I have played played about 3 hours since midnight, in standard version, Xbox One X (I'm installing in the base Xbox, for lulz.)
These are my general impressions so far:
Presentation: I like it in general; the colorful menus don't bother me as they are well organized and instictive to use. It's nice to have a garage/studio (Like FM5), I wish it had more locations. I do miss a killer musical track in the intro,though (Eau Rouge is now a permanent fixture in my music collection).
Visuals: Currently dissapointed, as the Xbox One X is capable of much more than I'm getting. Even when setting the visuals to prioritize framerate and the console @1080p to use Freesync, there is noticeable tearing and frame drops in some tracks, specially if the weather is involved. The visuals, as they are, would have been good (not great) in a Xbox 360!
Sound: I like the sound mix with headphones (I either use Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos); you hear the tires (very important because it signals the limits of grip), suspension, the rush of air, etc. and is well balanced.
Handling with a pad: I'm really liking it, it feels very natural and instictive, and allows me to have a relaxed grip on the controller (in PC2 it was a deathgrip), definitively a unique experience, different from Forza 6/7, different from GRID. It has much less rumble, even @100%, than those titles, yet still communicates the road conditions very well, there is a true connection between what you are seeing/feeling and your inputs. I would dare to say it reminds me a bit of FM4 (but with the better physics.)
Rivals: I did the Laguna Seca with the Mustang and loved it. At first it was confusing to race with 4 ghosts (that you can't turn off apparently), but then it became fun and addictive to leave them behind.
Customization: Loved that too, specially tyre branding and the variety of wheels.
Career mode: I'm at level 2 now and at the point of making some decisions to complete Road E (I'll sell the GT86, sorry pal), too bad the 300,000 cr glitch is gone. I noticed that the showroom has cars in offer! (the C8), but I didn't give in to temptation...
Custom race: Rather poor graphical performance, even with only 16 cars in the track. I think I'll do them with cars that I own, rather than rentals.
All in all, I am having fun, it is more engaging than FM7 or PC2 (I'm stuck in the middle of career mode there, because tyre behavior in Abu Dhabi, Cayman Cup, long story), much better handling experience than GRID (which I admit it can be tamed, and enjoyable), although it loses the graphics race handily.
I would score it a 7, with potential to go to 8-8.5, because the handling/enjoyment is so good, if they ever enhance the visuals for the still "most powerful console in the world" (Go ask your corporate masters, they know how.) EDIT: That was rude, what I meant is that Codemasters sure has more polished products.
EDIT: For lulz again, I replayed the Shangai race in the old OG Xbox... If you pretend is a retro PS2 game, its kinda awesome!

Now, seriously, I keep the OG Xbox to play FM6/FH2 and those two could have been produced yesterday!