Playstation Home Thread

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We are still getting firmware updates to fix reported bugs so there is still tweaking going on.

Sony is reading the posts on the Home beta forum & acting on them, no official word has been told to the current beta testers about any open betas.
:lol: People are getting desperate now!

PS3Proxy lets everyone in on PlayStation Home beta download

PlayStation Home has been a long time coming, and some owners have gotten tired of waiting. A group of gamers on the PS3News forums have managed to find a workaround that allows any PlayStation 3 owner to download and run the Home beta without an invitation.

Circumventing the protection in place requires using a piece of software called PS3Proxy, which allows a PC connected to the internet to act as a proxy for the PlayStation 3. Adjusting some XML files allow the console to connect to PlayStation Home beta download servers, where users can then download and install the Home beta.

Reports of the functionality of the software have been mixed. Some users have noted success in connecting to a locally-instantiated version of the world, as shown in a video posted to YouTube. Others, myself included, have been unable to successfully connect to Home: the PlayStation 3 quickly crashes after launching the software.

The crafty tinkerers that figured out the workaround suggest that the ease of accessibility of the beta could be a hint that the long-awaited open beta for Home is right around the corner. There has not yet been any official word from Sony on the matter.
PSN Home v1.00



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Yeah, that is the supposed number of that download from the PS3Proxy thing, I think it's really just a placeholder for the real thing, hence the fact that nobody else join you in home.

This thing ain't never getting here... :crazy:

The delayed PlayStation Home community online service for the PlayStation 3 console is to be delayed again, Sony Computer Entertainment said Tuesday.

The service was first announced in July last year and promised to provide users with the ability to create their own avatars and participate in a real-time virtual world, something like a cross between the Mii avatars on Nintendo's Wii and the Second Life community. At the time Sony said it would be available globally in the "fall" of 2007 but that was delayed until "spring" 2008 at the Tokyo Game Show.

Now Sony says it will allow more users to join a closed beta test but doesn't plan to open up the service until the "fall" of this year, and then only as an open beta test.

"We understand that we are asking PS3 and prospective PS3 users to wait a bit longer, but we have come to the conclusion that we need more time to refine the service to ensure a more focused gaming entertainment experience than what it is today," said Kazuo Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, in a statement.

There are no details on when PlayStation Home might launch as a full service.
This is starting to go just too far. How perfect do they want they thing, I'm sure after almost 3 years of development their pretty close to finishing it. And its not only this but almost everything on the PS3 Konami's Beta test, GT5P PSN Store release, CoD4 Beta test and I'm sure there is hundreds more I'm forgetting about. They really need to get a way better time management system, I understand there can be unexpected delays but these must be factored in before release dates are announced. Like for instance if in college someone had a thesis to do for the end of May they cant come in and say: oh sorry I want to perfect it, can I have 6 more months and then I'll give you the draft and I'll have the full thing ready sometime in the far futhur!!
Im starting to think that its all just vapour-ware... :ill:

How long can it take for something like this to be implemented! Seriously they have been working on it since 2005!

I think Sony just keeps 'big'n it up" to keep it as a reason to buy the console, it even featured in the US advertising campaign half a year ago as a feature (implying that you can use it if you buy a PS3)... thats kind of misleading consumers in my opinion. :grumpy:

This was something major they had over 360 and they have totally blown it, people were really psyched about it now its like Meh!

When it eventually hits it will probably be a real anti climax.. judging by how long its taken them to even think about in game XMB, Home may be a long time coming!

It is quite ridiculous. 2008 is supposed to be Sony's year, but without home, I just dont see it happening. They need to get it out as soon as possible, because that will be a huge system seller I think.
HOME will be region locked like GT5P

They say its because advertisers want to be able to target specific regions

I also hear advertisers are behind the delays of HOME and that the visionaries for HOME have been pushed inside in favor of them
I've known about that for 2 weeks now, lol

Anyway, it will be region locked in public areas, but you can still invite people form anywhere into your apartment.

Region lock for public spaces kinda sucks but I guess it would be too crowed otherwise...

Does this region lock apply to your IP or the location of your PSN-ID? Thats really important!

I have just given up on hoping for Home.

I imagine I will be getting Home about the same time I get Duke Nukem Forever.

Jokes aside, I quit getting my hopes up so I can be happy when I get it and not disgruntled. It is obviously a large project and getting my hopes up just looks like a way for me to be angry.

I did love the RC boat demo shown at E3 though. That was sweet. Oh, and a bar in the Warhawk area.

I think I already posted this in the PS General Discussion thread, but here it is:
HOME will be region locked like GT5P

They say its because advertisers want to be able to target specific regions

Which makes sense, but like Robin said, I'm sure it also has to do with crowd control, not to mention some possible language barrier issues.

