Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
So it was Craig's birthday yesterday. The, Two.


Unfortunately we lost part of the 'H' in transport.


He seemed pretty happy with his present. Though, he didn't really know whats going on, other than he got this new toy to play with.


He's a really slow eater as well, he likes to lick things before he eats them. Just to be sure.

Also went to the beach and he went for a swim, will have to upload video later.
While my photos are not as good quality as that, we have created a new combo.
Once again the star is my Bengal who turns ten in January.

Very close shot.

Bad phone picture of him in his bed, he never sleeps in it.

Putting on a horrible old man face.

Scratching his ear

Cats eye view?

Sniffing grass, getting high off it.
Haha, cats and grass are hilarious...

Another of Tabs


I'll get pictures of the other two up later; they aren't quite as photogenic as Tabs :P
So this morning I woke up to find a ver bloody Mishka standing next to me with an even bllodier trophy for me. Trophy looked a lot like Tabs, though less cute and more :eek:
So it was Craig's birthday yesterday. The, Two.


He seemed pretty happy with his present. Though, he didn't really know whats going on, other than he got this new toy to play with.
Actually, it looks to me like he's thinking "Dude, its my birthday and this is all you got me? Guess who's getting a surprise in their shoes tomorrow." :D
So this morning I woke up to find a ver bloody Mishka standing next to me with an even bllodier trophy for me. Trophy looked a lot like Tabs, though less cute and more :eek:

Just be thankful it was only a cat. My two dogs on the farm have brought home freshly slaughtered muskrats, rabbits, rats, they killed a barn kitten in front of me and my little cousins once (scarring them for life I can only imagine), dead goats, dead deer, and even marijuana!

Yeah, apparently they're drug sniffing dogs and find small sandwich bags of pot and bring them to my dad. It was obviously someones personal stash, but don't ask me how they found it on my dads farm 10 miles from the nearest city.
I might have to borrow my parents $1000+ camera with $150 (I think) lense, I haven't used it properly before and I have no Idea how it will turn out. A million times better than 3mp phone pics.
Without those paws it would just be an eerie pair of yellow eyes on a background!
Right... so Mishka's been getting into a lot of trouble lately. She's become a cat exterminator or something, to the point that she's killed 2 cats in the last week or so. Of course, her cuteness has been diminished both by her willingness to be so cruel and the fact that cats on the brink of death tend to defend themselves. Hence, she's a bit scarred now.

She's got a few scratches: a couple on her muzzle and one about 2 cms. below her left eye. Her left ear is also looking kinda off. I'm going to sterilize her soon, hoepfuly that'll settle her down a bit and calm her down, since she's become overtly aggressive towards anyone who is not me. Also, my mum has a daschund (sp?) dog and Mishka's attacking him constantly.
Right... so Mishka's been getting into a lot of trouble lately. She's become a cat exterminator or something, to the point that she's killed 2 cats in the last week or so. Of course, her cuteness has been diminished both by her willingness to be so cruel and the fact that cats on the brink of death tend to defend themselves. Hence, she's a bit scarred now.

She's got a few scratches: a couple on her muzzle and one about 2 cms. below her left eye. Her left ear is also looking kinda off. I'm going to sterilize her soon, hoepfuly that'll settle her down a bit and calm her down, since she's become overtly aggressive towards anyone who is not me. Also, my mum has a daschund (sp?) dog and Mishka's attacking him constantly.

Let me know if getting her spayed has any affect on her aggressive behavior. My Doberman is like that too, but she's a purebred with papers so we're waiting to spay her as a last resort.
I won't know before saturday of next week, which is when she has her appointment with the vet.
Just a question, do you treat her like she's the queen? Like, do you allow her to be dominant over you at all? Sleep in bed with you, etc?

I'm only asking because my dog is fairly good with me around, although I'm more of a "my house, I'm dominant, dogs are dogs", but around my girlfriend she's a total terror because my girlfriend treats her as a child, letting her lay ontop of her and sleep up at her head in bed.

Its gotten to the point where if we're bringing someone new into the house, I have to be around or it can become "interesting" as Mercedes won't listen to my girlfriend at all. I don't want to spay her, but if it will settle her down, then it might be worth it.
You don't have to spay your dogs. Just socialize them right.
My dog's usually been very sociable with everyone, though she sleeps in the same bed as me most of the time. If I'm not around and someone comes to visit, she'll be very nice to the other people. She gets aggressive and 'stupid' when she's with me, I guess because she's defending me against imaginary threats.

I got divorced a few months ago and I'm back to living with my mum, while Mishka is rarely alone now (she used to be alone a lot because both my wife and I worked), she's not in her house, so I guess it's her way of acting up.

I'm working about 12-13 hours per day so I'm with her at night when I get home and on weekends, when I tend to take her out a lot to socialize with other dogs. Her aggressiveness seems to take place only at home.

Wow, just wow. That is by far one of the more beautiful cats I have seen. Many often just "have" cats, but this one... The shine, the clear colours of its eyes, very cute looking cat!

Either that, or you're tricking us with the crappy camera joke while you're actually shooting with a kick-ass Nikon :P
You don't have to spay your dogs. Just socialize them right.

Its not always a matter of socializing them right when hormones are involved. No proper breeder will sell 2 brothers or sisters from the same litter, or two females that both have a dominant personality to the same person. Males will usually fight over something stupid, which means you can break them up and most times they'll forget about it. Females on the other hand will fight, and most times to the death, if left together even after breaking up the fight.

My girlfriends friend has a "intact" Boxer which was once a great dog. We've brought him to the dog park on many occassions and he's always been friendly and playful with every dog. Lately she's been having the problem of him attacking any dog that comes near her and tries to fight with any dog that doesn't show submission at the dog park. The vet and trainer both told her its his hormones coming into play and the quickest way to fix the problem is to have him neutered. Even our Miniature Pinscher lost all his eagerness to fight, as well as his inability to not pee on anything that even remotely smells like another dog after having his boys removed. Sadly though, it also made him gain weight, which we've been battling ever since.

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