Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Besides, there's an ENORMOUS difference between a $500 card and your 5670 for ~$100. A $500 card will last 4-5 years, but at the end of that time the graphics performance will be nothing special, just as the graphics performance of a PS3 or 360 is nothing special these days.

This begs the question. What's wiser when going for a single card solution in terms of 'lifecycle vs money'? Buying a $250 card or a $500 top model? As you claim with the above the top models last 5 years and will thus cost you $100/year, but will a lower end model do the same or better?
This begs the question. What's wiser when going for a single card solution in terms of 'lifecycle vs money'? Buying a $250 card or a $500 top model? As you claim with the above the top models last 5 years and will thus cost you $100/year, but will a lower end model do the same or better?

My own opinion is that the sweet spot lies around the $250-350 mark. It varies by what's on the market and such, but I'm happy to budget around $100/year for graphics. I get good graphics the whole time for 5 years buying two $250 cards, as opposed to the extreme highs and lows of holding a $500 card for that period of time.

Also, if your $500 card happens to blow for whatever reason, you're a lot more pissed off than if your $250 card blows. Not that I've ever had a card fail, but you never know.

Mid-range cards don't do much for your e-penis, but they work well.
My own opinion is that the sweet spot lies around the $250-350 mark. It varies by what's on the market and such, but I'm happy to budget around $100/year for graphics. I get good graphics the whole time for 5 years buying two $250 cards, as opposed to the extreme highs and lows of holding a $500 card for that period of time.

Also, if your $500 card happens to blow for whatever reason, you're a lot more pissed off than if your $250 card blows. Not that I've ever had a card fail, but you never know.

Mid-range cards don't do much for your e-penis, but they work well.

Well to be fair, I still have my GTX480 (as you can see in my sig) and it still works fine. That said, my dad has a GTX470 for gaming which works just as fine still for most games. So I have to agree that I might have payed a bit too much.

Also if I would've cared about my e-penis than I would've upgraded my system a long time ago. The point is that I am still pretty happy enough with my system and thus do not see the need to hurry and get new parts. Which was different in the 90's and early 00's though as back than hardware seemed to get outdated much quicker as the steps in performance gain were much greater.
I am sure that with the new gen Intel processors (devil something) and with Nvidia's Maxwell coming my system will start to look ancient though. ;)
Appartently it has no feedback and has a response delay so its useless
That's true if you don't make any programming changes. Also, this is still without official wheel support from the CronusMAX developers. When that comes, it will probably be very different.
You have got me extremely excited at the thought my G25 may work with Project Cars on Xbox One... Is there anyway if that is the case it could work on Forza 5?
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Yesterday I contacted Fanatec and asked why they dont contact Slighty Mad Studios and make a driver for PS4. Unfortunately I get a random answer, pointing to this link: -->

So it looks like its on on SMS to get the Fanatec wheels work on PS4.

It's not up to SMS to get Logitech/Fanatec wheels working on the PS4. They need a low level drivers for the PS4 from the wheel manufacturers (Logitech!), if those are available then SMS will surely support the wheels.
It's not up to SMS to get Logitech/Fanatec wheels working on the PS4. They need a low level drivers for the PS4 from the wheel manufacturers (Logitech!), if those are available then SMS will surely support the wheels.

But Logitech is not in the "wheel" business anymore and won´t make drivers for PS4, thats why I contacted Fanatec.
But Logitech is not in the "wheel" business anymore and won´t make drivers for PS4, thats why I contacted Fanatec.

...and that is where the problem lies. It IS up to Logitech, but if they don't care to do it then you're out of luck.

I'd imagine Sony or MS will have a better force than a fan petition. If either or them offer enough money to make sure the devices work on their games surely they won't say no. I can't imagine for example Sony wanting to launch GT on PS4 and have to tell everyone most of their current wheels won't work.
...and that is where the problem lies. It IS up to Logitech, but if they don't care to do it then you're out of luck.

And still I dont get it why Logitech has to make a driver for an Fanatec wheel? Why cant Fanatec make their own PS4 driver? It cant be that hard I think.
Well, I tried Assetto Corsa and after 1-2 hrs I came back to GT6. Then I tried Race Injection today. It´s nice but still not satisfying. The FFB feels totaly aged, about the graphics I dont want to talk. After 1-2 hrs of Race Injection I went back to GT6. And realized again that also GT6 gives me no satisfaction...

