Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
I can almost say with absolute certainty that it ISN'T possible to build a PC to PS4 quality gameplay at UK prices. Not a hope in heck.
My PC cost me less than £350 IIRC nearly a year ago now and I would be surprised on current games out, that it would fail to outdo the PS4. However I got my PS4 for free so my PC cost me a lot more. I haven't used it in a while so will give hopefully pCARS a go this weekend and see what kind of settings it can run game at.
Thanks for the response, I was hoping I would be able to run PCARS on the highest settings, I don't have access yet, but I believe it has been called ultra.
You mentioned that the 760 is a good starting point, do you think I should be aiming higher?

I went over to the NVIDIA Website and looked at the performance chart, it looks like the GTX TITAN Black is the top GPU, but that cost more then $1k, strange thing is the GTX 690 shows the highest performance on the chart, could that be a misprint?

I don't want to spend $1,000 just on the Graphics card, that's insane!!!
I agree that is over the top. A 760 probably performs as well on Project CARS as my AMD 7970. NVIDIA cards have a tiny edge (the gap is narrowing, but that another discussion). That is adequate for me; I sacrifice some of the very finest detail for framerate. The finished product will most likely be further optimized.
differences between high PC setting/ps4 and ultra pc setting

Project CARS is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in November, and the good folks at Slightly Mad Studios are working hard to optimize the game.

Today I talked with Vehicle Art Manager Jan Frischkorn during a hands-on presentation, and he mentioned that the PS4 version is quite stable at 60 frames per second already, while the Xbox One version still didn’t reach that goal, which is why the game is currently being shown only on PS4. Of course that’s just the current condition, and the team is still working to achieve the frame rate goal on both consoles.

Frischkorn confirmed that the PS4 has a power advantage over the rival, and mentioned that it definitely makes things easier for developers. As a matter of fact, the team was surprised by how well the game ran on Sony’s new console from the beginning.

In addition to that, we learn that the cars have about 60,000 polygons each on consoles, while the PC version on Ultra shows cars with between 200,000 and 300,000 polygons. On high it will bring the number down to 60,000.

The reduction in polygons on consoles is compensated with normal maps, and the cars definitely still look awesome. By comparison Driveclub has about 250,000 polygons per car, but it’s designed to display a considerably lower number of them at the same time.
Also, there are two things to consider with the above. First, the law of diminishing returns show that when you get above a certain number of polygons, it's difficult to see the difference in the quality of the models. Secondly, there's a lot more going on under the bonnet in pCARS, such as a tyre model that accurately models the way the heat from the brakes warms the wheel up and affects the tyre temperature, and a fully dynamic weather and day/night cycle. It's like trying to compare a stone wheel with a Pirelli P-Zero.
That car is based off the Chevrolet Lumina, so Chevrolet is my prediction

Yes please..
I have to admit, it's one of the best kept secrets in the project, one that actually is kept for a change, but we're waiting for the parties involved to agree on the wording of the announcement. It's all done and dusted, 'i's are dotted, 't's are crossed, etc., but it's just out of politeness.
Given that they are in the latest build I'm very surprised someone hasn't videoed them and youtubed it without realizing or reading the WMD forum thread....
Given that they are in the latest build I'm very surprised someone hasn't videoed them and youtubed it without realizing or reading the WMD forum thread....

I think they have, but have been jumped on pretty quickly.
So have we reached the point that the 3 new mystery cars would be released through an update/dlc or is there still time for SMS to completely finish them and include them at launch?