Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
According to Futuremark (3DMark 2011):

GTX 860m: (5050)
GTX 750 ti: (5630)

Which puts the 860m at 89% performance of a GTX 750 ti.

In this benchmark, the 860m gets an average of 26FPS in Battlefield 4 on 1920x1080 on Ultra. In Metro Last Light, it did 22FPS on 1920x1080 on High. Not sure how those Youtubers did the benchmark (perhaps not at 1080p), but I trust Tom's Hardware a bit better. ;) Especially because those benches are confirmed by other professional reviewers.

Another note: this GPU is also what's being used in the Alienware Alpha, combined with a measly i3. So that should also give you a good impression on how good that one is at running Project CARS. ;)
Yea it's baffeling :)
There is a video of assetto corsa on a 860m too? Perhaps it's ********?..

Then again, Battlefield at 26 fps on ultra surly may equate to running high at 50fps though right?

So if it's 86% of a 750ti, and Coupled with an i5, and can do nearly 30fps on battlefield 4 on ULTRA ... Surly it can push med/high on pcars, or you think not?

Remember this isn't a pc I'm building, it's a means to an end. Without it I play PS3 until xmas. With it, I play cars, autosport, etc?... If it'll run them at med/high 1080/60 that's is...

For example:
Here's grid auto sport maxed out in ultra getting between 40-60 fps in a race on an 850m which is significantly slower, has no GDDR5 (DDR3) etc... So I suspect the 860m will do 60 on ultra on this game... Right?

Here's an 860m playing BF4 on Ultra, high and medium.
He has FPS counter in the top and is shows between 50/60+ when in high... But it does dip down to 50 regularly. So to keep 60+ he recommends medium.

So high/medium seems possible?

And here DF show battlefield at HIGH at 720/900/1080 and BF4 1080 HIGH doesn't dip below 30 and bounces up to 50+ in some places.

This is what has made me think this laptop might be ok for cars for a few hundred quid. But some say low settings with 1 car and no weather? If it can do BF4 in 1080 on HIGH at 30-60fps (30 with v sync) then surly it can run cars?... Or not? ... I'm so confused lol

And here is grid 2 1080 ULTRA 60+ FPS

Is project cars THAT more demanding that grid 2 and grid autos port that it would drop from 60FPS ULTRA to LOW with 1 car on track no weather?

Here is BF4 at low/med/high/ultra.
1080p ULTRA 38FPS

Everything I'm "SEEING" tells me this will play cars at med/high at close to 60fps 1080... But some people "Say" differently.

It would be great if we could test it with pcars on a 860m to clarify...
Anyone got one :)
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According to the email I got today from Best Buy, we are looking at 5/12/2015 as the release date. I kept this email :P


According to the email I got today from Best Buy, we are looking at 5/12/2015 as the release date. I kept this email :P

View attachment 331822


Good to note that it is the US way of writing a date. MM/DD/YY as opposed to Europe's DD-MM-YY.

<-- Prefers the Metric way of things. Everything goes from small to big in even increments. ;)
Good to note that it is the US way of writing a date. MM/DD/YY as opposed to Europe's DD-MM-YY.

<-- Prefers the Metric way of things. Everything goes from small to big in even increments. ;)

the 5th of December yay! :lol:


Oh, right us Americans and our (typical) backwards ways :ouch:


Oh, right us Americans and our (typical) backwards ways :ouch:


Your words not mine, Jerome. I am just saying I prefer the metric way of thinking, to which I think many of us are more used to.

It's all about how you're used to saying it I think.

Release is on May twelfth of two thousand and fifteen.


Release is on the twelfth of May two thousand and fifteen.

So ehm... which way do you usually converse a date? I think it's all down to that little fact. ;)
Maybe it's been already discussed but i can't find info about this thing i was linked:

is it for true that they are numbing down damages and all it's written in it? I really hope is not going to be softened to appeal a wider audience if you guys know what i mean!
We aware of this guy at wmd. what he does is spread malicious untrue rumors about project cars. so please don't even take it seriously.
Maybe it's been already discussed but i can't find info about this thing i was linked:

is it for true that they are numbing down damages and all it's written in it? I really hope is not going to be softened to appeal a wider audience if you guys know what i mean!

We aware of this guy at wmd. what he does is spread malicious untrue rumors about project cars. so please don't even take it seriously.

To me, only good thing that came from that article/post/blog whatever was bringing me to this thread...
I really hope is not going to be softened to appeal a wider audience if you guys know what i mean!
You can turn off damage, fuel usage and tyre ware and turn on a bunch of assists. On top of that you can turn the AI difficulty down. That's all the softening you'll get and it's equal on all platforms. 👍
so does this mean May 12th or December 5th im super confused :confused:

It really means nothing since it's not official. All we know is what we've known since the last statement..."Mid-May".

Good to note that it is the US way of writing a date. MM/DD/YY as opposed to Europe's DD-MM-YY.

<-- Prefers the Metric way of things. Everything goes from small to big in even increments. ;)
so does this mean May 12th or December 5th im super confused :confused:
It really means nothing since it's not official. All we know is what we've known since the last statement..."Mid-May".

It's an American store using the American way of writing down a date, and now the people in the North American continent are confused about it?

I know we all are starting to get used to the metric system and all, but I think this still makes for a cute facepalm non the less. :P

@LogiForce @Jump_Ace -- Logically we would all write YYYY/MM/DD, which sorts in chronological order (as with organizing computer files/folders). ;)

It might be better as a workaround on a computer to sort files/folders, but if you use it in writing it is unnatural when you read it. As you'd have to skip past the year and month to the date, only to read back again. Instead of going with the flow and reading day->month->year.
Hence I think it depends on the grammar of the local language as I said earlier.
That's why the american way makes sense. It leaves the year out of the way, but still sorts chronologically in shorter time frames, and also matches the way we use calendars -- the first thing you do is flip to the right month. :P :)
Oops, I thought this was the pcars thread. My bad. *walks back out*

Well, in the same way I could wonder why a "GranTurismo guy" is looking for a Project CARS thread... you spy you. haha! ;)

Okay, back to the project it is.

2015-03-17_00005 by wizza1980, on Flickr

Btw... I love the new puddles. They look AMAZING!

Oh, and night time in the city has never been so beautiful either.
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