Right, so elitists here making an argument typically make a 'cool' joke about the other person's handle.
From my experience, the dupers have usually been the ones with the condecending, elitist attitude.
Your quote below kinda proves that point.
Alright, if you feel so 'offended' surgeon, go worry about your patients. No good preaching how to play GT5 while someone's sick in your precious line of work right?
Isn't negligence an offense in medicine? Or is the law so lax in Croatia that a surgeon can take some time off of his operations?
Did it ever occur to you that evebn a surgeon
might have some sparetime? But, yeah, that's the attitude that makes me enjoys this kind of thread.
Never said you cant just pointed out that it is human nature to give but infact giving means receiving. So every gift is a trade.
That's why it is called trade of, unfortunately you have to get rid off something more or less valuable to you to get something back that normally is more valuable. (for more details read Marcel Maus about the gift.)
From a philosophical standpoint, yes, a gift is a trade. As far as the simple definition of words go, there's a clear difference between gifiting and trading.
Plus, trading cars is different from the kind of 'trade' a gift can be from a philosophical point of view.
So again they didnt get the duping problem by the root but made a halfway statement that probably they do not like what the comunity done to the game.
They had to unlock the savegames, because, simply put, duping would be the lesser of two evils. Limiting the trading might not get rid of it completely, but duping GT500 cars isn't going to get you very far. In fact, I doubt that it's worth the hassle.
The only other option would be to abandon trading completely, which would mean loosing a bullet point for GT5, which is probably a no go. Plus, the limit still allows for gifting of giftings sake and trading a few ellusive cars from the UCD (if you're into that kind of stuff).
And since the majority of the cars isn't all that expensive, it's not that big of a deal - it hits dupers the hardest. Granted, some otheras are hit as well, but so did the utter devaluation of cars when the duping fiest started.