Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
looking through twitter and I see this from the PCARS twitter page in response to lack of info about the One

"“@yeahyeahnice: All of this PS4 talk worries me that Xbox One will be less of a game. @wmdcars” <- All good things come to those that wait."

So from the sounds of it, either they wont do anything about the Xbox one besides the fact that it will be as identical as possible to the PS4, OR they have a few announcements up for grabs in the future regarding the Xbox One version.

@Myles Prower


I've also found a forum where all the build notes (up to 741 as of June 7th). Check it out, really interesting things in there. In the latest one I read something regarding "Contract Offers" in there :D
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From following the WMD forum and the build notes, it's clear that the XB1 isn't being left behind in any way. The build notes have had more XB1 than PS4 stuff lately. At a (semi informed) guess, the PS4 and XB1 versions will be quite similar, i.e. no surprises expected.
One question will you be able to buy this game through retail or is it downloadable online? I would prefer to buy retail the i don't have to war up my downloads.
This steering wheel argument really is rediculous. Battlefield is considered a shooting sim, but do people play it with machine guns?
No, they use a controller.
So why the hell is it so offensive to some that people want to use a controller on a race sim? :confused:
Correct me if I am wrong but there isn't a gun available to use with battlefield but there are many wheels available to use on racing sims ? So wouldn't it make sense to use the most realistic control device available considering they are marketing this game as a sim ?.
I am very surprised they won't have at least 1 wheel setup to showcase the game to the hardcore sim racers.
Correct me if I am wrong but there isn't a gun available to use with battlefield but there are many wheels available to use on racing sims ? So wouldn't it make sense to use the most realistic control device available considering they are marketing this game as a sim ?.
I am very surprised they won't have at least 1 wheel setup to showcase the game to the hardcore sim racers.
I'm pretty sure I've seen videos of guys wearing oculus rift, walking around on one of those 2 axis treadmills and holding a gun peripheral with inbuilt directional tracking. Like racing motion platforms it's not cheap, say 0.001% user base?
So, is there only going to be a playable PS4 build? If so, I wonder what WIi U news we will get, maybe a trailer at the Digital Event?
Oulton Park, Ginetta G40 Junior
PCARS: 1:59.424
Fastest lap in the race that just happened: 2:04.447

Maybe Mr René Rast has been cherry picking the lap times that he shares with us, so that P Cars appears more accurate than it actually is?
No, it doesnt look poorly. But it is an entirely different game aimed at an entirely different crowd, so the two games will surely be able to co-exist peacefully.
I said in comparison to PCARS. Not "it is a poor game"
Maybe Mr René Rast has been cherry picking the lap times that he shares with us, so that P Cars appears more accurate than it actually is?

Or maybe he just shares the lap times of car/track combos that he is driving in reality as well. But admittedly, your thesis has way more conspiracy potential. :rolleyes:

I said in comparison to PCARS. Not "it is a poor game"

Nope, not looking poorly in comparison to pcars, either. To model the whole of the US, in a scale so big that it takes 90 minutes to drive across it, in the quality that we have seen so far is nothing short of astonishing. Landscapes, vegetation and lighting all look fantastic for an open world game imho.
Or maybe he just shares the lap times of car/track combos that he is driving in reality as well. But admittedly, your thesis has way more conspiracy potential. :rolleyes:

Nope, not looking poorly in comparison to pcars, either. To model the whole of the US, in a scale so big that it takes 90 minutes to drive across it, in the quality that we have seen so far is nothing short of astonishing. Landscapes, vegetation and lighting all look fantastic for an open world game imho.
Great. Now let's see how the gameplay and cars will be.
Maybe Mr René Rast has been cherry picking the lap times that he shares with us, so that P Cars appears more accurate than it actually is?
I have no idea if that car's physics are finished, what tires were used both in the game and in the real race, weather conditions, track conditions etc. Could be a number of factors at work here.
I have no idea if that car's physics are finished, what tires were used both in the game and in the real race, weather conditions, track conditions etc. Could be a number of factors at work here.
Not only this, but you just can't expect a sim to be 100% accurate to real life- well, not yet anyways...... :eek:
It's been said thousands of times, comparing lap times in games is utterly pointless. Yes it's nice that Rene gets them close but they are in no way an indication the sim is perfect, just as that lap time being way faster is not an indication it's a crap sim.

They're a guide, nothing more.
It's been said thousands of times, comparing lap times in games is utterly pointless. Yes it's nice that Rene gets them close but they are in no way an indication the sim is perfect, just as that lap time being way faster is not an indication it's a crap sim.

They're a guide, nothing more.
This. In a game, you can push yourself hard,because there isn't the worry that you will be killed.....
This. In a game, you can push yourself hard,because there isn't the worry that you will be killed.....

What we need is a USB peripheral device we can wear that damages your body in real life, corresponding exactly to the in game action. Slam into a wall at 136mph? The device breaks both your legs! Someone punts you from behind? The device gives you whiplash! Major crash involving multiple flips? The game device ruptures your spleen & inflicts multiple random injuries to your whole body!

That'll slow those sim racers down some huh!

;) :lol: