Project cars 2 bug report Q&A

  • Thread starter TDZdave
Oh, the "I paid x amount of dollars" tantrum. How old are we? C'mon be realistic. It is a finished product and it's literally nothing but coding. You have to expect some hiccups when it gets put out on a massive scale outside the basic test group.

I paid $60, does that mean I'm not allowed to be as pissed off about it as you? ;)
Nope, nope, and nope.
Games used to NEVER get patches.

Patches are destroying game quality, because hey, if it doesn't work, we can work on it after we sell it to people.

Video games are one of the only things people claim are "acceptable" to be broken upon sale. (They weren't viewed that way before patches) Why? Cuz patches!
Is it only me or is anyone else regularly checking this forum and Pcars main forum in the hopes of seeing some announcement that whatever patch or patches for PS4 is finally released and ready for download and installation?
I have been looking too David, and it's not looking good. At least not for PS4 with a g29 Logitech.
Let me know if you wanna run on p1. I'll join you. ( but not tonight, I have to rest my arm..pinched nerve)
Yeah that desert penguin seems like a self appointed advocate, ignore him, he stuck his nose in my post and gave the same useless opinion.
You can't complain about someone responding to you on a public forum.
I've had none of my concerns responded to buy SMS.
What makes your concerns more important than anyone else's so SMS should focus on you?
If a fix is in the works and it was my company I would post up a list of what was being done and when...
But it's not, so there isn't.
We shouldn't have to show respect and tact...we are the customers!!!.. SMS should show respect and tact!
You're old enough, I assume, to know that respect and tact works both ways. If you don't show respect, you probably don't deserve it.
I have been looking too David, and it's not looking good. At least not for PS4 with a g29 Logitech.
Let me know if you wanna run on p1. I'll join you. ( but not tonight, I have to rest my arm..pinched nerve)

I wouldn't mind joining you for an online private lobby session on Pcars1. I currently have no desire to race Career or online on Pcars2 unless and until patches are released and hopefully fixes whatever issues we've been having on PS4.
I've never set up a private online lobby race so I'm at a loss in that regard but if you know how to I'd be game for joining you. Just let me know so we could coordinate date and time.
You can't complain about someone responding to you on a public forum.

What makes your concerns more important than anyone else's so SMS should focus on you?

But it's not, so there isn't.

You're old enough, I assume, to know that respect and tact works both ways. If you don't show respect, you probably don't deserve it.
But it "might" be a little disrespectful to sell products to people, that don't work properly?

When car makers built cars that didn't work right, lemon laws were created.
Now any fan could argue how "hard" it is to make a good car, but that doesn't stop it from being the standard.
Because selling stuff that doesn't work, or work properly is not what typically falls into "respectful".

Granted a million excuses for how it's so "hard", as if, as a gamer, we should all just "expect" broken products coming down the pipeline and it's perfectly fine, cause after all, it's really hard.

Edit: Another issue, is a few days before release, Ian Bell was on this forum. I asked him if they tested wheels on different platforms.
He answered a few other posts, and pretended that uber-question didn't exist.
Surprise, here we are, they DIDN'T.
He knew they didn't, or more likely already knew it didn't work well.

Sorry, I find it impossible to believe all these devs are helpless and "have no idea anything is wrong" when these things happen.
I wouldn't mind joining you for an online private lobby session on Pcars1. I currently have no desire to race Career or online on Pcars2 unless and until patches are released and hopefully fixes whatever issues we've been having on PS4.
I've never set up a private online lobby race so I'm at a loss in that regard but if you know how to I'd be game for joining you. Just let me know so we could coordinate date and time.
You bet...I'll see if I can get a few more clean drivers to join us...
But it "might" be a little disrespectful to sell products to people, that don't work properly?

When car makers built cars that didn't work right, lemon laws were created.
Now any fan could argue how "hard" it is to make a good car, but that doesn't stop it from being the standard.
Because selling stuff that doesn't work, or work properly is not what typically falls into "respectful".

Granted a million excuses for how it's so "hard", as if, as a gamer, we should all just "expect" broken products coming down the pipeline and it's perfectly fine, cause after all, it's really hard.

Edit: Another issue, is a few days before release, Ian Bell was on this forum. I asked him if they tested wheels on different platforms.
He answered a few other posts, and pretended that uber-question didn't exist.
Surprise, here we are, they DIDN'T.
He knew they didn't, or more likely already knew it didn't work well.

