Playstation Home Thread

  • Thread starter Scaff
Haven't been on PlayStation Home for a while, I reckon I'll go on it today. So they've made new updates then? At this rate the only version I've played it the 1.05 Beta :lol:
Yes, there is a new 'Playstation Events' space, where you can play games (not that I was able to play any since the servers were so busy yesterday :P) and there is also an exhibition space where you can find the details of the contest and enter the codes you found through a website.

I looked around for these new spaces as well as the hidden code contest, but came up empty... then I switched to my EU account and entered the EU Home and voila... another example of why I don't understand why some EU users always complain about how they are left out.

Not to mention all the new trailers, like for Star Trek, X-Men Origins, and a behind the scenes video for The Watchmen, among several others that are only in the EU Theater space.

Regardless, this new Event space looks stunning!

I didn't play the Tri Sphere puzzle game, but I did check out the Gallery space... great looking space. I also got a couple messages saying I received a couple items. Anyone know what those are? I checked my inventory, decorations, and wardrobe and didn't notice anything different.

I also visited the HK Home and they also have updated Home and now have a Chinese New Year's Countdown Challenge multi-player game in the central plaza as well as a hidden code in the Home Cafe and new trailers in the Theater space. They also added a free Chinese New Year's shirt to your wardrobe collection, which look pretty nice.

The Japanese Home has had some updates as well, including a new Sony game space for Blood Siren to go along with their Hot Shots Golf space, although the gates inside the Siren space that allow you into the 'town' to explore were locked and are apparently only open for a specific time of day. Which I suppose is done on purpose in a similar fashion to the actual game which I believe centers around a town that experiences unnatural events during the evening hours... like Silent Hill, but I could be mistaken as I have never played the game.

I also found a UFO!


"Beam me up Scotty!"

I didn't know there was so much new stuff in Home, especially the Red Bull Air Race! IF I get time Sunday I'm going on.:)
Going to have to check out EU home for these hidden codes for the PSP!

Oh and DN, you know that HK home chinese new year t-shirt... is it transferable to EU home's wardrobe?

Anyone know if I dlete Home from my XMB if I can get it back? I just want to free up the 3GB until I replace my PS3's hard drive.
You should be able to but it could also mean you lose your user data. Try to remove some music or videos. You can also save the music and videos on USB stick or a portable HDD.
You should be able to but it could also mean you lose your user data. Try to remove some music or videos. You can also save the music and videos on USB stick or a portable HDD.
Except I use my music now, but haven't been on Home since they first put the Air Race up. And pre-Bioshock install I already deleted almost all my videos.

And shouldn't my user data be in the file saved under Game Data Utility?

I may delete my MGS4 game data and just not play it again until I upgrade my HDD.
Nevermind, go shead. The home user data is saved in the data utility.
I think I will test deleting the photo gallery tool first. I will never be using that. So if I can't put it back I won't regret it.
Anyone found any of the codes, not willing to cheat but what are they like, I just went on for a minute to download everything and didnt really look around much. Also EU got the Far Cry zone.
There is a room in the Gallery area which has a poster showing you what the codes look like - essentially they are like grey/stone plaques with three numbers, and I found two in the Gallery section and one in the Events area (I think all 8 are in these two areas)... then I got bored...

edit: a useful clue is to look around and see where a bunch of folks are standing close together, which probably means there is a code nearby ;)
There is a room in the Gallery area which has a poster showing you what the codes look like - essentially they are like grey/stone plaques with three numbers, and I found two in the Gallery section and one in the Events area (I think all 8 are in these two areas)... then I got bored...

edit: a useful clue is to look around and see where a bunch of folks are standing close together, which probably means there is a code nearby ;)

Thanks, I'll have a proper look around later. 👍

Anyone got the door opened in the gallery (thats if it does open) which has the symbols X,triangle,O,square on it?

Liking this up date, not a huge amount to it but it just further expands the possibilities. Like the Gallery, who would ever have thought of that? Imagine if Sony could get some famous detailed renditions of some of the art around the world, or even works from famous artists.

