Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Who here actually has home beta access and if so how is it?


I have it.
It's OK, there really isn't a lot to it right now, you can play some games like bowling, pool, etc, watch movie & game trailers & talk to the people you meet in there.
The thing I'm interested in is you can do private games, I'd like to find someone else with GT5P & see if we can get a private game going.
I know we're supposed to be able to do that in the full version of Home & GT5 but it'd be interesting to try it now.
More Details on Playstation Home To Come in March and April

Thursday, 06 March 2008

Looks like more info will finally be coming from Sony on Playstation Home. Two conferences coming up will reveal more on Home. The first event will be coming next week on March 14, 2008 at the Online Game & Community Service Conference (OGC 2008). The conference will take place in Japan. Keep a lookout next Friday for more.

The other conference about Playstation Home will take place in New York City at Virtual Worlds 2008. The Friday April 4, 2008 conference is titled "The Evolution of Games and Social Networks: Virtual Worlds Everywhere." An unannounced Sony executive for Playstation Home will be part of the panel.

About the session at Virtual Worlds 2008:
"With the planned introduction of Sony's Home for the PlayStation3 and multiple virtual worlds providers now creating widgets for Facebook, Bebo, and other social networks, we're seeing virtual worlds reach out to every part of the Web and consumer life."

Source -

4 Days to new info!! :)
It will probably be just like GDC was and no new info will be released, just a presentation.

Things are happening already!!!

Its better than nothing but this could be a sign... In 2 days Sony is set to make an announcement anyway so...

PS3 Public Home Beta To Kick Off This Month

March 12, 2008

It appears that the public beta test for the PlayStation Network’s PlayStation Home service is getting ready to kick off in March. PS3 owners are likely going to be able to jump into the world of Home very shortly.

Reports are that many members of the official PlayStation Forums are being notified to link their accounts on the forums with their PlayStation Network accounts.

The e-mail has gone out to members of the Official European PlayStation Forums and is also likely to go out to those in North America as well. We have already received an e-mail from one of our readers that he has received the e-mail from Sony in North America.

The e-mail states that users must link their PlayStation Network account to their PSN user ID before March 16, 2008.

With the PlayStation Network and the Official PlayStation Forums now joining forces, it only makes sense that from this point forward, Sony is getting closer to a public Home beta for all PS3 owners to try out.

Sources are stating that the Home beta could begin as soon as this month, so it could be just a few weeks away!

Should we be joining those forums then? They're not just going to put it as a free download in the PSN Store?
No, that's only on the European forums, they are making all users link their PSN ID's to their forum account, and they will prune all the others.

(Euro PS forum is filled with X360 Fanboys)

just logged in to my forum account and linked my forum id to my psn id
i'm curious :)
Well we should know what this means pretty soon, Im sure its in preparation to do some kind of Home Beta for all official playstation forum members.

Why else would it happen out of the blue and also why is the deadline so tight, they have to do it in like 4 days!

@Dust Driver, let us know if you receive any new info 👍

In the dutch info thread is stated that the forums will go offline from 1 am CET on Monday, the 17th of March till Thursday 20th.
Not much will change on the forums, the usernames will change to the PSN names and some other small stuff.

It's not for kicking people of the forums, since anyone can make a PSN account. I made 1 2 years before i bought my PS3. (the PS3 wasn't even released when i made it)
So is there a reason to make a playstation forum account? Would we be able to get Home earlier if we were members?
Nothing is pointing in that direction. But you never know. Personally i think they want as much publicity for home as possible, so opening it up for everyone as soon as possible is more likely than giving a group a chance to test it 2 days up front.

This apparently happens today...

Roughly translated by Babelfish... I've highlighted the important bit..:sly:

A01 (12:15-13:00) < Lecture community service > Akagawa it is good two person lectures: "PLAYSTATION (R) the introduction of HOME" Speaker: (Inc.) the SONY computer entertainment Home (Japan) Project promotion office senior producer Akagawa it is good two contents: The community service "Home" where more and more the entire picture becomes clear. In Japan it probably means that some kind of service keeps being offered in some kind of way? Actually while looking at Home, it is the schedule which speaks the reformist characteristic. Object: &#12458;&#12531;&#12521;&#12452;&#12531;&#12467;&#12511;&#12517; two &#12486;&#12451;, the one speaker profile which is interest in the new service by the next generation game machine: Akagawa it is good two (Inc.) the SONY computer entertainment Home (Japan) the Project promotion office senior producer

Make of it what you will...

Holy ****, I thought it was going to be really cartoony and like the Wii' Mii's... I guess not, This is awesome!

Nah, its the real deal! :sly: Its like second life with sims graphics... very impressive if only we knew when the damn thing was coming! :scared:

Well, the fates seem to be aligning for HOME.

First off, the Colorize HOME beta countdown ends thursday, and if it were true, that would give us ~90 days until the supposed HOME release in July.

So that means:
Open Beta = This Thursday (According to Colorize countdown)
~90 Day testing period, 50,000 users.
Full Release = July (According to the leaked PStore schedule, which Sony has released a statement saying that "The list did originate from SCEE, but the dates are not final unless otherwise noted in a press release"

Let's hope it is true, as the final pieces of the puzzle seem to align.

So how can we ensure that we are in the Home Beta test, or is it available to everyone that wants it? Hopefully we're not disappointed on thursday but I'm going to build my hopes up anyway, nievely!
Yeah it better not just be for official psn members because if it is I will be signing up!

Who the hell is colourize?
Colorize is a web page that has multiple flash programs, one of them being a HOME beta countdown, after it ends in 1 day, 12 hours or so, everyone is thinking that when that countdown ends, the open beta will start. and if the release schedule dates don't change, that would give us a 90 day test period for HOME, which has apparently been said somewhere.

Registering on the Playstation forums (but not reading the messages :P), would probably be a good idea. Not to mention that you can laugh at the general stupidity of most posters.


Colorize is a web page that has multiple flash programs, one of them being a HOME beta countdown, after it ends in 1 day, 12 hours or so, everyone is thinking that when that countdown ends, the open beta will start. and if the release schedule dates don't change, that would give us a 90 day test period for HOME, which has apparently been said somewhere.

I kinda meant is colourize an accurate source for the countdown of Home beta?

Registering on the Playstation forums (but not reading the messages :P), would probably be a good idea. Not to mention that you can laugh at the general stupidity of most posters.

Yeah I know, some of the stuff they post! :crazy: and they all think we are elitest noob haters over here! :lol:

hmm, normally the playstation forums should be offline for the update, but they aren't.
Very strange

edit: and now i get the message: servers are to busy at the moment :)
Yeah I know, some of the stuff they post! :crazy: and they all think we are elitest noob haters over here! :lol:


Aren't we?? :sly: I signed up to the forums, I didnt look round much though it looks very similar to here just worse and very slow to load, is there a way to get rid of the background.

Also so if the Home Beta test isnt going to go ahead on thursday what is the colourize clock counting down to?
No body knows, they aren't sure if it means anything, but it'd make sense to release it thursday, as we'd get a 90 day trial.