Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Very important! If you have a slower graphics card DO NOT turn off v sync! (Seems counterintuitive)

After 10 minutes I was so dissapointed that my 900 dollar gaming laptop couldn't run the game but it was turning off v sync. Do not do this. By the way, mediumish settings run great on a GTX 1050.

As per driving, I always thought the rain, snow, ice driving was a dumb gimmick to sell more copies but oh boy was I wrong! F type svr in rain on all terrain tires is so terrifying! I really like the feeling in the wheel just before it starts to slide, feels just like real world rain driving.

Also, I've been hearing that the AI is poorly balanced class to class and track to track? Is this true? It would be super frustrating having to adjust the AI every single career race

The AI isn't perfect everywhere. There are so many potential variations, many live and dynamic, that it's almost impossible. We are though continuing to polish as feedback comes in. Doug Arnao is currently tasked to do nothing else for the next 3 months.
Hey Ian, can you please post the FFB settings he was using. I can't believe they were the PS4 T300 defaults :) I so want to love this, but I'm struggling just now.

Try each of the 3 flavour presets.

PS guys please also use the official forum as there's no way I'll be able to keep up. I'll be in often but in terms of proper tech advice you'll find much better tested information in there.
What's up everyone! Jumped over from Ps4 to pc for this game. Unfortunaly I can not get my 300rs to connect to the game. I have the drivers installed, and my gaming laptop seems to recognize the wheel. But when I boot up pc2 it's not connecting? I apologize I'm new to the pc world lol, any advice?
I just saw inside sim racing review of the game and he said the AI was one of the cons of the game. That kinda caught me off guard. Looking at all of the pre release videos, the AI didn't look bad. Yes they still do stupid crap at times but it looked better. Giving room was something I actually saw in pre release footage that I saw and that was one of the main problems I had with the AI in pcars1.
What's up everyone! Jumped over from Ps4 to pc for this game. Unfortunaly I can not get my 300rs to connect to the game. I have the drivers installed, and my gaming laptop seems to recognize the wheel. But when I boot up pc2 it's not connecting? I apologize I'm new to the pc world lol, any advice?

Usually people don't install the drivers that come with the wheel (CD) but the most recent ones found on the website of Thrustmaster. You might want to check that here or in the official PC2 forum.
Cross posting because i wanna hear you guys also:

I´m loooving it so far, but:

I´m getting my ass handed with the new handling model so far. I still don´t know how much is settings, a crappy G25 (still) or just some bugs.

Braking with some cars is mental.

Downshifting with H pattern cars is ridiculously hard. The game forces you to heel and toe, i know it´s a technique, but it´s like the older race cars just keep on neutral if you don´t tap the gas pedal.

It´s a struggle to find the right balance. Tried messing with LSD settings and engine braking, but nothing so far.

Also, braking even with ABS is hard as **** in some cars. My benchmark car is the famed McLaren F1 on Zolder, and i´m 10 seconds slower than in Pcars 1, where i was on the top 5 of the leaderboard. It changed a lot.

It´s funny, because despite cars being more catchable, it´s the hardest sim i´ve ever raced. The R30 silhouette is a handful.

Anyways, these are just two things i´m having trouble right now, but t has the potential to be the best racing game of recent years.
For those using a controller, try out these setting tweaks. It looks as though the default settings are configured weird/twitchy out of the box for some reason. Quite a few people have mentioned this makes a world of difference:

Trying these settings now at Donington. Found a bit much lift oversteer, at Bathurst, using semi-default settings. That was using the #55 R32(XBONE, controller).
I just saw inside sim racing review of the game and he said the AI was one of the cons of the game. That kinda caught me off guard. Looking at all of the pre release videos, the AI didn't look bad. Yes they still do stupid crap at times but it looked better. Giving room was something I actually saw in pre release footage that I saw and that was one of the main problems I had with the AI in pcars1.

Surprising to me too. Mostly because from my limited experience with AI, they seem pretty good. I was completely mugged when doing a race around Long Beach in an Indy Car. I had made my pass, and as I was approaching the final complex of corners before the hair pin I thought I was comfortably clear of the car behind me so I didn't block. Next thing I know I see him brake late and fill the gap I left. I had to back out to avoid cutting him off and causing a crash.
To me it just immersed me even more. I was then offline for the next corner and compromised so I couldn't fight back, so instead I filed in behind the AI and spent the next lap trying to make up that position.

Maybe ISR are right, and maybe I just havent had enough experience with the game. But to me things are feeling so good.

