Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
According to Logitech, they are working on drivers for the G27. This is from their Twitter dated Nov 22nd 2013;

@Logitech Hello. I was wondering if there will be driver support on the PS4 for the G27. Thanks in advance.

@LBTRecords we're still working on PS4 support. updates will be posted to the forums when there is news.


If you have a Twitter account, why not ask them how it's going, & if other wheels like the G25, DFGT, & DF Pro will be supported on PS4 as well.


Looks like Logitech has as much issues as Fanatec on getting a license from Sony.
It is all guess work as I don't know, but doesn't this make it suspiciously so that Thrustmaster and Mad Catz have exclusivity deals going on? :indiff:

At least now we officially know that Logitech has at least on a support level decided to still support consoles. Maybe on a hardware level too with a new wheel maybe? Would be nice for a lot of people.
@Logitech Hello. I was wondering if there will be driver support on the PS4 for the G27. Thanks in advance.
If you have a Twitter account, why not ask them how it's going, & if other wheels like the G25, DFGT, & DF Pro will be supported on PS4 as well.


Done 👍
Looks like the dark side of the Nintendo fanbase is nothing on steering wheel users in terms of moaning. :P :lol:
Delayed release for unspecified amount of time vs a maximum 2-3 month delay for the final list of compatible wheels...
Delayed release for unspecified amount of time vs a maximum 2-3 month delay for the final list of compatible wheels...
Wii version will release vs complete uncertainty if your periperals wil be supported and rendered maybe rendered useless for the next generation of consoles.
Don't get us wrong, you have every right to be upset about your peripheral being unsupported, but...

It's just amusing for the whiny Nintendo fans to be accused of being impatient, and in less than a week everyone is up in arms about incomplete information on peripherals. I'm not defending the griping about the Wii U delay, by the way.
Wii version will release vs complete uncertainty if your periperals wil be supported and rendered maybe rendered useless for the next generation of consoles.

Or look at it completely dark.

Wii U version doesn't release -> you keep 60 euro in the pocket
Your newly bought Clubsport Wheel doesn't work on PS4 -> you just spend and lost 500-1000 dollars or more on something that is only usable on PC and the PS3.

In both cases it is just hopes and anticipations that get destroyed. The issue is that one is prior a purchase, but the other is post a considerably larger purchase.
There is one big difference though. The Wii U was said to be released no matter what, but Logitech nor Fanatec have ever stated that their current products are or will be PS4 compatible. Neither were they marketed as such.
This means that if Wii U would be dropped that a promise would be broken, but I can't remember the wheel manufacturers having promised anything definitive in relation to next gen console compatibility. And non-existing promises can't be broken.

So in the end while wheel buyers are butt hurt, they are themselves responsible for taking a gamble prior to having any securities if bought with next gen in mind. Now those that bought prior to thinking about next gen... you guys bought a device that was only compatible with the devices it was marketed for at the time. Thus you should realise that any future upward compatibility with new consoles or other systems is a service from the wheel manufacturer. They are better of selling new wheels after all, but service like this is a form of binding the customer.

So I wonder who really has more reason to be upset. I think it should be pretty even to be honest.
I do own G27 and I think that Logitech should add support for G27 on PS4 as is rather expensive wheel, also signed petition, but what is future of G27? Logitech is out of console business, Sony is in bed with Thrustmaster and so is SMS. Force Feedback in pCars will be tuned on Thrustmaster wheels, Gran Turismo will be the same.
Isn't time to sell G27 and move to new T300 RS which looks like improvement over G27 in every way if you don't need clutch and H-style shifter?
So in the end while wheel buyers are butt hurt, they are themselves responsible for taking a gamble prior to having any securities if bought with next gen in mind. Now those that bought prior to thinking about next gen... you guys bought a device that was only compatible with the devices it was marketed for at the time. Thus you should realise that any future upward compatibility with new consoles or other systems is a service from the wheel manufacturer. They are better of selling new wheels after all, but service like this is a form of binding the customer.

With my first wheel, the dfgt, that I bought for ps2 and gt4, I didn't even thought about if it will work on ps3 with gt5p. It was self explaining to me that it will. And so I thought about ps4 too.

Then Fanatic should get off their asses and do something to get that license. This is a flimsy quote at best to use as evidence for some conspiracy against wheel manufactures.
Easier said than done, because nobody knows what Sony wants from them for the license.

What conspiracy? I've never said this nor believe that Sony has something against wheel support. I've said that nobody knows which company is to blame for this. Could be both. You have said it isn't Sony fault, which you have yet to proof.
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If I was you (those with a Logitech wheels) I would be selling it "very soon" while their still worth something. One way to look at it, you will be upgrading to a better wheel (TM TX/300). Of course, you can stay put on principle or hope that compatibility with the PS4 finely materializes, but it's a gamble.

I sold my Fanatec CSR and Elite pedals (1 year old) and got a very good price for them, then ordered a TM TX and soon T3PA pedals. Nothing is forever...

