Ian Bell
- 729
- Ireland
Very important! If you have a slower graphics card DO NOT turn off v sync! (Seems counterintuitive)
After 10 minutes I was so dissapointed that my 900 dollar gaming laptop couldn't run the game but it was turning off v sync. Do not do this. By the way, mediumish settings run great on a GTX 1050.
As per driving, I always thought the rain, snow, ice driving was a dumb gimmick to sell more copies but oh boy was I wrong! F type svr in rain on all terrain tires is so terrifying! I really like the feeling in the wheel just before it starts to slide, feels just like real world rain driving.
Also, I've been hearing that the AI is poorly balanced class to class and track to track? Is this true? It would be super frustrating having to adjust the AI every single career race
The AI isn't perfect everywhere. There are so many potential variations, many live and dynamic, that it's almost impossible. We are though continuing to polish as feedback comes in. Doug Arnao is currently tasked to do nothing else for the next 3 months.