Can't let Romney get the magic number.
That's why Omnis said he can't get the magic number (of delegates).
It's a case of Paul getting delegates more than Romney not getting delegates.
As a Michigander, I want to apologize to everyone by having Santorum up by 9.3% compared to the rest of the field. I'm not even sure how or why those numbers shifted so far away from Romney, as I know not a single Republican that is supporting him.
Oh well, I guess if they want to give away the election, its easier to just nominate him in the first place.
Joey DI too would like to apologize for this as well.
They've already started running ads here for various things, the funniest one is be Romney though. He talks about how important the unions and the auto industry are to the state when he's been quoted saying that the US Government should have left the industry to fail. Whether you agreed with the bail out or not, I can tell you right now Michigan, or at least SE Michigan, would have been destroyed if any 1 of the Big 3 filed for bankruptcy and we, as Michiganders, can all see that.
With that said though Romney should win here, although if Santorum wins I fear the population of this state is truly stupid.
No, we want Santorum and Gingrich out of the race because they're asininity distracts from the contrasts between Romney and Paul which is something that needs to be focused on at this point.We want Santorum and Gingrich to stick in the race though. Even though they aren't on the ballot in half the states. Can't let Romney get the magic number.
No, we want Santorum and Gingrich out of the race because they're asininity distracts from the contrasts between Romney and Paul which is something that needs to be focused on at this point.
I'm not about to declare anybody a winner of anything. I am prepared to say that Romney will not beat Obama without the sizable group of core Paul voters like you and I. The other two candidates are just wasting time, and the reason they're doing it is because they want to distract the media away from Paul vs. Romney so Paul gets less coverage.Gingrich and Santorum are mathematically disqualified from getting the nomination. It's just not possible for them to reach the clear-winner delegate threshold. If you take the two of them out and consider that half go to Paul and half go to Romney, then it still is possible for Romney to break the threshold.
Paul will win with the delegates anyway. Nobody else has more support. He just needs to keep Romney from crossing the winning threshold and then he can split wigs at the convention when the other two drop out.
Whether you agreed with the bail out or not, I can tell you right now Michigan, or at least SE Michigan, would have been destroyed if any 1 of the Big 3 filed for bankruptcy and we, as Michiganders, can all see that.
With that said though Romney should win here, although if Santorum wins I fear the population of this state is truly stupid.
Famine: Math is, of course, independent of the mathematician - as logic is of the mind.
Physicist, Stephen Wolfram: “For a long time, I’ve been interested in the essence of mathematics. Is today’s mathematics the only possible mathematics, or is it a mathematics that is sort of a great artifact of our civilization?” His “resounding” conclusion is that “the mathematics that we have today is in fact a historical artifact."
"I suspect that if we were to just sort of ask mathematical questions arbitrarily, the vast majority of them would end up turning out to be unsolvable. We just don’t see it because the particular way that our mathematics has progressed historically has tended to avoid it. Now, you might say, ‘But mathematics is a good model of the natural world.’ I think there’s kind of a circular argument here because what’s happened is that those things which have been successfully addressed in science when studying the natural world are just those things that mathematical methods have successfully allowed us to address."
Mathematician, Gregory Chaitin: “When you’re a mathematician and you find something that feels really fundamental, you may think that if you hadn’t found it, somebody else would have because in some sense it’s got to be there. But some mathematics feels much more contrived. … If you look into the inner recesses of many mathematicians, and I include myself, you find that we have this theological medieval belief in this Platonic world of perfect ideas of mathematical concepts... But, is it all a game that we just invent as we go along? ... My final conclusion after a lifetime obsessed with mathematics, is that mathematicians should behave a little bit more like experimental scientists do. If they do computer experiments and see that something seems to be the case, but they can’t prove it, and yet this something is a very useful truth if it were true, then maybe they should add that as a new axiom. Mathematicians will reel back in horror, but I think my work pushes in this direction. I’ve been forced against my will toward saying that mathematics is empirical—or, to put it in other words, we invent it as we go.”
Its hard to know where to start with you Famine
The best simple, general summary of this I have read is this:
"All laws, whether logic or science, are merely observations on how the universe we live in behaves. There are no laws out there that cause things to happen a certain way. Rather the law is a description of how things behave. That is, a law is how a human mind needs to express the relationships that things have to each other, whether causal, mathematical, or logical. If there are alien life forms that have something we might call intelligence, they might express laws differently but the only disagreement would be which expressed how the universe was and is best, which was most useful, and which could predict future behavior best."
Use logic to demonstrate why logic is wrong. It is, literally, all that is asked of you. Until you do, don't "start".
Congratulations - you just quoted the definition of science (more specifically the definition of a Law in science) and showed how math, physics and logic are independent of the thinker. Like I done gone said.
Any thoughts on, you know, the GOP primaries?
You should check out the podcast. They don't get through the news without at least one 20 minute rich, white guy rant from Adam. And I think he manages to anger at least one special interest group every few months and one pretentious celebrity (the latest is Kevin Smith) a year.
math, physics and logic are independent of the thinker
That is, a law is how a human mind needs to express the relationships that things have to each other, whether causal, mathematical, or logical.
the mathematics that we have today is in fact a historical artifact."
I’ve been forced against my will toward saying that mathematics is empirical—or, to put it in other words, we invent it as we go
Use logic to demonstrate why logic is wrong.
Any thoughts on, you know, the GOP primaries?
No, it is not clear that they have any absolute or objective existence outside of the ability of the human mind to conceive them. Math, physics & logic today are dramatically different from they way they were understood 200 years ago & will no doubt be dramatically different from they way they are now in another 200 years. Newtonian physics were held to be objectively correct for over 200 years until Einstein came along. Einstein's ideas are now being further modified ... & so it goes on.
Full marks for entertainment value. The Republican establishment is caught between the need to energize the "base", & fear of what that energized base represents. So there's been a parade of Tea Party/Christian-Right sanctioned front-running candidates from Bachman, to Perry, to Cain to Gingrich & now Santorum. Ron Paul continues to plug away consistently, but in the end his constituency isn't large enough to make it possible for him to win the nomination. The only question is, is there a place anywhere in the GOP or the US political system for his voice to have any meaningful impact? In a system with some kind of proportional representation it would be possible for Paul to exercise significant influence over policy making. I'm not sure whether that possibility exists within the monolithic structure of US politics.
I still think Romney will win the nomination - although a last minute appearance by Palin or Trump would provide further outstanding entertainment. If the US economy shows consistent signs of improvement, Obama will win a second term. If not, it could be a very, very tight election.
Why do we have national funding for the arts? I would cut it 100%.
How is a Frenchman going to come in here and start talking about government-subsidized fine art.
Just about every function of society can be handled more efficiently by private entities and individuals. The government shouldn't sponsor anything - it should only exist to protect life, liberty, and property, and do nothing else.
The government shouldn't sponsor anything - it should only exist to protect life, liberty, and property, and do nothing else.
First of all, how in the hell does this apply to the arts?
And do you also think that you are not currently living under socialist provision as it is?
That makes it ok then? A bad analogy but should get my opinion across. If I ate tainted beef every day for years and couldn't figure out why I was always sick, and my neighbors where doing the same, well, they day the butcher figures out there is a problem, that is the day we would all stop eating it.