Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game, Anyone else looking forward to the lesser cars of the game? I feel as if im going to have the most fun in the Clio's, GT4 & GT3. Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game.
Currently the most popular classes seem to be:
Gt 3
Group 5
Road car A
Group A

My favourites are
Classic f1
Group 5
Clios and ginetta jr
Formula rookie
lmp3 and radical sr3

The racing was much more varied when they were car testing and track testing. But group 5 is still fun.
Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game, Anyone else looking forward to the lesser cars of the game? I feel as if im going to have the most fun in the Clio's, GT4 & GT3. Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game.
I'm excited for all cars, but prefer slower ones. Formula A, LMP1, and super cars are a bit too much for me. Everything lower than that is good for me. Just had some nice races online in pCARS in some open wheelers: formula rookie, formula c, and formula gulf. Some close racing and fun too.
Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game, Anyone else looking forward to the lesser cars of the game? I feel as if im going to have the most fun in the Clio's, GT4 & GT3. Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game.
I like to try my hand at some fast cars (and some not so fast ones...) for hot lapping, but when it comes to races I prefer the lower classes. Formula rookie, G40, GT3, Caterhams... that sort of thing.
Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game, Anyone else looking forward to the lesser cars of the game? I feel as if im going to have the most fun in the Clio's, GT4 & GT3. Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game.
*raises hand*. I prefer the street cars, older cars, slower cars and just generally cars with less grip.
Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game, Anyone else looking forward to the lesser cars of the game? I feel as if im going to have the most fun in the Clio's, GT4 & GT3. Most people seem really excited for the fastest cars in the game.

I can't wait to drive the karts.
Right. Business as usual. This week's build notes:
Build 955 (13/03/15) - 77 MB

* Fixed badge height to 80px
* Steering and brake help available in all modes (WMD-6178)
* Fixes selectability issues in leaderboard screen - WMD-6179
* Allow right stick navigation on 'monitor' screen - WMD-6072
* Clear record of any failed ghost loads when leaving event (WMD-6189).
* Fix exposure compensation display value not set after profile load (WMD-6186).
* WMD-6182: Now invalidating "EmergencyStop" achievement when travelling wrong way.
* Remove the errant use of the loading spinner in the video dialog. change video dialog code to not overwrite the spinner video. - WMD-6194 & WMD-6188
* WMD-6191: Fixed no account name being displayed in the main menu when running builds with WMD login disabled. Now in those builds the Steam profile name will be used.
* WMD-6183: Achievement fix for "Do You Smell Somethin'?". Now delaying the the detection of the achievement until the in game section has been fully switched to state in-race.
* WMD-6061: Load / delete profile screen tidied up to stop other actions being started while a delete is in progress and added a wait screen to make it obvious something is happening.
* WMD-5720: Fanatec PC button mapping update for latest firmware
* Positional improvements for remote vehicles (WMD-3046 - Opponent Cars offset at higher speeds). Removes some legacy debug systems, gets ready to retire older positional update code if successful (needs WMD testing). Adds prediction tweakers via F1 menu. Bumps the protocol version to 47.
* GT fuel mechanic R_LR : Initial scene
* F1 fuel mechanic: Fixed triggers and fixed hos2 animations
* GT fuel mechanic: Reexported all data with latest exporter + fixed triggers
* GT fuel mechanic: All FUI variations: tweaked triggers , and updated export scenes
* Pit fuel animations: GT_R_LC: bac, mclaren f1, mclaren mp4 12c gt3, Caterham sp300, Palmer Jaguar
* F1 fuel mechanic: Fixed triggers and fixed hos2 animations (reexported with additional helper bones)
* Small revert from 555362 to recover AI race starts
* Tires: Change default soft lock to true WMD-5718
* Hockenheim: Adjusted the first pit position
* Jin Ding: Polish updates to branding (textures only)
* Besos: Fixed first 3 garage spots too far to the left.
* California HTM: Fix for bug WMD-6167, removed the shed that was placed in the pits
* Lakeville: Updated GP CSM to use PAVEMENT on non-track concrete areas, for testing by Steve / Doug.
* Donington: Aligned the pit positions in the middle of the matching garage spots. No change in grid required.
* Belgium Forest: Aligned the pit positions in the middle of the matching garage spots. Had to reduce grid to 36 from 38
* Silverstone Stowe: Disabled race weekend as this pit area is not capable of supporting working pits and pit crew as we need it to.