Of coarse, you could do your racing on the PC, especially if your primary gaming interest is racing, where your wheels will work just fine. There are so many excellent past, present, and future racing games/sims, many sims that won't make it to the consoles. If you have to invest in a PC upgrade, you will definitely get your monies worth.
With my first wheel, the dfgt, that I bought for ps2 and gt4, I didn't even thought about if it will work on ps3 with gt5p. It was self explaining to me that it will. And so I thought about ps4 too.

Could you me how it was 'self explaining'?

From what I gather the situations are different now. Allow me to explain how I see the different situations. Starting from the DFGT you mentioned and the PS2 to PS3 move.

Granted the service of Logitech has always been top notch, but the PS2 had a different architecture than the PS3 eventually got. So it needed new drivers.
The big thing was always that Logitech made GT branded wheels, of which the DFGT was the last one I think. So they had to make new drivers as at the time of GT5 Prologue they were probably still in the running to become a wheel partner for GT5. So it was natural to make the wheels compatible as they were still completely involved in the console market.

Onto the PS3 to PS4 era:
Than with the release of GT5 Polyphony Digital choose to go for Thrustmaster as their partner. Than about a year before the new console release Logitech stated it would get out of the console market.
After that statement PD still ended up releasing GT6 on the PS3, which meant they could include all GT5 drivers and any updated drivers if there were any.
Now with the PS4 being launched we got 3 major games to look forward to on short and long term. Driveclub, pCARS and GT7. The thing is that 2 of those are developed by studios with very close relations to Sony/SCE. That being Driveclub by Evolution Studios and GT7 by PD.
Now to great surprise (sacarsm ;) ) after PD having the T500 as 'their GT wheel', Evo Studios has their T80 'driveclub edition' wheel. So I wouldn't be surprised either that there might be an exclusivity deal by Thrustmaster as a result of improved relationships with Sony via Polyphony Digital.
Now we just recently learned from Fanatec/Thomas here on the forum that they are stuck on getting a license from Sony, albeit having requested one. At least that's how I interpret his messages. Also Logitech has responded via twitter that they are trying to make their wheels PS4 compatible, but have no news to report. Possibly due to the same reasons as Fanatec has issues, they probably can't get a license from Sony either.
Lastly nobody asked Mad Catz about them making a PS4 wheel or not, but I would not be surprised they are stuck at the licensing stage either if they have or had plans to a PS4 wheel.

So the difference between than and now is clear. Back than Logitech was the brand and was all in. Now it is Thrustmaster, who I think might have gotten exclusivity deal with Sony. Even if that suspicion is pure speculation, all evidence starts to point to such.
Anyways that's my take on the difference between than and now. If Logitech had remained top dog than things might have looked different. Although than Logitech might have had an exclusivity deal. Than again... maybe Fanatec would have ended up using their drivers in that situation as with the PS3. Which means we would have at least two compatible brands with wheels instead of just one brand.
In any case, we can wish all we want but the fact is that only Thrustmaster has been able to make licensed wheels and drivers for the PS4 thus far. And if they have an exclusivity deal... let's hope it is for just a year tops.
Anyways, I'll leave it up to everyone what to think of such situation. :)

ps. I believe I named Mad Catz in an earlier message as having a PS4 wheel, but I got that mixed up as they only have an xboner wheel.
If that is true then Sony have done a big mistake, still don't think it adds up, exclusivity on a 3rd party accessory?. A new low if you ask me.

It's guess work. Maybe there is a different reason behind it. But if so... what?
All we know for sure is that Thrustmaster is licensed and as the only one has brought wheels to the PS4 market, while both Fanatec and Logitech have said to be working on getting a license so they can start their work to make us race game lovers happy one way or the other (new wheel or old stuff becoming (semi-)compatible (semi as in only in the game and not in the menu)).

Oh and there is always a new low for everything, sadly enough. First was removing stuff from the story line of games to make it DLC. Than came the 'pay to win' type of 'free' games. Etc... Etc...
All in all they will always think of ways to get our money and to become or stay the best in their market. Capitalism at its finest I suppose.
It's guess work. Maybe there is a different reason behind it. But if so... what?
All we know for sure is that Thrustmaster is licensed and as the only one has brought wheels to the PS4 market, while both Fanatec and Logitech have said to be working on getting a license so they can start their work to make us race game lovers happy one way or the other (new wheel or old stuff becoming (semi-)compatible (semi as in only in the game and not in the menu)).

Oh and there is always a new low for everything, sadly enough. First was removing stuff from the story line of games to make it DLC. Than came the 'pay to win' type of 'free' games. Etc... Etc...
All in all they will always think of ways to get our money and to become or stay the best in their market. Capitalism at its finest I suppose.

I have to say your argument does sadly make sense, it just seems like a needless constraint considering the flagship Thrustamster wheel isn't in the same price bracket as most wheels players own, I think if this really is the case, something will eventually leak.
Ok, so there have been multiple pages completely full with this debate now and frankly it's getting really old. Yeah, it sucks for those people who want it on PS4 and have a logitech wheel, but we have a dedicated thread for that discussion in the Project Cars section for that. This thread is supposed to be about the game, not hardware.
If it does turn out that Thrustmaster got exclusive license for the PS4, than that guy from Sony (don't know his name) flat out lied to consumers with his statement that Sony has nothing in place stopping older wheel support. If they gave exclusive rights to a single company than they have put in place something to stop older wheel support.
If it does turn out that Thrustmaster got exclusive license for the PS4, than that guy from Sony (don't know his name) flat out lied to consumers with his statement that Sony has nothing in place stopping older wheel support. If they gave exclusive rights to a single company than they have put in place something to stop older wheel support.

