Playstation Home Thread

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Beta Testers To Select Home's Theme?
Possible Home Locales

The more we learn, the more we have to think that PlayStation Home isn't too far off. But they've still got some changes and tweaks to make, as they're currently in the process of surveying beta testers to get further feedback.

According to Kotaku (and a few of its readers), these pictures shown here are part of that survey. One of the more prominent questions asked was, if the user could pick, what would they want Home's central plaza/hub to look like? As you can see, testers could select from futuristic settings to tranquil nature locales, and it'll be interesting to see which locale gets selected. Early media of Home doesn't show any of this; we've only seen what must've been brief mock-ups of meeting locations within Home. We've also seen examples of what our "Homes" or apartments might look like, but obviously, the primary hub of this service is ultra-important. We don't want to be stuck with something hideous, now do we?

As soon as Sony wants to issue anything official regarding PlayStation Home, we'll be sure to let you know. However, we have the sneaking suspicion they'll be waiting until E3 to do this, so anything until then won't be much more than speculation and rumor. Still, something like this is worth talking about, because it's not really a rumor, and the beta testers really are helping to shape this virtual world.


I like D and I...... I would hate some baron landscape, personally I liked the original indoor one and also the recent outdoor one, why change it again??? Maybe there are multiple areas..

Well, it is a shame anyone would give that to kotaku, ps3fanboy or whatever, as it could end up making HOME come out later...

But I like I and H

I'd love to be able to pick and choose, personally... although I like the look of I alot 👍 It would be great to have hundreds of differently styled lobbies, and I'm sure that user-designed lobbies would be possible in the future.
Only 2hrs 45mins left on that colourize clock, so is anything going to happen or was something suppose to happen and it was delayed and the clock was forgotten about, has the clock even got anything to do with Sony or is it just someones clever work just to start a rumour?
Most signs point to it being the latter, but a lot of people were thinking that it atleast had something to do.

I'm hoping to see if it starts over or not.

I wouldnt count too much on that clock though. I think we have to wait for the Thursday update which is in about 15-20 hours or so 👍
Its still counting down but your probably right. Still looking forward to tomorrows store update though, but we'll probably be disappointed, think positive!!

Edit: It didnt say fail on mozilla firefox but it did on internet explorer?? Now its just a white page saying Fail. Now another 18hr wait!
Yeah, I just visited it, and it says Fail in both, probably 4chan degenerates hacking the page.

They should design one in the style of the PS3 :)

Mirror black walls, oval shapes and chrome fixtures! :sly:

And the walls scratch if you so much as blow on them?

Well what do ya know!....

:lol: Well we didn't see that coming! Still annoying though...

I think has to be the single most useless piece of internet ever created too...

Keep checking back on this site to register an interest in taking part in an exclusive closed Beta Trial of Home™
Why would SONY release a Beta version to the people? MANY people will confuse the product with a version 1.0 final version. And it will be a chaos because people will complain about glitches and other stuff and not know they should report them rather then complain about them. Just like GT5 Prologue, there are still many people thinking that GT5 Prologue is a full game. It's hard to explain from me, but I know you catch what I am trying to tell you.
Why would SONY release a Beta version to the people? MANY people will confuse the product with a version 1.0 final version. And it will be a chaos because people will complain about glitches and other stuff and not know they should report them rather then complain about them. Just like GT5 Prologue, there are still many people thinking that GT5 Prologue is a full game. It's hard to explain from me, but I know you catch what I am trying to tell you.

Not really sure of how well you understand the way software works but who ever thinks GT5 Prologue is a full game has no clue about the franchise and should corrected or left alone.

Who else is Sony going to release a beta to? Hal 9000? A "Public" beta is 100% free and is used to determine how the software will run under stress and high volume bandwidth as well as wider scale bug reporting. A person will get confused if the are either ignorant or illiterate. If they dont know right way they will know eventually. No chaos will ensue.
Well I for one am glad they are taking time with this. Once we have it, and ive sorted my house out, who is down with a house warming party? :)
Yeah great idea, but it'll probably months before we can think about that type of thing, there was another rumor, mentioned somewhere in the millions of rumors, that Japan was getting the open Beta version today but no word on it yet so I think thats another "failed" rumor.
Well, someone has been stirring up the Home forums with aboput 15 topics about how it's going to be released April 1st :rolleyes:

Some news, still not official but at least it seems things are happening...

Open Beta For Home Starts On April 18?

Trying to secure an official launch date for PlayStation Home is a futile endeavor at this time, but that doesn't mean evidence for a date doesn't exist. In fact, the Internet is a-buzz with many reports regarding an open/public beta in North America; it might actually be available on April 18!

According to Sarcastic Gamer, game forums around the 'Net, and a variety of e-mails and messages we've seen in our inbox, it seems that Sony has sent out e-mail invitations to participate in an open Home beta. It is supposed to start on April 18, but we're currently trying to get someone to send us a copy of this e-mail so we can confirm its existence. We'd hate to think all these reports are coming from pranksters, but hey, you never know... The final roll-out date for PlayStation Home is another big "TBA," but we figure we won't see it until the beta is complete. Or, if there is no public beta, we may not hear about an official launch date until E3 in July. We'd rather not wait that long, of course, but we may have no choice in the matter.

As of now, we keep hearing that the open beta for Home will "open" on April 18, and that's all we can tell you. Obviously, Sony isn't going to issue anything concrete, so it's nothing more than a rumor, but it's one rumor that could turn into fact very quickly. We'll keep you updated.
That is fake, complete fake, there was a person who was sending out not e-mails, but PSN messages asking for your PSN-ID, Address, PSN Password and Name, telling you that it was for access to the HOME open beta, people thought it was real, but it was quickly debunked.

Also, a user by the ID of "Trophix" on the PSU forum says his "friend" who is a beta tester told him that Home Beta will be out April 1st, and has created about 15 threads about the subject, and is posting year-old news that says April 08, and his post count went from 0 to 150 in one day :rolleyes:

Oh right, kinda looked a bit sus that no one official had mentioned it,

I guess those people thought it would be an excellent way to con people seeing as everyone is eager to get home...

Thanks for the heads up:tup:


You may have seen the news this morning (if not, check PS3Fanboy) about the store redesign going live the 15th.

Rumor has it, and the pic may prove it, that the store will be updated on the 15th aswell., the Sony Japan site is saying that every 50th user gets "something special", Home Beta perhaps?

According to the leaked picture, WarHawk Expansion will be the only thing that arrives on Thursday, possibly with GT5: Prologue (not in this pic because release date wasn't known at the time)

Here's hoping we can prove this list is true, and that the full version of Home is coming in July (Juli), with the open beta out the 15th.

Rumor has it, and the pic may prove it, that the store will be updated on the 15th aswell., the Sony Japan site is saying that every 50th user gets "something special", Home Beta perhaps?

Noo they can't do that!! What a tease that would be to 49/50 users. It's like "yes, it's avalible, and yes you could have had it right now... but neh"
Rumor has it, and the pic may prove it, that the store will be updated on the 15th aswell., the Sony Japan site is saying that every 50th user gets "something special", Home Beta perhaps?

It would figure as Japan has been heavily promoting home recently (there have been new trailers and such) and if anywhere is likely to get a beta first its there...

I still don't see why they cannot have an open beta... Sony said a while back that they might skip open beta and go straight to roll out... which would be annoying because we would have to wait without anything till July...


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