I also hear advertisers are behind the delays of HOME and that the visionaries for HOME have been pushed inside in favor of them

The link you posted was of course only about the region locking so who did you hear that from? It certainly sounds suspiciously speculative with a serious dose of pessimistic bias.

Does this region lock apply to your IP or the location of your PSN-ID? Thats really important!

That's a great question. I suspect it's based on your actual IP, as that's what the game servers uses to determine who has access to the lobbies as far as online gaming. For instance, if I log into my UK PSN account and play MotorStorm, I still only have access to the North American lobies, not the UK lobbies. The same is true for GT5P.

Jokes aside, I quit getting my hopes up so I can be happy when I get it and not disgruntled. It is obviously a large project and getting my hopes up just looks like a way for me to be angry.

Sound advice that we should all take to heart, and not just about Home, but on just about anything. :)👍
The link you posted was of course only about the region locking so who did you hear that from? It certainly sounds suspiciously speculative with a serious dose of pessimistic bias.
I think he was referring to this comment by the SCEE president.

While confirming Home will "definitely be coming out in Autumn," SCEE president David Reeves said that "maybe we were too ambitious with the non-gaming applications within Home, getting sponsors and stuff like that." In an interview with CVG, Reeves continued to say, "In that sense we were deserting gamers. So, we're concentrating on the gaming by launching games in Home."

The closed beta for Home is still ongoing. Earlier today, EA Sports president (and former Xbox executive) Peter Moore said he was interested in the service but "disappointed" by its delays. Home producer Daniel Hill told our friends at PS3 Fanboy that game spaces will be shown later this month.

Sound advice that we should all take to heart, and not just about Home, but on just about anything. :)👍
You'll notice I never say how something new disappoints me. Not that I don't point out problems where they exist.
I think he was referring to this comment by the SCEE president.

I rememeber those comments as well, but that is still a huge stretch of the imagination to suggest from those comments that "visionaries for HOME have been pushed inside in favor of them". :odd:
OK... see what you make of this.

I was checking out the Japanese PSN store to see what new content was up, and besides the pleasant surprise of the release of The Last Guy for just $5 no less, I also noticed a large ad for PS3 Home:


So I clicked on it, and it took me to some kind of download for PS3 Home:


It appears to be some kind of door to a Japanese Beta, or at least that is my best guess as it lists a date of July 31 through August 11.

Anyone fluent in Japanese? :)

EDIT: OK, I used Google to translate the Official Japanese website for PS3 Home, and sure enough, it is an application that you download off the PSN store in order to try and qualify to be part of the Beta.
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ok, according to my reliable source,, the closed beta will not be shut down, they are still going to add to it, and its supposidley not for "social-networking" its for gaming, but i say more people will use it to network lol. They are going to open up the closed beta one last time before the launch in rumored jan of 09, but they are going to open the closed beta up for one say and if you didnt download it "o-well they are going to have to wait". But it should be opening back up at the end of sept, not sure but ill keep you guys posted
I think they are a bit confused there, the beta will work like gmail did, and each tester that is selected to gets 100-300 invites to hand out (IIRC), not exactly sure though, but that's expected this fall.

I think they are a bit confused there, the beta will work like gmail did, and each tester that is selected to gets 100-300 invites to hand out (IIRC), not exactly sure though, but that's expected this fall.

Anyone on here in the beta right now? Hi, buddy. Did I ever mention that you are the bestest GTP member I know? :D

I hope so, becasue the only reason why i bought a PS3 was becasue of the games and HOME.
That was how I started, but then discovered it can do so much more. I don't play games everyday, but my PS3 is used everyday.

Anyone on here in the beta right now? Hi, buddy. Did I ever mention that you are the bestest GTP member I know? :D

I'm in the Beta & I haven't heard anything about the open Beta.
I'm in the Beta & I haven't heard anything about the open Beta.
The most I have heard is rumor and word-of-mouth, but if they do open the beta up to more people I will do a moderate amount of hoop jumping to get in.

I rarely care about betas, but this is something I am extremely interested in.
Yeah, too bad that i bought my PS3 after the beta came out. When i got it, i thought that it was still in the Playstation Store. I looked and looked, but i couldnt find it. So i sent a few e-mails to Sony. HAHA, that wasnt such a good idea. They told me that i was too late for the beta and to stop e-mailing them about the same thing. So SONY kinda slapped me in the face.
I heard the closed beta will be taking more people in at the end of the month.
You need to download the Home theme from the Playstation store & that serves as your application & you'll be notified if you are chosen.