Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Honest and sincere question, why not?
I think most people that want road cars, including myself, want road versions of cars and more production cars in general because the race versions are so different (well, what I can imagine) from the road versions. There are so many iconic cars from the past and present that get race versions, but you don't get to entirely experience what all of the hype is about in them because the race versions are so different. For example, most racing sims have the Huracan GT3, but not the road version. I'd also like the road version to experience what that exact car feels like, and I enjoy the sound a LOT. The GT3 version doesn't seem to have all of the crackles and pops on the downshifts like the road versions does, from what I've seen in videos. What I'm getting at is that while the race versions will always be way more intense and faster, they are quite different from the road going versions. It's cool to have the road versions to be able to experience driving those cars you may dream about having, but not ever get to drive in real life.

Yes, I know that Project Cars is a game focused on race cars and isn't necessarily the right game to ask for road cars. I'm just expressing my opinion on the matter haha.
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I for one barely touch road cars. If I do it's to make an hot lap or two. I race online and races use race cars.

But I have to agree with nrosko on this particular case ;)
As I see pCars as growing FM and GT contender, production cars lineup is going to be increased sooner or later. pCars 3 for sure, as it'll be one of last new things that can drag more attention to the title. That game already surpasses mentioned competition on many levels.
More grip, more downforce, or more power is not necessarily more enjoyable or exciting. That's why I prefer roadcars, or historic racecars more than recent ones.

A large part of what makes simulators appealing to me is their ability to simulate the nuances of handling around the limit. It's fun to throw around a car with lower and more gradual limits, or to navigate a pack of AI cars while skating around on relatively narrow street tires at relatively low speeds, trying to maximize momentum to make the most of a limited amount of horsepower. I anticipate Road G to be one of my most-played classes in PCARS2.

The F40 LM is not so drastically different from the F40 (which is already pretty much a racecar) and may not be as excessively capable as a modern racecar, but the precedent for racecars at the expense of their road-going versions is unfortunate nevertheless.
More grip, more downforce, or more power is not necessarily more enjoyable or exciting. That's why I prefer roadcars, or historic racecars more than recent ones.

A large part of what makes simulators appealing to me is their ability to simulate the nuances of handling around the limit. It's fun to throw around a car with lower and more gradual limits, or to navigate a pack of AI cars while skating around on relatively narrow street tires at relatively low speeds, trying to maximize momentum to make the most of a limited amount of horsepower. I anticipate Road G to be one of my most-played classes in PCARS2.
My thoughts exactly.

Furthermore, and taking as example a bunch of cars from the GT3 class: those cars will feel much more the same between them than their road versions. Adding downforce, stiffness and slick tyres will remove some of the nuances that exists in the original versions. Even the sounds (with the added transmission whining) lose a bit of character.

In my opinion, of course.
I love Production Car racing. Group A, Australian Group C, Trans Am, GT4, any racing that pretty much keep the road car in tact, with a roll cage.

I've not played a game, recently, that had a classic Lambo vs a classic Ferrari. Last time I did use the F40 LM was in Sega GT, at an arcade. Thank you SMS.
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I think most people, including myself, want road versions of cars and more production cars in general because the race versions are so different
I wouldn't like to double guess others opinions but race cars are far more interesting to me, they're the ones with all the history attached. I.e. the Ferrari 488 GTE is the car which fought all day at Le Mans against the dirty Ford team, that is becomes an historic car, the road equivalent is very nice but I'd rather be driving the car of a legend like Gimmi Bruni than sitting in the mid-life crisis of an investment banker.
I care more about what kind of experience a car offers than who has driven one.

History is worthwhile, but so many roadcars also possess historical value, including but not limited to homologated/showroom versions of motorsports legends. I'd be happy enough if SMS just added a healthy stack of those, including cars already in the game in racecar form.
As I see pCars as growing FM and GT contender, production cars lineup is going to be increased sooner or later. pCars 3 for sure, as it'll be one of last new things that can drag more attention to the title. That game already surpasses mentioned competition on many levels.

Totally disagree on this part. In my opinion, Project CARS2 is in a class well above both of those, and much closer to being an iRaicng contender. I think even the folks over at iRacing are thinking this, since they have added more cars, tracks and features since the launch of the pCARS2 marketing campaing than they did in the last 2 years. Me thinks they feel a bit threatened.......