Build 954
(12/03/15) - 170.9 MB

* Minor typo fixed (WMD-6172)
* Correct camera setting at the start of VehicleSelectClassGuiHandler - fix for WMD-6174
* Preferred Realism default settings fix and aligning camera positions to cameraconfiguration file - WMD-5566
* WMD-5523: Added safeguard for flag disabling - now will no longer showing flags whenever the in game menu is active
* Synchronise MP Damage - App (WMD-5032)
* WMD-4232: Multiplayer - green light sequence never starts after qualification (the client cannot shift from start line bug). Reverts some recent rolling start sync code and clears ready flag between sessions so that sync works across session changes. Note, if this CL causes problems with MP rolling start spawning, that issue will need to be fixed differently.
* F1 Jack Mechanics: Re-export with new exporter
* WMD-6177: Fueltower has too short extended (outer) arm
* Driver anims: Caterham Classic - reworked anims for F1 rig
* F1 Fuel Mechanic: Modified timing for plug/unplug triggers
* F1 Fuel Mechanic: Tweaked trigger timing in plug/unplug animations
* F1 Pitstops: Fuel mechanic animations updated, added modified animations per vehicle
* WMD-6155: F1 fuel mechanic - all data exported with latest exported; left + right Pitstop location. default animation sets + vehicle specific fuel mechanic anims
* WMD-6165: Added an extra timer on reverse recovery to make 100% sure AI can't get stuck reversing downhill
* WMD-6152: Stuck behavior can no longer trigger in rolling starts. Fixed a code bug where the drivers were clamping on the road with incorrect road values ( added offset )
* Fix for tyres not getting repaired correctly during pitstop visit. AI now route the damage repairs through the same events as player, so are correctly delayed and sparks have removed. Player has now tyres repaired even when specified in the strategy to have not tyres changed or would change tyres to the same compound in the strategy fix for WMD-5850 and WMD-6158
* Career Invitationals: GT1X RUF Velocity 1H event script, poster and icon updated to reflect the correct car (SMS-R). Fixes WMD-6126
* RCF tire texture swap updates so AI cars don't show slicks in storm and thunderstorm conditions.
* Mercedes C Coupe DTM: Increased fuel tank size to 120L
* Horse Thief Mile: Fix grid size too big. Set to 24 (was 50). WMD-6167

Build 953 (11/03/15) - 64.7 MB

* WMD-3837: Fixed pit monitor various issues
* Overlap on in-game Tuning screen fixed (WMD-6104)
* Set vehicle livery for community events (WMD-6092).
* Fix to force the dialog container to be at the front if new containers are created - WMD-6137
* WMD-6151: "Requesting Flyby" achievement fix. Added further validation on the player position before testing the achievement.
* Tweaked preset 2 setting Controller Filtering Sensitivity to 40 (WMD-5958)
* Add participant generator support for MP AIs (WMD-6098).
* WMD-4997: PC/XB1/PS4 - Online - Lapped cars do not finish race when crossing chequered flag
* GT: Airjack mechanic re-export with new exporter
* Driver anims: Caterham 500 - reworked anims for F1 rig
* GT Pitcrew: Added exported anims for Fuel mechanic_01_L_RCFUI
* F1: Rear jack skeleton exported incorrectly & Required cancel animations for F1 JAMs
* RWD P20: Modified mEyepointOffset values so that copkcpit camera is not looking through driver mesh
* Ford Sierra RS500: Fixed a bug that caused the tire physics to go awry and the FFB to dissapear when hitting barriers hard enough with damage and tire wear off. Also was probably responsible for the occasional flipping incidents reported. Was basiclly the rear spring mounting being too short and causing them to go into inversion when violently compressed ( best i can figure). Lengthening them fixed the problem.
* Glencairn: Fixing issues mentioned in WMD-6143
* Hockenheim: Reset pit and garage spaces to conform better to the pit stop crew animation. Had to reduce grid/pit area to 30 (from 36) total to get it set up properly.

