Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
I think it wouldn't hurt to look at drifting and rally, since it likely benefits the tarmac part in the end. Street tires will be more realistic if you can actually drift them, and going into the grass or dirt might be more realistic with rally implemented. In fact, patch 6.0 heating came from finding tread temperatures can go up to 200C once the tire is pushed in drifting.

To all,

Do you remember the TOCA Race Driver series? Now if the PC2 developed into something like that, I would be pleased provided that it did not take away from what has already been presented. I am do not follow and am not into point to point rally races. However indoor type of off road stadium course with jumps and bumps would be cool. Really though think that there could be championship sim mode and then more of a general sim mode that allows you race in a variety of different events and if you do all of them you would end up driving just about all of the different vehicles.
However I do like the ability to race in the special events for lack of a better term as you are working your way through your particular championship. Regardless the driving views, light effects, night/day, rain etc are really good with project cars. I would like the replay really enhanced, maybe something that focuses on lead pack for 10 / 15 seconds then goes back you your car or perhaps focuses on the back and forth battles. Maybe at the end of the replay show 30 second or less highlights of the race.

I read in this forum that actual real players might be able to take place in the races and take place of the A.I., that could be interesting. Hopefully their will be ability to share car set-ups, meaning automatically download a friend or team mates set-up. Oh also remember reading that you could be a spotter etc, not sure how that would work out but also sounds interesting.

Just google some images for TOCA Race Driver 3 --- yes, yes, yes would be okay with that content.
I had a thorough look through the official PCars forums for the first time in a couple of months, and was delighted to see a pencilled-in release date of September and to learn that none of the famous brands are missing. In other words Ferrari, Porsche and Lamborghini are all en-route to PCars2. Great news!
September would be a bad timeframe to launch on Xbox One at least, FM7 is undoubtedly due near then (since T10 sticks to their cadence of releases like clockwork).

I suspect the actual release date will depend on GTS and FM7. Best wait for a lull after those releases, or otherwise try and get in a few months before they release. Anything else will hurt sales a lot.
Personally I wouldn't regard Ian's comment as 'pencilling in' a date - it's phrased as a guesstimate and I wouldn't take anything more concrete than that from it. As for Porsche Lamborghini & Ferrari - don't think any of those have actually been named yet, except Lamborghini perhaps ;) :P
Personally I wouldn't regard Ian's comment as 'pencilling in' a date - it's phrased as a guesstimate and I wouldn't take anything more concrete than that from it. As for Porsche Lamborghini & Ferrari - don't think any of those have actually been named yet, except Lamborghini perhaps ;) :P
We've seen a screenshot of a Porsche and Ferrari.
About that penciling in a date, he has also said that they are behind on UI and Career compared to where they'd like so if it's delayed from that "Septemberish" date, it will be that or something big.
Will there be tire blanket's? This would be useful for time trials so that way we won't have to go around a whole lap trying to warm our tires up.
In TT mode you always start with warm tyres, at least in PC1. As for tyre blankets in other modes - to me it should be the same as the series it's representing, and most series don't use them. That said, options are always good...
In TT mode you always start with warm tyres, at least in PC1. As for tyre blankets in other modes - to me it should be the same as the series it's representing, and most series don't use them. That said, options are always good...
That's what we really want. In practice mode, tyres are cold and we just want to get going and tyre blankets would be great for that.
FWIW, the track was mentioned in PRC several months ago.

"You get Mugello, Sachsenring, Sampala (ice racing track), Wildcrest (rallycross), and a Surface Test Track to screw around on."
Ah yes. I completely forgot about that. Remember reading about it as well.

i've read that many users are moaning about the over-focus on dirt and oval stuffs in pcars 2. Will see.
If they're focusing far too much on Dirt and Ovals, we most likely would have seen those screens more than what we have. Plus, PC1 was a good base game. I just see these as additions to that.

Also. Deformable tracks.
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i've read that many users are moaning about the over-focus on dirt and oval stuffs in pcars 2. Will see.

Well the thing is they don't have anything on dirt or ovals so I think the focus is justified. The whole first game was based on road racing and apart from a few things they pulled it off quite well I'd say. Sure there were lots of general bugs but the physics were decent and as long as they're improved, even if only a little, PC2 should be pretty great.
Well the thing is they don't have anything on dirt or ovals so I think the focus is justified. The whole first game was based on road racing and apart from a few things they pulled it off quite well I'd say. Sure there were lots of general bugs but the physics were decent and as long as they're improved, even if only a little, PC2 should be pretty great.
Agreed. I just found a Spanish website which had a lot of information and had to use Google Translate but there was a lot of information about various things and improves the racing experience as a whole. I've added some spoilers in the OP so it's not a huge first post.

RE: Custom Championships
Roger Prynne
Yes there's been a lot of talk about custom championships..... but that's all I can say
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just played AC on PS4 and I thought I was playing ridge racer on PS1...really.. it was that bad... I cant believe people are that delusional to compare AC to Pcars
just played AC on PS4 and I thought I was playing ridge racer on PS1...really.. it was that bad... I cant believe people are that delusional to compare AC to Pcars

I got AC new for 50 bucks. So disappointed. Probably the worst game purchase of my life. Not exaggerating. Pre-patch, the game played like a PS2 game. It sure as hell looked the part too!
I got AC new for 50 bucks. So disappointed. Probably the worst game purchase of my life. Not exaggerating. Pre first patch the game played like a PS2 game. It sure as hell looked the part!
I cant believe the people in that AC forum brag about playing garbage like that, the stuttering, the HORRIBLE graphics... the terrible track details, the interior details on the old cars, the frame rate skipping, I moved the camera to the side and it looked like the car was glidding on the tracks, this was one of my worst purchases, it was with me less than 20 minutes...cut my losses and returned it to gamestop... "thank god that's over" I literally almost fainted when I saw the graphics the first time, I wish I taped myself.
I cant believe the people in that AC forum brag about playing garbage like that, the stuttering, the HORRIBLE graphics... the terrible track details, the interior details on the old cars, the frame rate skipping, I moved the camera to the side and it looked like the car was glidding on the tracks, this was one of my worst purchases, it was with me less than 20 minutes...cut my losses and returned it to gamestop... "thank god that's over" I literally almost fainted when I saw the graphics the first time, I wish I taped myself.
Let's see what you can do.