But with that said, it is imperative that @IanBell , @The_American and the rest of the SMS team pull off the key online features such as Driver Swaps, License ratings, broadcasting, and efficient netcode if they really want a shot at taking on the juggernaut of online racing. All of the promised features of pCARS2 say that they can and will (on paper). They just need to make sure it all works. They definitely have the market share advantage with being on all 3 platforms whereas iRacing is only available on PC.
Totally disagree on this part. In my opinion, Project CARS2 is in a class well above both of those, and much closer to being an iRaicng contender. I think even the folks over at iRacing are thinking this, since they have added more cars, tracks and features since the launch of the pCARS2 marketing campaing than they did in the last 2 years. Me thinks they feel a bit threatened.......

But with that said, it is imperative that @IanBell , @The_American and the rest of the SMS team pull off the key online features such as Driver Swaps, License ratings, broadcasting, and efficient netcode if they really want a shot at taking on the juggernaut of online racing. All of the promised features of pCARS2 say that they can and will (on paper). They just need to make sure it all works. They definitely have the market share advantage with being on all 3 platforms whereas iRacing is only available on PC.
And the implementation of RX could just be a reaction to that.

Although what it seems (and I'll look PC only on this) is that the only advantages iRacing has is car counts and online structure. I can't think of anywhere that iRacing has better in terms of the actual on track experience.
iRacing the last time I tried it was still... sterile. There's no "life" in driving those cars, no excitement... so I agree. wrt to track experience there's not much to offer.

wrt to racing cars, I know we tend to think "GT3" and/or modern... but we'll talk about that after trying other racing cars ;) And I can assure you that even the GT3's can be an handful. Just disable the assists and suddenly there goes threshold and/or trail braking. Not even talking about wet weather :)

Going fast is easy... faster than anybody else? No matter what car, it'll never be something boring :) Can be frustrating though but we all have our limits and so do the cars (but we probably find ours first).

Driving road cars on worse tyres just means the limits are found faster. Especially in the virtual world where we tend to push way more than IRL too soon
As I understand it, Local Yellows for Circuit Racing and FCY for ovals. Just like iRacing. Except we won't get a pace car.
Thank you because i have yet to see a video on this which is almost bothering me. Honestly i dont care that there isn't a pace car just as long as the system for it works.
Yeah I've been waiting to see how it works in game. I've seen cars spin out no yellows. Yet to see an incident causing a local yellow/code 60. Guess we'll have to wait until we play it ourselves
wrt to racing cars, I know we tend to think "GT3" and/or modern... but we'll talk about that after trying other racing cars ;) And I can assure you that even the GT3's can be an handful. Just disable the assists and suddenly there goes threshold and/or trail braking. Not even talking about wet weather :)

Going fast is easy... faster than anybody else? No matter what car, it'll never be something boring :) Can be frustrating though but we all have our limits and so do the cars (but we probably find ours first).

Driving road cars on worse tyres just means the limits are found faster. Especially in the virtual world where we tend to push way more than IRL too soon
I will give cars from all categories a fair chance in PCARS2. If it unearths some joy to driving GT3s or LMPs that is been absent from other sims, it could be because almost every sim falls apart once you introduce oversteer, which is the fun part of high-speed driving.

What's boring is not that such cars are too easy to drive in all respects, but that they are relatively uninteresting within their limits and not rewarding if you exceed those limits. Roadcars don't just reach the limits sooner, they allow you to linger around their limits, managing traction and weight shifting. Rally(cross) cars are a similar experience.

To me, driving is akin to playing with physics, where each corner is like a "puzzle" to solve, and not only a means to setting a faster laptime or winning a race. The more engaging a car is at less than the absolute limit, the better. :)
Driving on the limit is what separates the great from extraordinary drivers.

If a car is not sliding is not on the edge (slo-mo's are awesome to check this and i'm sure most of you seen those). Ofc... that edge is a red thin line :)

Oversteer / understeer... it's just a setup thing to suit driving styles... Or going hot on the exit/turn-in :D . But in pC2 you have that limit you want. You don't just spin out of nowhere. You have a margin and you can learn it. It's vey VERY intuitive. Very natural and organic. I blame STM. You'll see ;)

But the car's WILL bite on abuse. This ofc has to do with one's skill.

wrt to road cars they do have lower limits - just look at the G meters.