I probably sound like a broken record with the positivitiy I have for the game, but to me this is the best Racing game I have played ever. I just cant wait for my weekend when I will finally have the free time to give the game the sort of attention it deserves!
Wasn't able to spend very much time on the game tonight due to it being 11 PM. However, the time I had was well worth it. The controller physics are drastically improved over the original, the frame rate feels solid and I've already snapped a quick pic.


I think @IanBell and the team have done a good job on this one :cheers:👍
Can someone please help me out.. I bought the physical copy (deluxe edition), and inside are only the season pass and Japanese cars pack. Isn't there supposed to be a motorsports car pack code as well? Am I missing something? (PS4 AUS)
Can someone please help me out.. I bought the physical copy (deluxe edition), and inside are only the season pass and Japanese cars pack. Isn't there supposed to be a motorsports car pack code as well? Am I missing something? (PS4 AUS)
I have XBONE Deluxe. It already updates with the Motorsport Pack during install.
Can someone please help me out.. I bought the physical copy (deluxe edition), and inside are only the season pass and Japanese cars pack. Isn't there supposed to be a motorsports car pack code as well? Am I missing something? (PS4 AUS)
I believe the Motorsports Pack is a bonus if you get the Season Pass, it's not sold seperately.
On the website from where I bought it from (JB-Hi-Fi) it says it comes with a digital download code, so I was worried for sec. So it's a part of the season pass.. Thanks for clearing that up. :))

Now I just have to wait for the update to finish downloading! :scared:
I just saw inside sim racing review of the game and he said the AI was one of the cons of the game. That kinda caught me off guard. Looking at all of the pre release videos, the AI didn't look bad. Yes they still do stupid crap at times but it looked better. Giving room was something I actually saw in pre release footage that I saw and that was one of the main problems I had with the AI in pcars1.

The AI kind of struggle with the GTO cars and the Group C cars in some tracks. I did a race at the Glen and couldn't even get past turn one because all of the GTO class cars just did a huge mosh pit. It's weird because the rest of the classes I do there is absolutely fine
@IanBell @The_American I'm going to be honest here. I don't know how you guys created this game in 2 years or however long it took. It is such a step up from pCars1 and I liked pCars 1 a lot. Every single question I've asked since the beginning of the year has been answered within a few hours of playing and they are all overwhelmingly positive except for one, it will be at the bottom of my post. The car suspension is just soaking up bumps and kerbs where the cars would just bounce off in pCars 1. You can fully trail brake deep into corners without the rear end killing you. Cars cut into corners very well and without the hesitation like they used too. The aero model seems to have a much more defined working range where you can clearly separate mechanical and aero grip. The penalty system is even better than what I expected. The audio for locking, sliding, bouncing, etc wheels is spot on and easily identifiable. You can really race people door to door now and know what your going to get. There aren't any unexpected slides or lockups. The menus are soooo much better and you can adjust FFB while on track!!! There are bugs here and there, but nothing like pCars 1 and none of the bugs I've found will dampen the racing.

One problem I do have is there is a FFB deadzone in my wheel. I made a more detailed post in the wheel settings thread.

Also when online and someone joins the session while it's in progress the game stutters multiple times but each stutter is shorter than it was in pCars 1, so you can mantain car control to a point. Is this a design decision or a bug?

This is going to be an awesome game for years to come! :cheers:
Well I managed to play this for about 20 minutes, and coming from someone who played a lot of Forza 6, I honestly don't know how to feel about this game. Trying to drive the McLaren 720s on Long Beach felt more like a chore than an enjoyable experience. Nothing I did could keep the car and control and I soon found myself hitting wall after wall after wall. The game still has roughly six hours worth of content to download, and I honestly hope that the rest of the cars aren't as ridiculously hard to drive as the McLaren.
@IanBell @The_American In the PS4 wallpaper, there are nothern lights (aurora borealis). Is there anyway to activate that inside PCars 2 while racing, qualifying, training, etc..?
For example, Driveclub used to had Aurora Borealis activated in a certain track at certain time of the day and weather.
@IanBell @The_American In the PS4 wallpaper, there are nothern lights (aurora borealis). Is there anyway to activate that inside PCars 2 while racing, qualifying, training, etc..?
For example, Driveclub used to had Aurora Borealis activated in a certain track at certain time of the day and weather.

Yes go to the ice track and set the season to winter (I think!). :)
Welp my t300rs just died... i only used a handful of times since I purchased it. I'll contact thrustmaster tomorrow. Bummer but I still think I can have some fun with a controller.
Enjoy the long arduous process of Thrustmaster's support team. That's the one thing that keeps me from getting one of their products. If I'm gonna go up in quality I'll have to wait until I can save for a Fanatec