit like playing GTA except everyone is real, which is pretty spooky... Doesn't seem like you can access a great deal of content just yet, but the possibilities are endless. It will be interesting to see what kinds of environments they add and what you can do with your own spaces.

I think I will need to invest in a keyboard at the least, however... although the greetings/emotes are pretty simple and easy to use, you can't have much of a convo using the Sixaxis to type!
Now who can I wallow in frustration about a lack of a code with.

Lucky bugger.


I am without as well. after seeing how many people had codes showing up I checked my email and the only PlayStation Network stuff was telling me about how PlayStation Network is now on

I checked my junk mail folder too, but apparently the only things in there think I am a sexy black male with under-sized body parts, and would like to train to become an anti-terrorist agent. There is also apparently a desperate need for Highway Patrol officers in my state, which is odd considering we do not have Highway Patrol in Kentucky. No, the only free offers I got was some kid in Africa who just received an inheritance and has offered to split it with me if I allow him to hide it from the government in my American account. I was tempted to reply and inform him that while I did not need his money I would happily work with him if he had a Home beta code.
Same her....without code, Homeless at this christmas period, living life from day to day on the cold streets, with only occasional glimpses through frosted windows at other peoples homes. Then it's back to my cardboard box under the bridge.....Sony should be hauled in front of the EEC to explain why so many of us are homless this winter.....sorry I was wallowing LOL
When is this supposed to go live for everyone? It seems like it's been a long time coming so I really do hope it's worth the wait. Looking at the screens around the net it looks like it's going to be pretty neat. Also I like the avatars as they look better then the Wii's or the 360's.

I just hope this doesn't turn into a nickel and dime affair to get things in the game, although Home is going to be a free download when it finally gets up and running for everyone, right?
Until it's out we won't know for certain, but as of today nothing has changed and Sony continues to say it will be a free service.

I suspect Sony never realized how long and how much of an effort and cost it was going to be, and seeing as they already said it was going to be free, it would likely backfire on Sony with bad publicity to change now, and what with so many xbot fanboys chewing at the bit waiting to pounce on any negative PS3 publicity (although they do a pretty good job making stuff up on their own), I don't think Sony really has a choice at this point.

Heck, if you visit the 360 forums you'll see some people are still saying that they doubt Home will ever see the light of day. Go figure, right?

Trust me though, when you see Home for yourself, and all the options and features and games, you are really going to wonder how on Earth they will ever turn a profit on just advertising and optional DLC based on what surely must have cost them a large fortune to develop.

While I'm certainly glad it's free, I can also tell you that despite being a Home naysayer, after only a few hours playing around with it, not only am I hooked, but now I would safely say that if it wasn't free I would still gladly pay to use it, it's that compelling... and this is just based on the beta. I for one can't wait to see what else Sony has planned for Home. 👍
I'm freezing out here for this christmas, I need a house...everyone has Christmas tree's, I don't even have a house to put one in.

Tip for people - if you want HOME check your emails often, mine came with a cut off date of the 1st december, so i lucky i checked before hand. If you don't redeem the code before the cut off date I can only presume it will become invalid.
OMG, just had a heart in mouth moment! Went to my hotmail, it says 1 new message, I'm pessimistic so I dont think much of it but click into the inbox anyway. Then I read "SONY" and my brain went into overdrive! Just until it read the next two words "Digital Imaging". :ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch::ouch::dunce:
Very good! I just played my first game and got a 183 :D

Nice'n! My first game was like 97, or the like. I once bowled against this tiny girl from Nebraska who scored around 287!

I don't like darts very much. It's hard to tell which direction (left or right) the dart is going to land. There is no guide to aid you, like with bowling. I hope they change that and offer it to we Americans. I also hope we get the arcade games the Asian regions get, like Dig Dug, Pac Man, etc.
Just played my first 3 player game and was trailing all the way, but won by 1 point on the last ball :D The guy in second just walked away... :lol:
Myself and Lars had a few games tonight, he whooped me, but I did get a few Strikes. Im having trouble downloading the GTP Clubhouse and Theatre etc, anyone else?

Edit, All downloads done now, I just popped into the GTP Club House and had a voice chat with GTP_Jase. :) And met Scooby and had a little dance. 👍
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Just played my first 3 player game and was trailing all the way, but won by 1 point on the last ball :D The guy in second just walked away... :lol:

What's better than that is scoring 4 strikes in a row at the start, and then watching your opponent walk away. 👍

I noticed 3 strikes in a row is a "Turkey!" in the Asian Home, but is just "3 in a row!" in the US. I want my Turkey!
:lol: Well, it was Thanksgiving last week...

I just won another game after being behind the whole way, again... this time both my opponents walked away :indiff:

Met Jase aswell... he's now playing pool :D

edit: Nice work in that game, Scooby 👍 5 strikes in a row :eek: I'm off to my kip now... I can see myself losing a whole lot of time on that bowling game alone :scared:
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