Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
IT'S STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. If it's that obvious to you that something doesn't seem "just right", don't you think it stands to reason they're aware of it too?

What is that is obvious? All I read is nitpicking when something is negative. And of it's WIP. Is it out? Do you even know what's in store wrt to fixes/patches/improvements/optimizations that might not yet be in a build at the time of the video?

Not saying pC2 will be perfect, none is (but this is obvious). Not to mention one's view on "what's right" because I can nitpick on the other's too ;)

You're right on that yes and I agree with you. But I still think that's part of getting it to the limits :)
More grip, more downforce, or more power is not necessarily more enjoyable or exciting. That's why I prefer roadcars, or historic racecars more than recent ones.

A large part of what makes simulators appealing to me is their ability to simulate the nuances of handling around the limit. It's fun to throw around a car with lower and more gradual limits, or to navigate a pack of AI cars while skating around on relatively narrow street tires at relatively low speeds, trying to maximize momentum to make the most of a limited amount of horsepower. I anticipate Road G to be one of my most-played classes in PCARS2.

The F40 LM is not so drastically different from the F40 (which is already pretty much a racecar) and may not be as excessively capable as a modern racecar, but the precedent for racecars at the expense of their road-going versions is unfortunate nevertheless.

I don't really get the appeal of modern race cars in a simulator. Absent the sensation of actual speed they seem pretty "sterile", with an impossible seeming amount of downforce & grip. This makes for sim racing that lacks the visceral quality that keeps things interesting & immersive. For my money, historic race cars (from the '50's & '60's) are the most interesting to sim race, especially with good FFB effects. Lots of power & speed on an inadequate rubber base, they also sound great & capture the essence of a simpler, scarier era of racing!
I don't really get the appeal of modern race cars in a simulator. Absent the sensation of actual speed they seem pretty "sterile", with an impossible seeming amount of downforce & grip. This makes for sim racing that lacks the visceral quality that keeps things interesting & immersive. For my money, historic race cars (from the '50's & '60's) are the most interesting to sim race, especially with good FFB effects. Lots of power & speed on an inadequate rubber base, they also sound great & capture the essence of a simpler, scarier era of racing!
Driving an lmp1 at its fastest is not a sterile experience, sure it's very different but to say it's sterile is as ignorant as somebody who loves lmp1 saying vintage gts are boring. I don't get what's hard to love about both extremes, if you love driving & motorcars.
I do get fed up with the bias of modern gt3 cars in games these days & generally modern cars but i don't think they are lesser experience.

I've been watching a lot of gameplay vids of race and road cars alike...

I can't help but feel the car sounds haven't evolved much since CARS1. For instance, the overall sample quality still seems generously compressed and low quality, downshifting sounds don't have that satisfying bark and there's brakes squeaking in road cars. Also, I can't seem to hear any reverb or doppler effect when your car's surrounded by tall objects such as buildings or hills.. tunnels, overhead passes etc.

Is the good team at SMS planning to make major improvements in the sound stage? The first CARS is an absolute masterpiece and offers tons of endless driving pleasure, but I felt the sound stage and car sounds in particular left a lot to be desired. Particularly, revving in neutral, the cars had that horrible, synthesized and robotic sound which I also detected in CARS2 gameplay videos.

Sorry if my feedback sounds harsh, I apologize. But from what I can tell, CARS2 is turning out to be a masterpiece just like the first one. It would be a bit of a shame to see the sounds not living up to the physics, visuals or overall polish and 'completeness' of the game.

Just an observation: most of these reports about the sound samples are being judged on recorded videos, albeit on YouTube or elsewhere, not many people outside of WMD/SMS have actually heard the game "live"....
I don't really get the appeal of modern race cars in a simulator. Absent the sensation of actual speed they seem pretty "sterile", with an impossible seeming amount of downforce & grip. This makes for sim racing that lacks the visceral quality that keeps things interesting & immersive. For my money, historic race cars (from the '50's & '60's) are the most interesting to sim race, especially with good FFB effects. Lots of power & speed on an inadequate rubber base, they also sound great & capture the essence of a simpler, scarier era of racing!
GT racing is the hot thing right now. In the past, it was touring car games(ToCA, V8 Supercars, SuperStars). Now, touring cars are making a come back as well. They have to be included.

I love classic cars a bit more, but as has been posted many times: which owners of those classics, are willing to open their garages to game developers?

I'm sure SMS want every car in their games. It just isn't possible.
Hey, I have an '03 Daihatsu Charade, that I'd hand the keys over to SMS before a heart beat. Any of us would. I'd love to drive my car in the game, stock and a race version.

