- 1,913
- valencia
- Donnced
Standard PS4
Still a lot of cars jagged, tearing,popup and fps drops and no AA improved.... Pcars 1 Still looking better than Pcars 2.
And,nooo,don't gonna buy an iPhone PS4 Pro S console..
Track limits and penalties are a true joke and game breaker for me.
AI is just stupid when you use multiple whether choices...They enter and exit pit with no sense.
The Lag when people enters and exit the online lobbies is still there and still whorse than in Pcars 1... The server stability also... Netcode need quite some work done!
What they did with the GT3 cars...?
Men....They have now more grip than the GT3 cars of Gran Turismo Sport
At least the intro doesn't seem washed out any more...
Game back to the box and will keep playing assetto, Project C.A.R.S 1 and other games for a while...
Last game i buy day one from SMS...The next one i will wait the "complete edition" ..
Still a lot of cars jagged, tearing,popup and fps drops and no AA improved.... Pcars 1 Still looking better than Pcars 2.
And,nooo,don't gonna buy an iPhone PS4 Pro S console..
Track limits and penalties are a true joke and game breaker for me.
AI is just stupid when you use multiple whether choices...They enter and exit pit with no sense.
The Lag when people enters and exit the online lobbies is still there and still whorse than in Pcars 1... The server stability also... Netcode need quite some work done!
What they did with the GT3 cars...?
Men....They have now more grip than the GT3 cars of Gran Turismo Sport
At least the intro doesn't seem washed out any more...
Game back to the box and will keep playing assetto, Project C.A.R.S 1 and other games for a while...
Last game i buy day one from SMS...The next one i will wait the "complete edition" ..