Cmon SMS do it all right on Project Cars... The SIM genre misses an worthy follower after the aged SIMBIN games...
It may be the way the hardware is accessed by the OS and the game that is based on Logitech hardware access, and Fanatec's expertise may be in hardware development, not software.
And still I dont get it why Logitech has to make a driver for an Fanatec wheel? Why cant Fanatec make their own PS4 driver? It cant be that hard I think.
Well I guess it must be, otherwise they'd do it.
I doubt it's hard. There are 2 problems though: 1- Fanatec's ways and priorities are just a a little bit mysterious. 2 - Since Logitech aren't going to earn a single cent more than they have already done from wheel sales, they're not likely to spend a single cent on adapting their exisiting driver to PS4.

Both PS3 and PS4 use a FreeBSD variant as the OS. That means that it's most likely just a few hours work for Logitech to bring their driver to PS4. The best bet may be that Sony or one or more game studios offer to pay for that since it's in their interest to sell games to existing G25/G27 users rather than pissing them off with artificial obsolescence. Of course this option may be "complicated" due to corporate politics which we're not privy to... For example, Logitech may realize that a Gxx driver for PS4 will let Fanatec freeload on that as well as get more sales.

I hope I'm wrong and that Logitech/Fanatec/Sony just want the best for consumers and do the right thing (Bwahahaha :crazy:) Sorry, just having a gloomy moment...
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I doubt it's hard. There are 2 problems though: 1- Fanatec's ways and priorities are just a a little bit mysterious. 2 - Since Logitech aren't going to earn a single cent more than they have already done from wheel sales, they're not likely to spend a single cent on adapting their exisiting driver to PS4.

Both PS3 and PS4 use a FreeBSD variant as the OS. That means that it's most likely just a few hours work for Logitech to bring their driver to PS4. The best bet may be that Sony or one or more game studios offer to pay for that since it's in their interest to sell games to existing G25/G27 users rather than pissing them off with artificial obsolescence. Of course this option may be "complicated" due to corporate politics which we're not privy to... For example, Logitech may realize that a Gxx driver for PS4 will let Fanatec freeload on that as well as get more sales.

I hope I'm wrong and that Logitech/Fanatec/Sony just want the best for consumers and do the right thing (Bwahahaha :crazy:) Sorry, just having a gloomy moment...
If the Logitech drivers don't make it to the PS4, the blame rests with Sony in my books. Money talks, we all know this, and it's obvious Sony needs this way more than Logitech does. I'm sure many more consoles and certainly driving games will be sold if all wheels currently supported on PS3 are supported on PS4. It would be sheer stupidity on Sony's part if they don't make this happen one way or the other.
I can't imagine for example Sony wanting to launch GT on PS4 and have to tell everyone most of their current wheels won't work.

Me neither. But I can imagine Sony holding back the release of the drivers until GT7 Prologue comes out, & then aggressively advertising that GT works with old wheels unlike P Cars.
PD have supported each previous official wheel in each subsequent GT game even across generations. I can't see them stopping now, but PD does get the budget to get the drivers done. I don't think anyone else has that kind of budget.
If the Logitech drivers don't make it to the PS4, the blame rests with Sony in my books. Money talks, we all know this, and it's obvious Sony needs this way more than Logitech does. I'm sure many more consoles and certainly driving games will be sold if all wheels currently supported on PS3 are supported on PS4. It would be sheer stupidity on Sony's part if they don't make this happen one way or the other.

And if Sony pay for the Logitech drivers and get the wheels (officially) working on PS4, this would be another huge win against Microsoft. The word officially is the key in my post. I read it above, some fans made the G27 work on Xbox One but that is not official and just for hardcore fans.
Aye folks! If I were the Sony CEO, I'd spend that pocket change in a flash. It's Sony's chance to show that they're the "cool" console company. They have managed to get at least little consumer goodwill for prior "coolness" and the smart thing to do is to take good care of that :)

Me getting a PS4 hinges entirely on wheel compatibility...
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I'm beginning to get really worried my DFGT wont work. I bought it for about £100 in December, and I don't fancy spending more than that again just so I can use a wheel on the PS4.

I really hope it get's sorted out though.
I thought I saw an official statement from SMS/WMD that all current wheels will work with pCars...

Or was that statement referring to PC only?
^ No, that was about consoles. SMS have said that they intend to support every current steering wheel if technically possible. I.e. if a driver is available pCARS will include it. It also depends on the interpretation of "current", but SMS are sim enthusiasts an all around smart guys, so they'll do what they can to please us sim fans.
Game developers should be beating on the wheel makers doors to get the drivers. After all the developers have the most to gain by all wheels being supported.
Sony are usually the best (out of them and M$ :P ) to do the 'right thing' and reverse actions or sort things out. So I could totally see them introducing these drivers if it will enhance sales, after all PS is the only profitable Sony business section right now.
Sony has already stated they have nothing in place that stops wheels from functioning on the ps4. All that is need are drivers from wheel makers to developers. So technically even the servo wheel makers could submitted their drivers and they would also work on the ps4.