Sorry, I find it impossible to believe all these devs are helpless and "have no idea anything is wrong" when these things happen.
For me the game has great potential but it isn't finished/ready, why didn't SMS delay the release until the issues were resolved because this is hurting their reputation,I want to race but some of the bugs are so frustrating that I can't jump on and race without losing my ****, on another note, I realise the devs are busy but it's been radio silence for a few days now and all us customers want to know is "when will our purchase be fixed"?
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But it "might" be a little disrespectful to sell products to people, that don't work properly?

When car makers built cars that didn't work right, lemon laws were created.
Now any fan could argue how "hard" it is to make a good car, but that doesn't stop it from being the standard.
Because selling stuff that doesn't work, or work properly is not what typically falls into "respectful".

Granted a million excuses for how it's so "hard", as if, as a gamer, we should all just "expect" broken products coming down the pipeline and it's perfectly fine, cause after all, it's really hard.

Edit: Another issue, is a few days before release, Ian Bell was on this forum. I asked him if they tested wheels on different platforms.
He answered a few other posts, and pretended that uber-question didn't exist.
Surprise, here we are, they DIDN'T.
He knew they didn't, or more likely already knew it didn't work well.

Sorry, I find it impossible to believe all these devs are helpless and "have no idea anything is wrong" when these things happen.
Didn’t I read that you are going back to a Forza forum so that you don’t have to get frustrated about SMS/pCARS? I’m not saying it to be a dick, just if you really are frustrated about the game/developers, it’s best to enjoy playing something else like Forza, if that’s your cup of tea. Would be much more fun, probably. :)
For me the game has great potential but it isn't finished/ready, why didn't SMS delay the release until the issues were resolved because this is hurting their reputation,I want to race but some of the bugs are so frustrating that I can't jump on and race without losing my ****, on another note, I realise the devs are busy but it's been radio silence for a few days now and all us customers want to know is "when will our purchase be fixed"?
I was venting along with others, and losing my s.... also, mainly because it has been met with stony silence or critiqued that I should be more respectful and tactfull. For those who feel the same. Go on you tube and look up p2 bugs and glitches. There are many many clips to choose from, and no repeats. Once I found that, I felt better.
SMS has gotta know about them. So it's either gonna get fixed or they are screwed.
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Oh, Man.

Preordering, or ordering before evaluating feedback from early buyers, has led to the "release now, patch whenever" situation. After GT6, I stopped ordering games until after I knew whether they worked right. I am a PCars 1 fan, but will not order PC2 until it's (at least mostly) fixed and enjoyable to play.
Oh, Man.

Preordering, or ordering before evaluating feedback from early buyers, has led to the "release now, patch whenever" situation. After GT6, I stopped ordering games until after I knew whether they worked right. I am a PCars 1 fan, but will not order PC2 until it's (at least mostly) fixed and enjoyable to play. are wise...I should have waited..but most of my online racing buddies went to p2. And the only glitches I'm interested in is the online and menu glitches.
Tried hosting our first league race tonight. I have never played a game with more bugs in my life. Its clear they took zero time with the PS4 version and its clear they spent zero time BETA testing this game. Very disappointed. At the moment its impossible to host a league racing event with any form of organization.
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I guess I'm not flipping out about it because I don't do the online racing thing. The most severe problem I have the bad vibrations from a few GT3 cars that makes a couple of them undriveable. The AI inconsistent strength problem I can work around for now.
Tried hosting our first league race tonight. I have never played a game with more bugs in my life. Its clear they took zero time with the PS4 version and its clear they spent zero time BETA testing this game. Very disappointed. At the moment its impossible to host a league racing event with any form of organization.
Killer, mphile, David and myself are staying with p1 or ac. You interested?
Killer, mphile, David and myself are staying with p1 or ac. You interested?

If they don`t patch this stuff I am with you. I spent way too much time planning for the Elite leagues to have to deal with these crazy bugs right now. Here`s to hoping its fixed!
1. Telemetry glitch - the tire indicators (yellow circles that grow, shrink and turn red) show on pit road and on track until you cross the start line for the first lap. Once the clock starts the yellow circles dissappear and do not return at any point during the session. This is very annoying because without them, a major diagnostic tool is missing. For example, I was driving/tuning the Ford Falcon GT for the current time trial and the car has two bad behaviors. The brakes are super easy to lock. Easy fixes; drop the brake pressure to move the brake force deeper into the pedal movement and adjust the brake balance. Brake balance - but in which direction? I cannot tell which is locking first, front or rear. Even tried looking at the car in chase cam and look left to see if smoke would tell me. The other bad habit that this car has is on power oversteer, which made me think LSD. Without the yellow circles, it is difficult to tell if one wheel is spinning without the other, which would be an indication that the LSD is too loose (not locking) or if both wheels spin which would mean too much locking.

