Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
BTW: Speaking of new spaces, in Sully's bar loacted in the Uncharted Space, there is a nice little back patio semi-hidden behind the bar. There are also doors upstairs that can be unlocked if you know how to decifer the codes. :)
Can I sit and enjoy virtual drinks? If I can do that then it will be just like real life.
I'm still unable to get back into Home using my EU account, but the US account is working fine... didn't notice anything substantially different in the EU mode before and after today, except that everything in the shops now costs real money :crazy: The US version, on the other hand... Sully's Bar is cool. 👍
You enjoy virtual drinks in real life:crazy:
You'd be amazed at the things that go on in my head.

I'll just go in to the Uncharted bar and pop open a beer in real life next to the mic and then drink it loudly so that everyone gets that bar feel.
All the clubs got reset. :(

BTW guys, from now on please be clear - if you set up events - that you're on EU Home or USA Home.. :embarrassed:
You filled out that form, too? Mine hasn't gone through yet. :guilty:
Well, I was in the beta, so mine is already cleared, signed, notarized, stamped, redone in triplicate, processed, filed, lost, found, lost again, and finally approved.
Why can't Sony just do things right?

I'm just chatting on MSN so I'm not sat staring at Homes constant failing. I feel embarassed to be a PS3 owner at times like this, I'm not to bothered I can't get on Home, it's just having so many promises made and then they all come crashing down because PSN just isn't ready for the pressure it put's itself under.

IM ON THE ps3 typing this and all home does is give me continuous errors

While I am not having any of the issues you are experiencing, I think it's important to understand what Beta means. Not only that, but there is a mad rush to download and use it... is it also not unreasonable to expect issues.

If it really bothers you, take TB's wise advice and just chill out. Pretend the Open BETA hasn't been released yet and go play some games or something. Wait for the fenzy to die down a bit. After all, it was less than a week ago when most people were saying that the open beta wasn't even going to be coming out until December 17th or 18th... and some even refused to believe it was going to come out before Christmas, if at all.

Relax and try not to get worked up over something that can easily be ignored and put off for at least another day or so. I'm fairly certain Home isn't going to disappear over night, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to party like a virtual rock star in Home. ;)
I downloaded the bowling alley, I guess the next question is how do I find fellow GTPers. I am going to grab my usb keyboard and buy a mic tomorrow just to make things easier. I can't say I think it plays particularly well but I can see the potential in this, there is just so much to come.
I downloaded the bowling alley, I guess the next question is how do I find fellow GTPers. I am going to grab my usb keyboard and buy a mic tomorrow just to make things easier. I can't say I think it plays particularly well but I can see the potential in this, there is just so much to come.

Just yell out stupid/random **** like "LOL ANY GTPers LOL GUISE"
I downloaded the bowling alley, I guess the next question is how do I find fellow GTPers. I am going to grab my usb keyboard and buy a mic tomorrow just to make things easier. I can't say I think it plays particularly well but I can see the potential in this, there is just so much to come.

Press the start button and you'll see you have a Friend's menu. There you can locate, chat with, and invite friends to your location.
While I am not having any of the issues you are experiencing, I think it's important to understand what Beta means. Not only that, but there is a mad rush to download and use it... is it also not unreasonable to expect issues.

If it really bothers you, take TB's wise advice and just chill out. Pretend the Open BETA hasn't been released yet and go play some games or something. Wait for the fenzy to die down a bit. After all, it was less than a week ago when most people were saying that the open beta wasn't even going to be coming out until December 17th or 18th... and some even refused to believe it was going to come out before Christmas, if at all.

Relax and try not to get worked up over something that can easily be ignored and put off for at least another day or so. I'm fairly certain Home isn't going to disappear over night, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to party like a virtual rock star in Home. ;)

Like I said before, it's not that it's Home particularly, but us EU guys get shoved aside all the time. We get so much less content it's just unfair. Then we get something at the same time and it doesn't work, again like I said I'm doing other things and I'm more disapointed then annoyed.
How do I make a US account. Can it be a sub account, if so how do I do that?

NOT a Sub Account !!!!

Edit: and, btw, this reminds me I'll have to download HOME from my master un-used account "Hun200kmh", where I don't have any PSN friends. So if anyone plans to meet me, don't bother looking for GTP_Hun.

btw, for my NA friends that might read this, my US Account (yes, yes, I have one to get the goodies from the US Store :D ) is named "INLINE_FOUR" (no friends there either)
I don't know a street in missisipi lol. I put that as the state but i need a street.

Argh. Why is it so hard.
How do I make a US account. Can it be a sub account, if so how do I do that?

The Online PS3 System Software User's Guide that is accessible from every PS3 located at the top of the Network menu bar of the XMB is a very useful thing. 👍
You have to make it a Master Account, as Sub Accounts use the same billing and address info as the Master Account that controls it.

Simply put in any US address you like, you can make it up if you like. You have to use an email address that you have not already used, but those are easy to come by, or even made up as well. Follow the onscreen directions and you'll have yourself a NA PSN account.

Argh. Why is it so hard.
It's not. Really... I'm starting to get worried for you. ;)
Actually, I have a Sub account (the GTP account). I saw the HOME there, downloaded, installed, no problems. Just not being able to connect, like others. So it should work(?)

According to Digital Nitrate's own experience and information, Sub Accounts aren't allowed to use HOME. I'll get the link to the posts where he explained that to me.