Let me know if getting her spayed has any affect on her aggressive behavior. My Doberman is like that too, but she's a purebred with papers so we're waiting to spay her as a last resort.
Alright, I haven't gottent her spayed yet but I took her to the vet last week and he told me a few logical things.
First off, getting her spayed will NOT make her stop hunting small animals... which I already knew. It's her instincts and she'll always hunt small animals. The only way to stop her from doing that is putting her to sleep. I personally couldn't care less about the small animals (cats, mice, squirrels, possums, etc.), though my mum gets all mad and sad whenenver Mishka appears with a new victim.
Second, the lump on her left ear wasn't a cat bite. I was putting some unguent and stuff on it to make the wound close, but there wasn't any wound. The best guess is that she bumped her ear at some point (possibly chasing the cat(s)) and now she's got a bit of blood accumulation there. The doc gave me somehting like Ben-gay which I have to apply 2-3 times per day to sort of soften up the lump and hopefuly make it be reabsorbed into the body. If that doesn't happen, she's going to need surgery and they have to keep the wound open for about 5 days and let it ooze... and make her wear the thing that looks like bucket, which I'm trying to avoid like the plague. So we'll see at the end of this week how that goes.
Third, her aggressiveness lately could've been caused because she was in pain in her ear. The same day she came back from the vet, she was her usual, happy, loveable self. The doc put some painkiller and shaved off her ear so the cream would go on easily... she looks horrible, but seems happier since there doens't seem to be much pain. She also lets me massage her ear with the cream with little resistance, so I think it's helping. She hasn't growled or jumped on my mum's dog and it pretty nice to everyone.
Fourth, the spaying surgery isn't as expensive as I initially thought, though the decision to go through with it has always been there. She's going in tomorrow for her blood tests and hopefuly will have the surgery on thursday. Anesthesia isn't injected but rather inhaled, so there's little to no hangover from it and she's should be back to normal quickly enough.
And that's about it. I'll know more tomorrow when I take her for her blood tests. It's probably the big day will not be thursday, but as I said, tomorrow I should know.