Without those little circles, tuning is pretty much a guessing game.

2. LSD glitch - In the tuning menu on the Ford Falcon, it shows settings for both Geared LSD and Clutch LSD. Can real world cars have both - I didn't think they could? On other cars you can toggle on and off the different LSDs. I did notice cars where I could turn all three on. So which one is actually driving the settings, the on track performance. Seems like an unfinished part of the game. So far, on the Falcon, the LSD settings seem to show zero on track performance difference no matter what setting I try.

3. No Telemetry view in replay mode. When are we going to be able to view the telemetry data in replay mode? Please add this feature. As it stands now, I try to watch the telemetry indicators while I am hot lapping. Would love to turn telemetry off while trying to set hot laps and evaluate it on-screen during fast lap replays. Is there a telemetry add on that I can use with PC? That would be useful, but would be better with telemetry overlayed on top of the best lap video. My TrackMate system in real life allows for this type of video integration. Would love to have it in Project Cars.
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Had my first 'rear tyres are so cold they don't even have a colour on the HUD' moment last night. 962C. Been driving it for a few hours the previous night, and after a few races last night it started coming out of the pits with cold fronts but nothing at the back.
Had to restart session to fix it. Happened a few times in a row.
Great car though!
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue, or whether it's car and/or track specific...but experiencing dramatic loss of car performance after pit stops.

BMW M1 Procar (totally awesome btw)
@ Bathurst, Private Test on PS4:

Started out with 50ltr of fuel, then pitted after a few laps, only taking on 2ltr each time and new tyres. Every pit stop the car seems to either gain an incredible amount of weight, or loose masses of power:

1st stint - 253kph down Conrod straight.
2nd stint - 244kph.
3rd stint - 222kph.
4th stint - 210kph.
5th stint - 190kph and could bearly get to the top of the mountain.

All damage is turned off. Reset session and same outcome. No idea what's going on. @GTsimms

Side note: can we keep this thread productive in just reporting bugs/issues and saving the tanties for another thread. It's unfortunate there are issues with PC2 but at least SMS are tracking the forums and trying to address the problems. If this thread turns into a sookfest I dare say they'll stop tracking it...
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Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue, or whether it's car and/or track specific...but experiencing dramatic loss of car performance after pit stops.

BMW M1 Procar (totally awesome btw)
@ Bathurst, Private Test on PS4:

Started out with 50ltr of fuel, then pitted after a few laps, only taking on 2ltr each time and new tyres. Every pit stop the car seems to either gain an incredible amount of weight, or loose masses of power:

1st stint - 253kph down Conrod straight.
2nd stint - 244kph.
3rd stint - 222kph.
4th stint - 210kph.
5th stint - 190kph and could bearly get to the top of the mountain.

All damage is turned off. Reset session and same outcome. No idea what's going on. @GTsimms

Side note: can we keep this thread productive in just reporting bugs/issues and saving the tanties for another thread. It's unfortunate there are issues with PC2 but at least SMS are tracking the forums and trying to address the problems. If this thread turns into a sookfest I dare say they'll stop tracking it...

Not sure atm! But I would like to know, if this happens on the PC version.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue, or whether it's car and/or track specific...but experiencing dramatic loss of car performance after pit stops.
I had one occasion where I pitted during qualy to refuel and had 100 litres of fuel all of a sudden. Needless to say that wasn't great for my laptimes. ;) Couldn't reproduce it though.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue, or whether it's car and/or track specific...but experiencing dramatic loss of car performance after pit stops.

BMW M1 Procar (totally awesome btw)
@ Bathurst, Private Test on PS4:

Started out with 50ltr of fuel, then pitted after a few laps, only taking on 2ltr each time and new tyres. Every pit stop the car seems to either gain an incredible amount of weight, or loose masses of power:

1st stint - 253kph down Conrod straight.
2nd stint - 244kph.
3rd stint - 222kph.
4th stint - 210kph.
5th stint - 190kph and could bearly get to the top of the mountain.