Money, time, vision. Many more factors than that, Im sure. But we still have DLC coming. Just a bit of patience.
To add, check out the wish list thread(plenty of classics posted). No doubt a few of the SMS top dogs are having a peek now and again. ;)
I don't really get the appeal of modern race cars in a simulator. Absent the sensation of actual speed they seem pretty "sterile", with an impossible seeming amount of downforce & grip. This makes for sim racing that lacks the visceral quality that keeps things interesting & immersive. For my money, historic race cars (from the '50's & '60's) are the most interesting to sim race, especially with good FFB effects. Lots of power & speed on an inadequate rubber base, they also sound great & capture the essence of a simpler, scarier era of racing!
I agree, and I have a similar perspective on oval racing. There are practical reasons for oval racing in the real world, including real estate and the spectacle of overlooking the whole track while being right next to the action, but in a simulator most of those practicalities are irrelevant. So I could never relate to the appeal of oval racing in sims, especially in games of yesteryear with fewer variables to contend with or to keep things interesting.

Of course, a large part of the appeal and thrill for LMP fans or oval racing fans is the ability to experience and recreate the motorsport they love, and there's nothing wrong with that. :)
If PC2 come out with 20% of the PC1 bugs
For me fine
0ne or two patchs and voilá
And we have game for years
Agree, i actually don't mind bugs if they are not game breaking ones. If the game, even if it'll have some bugs, won't have major issues such crashes or stuttering, i'll be very happy.
I was under the impression that Ferrari F40s weren't competitively raced much. After a little research I found this informative article about the F40 LM and thought I'd share it. Seems chassis wise the road and race versions were VERY similar (not surprising really). Horse power gains will definitely make the car different than the road version I've driven in another game, and I have to say turning the boost up to 900 HP is going to be scary. :nervous:

I kind of understand the desire to have both road and race versions the game. I'd love being able to compare them. But, we can't have it all... Can we?
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Driving an lmp1 at its fastest is not a sterile experience, sure it's very different but to say it's sterile is as ignorant as somebody who loves lmp1 saying vintage gts are boring. I don't get what's hard to love about both extremes, if you love driving & motorcars.
I do get fed up with the bias of modern gt3 cars in games these days & generally modern cars but i don't think they are lesser experience.

I'm not sure "ignorant" comes into it. People have preferences - I accept that. I'm sure driving an LMP, an F1 car, or a GT car IRL is a blast & not many of us are likely to experience that, so racing them in a sim is appealing. As Wolfe says oval racing may be exciting IRL, but in a simulator is less so. I think a big part of it is the "feel" of a good FFB wheel - the ability to feel the tires slipping, the weight transfer & the body leaning. The downforce, low center of gravity & grippy tires in modern race cars make the FFB feel less interesting. May be less relevant with a controller.
I love Production Car racing. Group A, Australian Group C, Trans Am, GT4, any racing that pretty much keep the road car in tact, with a roll cage.

I've not played a game, recently, that had a classic Lambo vs a classic Ferrari. Last time I did use the F40 LM was in Sega GT, at an arcade. Thank you SMS.
Some trans am cars. The mustang trans am car looks more like a nascar

Edit: for everyone else, does my font appear slightly smaller than other posts? If yes, how did I even change that? (Or is it just my device)
Bit of an extreme reaction. It's not really surprising when you consider that the game is very much a racing game. It would be cool to have both but looking at the slant of the game I'd prefer race cars over production cars.
LOL I was just being stupid.
Some trans am cars. The mustang trans am car looks more like a nascar

Edit: for everyone else, does my font appear slightly smaller than other posts? If yes, how did I even change that? (Or is it just my device)
It looks fine to me. There is a text size button next to the underline one.
As an XBONE controller user, I still get the sensation of the tyres breaking loose, ABS. Until someone makes FFB control sticks on a controller, I see how I'm missing out on a "real" connection with car & road.
Some trans am cars. The mustang trans am car looks more like a nascar

Edit: for everyone else, does my font appear slightly smaller than other posts? If yes, how did I even change that? (Or is it just my device)
1970s Trans Am production cars. Not the 1980s silhouette cars.
I looked for a thread on this, but I didn't see one..(First time back in a long while..)

But did anybody see IGN's 5 minute video of the Jaguar F- Type hotlapping a snowy Bathurst track?

I thought the car would have done a little sliding around the corners, and I also didn't see any backfire from the car, just heard alot of popping during the downshifts..
I looked for a thread on this, but I didn't see one..(First time back in a long while..)

But did anybody see IGN's 5 minute video of the Jaguar F- Type hotlapping a snowy Bathurst track?

