[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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It seems clear enough that Hillary Clinton is being investigated by the DOJ in re her storage of classified material on her personal computer server.

I am convinced this is the way President Obama wants it, and that criminal charges are pending.

Accordingly, I am able to rationally predict Joe Biden at the top the Democrat ticket, together with Elizabeth Warren for VP.
If that were the case, then why hasn't John Kerry revoked Clinton's Top Secret access, alongside her top aides?

I generally agree with the sediment that Obama absolutely despises the Clintons, and wants a figurehead to be the Democratic nominee, but the only reason why Obama hasn't made any real moves against Hillary on any number of charges is because he knows that the current Democratic field is pretty weak, and she is the strongest candidate out there. If there is one more person like a Elizabeth Warren that would jump into the race (not necessarily discounting Al Gore's chances), then the investigation can morph ball into something more than it is just a Republican investigation.
Rand Paul just lost the bud light bro truck crowd.
Wait, you mean Rand Paul had the Bud Light bro truck crowd previously??

Accordingly, I am able to rationally predict Joe Biden at the top the Democrat ticket, together with Elizabeth Warren for VP.
In that case, I reckon congratulations are in order to President-elect Trump.

Best. Photoshop. Ever.
It seems clear enough that Hillary Clinton is being investigated by the DOJ in re her storage of classified material on her personal computer server.

Forget the email sever its Libya intervention people should be going after Hillary for as she along with Samantha Powers were the architects of an intervention that not only cost of the lives of 4 americans, but also turned the country into a de facto failed state and one which Isil is quickly taking over. The sad thing is the fact the GOP will never bring this up as it would only implicate their failed foreign policy.
I was under the impression that the Benghazi incident was already investigated several times, and that there were very few to no people to blame anymore?
The congressional Benghazi investigation is ongoing. IIRC, it was their FOIA requests that resulted in the revelations about Hillary's server.

But the bigger crime is always the coverup.
I was under the impression that the Benghazi incident was already investigated several times, and that there were very few to no people to blame anymore?

Unfortunately, this does not deter right-wing nutjobs from continuing to bray about this as often and loudly as possible.
Wait, you mean Rand Paul had the Bud Light bro truck crowd previously?
He swept Kentucky in the senate race, so yes, at least locally.

As for Rand Paul, I think his campaign is done for. He has the mailing list of his father's donors (trust me, I know) and can't raise money close to what his father got. He appears to be losing his base. I think part of it is that that mailing list has been abused. Multiple emails a day begging for money or some kind of action. I literally get an email describing an issue and asking for support. By the end of the day three different people from the staff will have sent an email to ask if I saw the first email. This continues on for days. It eventually comes to , "We need six more from Frankfort. Will you be one?" messages and ending with "Only a hour left to act" messages.

I've heard Ron Paul supporters on podcasts comment about the abuse of the mailing list and how if Rand can't motivate his father's supporters then he is done.
If Trump runs 3rd party, the Democrats can nominate a pig and still win the election.

Trump will steal so many voters away from the Republicans.
I suspect Trump appeals across party lines. As a populist, he appeals to working class whites who resent how politicians of both parties have sold out the middle class in numerous trade agreements and social engineering policies.
He swept Kentucky in the senate race, so yes, at least locally.

As for Rand Paul, I think his campaign is done for. He has the mailing list of his father's donors (trust me, I know) and can't raise money close to what his father got. He appears to be losing his base. I think part of it is that that mailing list has been abused. Multiple emails a day begging for money or some kind of action. I literally get an email describing an issue and asking for support. By the end of the day three different people from the staff will have sent an email to ask if I saw the first email. This continues on for days. It eventually comes to , "We need six more from Frankfort. Will you be one?" messages and ending with "Only a hour left to act" messages.

I've heard Ron Paul supporters on podcasts comment about the abuse of the mailing list and how if Rand can't motivate his father's supporters then he is done.

Rand is done because he has the same fruitcake wackjob handlers as his father. His campaign managers are clueless assholes and Rand hasn't even fundraised. He snubbed the Kochs and most of the other big time donors. Wtf. The campaign for liberty was the biggest disaster ever. I wrote off the Pauls after I saw that all those millions they raised were used to make this totally worthless endeavor rather than to get elected. Meanwhile all the managing staff walks away with the cash and the volunteers are left wondering what the hell they were thinking giving them all of their time.