All damage is turned off. Reset session and same outcome. No idea what's going on. @GTsimms

Side note: can we keep this thread productive in just reporting bugs/issues and saving the tanties for another thread. It's unfortunate there are issues with PC2 but at least SMS are tracking the forums and trying to address the problems. If this thread turns into a sookfest I dare say they'll stop tracking it...
You should check engine temp maybe rise.
On PC, the time trial leadearboards shows different class from the vehicle you’ve selected.
For example, when I select a GT3 vehicle, it shows me leaderboards for GT1. If I select a GTO vehicle, it showed me Trackday A. I think it may have been correct at some point when I just got the game, but I can’t be sure. Definitely bugged now. Not a big complaint but annoying.
Didn’t I read that you are going back to a Forza forum so that you don’t have to get frustrated about SMS/pCARS? I’m not saying it to be a dick, just if you really are frustrated about the game/developers, it’s best to enjoy playing something else like Forza, if that’s your cup of tea. Would be much more fun, probably. :)
Yes, but when my alerts point me here, and I see someone talking about how respectful everyone needs to be to people who release things for sale that don't work properly, I feel obligated to reply.
In my opinion, the amount of cock ups modern devs make in these games is getting ridiculous.

Imagine ordering a Vanilla latte with extra sugar, only after you buy it, you get handed a cup and told the vanilla is on it way in a few days or weeks.
Nowhere else that I can think of, is it considered "acceptable" for things to be so broken and then maybe fixed later.

Order a car from a dealer, "hey buddy, we messed up the headlights and it has no wipers, just don't drive in the rain or dark until we call you with an update to come have us add these features".

For me the game has great potential but it isn't finished/ready, why didn't SMS delay the release until the issues were resolved because this is hurting their reputation,I want to race but some of the bugs are so frustrating that I can't jump on and race without losing my ****, on another note, I realise the devs are busy but it's been radio silence for a few days now and all us customers want to know is "when will our purchase be fixed"?
I also think it "could" be awesome. I would probably love PC if it worked.
I was just in an online lobby when the game crashed, and I got the blue screen error report message.

When I restart the game, I got a message saying that my save file was damaged, but a backup existed. My current save file would be deleted before the next time it was written over top of.

Anyone else have this happen????
I went and deleted all my setup files.

I wanted to wait for the patch, but couldn't take it anymore. The game was basically unplayable and I was losing my patience.
It instantly went back to normal and the grey (which should be black...) screen before the intro video disappeared.

Strange how half a dozen files with just a few MB can create all this chaos.
I went and deleted all my setup files.

I wanted to wait for the patch, but couldn't take it anymore. The game was basically unplayable and I was losing my patience.
It instantly went back to normal and the grey (which should be black...) screen before the intro video disappeared.

Strange how half a dozen files with just a few MB can create all this chaos.

Unfortunately you may be back to square one as you adjust/edit tune setups changing simple things like tyres to suit track/weather race conditions and/or fuel and have to save setups which you must do in order to proceed from A to B. it would be a recurring decimal until whatever patches are released to fix the current issues to work as they should.
Unfortunately you may be back to square one as you adjust/edit tune setups changing simple things like tyres to suit track/weather race conditions and/or fuel and have to save setups which you must do in order to proceed from A to B. it would be a recurring decimal until whatever patches are released to fix the current issues to work as they should.
Yeah, I am aware of that.

Right now, I have only one setup saved and each change I make (whatever the car or track) I just overwrite the previous one.
So far it has worked. Let's see how it goes.
Is this setup bugs a console only issue or is it the same for PC? I don’t have many setup files so didn’t have any issues yet, but just curious.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this issue, or whether it's car and/or track specific...but experiencing dramatic loss of car performance after pit stops.

BMW M1 Procar (totally awesome btw)
@ Bathurst, Private Test on PS4:

Started out with 50ltr of fuel, then pitted after a few laps, only taking on 2ltr each time and new tyres. Every pit stop the car seems to either gain an incredible amount of weight, or loose masses of power:

1st stint - 253kph down Conrod straight.
2nd stint - 244kph.
3rd stint - 222kph.
4th stint - 210kph.
5th stint - 190kph and could bearly get to the top of the mountain.

All damage is turned off. Reset session and same outcome. No idea what's going on. @GTsimms

Side note: can we keep this thread productive in just reporting bugs/issues and saving the tanties for another thread. It's unfortunate there are issues with PC2 but at least SMS are tracking the forums and trying to address the problems. If this thread turns into a sookfest I dare say they'll stop tracking it...

I was unable to reproduce this tonight on the PC version. But, it has been reported to SMS under PS4. @Motor City Hami reported your posting, too!