One last thing, whats with the Black Hole?? :confused:
Going to have to check out EU home for these hidden codes for the PSP!

did you find them? where are they? what are they for?

also has anyone else had problems getting to the playstation events space?
i downloaded it and when i click on it my ps3 just freezes
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did u find them? where are they? what are they for?

also has anyone else had problems getting to the playstation events space?
i downloaded it and when i click on it my ps3 just freezes

I got them all, there not too difficult, apart from one which I did get a small hand with. :guilty:
They're just eight little metal plates like the sample one with numbers on them, take note of the numbers and when you have found them all go back to the room with competition info in it and go to an empty touch pad and enter the codes when instructed, after entering your date of birth I think. There is 5 PSPs to win, but I highly doubt any of us will be that lucky but I think there might be a few digital Home rewards at the end for taking part, but thats just me speculating.
I'm sure there is videos on You tube with walk throughs and if you PM me I'll even give you them but its more fun on your own, or with a friend searching.

As for the freezes you are getting, I have no answer, just try an get in again, Home does seem to crash a bit for me too but not too often.
Yeah, the Events Landing freezes for me also. Every time, without fail.

Bummer really.

What's the point of the Far Cry areas anyway?
There are regular updates every week and home is growing very quickly at the moment. one quite good feature is the leaderboard on the redbull island, resets weekly and shows the top players times, but more importantly it shows your friends times also.
What's the point of the Far Cry areas anyway?

To play Mancala? :)

The interactive map in the office was pretty interesting, but I suppose the draw is just to have another unique looking space to check out, or meet friends in.
Yeah the Farcry space is made by the farcry developers and in essence is simply an advertisement, of course when they get the game launching running it will make much more sense as finding players who want to play farcry will be in that area.
Capcom plans on supporting PlayStation Home in a big way. Famitsu has revealed brand new Home content based on Capcom's upcoming games, Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5. SFIV will receive a post-release patch that will allow players to meet in Home and then jump directly into a Street Fighter match.

In addition to game launching, Capcom will also sell costumes to wear in the Home world. This isn't the first time Capcom has released Street Fighter costume DLC on a PlayStation system -- LittleBigPlanet also features a handful of premium costumes for purchase.

Capcom is also developing a Resident Evil 5 game space, which looks remarkably like the game's opening level. Here, players will be able to congregate and participate in various RE themed events. We're not sure if those events will involve eating other Home users alive, but we hope so


Source joystiq AKA ps3 fanboy

what is interesting is the game launching......looks like developers are starting to get there act together! Should be quite funny this "oi you spilled my pint"........"Right outside I'll meet you in the SF carpark"
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Capcom is also developing a Resident Evil 5 game space, which looks remarkably like the game's opening level. Here, players will be able to congregate and participate in various RE themed events. We're not sure if those events will involve eating other Home users alive, but we hope so
But am I allowed to shoot racial minorities, like in the game?

Should be quite funny this "oi you spilled my pint"........"Right outside I'll meet you in the SF carpark"
It still needs to allow me to drink a pint. Biggest disappointment I've had with Home. Bars with no drinks. Get a few virtual drinks in me and I might be more likely to dance.
An update was due today at 8am for version 1.10:

see here: and here:

Unfortunately, a last minute problem has cropped up so it won't be out today (5th Feb).

Also, there is a boat-load of a load of stuff in the works and coming soon - worth checking the word on it here - there is lots!

Can't wait! :D
I had Home for a while, downloaded the movie theatre and a couple of other things, but then deleted it all since i don't have internet access at home. And PS Home isn't really my sort of 'game' anyway.

I thought you guys might be interested to read this juicy bit of feedback from EU Home Community Manager, TedTheDog - word about it on our SCEE Equality Appeal site, here:


p.s. almost a shameful plug - is this allowed here?
Interesting, thanks for posting 👍

I've always felt that the "equality" debate over at the Official Playstation forums is beyond ridiculous, and the torrent of negative feedback for Home thus far has been largely unfair. For some reason, alot of these guys think that they know everything about Sony, their business, their motives, their schedules, working practices and their legal obligations, which they clearly don't!

