Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Can a WMD member please explain to me how it takes only about 36 months to make 99.9% of the game but 1 & 1/2 months to complete just .1%? At least whenever they do release the game, it will be closer to completion...
Maybe it's 95% complete. Does it make you feel any better or worse? :)
Can a WMD member please explain to me how it takes only about 36 months to make 99.9% of the game but 1 & 1/2 months to complete just .1%? At least whenever they do release the game, it will be closer to completion...
I'll be open on this: None of us WMD members know the exact reason. But with SMS management personally funding these delays, you can bet that a decision like this was not taken lightly. I'd say in terms of feature-completeness the numbers mentioned are correct. In terms of stability/bugs/polishing: it's hard to say from my point of view. If you asked me before yesterday, I was inclined to say we were on track, but of course none of us have any idea with progress or issues on the console side.
One thing i don't like is how none of the WMD members have tested the console version, i think they are having problems in this area. I know its going to be a great game and at lot is down to the input of the WMD members, so why haven't they had access to console? i just find this strange!

As for more delays, im all behind SMS, as its a great thing they are doing here with the community, but keep delaying is making them look silly. Why not just say May last time and play safe, save more egg on your face!
As for more delays, im all behind SMS, as its a great thing they are doing here with the community, but keep delaying is making them look silly. Why not just say May last time and play safe, save more egg on your face!

Exactly, just say Q1 or Q2 2015 and when the game is gold and in stamping, announce the fixed date for a week or two later.
I know its going to be a great game and at lot is down to the input of the WMD members, so why haven't they had access to console? i just find this strange!

Wouldn't they require dev kit PS4s to be able to test?. I can't imagine you'd be able to run anything on a regular ps4 without Sony approval and/or the appropriate gear.

This is one of the reasons yes (it would require a dev-kit for every person, and they don't come cheap, apart from all the logistical effort required to get that up and running for a mass-development effort like Project CARS), and I'm sure there are more (technical, logistical, NDA, platform owner demands, etc. etc.). It's not like developing a mobile game, where you can just setup TestFlight accounts, use your own device, etc.
Sony amd Microsoft would not allow developing on the console on that way unless SMS paid a large amount . As a result I believe that a company is hired to do QA (quality and assurance) for the consoles. because of this process we have nothing to do with the consoles and so don't get much info on the consoles.
I'm going to be honest and say the PC version is almost there for bugs and it's just lists of little ones. If it was released now it would way more complete than AC.

Looking at the build lists for the last few weeks it's just an awful lot of bug fixing and inputting bits that dot the i's and cross the t's.
However I have noticed they've stopped putting in the console updates at the top recently.
I'm more p-o'd at Clarkson being suspended :mad:(fired) than the PCars delay:lol:

Only suspended, he hasn't been fired/sacked as yet. I don't see the BBC can let this show die as it brings in a huge amount of there budget. The last 3 episodes may run later in the year. There was a good interview on the BBC morning news program yesterday with the Original Stig (pre Ben Collins) He really stood in Clarksons corner
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Like I've said before, I'm quite happy about the delays. If they continue to delay the game right up until the Sony/Thrustmaster exclusivity deal expires & I can use my G25 or G27 in Project CARS, I'll be even happier!

Uncharted 4 delayed aswell, being a game dev in this generation must be incredibly hard, no wonder Activision hired 3 devs studios to make COD games
Uncharted 4 delayed aswell, being a game dev in this generation must be incredibly hard, no wonder Activision hired 3 devs studios to make COD games
I think it's to do with the fact that we expect better graphics and 60fps but consoles aren't powerful enough. And dx12 may not make much of a difference for consoles when compared to PC.
So, when will they let us know exactly what the free extra content is?

Oh, sorry. "Revealed shortly."
Wouldn't get overly excited. Have a feeling they'll just release stuff scheduled as part of a paid DLC or season pass as free content instead. So for people planning on getting all DLCs anyway it won't be that big of an incentive.
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Wouldn't get overly excited. Have a feeling they'll just release stuff scheduled as part of a paid DLC or season pass as free content instead. So for people planing on getting all DLCs anyway it won't be that big of an incentive.
That's true. It's worth little to nothing for us planning to buy the season pass.
Of course not , tell me about it , i'm make computer programs too. But if they still need to get rid of the major bugs , then they can't call the game 99.9% finished.

Who said anything about major bugs? The updates that are being listed are very small things, nothing major there. If there are a million (not an exaggeration) things in the game (think of all the assets for the tracks, cars, physics engine, graphics engines, netcode, controller inputs, sound, etc.) it only needs 10,000 things to be fixed to make up 0.1%. Do you really think, being a software engineer yourself, that these are likely to be major things, or tiny little things like typos in the emails that you get sent in the career mode?