RL road cars are setup to allow for more error margin (read idiot drivers) but that's not the same as riding on the edge where you are trying NOT to make mistakes. The "width" of the "safety net" may depend on the electronics. There's a reason for the warnings on the super/hyper cars when enabling the race/track mode.

Be it at trying to control the dreadful liftoff oversteer on a FWD road car, or trying to get those last tenths on a racing car, it's the same for me. The only difference is that we don't race road cars... at most you'll get them to a track day, if ever.

BTW, I fail to see how a car is engaging at less than it's limit? I mean, imagine a corner that at the limit using the correct line in perfect conditions is done at 80. How engaging is it at 70?
I love the comparison of real racers coming from GT3 cars and they jump in a (V8)Supercar. No aids, skinny tyres, big power, minimal aero, live axle, locked diff. It takes a special driver, who has never driven a Supercar, to get a handle on it. I've only seen a few do it. However, the purpose of GT3: to be accessible to the gentleman driver, fulfills it's mission.
Thanks. It's a beautiful Ferrari selection.
Maybe more car is coming : 812 superfast vs Mclaren 720 (already here). ;-)
No words about lamborghini, Alpine (new A110 GT4), Renault (remember old DLC and new RS coming) yet.
I'm waiting for news.
it's been worth waiting for #ProjectCars2.
Totally disagree on this part. In my opinion, Project CARS2 is in a class well above both of those, and much closer to being an iRaicng contender. I think even the folks over at iRacing are thinking this, since they have added more cars, tracks and features since the launch of the pCARS2 marketing campaing than they did in the last 2 years. Me thinks they feel a bit threatened.......

But with that said, it is imperative that @IanBell , @The_American and the rest of the SMS team pull off the key online features such as Driver Swaps, License ratings, broadcasting, and efficient netcode if they really want a shot at taking on the juggernaut of online racing. All of the promised features of pCARS2 say that they can and will (on paper). They just need to make sure it all works. They definitely have the market share advantage with being on all 3 platforms whereas iRacing is only available on PC.

Well I mean console market only, sorry I didn't specified that. I'm just a poor xbox one user with a pad in my hands. I've played some Gran turismo's and Forza's; neither of them delivered so much complexity and availbility at once. For me all that is needed for pCars is further car list expansion.
Never been interested in Iracing, but I see Your point. Nevertheless, this game(pCars) is most likely going to deliver for both of us, isnt't it?
BTW, I fail to see how a car is engaging at less than it's limit? I mean, imagine a corner that at the limit using the correct line in perfect conditions is done at 80. How engaging is it at 70?
What I'm referring to is how roadcars start to become unsettled sooner, before they've reached the absolute limit, due to the nature of street tires and a softer suspension. In a racecar you have to push closer to the absolute limit before it becomes unsettled.

If PCARS2 simulates a wider and more controllable margin near the limit for racing slicks as you say, which is probably more realistic, then I might enjoy the racecars more than I expect. :cheers: But with the right physics, roadcars like the GT86 or 2002 Turbo should be that much more enjoyable too. :D

I've been watching a lot of gameplay vids of race and road cars alike...

I can't help but feel the car sounds haven't evolved much since CARS1. For instance, the overall sample quality still seems generously compressed and low quality, downshifting sounds don't have that satisfying bark and there's brakes squeaking in road cars. Also, I can't seem to hear any reverb or doppler effect when your car's surrounded by tall objects such as buildings or hills.. tunnels, overhead passes etc.

Is the good team at SMS planning to make major improvements in the sound stage? The first CARS is an absolute masterpiece and offers tons of endless driving pleasure, but I felt the sound stage and car sounds in particular left a lot to be desired. Particularly, revving in neutral, the cars had that horrible, synthesized and robotic sound which I also detected in CARS2 gameplay videos.

Sorry if my feedback sounds harsh, I apologize. But from what I can tell, CARS2 is turning out to be a masterpiece just like the first one. It would be a bit of a shame to see the sounds not living up to the physics, visuals or overall polish and 'completeness' of the game.
Just so you know Daffy this isn't directed at you personally. I've just seen a lot of complaints and worries based on WIP videos and photos and it's starting to get to me. And I don't even work at WMD.

To everyone making complaints like the game is broken:

IT'S STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. If it's that obvious to you that something doesn't seem "just right", don't you think it stands to reason they're aware of it too?