- 477
- Canada
- potatobreath
The article that Appie linked says Red Bull Air Race is worldwide.
The article that Appie linked says Red Bull Air Race is worldwide.
Are your planes visible to spectators? I was practicing my dive-bombing on the spectators in front of the planes.
I think the small freebies are meant to draw you in. Knowing EA I think the bigger features will require money.Again, will there be lost profits on the PS Store?
Maybe it's reusing stuff from the downloads you already have.Another thing, how does this space get away with only being 20 odd MB and stuff like the shopping mall dowload is way larger?
I agree that could work, but the only thing I have seen like this is the Namco Museum thing you have to get in Japan or Hong Kong. And yeah, if that became a full feature set of those games I would buy that based on what we have so far.But isnt Home mainly for advertising. If a company has a game in the Store the might want to build a space in Home with a small demo type thing of the actual game that is in the Store,
Like you said it is about advertising. I guarantee there is someone who will buy Red Bull stuff simply because of their Home support. I mean, Red Bull has nothing to do with racing, but they still advertise on the cars. It is just advertising, and the plane racing game is a hook to get you in and make you stare at their logo. Trust me, if you this Red Bull thing proves popular you will see other non-gaming related companies popping up with their own mini-games.but if the dont have anything for sale in the Store on on Blu-ray or something separate like Red Bull I see no reason why they would get involved in Home, unless they were like the clothing and furniture market in Home
Won't happen. Not everyone likes Home. It might be available in Home, but like the Namco museum it will also be available from the XMB.although if games do cost money like that in Home you could argue that the PSN Store was actually moving to Home.
Is there anything other than the air race? And does the game have any kind of loading time before it?Another thing, how does this space get away with only being 20 odd MB and stuff like the shopping mall dowload is way larger?
It is possible that it loads even more assets temporarily for the race game itself then, making the area only 20MB.Air Race did take a while to load after the download was over. I was staring at some boring piles of sand and people for a few minutes before the planes, water, and background suddenly dropped into place.
So are you going to keep it a secret or are you going to post a nice simple set of instructions for the rest of us?
Well, you walk around the place where the planes are, you've got to walk slowly and wait for it to pop up at the bottom of the screen.
They just posted on the PS Blog an even more detailed video of the EA Sports Complex space from the demo at CES with explanations from EA Senior Producer Robert Burnett.
I have to say... as much as I am not a fan of EA, that's a mighty impressive space! 👍
Finally got to fly the planes a few times last night. Got my time down to 55.32. I just wished the track was a tad longer.
You can play the red bull air race anytime you want. Although ill admit its a litle stupid the way you have to start it. But ill give a hint...
Goto the area where it start, and look up in the air. Press x, and then press the directional button until you get the Red bull Air race as your target. May take a few tryes but uasely its the easyet way to get started.
Yes, but I shouldn't have to have some "tip" to get into the game as quick as possible. They should re-think it so then it's easier to get into, then I might be intrested again.
Yes, but I shouldn't have to have some "tip" to get into the game as quick as possible. They should re-think it so then it's easier to get into, then I might be intrested again.
Yeah i agre with you its not made very good. I was just giving a tip for what its worth, to easy the pain for someone who wants to play, but cant figure out how to start it.