In the latest build notes:

Build 952 (10/03/15) - MB
* Fix for 458 Spider wheel not appearing (WMD-6110)
* Time representation on career event settings - WMD-4381
* Change text used for when you have no leaderboard entry (WMD-6039).
* Disabling sounds, when clearing or updating gui list, fix for WMD-6105
* Clear replay and photo lists data on leaving driver network profile page (WMD-6114).
* Disable "Use This Ghost" option if no ghost attached to leaderboard entry (WMD-6108).
* Disabled state added to 'Use This Ghost' buttons on Time Trial and Events page (WMD-6108)
* WMD-6117: Fixed "Pentapodia" achievement, now correctly checking whether a lap is completed on exit of a session, instead of the race complete event. "Triple Crown" achievement fix. Only count final championships towards the disciplines count.
* WMD-6094: Fixed "Community Ambassador" achievement. Now correctly checking whether a lap is completed on exit of a session, instead of the race complete event. Fixed "Player 1 Versus The World" & "Pristine Paintwork" awarding the achievement counting quit sessions towards the goal.
* WMD-6097: Some community event ghosts can not be selected from the list: Fixed the community events GUI showing ghosts being available for records with no ghosts attached. Fixed the first lap of time trial not counting for ghost upload, leading to times posted without ghost. Hardcoded the number of rows visible on the time trial (console) page to 16 because the automagic code logic sometimes fails and then never shows any leaderboards ever again
* Changes for WMD-6048 (Users are able to access single player menus when RealtimeMultiplay has already been used): Moved lobby vote evaluation to LobbyFlow handler so that it ticks outside of lobby and can initiate the countdown if user(s) have navigated away from the lobby gui handler. Send LobbyFlow event every 2 seconds from admin to game members who are still in the lobby to ensure countdown timer sync and countdown enabled flags, ensures lobby countdown time and other details are sent and processed regardless of gui handlers currently in use. Added 'race soon to start' code to all known screen handlers accessible from the lobby (eg garage, track select, options, driver network) which forces the player back to the lobby at 5s to launch. Changed private game host Start button to trigger a 5s countdown instead of immedate launch (to allow time for sub-page handlers to return the player to the lobby if any have navigated away). Disable lobby config options (track select, vehicle select, structure and race conditions) when race soon to start (my applink in CL 554848, AndyT's edits in CL 555213). Disabled Quick Access options (eg to driver network profile, help etc) when race soon to start (applink in CL 555549). Disabled access to Driver Network Hightlights tab when participating in multiplayer due to potential disruption from viewing media (disabled state set in CL 555549). Added OnlineSupport lobby state helper so that the countdown is no longer reset when the game admin returns from a lobby sub-page. Moved the ReturnedToLobbyState call from lobby gui handler OnPageActivated to LobbyFlowHandler so that a player quickly navigating to a lobby sub-page after roundtripping can no longer stall lobby countdown flow for the game
* Refinements to gamepad preset 2 (WMD-5958)
* WMD-6116: Added presence to MP logging categories.
* Pit fuel animations: GT_L_RC: alp_a450, merc_c_dtm, merc_sls_amg, merc_sls_amg_gt3, oreca_03, pag_huay, pag_zon_r, radi_sr3rs, sau_c9
* WMD-6085: Fixed Pit crew - Pit board guy moves the wrong way in practice session. Included Tracks : Connecticut_Hill (+Short)/Lakeville_Raceway (+GP,National, Short)/Sakitto_West2 : zbynekt
* Cleaning blown tyre effects, when wheels are repaired during the pitstop visit, fix of the last remaining issue in WMD-5850
* WMD-5596: Fixed player fuel refill level during pitstops. So now if the fuel strategy hasn't been modified, then use an intelligent calculation to determine how much fuel to refill.
* Update McLaren MP4 career contracts and teams to accommodate the required livery changes. WMD-5821
* Increased engine life and F/A, Karts and older Lotus's . These were blowing engines too easy on contact damage, and not being able to do even do 1 lap (to get back to the pits) with the oil temp running high. Fixes WMD-6120
* McLaren 12C GT3: Various liveries removed for approval request (WMD-5821)

Name me one thing in that list that is game-breaking or major? That all looks like polishing and fixing things that don't quite look right, rather than being things that majorly affect the way the sim engine or game works.

Looking at the build lists for the last few weeks it's just an awful lot of bug fixing and inputting bits that dot the i's and cross the t's.
However I have noticed they've stopped putting in the console updates at the top recently.

The reason why they have stopped putting the console-specific updates at the top is because the bug fixing applies to all versions of the game, not just the console. The reason for the delay is because it is simply better to do the bug-fixing now. They would still have to pay the same people the same amount of money to get the job done, whether the game is released now and then fixed or if it done before the game is released. They do however save money by not having to pay Sony and MS for server space to upload patches, and any way they can save money has to be considered a good thing by SMS and WMD.
while waiting for the final release... i just ask a friend to lend me his ps3 and gt5 ae! so i can test out my new rig and wheel. just holding the wheel in hands isnt enough anymore! :D
Wouldn't get overly excited. Have a feeling they'll just release stuff scheduled as part of a paid DLC or season pass as free content instead. So for people planning on getting all DLCs anyway it won't be that big of an incentive.
i just really want that Procar but i think it's only available in the ltd edition :nervous:
Think im going to need to do the same, Is GT6 better than 5?

Depends; If you want to play online, take Gt6, if not take Gt5 (Servers are already down) I found GT5 so much better. Much more races, much more special events (you will know the Nordschleife by heart after doing them ;) ). It's a shame that they took the servers down, I also recently started GT5 all over again :D