Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Sony has already stated they have nothing in place that stops wheels from functioning on the ps4. All that is need are drivers from wheel makers to developers. So technically even the servo wheel makers could submitted their drivers and they would also work on the ps4.
A $$$$billion business doesn't "wait" for stuff to be done, they go out and make it happen. Hopefully this is all being done behind the scenes and everyone is just being Mum on the subject until it actually happens. I won't shell out $$hundreds for a new "official" wheel for PS4 (speculation) when I have a perfectly good G27. I'll take the money I would have spent on a PS4 + new wheel and drop it into a gaming PC and never look at PS again if that's the case.
A $$$$billion business doesn't "wait" for stuff to be done, they go out and make it happen. Hopefully this is all being done behind the scenes and everyone is just being Mum on the subject until it actually happens. I won't shell out $$hundreds for a new "official" wheel for PS4 (speculation) when I have a perfectly good G27. I'll take the money I would have spent on a PS4 + new wheel and drop it into a gaming PC and never look at PS again if that's the case.

No men, Sony loves their fans and really listen. So I think they will support all possible wheels on PS4 too...
Im not sure what else you expect Sony to do? Write the drivers themselves? I think their may be some laws that prevent that. I also think its a bit unreasonable to expect Sony to pay a wheel manufacture to write the drivers for their wheels. After all their is still money to be made from doing so. They are still making wheels to sell.
With Driveclub expected to be released before Project Cars, that could provide the impetus for wheel manufacturers to get their drivers issues sorted. Personally I'm already considering getting a gaming rig instead of a PS4, and this issue of wheel compatibility might well be a deciding factor
Im not sure what else you expect Sony to do? Write the drivers themselves? I think their may be some laws that prevent that. I also think its a bit unreasonable to expect Sony to pay a wheel manufacture to write the drivers for their wheels. After all their is still money to be made from doing so. They are still making wheels to sell.
Logitech is out of the wheel business. Sony has the biggest dog in this hunt by far, they need Logitech and everyone else to get this done as many console and game sales will depend upon it. It isn't a pissing contest, it's simply in Sony's best interest to not wait around for this to happen and Logitech to do it out of the goodness of their heart. I expect Sony to go to Logitech and say, "How do we make this happen?", then make it happen. That's how business works.
Logitech is out of the wheel business. Sony has the biggest dog in this hunt by far, they need Logitech and everyone else to get this done as many console and game sales will depend upon it. It isn't a pissing contest, it's simply in Sony's best interest to not wait around for this to happen and Logitech to do it out of the goodness of their heart. I expect Sony to go to Logitech and say, "How do we make this happen?", then make it happen. That's how business works.
Logitech isn't out of the wheel business.
Logitech isn't out of the wheel business.
Unless it's changed in the past year:

Even if they weren't it would still be irrelevant. GT7+PCars+DriveClub alone could be responsible for selling million of consoles + games, easily worth $billions, but far less without support for existing wheels. Like I said it's not a pissing contest, this is far more important to Sony than Logitech. Get it done.
That has nothing to do with Logitech still making wheels, only that we wont be seeing anymore GT or other such branded wheels from Logitech. They aren't paying to be an official wheel anymore. They don't have to be though to sell wheels for the ps4. Sony isn't asking for a fee, they don't even want the driver, you send that to the developer. So it is very much in Logitech's interest to send drivers to the developers as much as the developers to be asking Logitech for those drivers. Sony did their part and got the hell out of the way.
Unless it's changed in the past year:

Even if they weren't it would still be irrelevant. GT7+PCars+DriveClub alone could be responsible for selling million of consoles + games, easily worth $billions, but far less without support for existing wheels. Like I said it's not a pissing contest, this is far more important to Sony than Logitech. Get it done.

What part of CONSOLE peripherals don't you get? They still make wheels.

IIRC, at one point there was no game controllers (wheels) on the Logitech site. Memory may fail me here though...

In any case it makes sense: R&D has been paid for, G25/G27 is the baseline sim controllers and has a very good reputation. Churning them out is a no-brainer, it's like printing money at this stage. If they intend to keep producing them, sending a driver kit to Sony is another no-brainer...
What part of CONSOLE peripherals don't you get? They still make wheels.
What part of irrelevant don't you get? Sony is Goliath to Logitech's David. Sitting around waiting for Logitech to deliver isn't good enough IMO. Make it happen.
What part of CONSOLE peripherals don't you get? They still make wheels.
...and they push them on their site as Console peripherals as well as PC peripherals. Only PC, PS2 and PS3 compatibility is cited ATM though. It's kind of promising that they've not pulled out of / got back into console peripherals. I guess G25 and G27 is very much "current" then.

IIRC, at one point there was no game controllers (wheels) on the Logitech site. Memory may fail me here though...

In any case it makes sense: R&D has been paid for, G25/G27 is the baseline sim controllers and has a very good reputation. Churning them out is a no-brainer, it's like printing money at this stage. If they intend to keep producing them, sending a driver kit to Sony is another no-brainer...
The G27 just received an update and is still available on Logitech's website for sale. The DFGT was Logitech's only licensed Sony/PD product, it is no longer available on their website for purchase.

EDIT: Atleast in the USA, I think someone said the DFGT is still available on the UK website.
Ok I also thought/readed that Logitech has stopped making wheels but if they still do, thats great! I´ve readed that they gave up and now Thrustmaster has taken their job. But probably that was really only about official stuff like GT wheels.
I think Logitech is still manufacturing their existing wheels. I think they just said that they won't be developing new ones.
Don't understand why everybody thinks that only wheel manufactures can write drivers. We have several DS3 controller drivers for PC written by independent developers. MAD can certainly writer theirs.
^ PCs and consoles are two very different things in this respect. On a PC anybody can do as they please. On a console you first have to gain access to a dev kit (approvals, NDAs, expensive kit). Then, anything you make has to be approved and distributed by the console manufacturer. It's very strict and very controlled and basically only available to high profile gaming studios and peripheral manufacturers.
How is the livery creator in this? Is it like it was in the Shift games?
At the moment, it works with photoshop templates that you copy to a folder. How it will work in the end and on consoles, we dont know yet.

Also what ever happened to the pit stop driver swaps?

The animations or the offline/online system? Animations will come later on, I believe work will be done on the driver swap (nothing confirmed as usual), but the work on the joining session in progress needs to be completed first.