I thought the car would have done a little sliding around the corners, and I also didn't see any backfire from the car, just heard alot of popping during the downshifts..

I've never seen a production car with a backfire tbh
I've never seen a production car with a backfire tbh

Well I thought it would from the multiple downshifts the driver were taking during corners. I might have been trying to find an issue when there really wasn't one. Should I link the page or link the video to the video thread?
I mean F-Type is known for it's exhaust and it has a lot of crackles on off-throttle. But no backfire.

About the sliding, I think IGN was using a ice tire?? cuz that's the default tire option for snow weather.
Also we don't know which assist level they've used.

This is the video here. I might have just been focusing too hard.

This video isn't on YouTube for some odd reason, or I just can't find it. I had to pull it from IGN. Hopefully it's working for you all..
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This is the video here. I might have just been focusing too hard.

This video isn't on YouTube for some odd reason, or I just can't find it. I had to pull it from IGN. Hopefully it's working for you all..

I think you are right about the grip here, i think even with studded snow tires i find it hard to believe the car wouldn't slide more than that. The surface looks like churned up wet snow which would be very slippy.

This is the video here. I might have just been focusing too hard.

This video isn't on YouTube for some odd reason, or I just can't find it. I had to pull it from IGN. Hopefully it's working for you all..

Thanks for sharing this vid, looks amazing and THAT SOUND! :eek:
I think you are right about the grip here, i think even with studded snow tires i find it hard to believe the car wouldn't slide more than that. The surface looks like churned up wet snow which would be very slippy.

Yeah, I knew something was up about it. A car like that in snow? Doesn't seem right. Granted I don't think anyone from IGN play racers with assists off, or racing games in general, so they may have had all the assists on.

Thanks for sharing this vid, looks amazing and THAT SOUND! :eek:

Hey man, no problem. Gotta share the wealth with the community.
So at this stage, is there anything about this game that remains unanswered or a bit of a mystery?

I'm struggling to see anything that's left to discover before release...
I think you are right about the grip here, i think even with studded snow tires i find it hard to believe the car wouldn't slide more than that. The surface looks like churned up wet snow which would be very slippy.
Looks like they're using Stability Control in this. That would make sense in a lack of slide aspect.
Looks like they're using Stability Control in this. That would make sense in a lack of slide aspect.

Maybe I'm basing it off my real world experience of driving in snow and ice, but even with Stability Control/TC, I had more slide in my car than this, and I know I was traveling slower..

But to that, I have to admit, it is a video game after all.
Maybe I'm basing it off my real world experience of driving in snow and ice, but even with Stability Control/TC, I had more slide in my car than this, and I know I was traveling slower..

But to that, I have to admit, it is a video game after all.
But your car runs with standard road tyres that are not specifically suited for the conditions.

This is the video here. I might have just been focusing too hard.

This video isn't on YouTube for some odd reason, or I just can't find it. I had to pull it from IGN. Hopefully it's working for you all..

Just tested this in game with both no aids and authentic aids on both winter carving and ice tyres. In all instances is possible to provoke the car to slide. It's a lot easier to maintain control with aids on and ice tyres are more planted than winter carving tyres. However, give it enough right boot and you can get the back end out no problem. Turn all aids of and it's tricky!

In the IGN video they seem to be driving quite slowly compared to how fast I could drive.
So at this stage, is there anything about this game that remains unanswered or a bit of a mystery?

I'm struggling to see anything that's left to discover before release...
As a standard PS4 owner I'm interested in how well the game is optimised for my platform and how PS4 Pro compares.
I have seen a comparison video on Team VVV where they have PCars 2 running on both PC and standard PS4 and it was very encouraging i.e. There was barely any difference that I could see.
Actually I'll go and rewatch it again right now.
Just tested this in game with both no aids and authentic aids on both winter carving and ice tyres. In all instances is possible to provoke the car to slide. It's a lot easier to maintain control with aids on and ice tyres are more planted than winter carving tyres. However, give it enough right boot and you can get the back end out no problem. Turn all aids of and it's tricky!

In the IGN video they seem to be driving quite slowly compared to how fast I could drive.

Oh okay, good to know. I'll be rocking with the aids off.

I've been looking at comments on YouTube about controllers and wheel setups. I do believe them when they say that using a controller is alot better from the first iteration of the game. I'm not able to afford a wheel setup right now, so I had to make due with a controller, and I even won a couple of online races. Input and throttle control had a steep learning curve, (didn't think the game was supposed to be easy anyway), but that make the game fun to me. Since it's better refined for PC2, I should have a much easier time out of the box.