I hope this statement will go some way to addressing this, but somehow I doubt it...
Interesting, thanks for posting 👍

I've always felt that the "equality" debate over at the Official Playstation forums is beyond ridiculous, and the torrent of negative feedback for Home thus far has been largely unfair. For some reason, alot of these guys think that they know everything about Sony, their business, their motives, their schedules, working practices and their legal obligations, which they clearly don't!

I hope this statement will go some way to addressing this, but somehow I doubt it...

+1 QFT 👍

Not only that, but so often it appears many who claim there is some kind of PSN/Home regional inequality only focus on what is missing, and conveniently ignore all the exclusive content, like the great international music series and the short film series, and countless early release content that EU PSN stores has had and continues to get.

As has been said before, releasing content world wide can be an extraordinarily challenging task, what with having to deal with so many different regional laws and authorization boards. Frankly, I'm impressed how much content the EU PSN stores get before anyone else considering how many different countries are involved.

In fact, if any one region had any beef as far as being "left out" regarding PSN content it would have to be Japan... especially considering the fact that Japan per capita has the largest video game market and is the home team so to speak for Sony. :odd:

Although each and every regional PSN store, including Japan, has it's own unique advantages... which is why it's so great that we can easily create PSN accounts for those regions to get access to much of that content. 👍
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Capcom plans on supporting PlayStation Home in a big way. Famitsu has revealed brand new Home content based on Capcom's upcoming games, Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil 5. SFIV will receive a post-release patch that will allow players to meet in Home and then jump directly into a Street Fighter match.

In addition to game launching, Capcom will also sell costumes to wear in the Home world. This isn't the first time Capcom has released Street Fighter costume DLC on a PlayStation system -- LittleBigPlanet also features a handful of premium costumes for purchase.

Capcom is also developing a Resident Evil 5 game space, which looks remarkably like the game's opening level. Here, players will be able to congregate and participate in various RE themed events. We're not sure if those events will involve eating other Home users alive, but we hope so


Source joystiq AKA ps3 fanboy

what is interesting is the game launching......looks like developers are starting to get there act together! Should be quite funny this "oi you spilled my pint"........"Right outside I'll meet you in the SF carpark"

Great news.
I knew that HOME was really good investment and idea for Sony.

Home now wants to bring game companies and advertise their games in it. Like making spaces or other extras. That way it will make game companies make PS3 their first PLATFORM when making new games. Because we all know that Xbox360 is mostly first choice when making a multi-platform game.
An update was due today at 8am for version 1.10:

see here: and here:

Unfortunately, a last minute problem has cropped up so it won't be out today (5th Feb).

Also, there is a boat-load of a load of stuff in the works and coming soon - worth checking the word on it here - there is lots!

Can't wait! :D

The 1.10 update (77 MB) is now available and there have been a bunch of changes.

First off, there was another 'event and contest':


Did anyone here participate?

As the message mentioned, there is a new space in the NA Home, called the Gamer's Lounge... which is the exact same type of space as the Home Cafe in the Asian versions of Home... although the Japanese version also comes with a huge Sonic statue and TV screen, as well as stuff in the upstairs office spaces.

Speaking of which, the Asian versions of Home have a special Valentines event going on and in conjunction with that they have added special Valentine clothes to the store as well as a free gift of a model of the Home Square (their Central Plaza) made of chocolate:




Also, while I was exploring the Asian Home, I ran into a few people wearing these odd Japanese school girl masks:



However, when I checked the store there were no such clothing items available... so it must be either from a game or some special promotion?

As for the EU version of Home, the theater space has been update to include the short film series... but the shocker is that the really interesting Playstation Events space is gone!?!? :odd:

I also noticed the current fastest time in the Air Bull Races is held by Britney Spear's EX... ;)


As for my friend's list, potatobreath is at the top of the list with a time of 53:54, but GT4genius is close behind with a time of 57:66. 👍

Oh, and just a heads-up for movie trailer buffs, the trailers in the NA Home Theater have also been updated and is currently showing a trailer for The International as well as for Knowing.
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