Or he simply didn't know about any special deals made in private by the higher ups? Cause to be honest, inside a big company like Sony I don't expect any employee to know everything that is going on all the time.
Just look at one's own position at work and how much you yourself know about all that is going on. So personally I would not be surprised that it could be a false statement by mistake due to lack of knowledge at the time.
Than again there could be something else going on instead that we don't have knowledge of.

In any case and no matter what, the only thing we can do is hope the situation changes in the near future. Just don't hold your breath until the launch of the first racing games.

For now let's sign the following petition in the hope to get heard. I already did even though I own compatible wheels. The reason why I did it is because I want to see all of you only... the more the merrier as they say. ;)
💡 So please, even if you don't own a wheel or own a different brand wheel... sign it for your fellow sim friends. :bowdown:

Petitioning Sony - Add Logitech wheel support to PS4
Some good news for a change: The Ginetta G55 GT4 has been added! (not sure when exactly, I just accidentially found it yesterday, to my surprise :D ) Aint she a beauty...

Could you me how it was 'self explaining'?

From what I gather the situations are different now. Allow me to explain how I see the different situations. Starting from the DFGT you mentioned and the PS2 to PS3 move.

Granted the service of Logitech has always been top notch, but the PS2 had a different architecture than the PS3 eventually got. So it needed new drivers.
The big thing was always that Logitech made GT branded wheels, of which the DFGT was the last one I think. So they had to make new drivers as at the time of GT5 Prologue they were probably still in the running to become a wheel partner for GT5. So it was natural to make the wheels compatible as they were still completely involved in the console market.

Onto the PS3 to PS4 era:
Than with the release of GT5 Polyphony Digital choose to go for Thrustmaster as their partner. Than about a year before the new console release Logitech stated it would get out of the console market.
After that statement PD still ended up releasing GT6 on the PS3, which meant they could include all GT5 drivers and any updated drivers if there were any.
Now with the PS4 being launched we got 3 major games to look forward to on short and long term. Driveclub, pCARS and GT7. The thing is that 2 of those are developed by studios with very close relations to Sony/SCE. That being Driveclub by Evolution Studios and GT7 by PD.
Now to great surprise (sacarsm ;) ) after PD having the T500 as 'their GT wheel', Evo Studios has their T80 'driveclub edition' wheel. So I wouldn't be surprised either that there might be an exclusivity deal by Thrustmaster as a result of improved relationships with Sony via Polyphony Digital.
Now we just recently learned from Fanatec/Thomas here on the forum that they are stuck on getting a license from Sony, albeit having requested one. At least that's how I interpret his messages. Also Logitech has responded via twitter that they are trying to make their wheels PS4 compatible, but have no news to report. Possibly due to the same reasons as Fanatec has issues, they probably can't get a license from Sony either.
Lastly nobody asked Mad Catz about them making a PS4 wheel or not, but I would not be surprised they are stuck at the licensing stage either if they have or had plans to a PS4 wheel.

So the difference between than and now is clear. Back than Logitech was the brand and was all in. Now it is Thrustmaster, who I think might have gotten exclusivity deal with Sony. Even if that suspicion is pure speculation, all evidence starts to point to such.
Anyways that's my take on the difference between than and now. If Logitech had remained top dog than things might have looked different. Although than Logitech might have had an exclusivity deal. Than again... maybe Fanatec would have ended up using their drivers in that situation as with the PS3. Which means we would have at least two compatible brands with wheels instead of just one brand.
In any case, we can wish all we want but the fact is that only Thrustmaster has been able to make licensed wheels and drivers for the PS4 thus far. And if they have an exclusivity deal... let's hope it is for just a year tops.
Anyways, I'll leave it up to everyone what to think of such situation. :)

ps. I believe I named Mad Catz in an earlier message as having a PS4 wheel, but I got that mixed up as they only have an xboner wheel.

Normally I don't read such long write up's but as it was personally to me I did. Thanks for your effort.

To answer your question shortly, I was in no forum, I was reading no news, no Twitter and had no big interest on rumors etc. And I was young :D so as gt5p came out on ps3 I did not even think about if my wheel will work or not because I thought it is like on pc. Usb is usb and never thought that things are so complicated.
@VBR this is Logitech answer:

hristo goshev@hristo1026
@logitech Hello. I was wondering if there will be driver support on the PS4 for the G27,G25 and DFGT. Thanks in advance - 18 Jul

@hristo1026 Unfortunately we have no updates to share concerning this matter. But please stay tuned for all future announcements.

01:56 PM - 18 Jul 14

Hmmm...not sure if I should "stay tuned for all future announcements", or continue to join in with GT Planet members speculative assumptions...hmmm.
