Yes all good and well that you feel like co workers and strictly hold civilized discussions with a glass of brandy over there in the WMD members /gentlemans club, i salute you kind sir. Still doesn't change the fact that no one can give us a descent explanation on who exactly is screwing us over, as they all keep putting the blame for this scam on eachother.
Nobody screwed anyone over. You all had good hopes that up till today haven't come through... yet. But nobody has promised anyone anything I believe. Cause from what I see...
1. Microsoft and Sony remained silent on the matter pre- and post-launch of their consoles. So they didn't promise anything.
2. There has been a press release by Logitech static they were stepping out of the console market prior to the release of the XB1 and PS4. So they already told the world not to expect anything from them. However, people like you tend to twist their words in order to 'keep up hope', which doesn't make you feeling screwed their fault but yours alone.
3. Fanatec has said they wished to release compatible wheels, but apart from a wish and a promise to look into matters they haven't stated anything. As of yet there has been no public news from Fanatec with an update on the matter. Meaning there is no news to report because of reasons. Thomas' recent post is a hint.
4. Thrustmaster and Mad Catz are the ONLY two companies up till now with licenses to make pheripherals for both consoles. Which reeks, in my personal opinion, after a exclusive manufacturing licensing deal for just these two parties. Especially since Thomas stated in his message that for Endor/Fanatec getting a license in itself is not a big deal. Which points to other issues. Though this is suspicions on my part.
5. SMS has said that they would include any wheel compatible pre-release, and patch newly made compatible wheels into the game post-release. Which means you have nothing to be mad about towards them.
So nothing has been a scam and nobody screwed anyone over.
Why do you think new drivers are needed for both consoles?
PS4 - has a new architecture based on a PC like CPU, while the PS3 was based on the CELL cpu. As these processors speak different languages, the drivers are simply not compatible.
XB1 - Microsoft made a new security and communications chip, plus has other demands like the kinect stuff. So new devices need to be made no matter what as to be compatible with Microsofts demands and to contain the necessary hardware. And for that new drivers need to be made anyway.
Sorry, but I really can't see anyone getting screwed by anyone. Well, maybe by the console manufacturers because MS didn't stick to their old hardware, and Sony didn't stick to the extremely complicated CELL architecture.
I just don't see it on SMS' side, nor that of other game studios... Like Evolution Studios (which is even owned by Sony I thin).
Also I think Logitech was clear enough on part of their exit.
Fanatec is trying behind the scenes but with nothing to report, so that's something that's still hopefully. If they can come through before the release of pCARS... only the higher ups of Fanatec know.
So for now it really does just leave those other two, Thrustmaster and Mad Catz, for the consoles. A sad thing but what can you do about it?
I would love for all wheels to be PS4 and XB1 compatible. Even the no-name ones and up till the SimSteering and Accuforce wheels. Though I want to suggest staying realistic about it, cause if something after such a long time post-console announcements still isn't getting anywhere quickly... chances are it won't change a lot in the near future either.
So all we can do is wait for a press release of one of the parties involved. Don't hope so you don't get disappointed and be all sour like now, but just treat any positive news in the future as a bonus.