Tl;Dr: Rand is done because his staff paved over the grassroots
Rand is done because he has the same fruitcake wackjob handlers as his father. His campaign managers are clueless assholes and Rand hasn't even fundraised. He snubbed the Kochs and most of the other big time donors. Wtf. The campaign for liberty was the biggest disaster ever. I wrote off the Pauls after I saw that all those millions they raised were used to make this totally worthless endeavor rather than to get elected. Meanwhile all the managing staff walks away with the cash and the volunteers are left wondering what the hell they were thinking giving them all of their time.

Tl;Dr: Rand is done because his staff paved over the grassroots
If it makes you feel any better Jesse Benton and the guys who screwed it all up have been indicted.

I met Jesse Benton once at a Rand event back in 2010 and immediately did not like him.
I know. The only decent guy was Kent Snyder. I met him and Ron at the debate I went to. Sadly, he died from pneumonia a short while later. That is also when the campaign took a nose dive. It only ever sustained itself because of the grass roots. Rand's moochers think they can sod their lawn with the same people CFL jerked around. Thou shalt not test the spam god.
So Trump wants to close all the US military sites in Japan.


That was the deal in basic terms. They give you their land for your military and you agree to protect them.

I would have thought the Japanese would agree with this, US bases there haven't exactly been a welcome feature over there. Plus Japan wants to reassess it's position on having a small military so this would negate the need for the US to protect it. I also wonder why Trump has not mentioned the similar situation with Taiwan.
I know. The only decent guy was Kent Snyder. I met him and Ron at the debate I went to. Sadly, he died from pneumonia a short while later. That is also when the campaign took a nose dive. It only ever sustained itself because of the grass roots. Rand's moochers think they can sod their lawn with the same people CFL jerked around. Thou shalt not test the spam god.
Now that I am following Tom Woods a lot more I am thinking of unsubscribing for all previously Ron Paul email lists. I delete like five emails a day without reading them. Following Tom Woods allows me to keep up the Mises guys without all the spam.
I would have thought the Japanese would agree with this, US bases there haven't exactly been a welcome feature over there. Plus Japan wants to reassess it's position on having a small military so this would negate the need for the US to protect it. I also wonder why Trump has not mentioned the similar situation with Taiwan.
Article 9 isn't a done deal yet. The public backlash to the changes is heavy as well. However I believe they might agree as it will strengthen their case. It would be a risk though.
Anyway, the issue is. The US would have a much smaller influence over Asia and particularly China. The way Trump is arguing I have a feeling he doesn't fully understand this as he is putting it across as an unfair deal to the US.
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Now that I am following Tom Woods a lot more I am thinking of unsubscribing for all previously Ron Paul email lists. I delete like five emails a day without reading them. Following Tom Woods allows me to keep up the Mises guys without all the spam.

Every time I talk **** about Rand, though, I'm reminded of how John McCain was dead in the water but eventually wound up the nominee. Fingers crossed.
This really is a riveting spectacle: Mr. Trump is a totally loathsome, but at the same time oddly charismatic figure, reminiscent of another great 20th century demagogue ... but with a lot more money & an even odder hair-do. He's like the anti-hero in some HBO satirical comedy/drama.

I feel sorry for Rand Paul & the libertarian stalwarts who (again) are revealed to be a very marginal group in US politics - rendered completely insignificant in the face of the rampant racism, sexism (I know ... he cherishes women) nationalism, weirdly vague militarism & general xenophobia unleashed by Mr. Trump & his supporters.

Trump's success reminds me a bit of Sarah Palin in the early days of her nomination as McCain's running-mate. Massively popular with the Republic base initially, in the end, Palin was a disaster for the GOP & McCain's chances of being elected. Whatever happens, Trump is going to do serious damage to the Republican party - he's sucked all the air out of GOP primaries & left the other candidates with nothing to talk about.
Witnessing a crash in the presidential elections would be more entertaining than a crash anywhere else.
Meanwhile Bernie Sanders is gaining momentum against Clinton.

There seems to be some promise in this potential race.
The three front runners at the moment are Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders. That's sounds like a promise for a sideshow not a great future president:lol: Throw smilin' Joe Biden into the mix and you've got Curly, Larry, Moe and Shemp.
When are the two final party candidates announced usually? I know all the voting needs to be done first though.
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