[POLL] How Far do you want Car Maintenance to go?

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How far do you want Car ownership/maintenance to go in GT6?

  • Extreme: Details like Spark plugs, all fluids, individual engine components etc

    Votes: 123 34.3%
  • Advanced: Major components like Pad/rotor changes, wheel alignment, and clutch along with what wa

    Votes: 134 37.3%
  • What was in GT5

    Votes: 37 10.3%
  • Toned down GT5 options: just oil change and maybe chassis refresh

    Votes: 11 3.1%
  • Get rid of all maintenance

    Votes: 54 15.0%

  • Total voters
When it comes to easy things like maintenance of your car in a tight economic environment, it’s simple to just ignore the problems you’re starting to experience in your car. Many drivers don’t really pay attention to the signs that their car is telling them unless they get in real trouble. However, you must know that automobile negligence has its price.

Yeah I agree ...it seems as much as Kaz has no problem promoting a game with cars that will do 400 KPH, and LMP/Group C cars at the Nordschleif (which is not allowed in real life), he still seems to maintain some very positive intentions like the whole maintenance and licensing thing (as implemented in GT4).

This is probably a good thing as I for one have learnt a LOT since I started the GT series with GT4. I do agree though that we need an ontrack GT Auto ...and an option to include engine and chassis rebuilds as an 'optional extra" when making the purchase. I must say though ...I do like the smoothed out engine sound after doing an engine rebuild 👍.
I'd like an option to adjust parts of the car during a pit stop such as aero and other changeable options that could happen during a real life pot stop. That'd be cool.
In GT5 you never really knew if you had to get your car chassis and engine overhauled or not, there was nothing obvious that told you this information; unless you carefully paid attention to your cars stats.

This is exactly it, There is nothing telling you you need any of the maintenence (except for oil) anywhere in game, you have to guess what part nedds to be repaired, and if you guess wrong, you lose 5000cr. Just scrap the maintenence, I've had too many times of finding the perfect race for my car online, pressing race and finding out my cars' power had dropped below the limit for the race :ouch:.
Cant understand the people who say "Its kind of broken so remove it"

Well, B-Spec is kinda broken, online is kinda broken, and so was much of GT5. Doesnt mean you have to remove it. How about trying to fix it?
I really don't care. Just get rid of the time-consuming loading times and animations once and for all.
Die a little bit inside. My purchase decision will be made 100% based on if the game comes for PS3 (yes) or PS4 (no, unless it's the best console of the next generation, like the 360 is on the current one)
Voted for extreme... and so what? I LOVE the idea of changing individual parts/components in an engine. Hopefully, thr ability to walk around your car, and see it for yourself and watch as the parts get changed come to GT. If you dont want to do that, then maybe PD include a quick fix option.
Get rid of all of it.

I play the game to be a driving sim, not a mechanic sim.

Similar to how Skyrim got rid of weapon/armor repairs and was better(more fun) for it.

They can keep the oil change in just for traditions sake
Car maintenance has always been a sore point for me as it bores me oh so much just trying to fine-tune gear ratios. It would be better if the game went straight into the race instead of having to make me navigate through driving options first. That would certainly make my life less complicated.
I think the current selection in GT5 is fine. Although I would prefer that PDI get rid of the redundant animations and cutscenes that are shown when using the services.
I would go for the extreme, but although that would be popular with some I can see how annoying that would be for the casual gamer or for those who are playing Gran Turismo only for the actual racing. Perhaps a good solution could be to have an option to set car maintenance to automatic or manual?
Hehe, voted extreme. I think there should be options to turn it all off, but i'm old enough to remember a time when many american men, if not the majority, at least dedicated a certain number of weekends a year to doing their own oil changes, swaping out old filters, and gapping sparkplugs in the driveway. The more things I can do with my cars, the happier i'd be, lol.
I would like the big package, but only if everything is implemented properly.
The car wash in GT5 for example is stupid. Cars can get dirty, but it takes ages to build up and you only see it while driving. The cars should stay dirty until you wash them.

Everything needs to be streamlined though and animations should either be removed, or at least made skipable.
I'd rather there not be maintenance at all. It just seems to be superfluously adding unnecessary complication to the game. I'd rather just jump in a car and go race rather without having to recall when I last changed the oil or try to remember how much HP and miles the car started out with to know if I need to rebuild the engine or refresh the chassis yet or not... with only a few cars it's not a big deal but when you're getting into the hundreds it just becomes a total pain in the ass. The game needs to get back to it's basics, driving, and expand on that. I can do without oil changes and engine rebuilds and break-in periods and fluxuating power levels and diminishing handling.
I'd rather there not be maintenance at all. It just seems to be superfluously adding unnecessary complication to the game. I'd rather just jump in a car and go race rather without having to recall when I last changed the oil or try to remember how much HP and miles the car started out with to know if I need to rebuild the engine or refresh the chassis yet or not... with only a few cars it's not a big deal but when you're getting into the hundreds it just becomes a total pain in the ass. The game needs to get back to it's basics, driving, and expand on that. I can do without oil changes and engine rebuilds and break-in periods and fluxuating power levels and diminishing handling.

Agreed, 100%.
I'd rather there not be maintenance at all. It just seems to be superfluously adding unnecessary complication to the game. I'd rather just jump in a car and go race rather without having to recall when I last changed the oil or try to remember how much HP and miles the car started out with to know if I need to rebuild the engine or refresh the chassis yet or not... .

What if the Tuning screens for each car had all of that information displayed? This would simulate the actions of a guy who cares for his machines- keeping records, and take the guesswork out of it.

The fact that so few of us can even concieve of making these things options scares me a little. Always ask for the option, guys. It's a computer game. Should be no problem to program it in.

Quick break-in: Yes/No
Engine maintenence: Auto/Manual
Chassis maintenence: Auto/Manual
Cleaning: Auto/Manual
*we should also be able to press 'x' to skip all animations if desired.
*when buying tuning parts for a car- we should be able to highlight all parts wanted, then purchase the selected parts with the press of a button. Holy crap the way they have us do it now, clicking/buying/installing one-by-one... is insane.

--Race-tuning (Quick-Tune Options)--
Suspension Tuning: Oversteer....Balanced....Understeer (with a slider)
Engine Tuning: Durable....Balanced....Max Power (slider)
Transmission: Top Speed setting (already in gt)

Good to go! No need to stress about fine-tuning and tedious maintenence if you don't want to. I personally would set most maintenece to 'Auto', but then do my own tuning piece by piece.

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GT3 did it best. Only oil change and car wash. And it was quick and to the point. No silly animations that lose their novelty after seeing it a few times.

But even then, I agree with the people who want it gone all together. I wouldn't miss the car matinence gimmick at all.
Extreme and advanced options. We need the option to put single turbo, twin turbo and supercharge our cars. For cars with W engines (veyron, etc) it should have quad turbo or twin superchargers. I also want a variety of engine swaps available for cars. But for the engine swaps, allow cars to have engines from different companies. Examples: "I've got a detuned LS9 in my RX-7 drift car and an upgraded RB26DETT in my Datsun 510 drag car."
Extreme and advanced options. We need the option to put single turbo, twin turbo and supercharge our cars. For cars with W engines (veyron, etc) it should have quad turbo or twin superchargers. I also want a variety of engine swaps available for cars. But for the engine swaps, allow cars to have engines from different companies. Examples: "I've got a detuned LS9 in my RX-7 drift car and an upgraded RB26DETT in my Datsun 510 drag car."

That isn't car maintenance. These guys are talking about pressing buttons to change spark plugs and change brake calipers.