Build 952 (10/03/15) - MB

* Fix for 458 Spider wheel not appearing (WMD-6110)
* Time representation on career event settings - WMD-4381
* Change text used for when you have no leaderboard entry (WMD-6039).
* Disabling sounds, when clearing or updating gui list, fix for WMD-6105
* Clear replay and photo lists data on leaving driver network profile page (WMD-6114).
* Disable "Use This Ghost" option if no ghost attached to leaderboard entry (WMD-6108).
* Disabled state added to 'Use This Ghost' buttons on Time Trial and Events page (WMD-6108)
* WMD-6117: Fixed "Pentapodia" achievement, now correctly checking whether a lap is completed on exit of a session, instead of the race complete event. "Triple Crown" achievement fix. Only count final championships towards the disciplines count.
* WMD-6094: Fixed "Community Ambassador" achievement. Now correctly checking whether a lap is completed on exit of a session, instead of the race complete event. Fixed "Player 1 Versus The World" & "Pristine Paintwork" awarding the achievement counting quit sessions towards the goal.
* WMD-6097: Some community event ghosts can not be selected from the list: Fixed the community events GUI showing ghosts being available for records with no ghosts attached. Fixed the first lap of time trial not counting for ghost upload, leading to times posted without ghost. Hardcoded the number of rows visible on the time trial (console) page to 16 because the automagic code logic sometimes fails and then never shows any leaderboards ever again
* Changes for WMD-6048 (Users are able to access single player menus when RealtimeMultiplay has already been used): Moved lobby vote evaluation to LobbyFlow handler so that it ticks outside of lobby and can initiate the countdown if user(s) have navigated away from the lobby gui handler. Send LobbyFlow event every 2 seconds from admin to game members who are still in the lobby to ensure countdown timer sync and countdown enabled flags, ensures lobby countdown time and other details are sent and processed regardless of gui handlers currently in use. Added 'race soon to start' code to all known screen handlers accessible from the lobby (eg garage, track select, options, driver network) which forces the player back to the lobby at 5s to launch. Changed private game host Start button to trigger a 5s countdown instead of immedate launch (to allow time for sub-page handlers to return the player to the lobby if any have navigated away). Disable lobby config options (track select, vehicle select, structure and race conditions) when race soon to start (my applink in CL 554848, AndyT's edits in CL 555213). Disabled Quick Access options (eg to driver network profile, help etc) when race soon to start (applink in CL 555549). Disabled access to Driver Network Hightlights tab when participating in multiplayer due to potential disruption from viewing media (disabled state set in CL 555549). Added OnlineSupport lobby state helper so that the countdown is no longer reset when the game admin returns from a lobby sub-page. Moved the ReturnedToLobbyState call from lobby gui handler OnPageActivated to LobbyFlowHandler so that a player quickly navigating to a lobby sub-page after roundtripping can no longer stall lobby countdown flow for the game
* Refinements to gamepad preset 2 (WMD-5958)
* WMD-6116: Added presence to MP logging categories.
* Pit fuel animations: GT_L_RC: alp_a450, merc_c_dtm, merc_sls_amg, merc_sls_amg_gt3, oreca_03, pag_huay, pag_zon_r, radi_sr3rs, sau_c9
* WMD-6085: Fixed Pit crew - Pit board guy moves the wrong way in practice session. Included Tracks : Connecticut_Hill (+Short)/Lakeville_Raceway (+GP,National, Short)/Sakitto_West2 : zbynekt
* Cleaning blown tyre effects, when wheels are repaired during the pitstop visit, fix of the last remaining issue in WMD-5850
* WMD-5596: Fixed player fuel refill level during pitstops. So now if the fuel strategy hasn't been modified, then use an intelligent calculation to determine how much fuel to refill.
* Update McLaren MP4 career contracts and teams to accommodate the required livery changes. WMD-5821
* Increased engine life and F/A, Karts and older Lotus's . These were blowing engines too easy on contact damage, and not being able to do even do 1 lap (to get back to the pits) with the oil temp running high. Fixes WMD-6120
* McLaren 12C GT3: Various liveries removed for approval request (WMD-5821)

Build 951 (09/03/15) - 164.9 MB

* Fix for imposters in MT environments. WMD-5942
* Fix for argb order on clear 8888 standard layout targets.
* Incorrect design layout in condition screen settings WMD-2741
* WMD-6048: Applink and disabled state for DN HIGHLIGHTS tab when in multiplayer
* Disabled states and Mike's new applink added to Quick Access button and Lobby items (6048)
* WMD-6080: Fixed LeaveTuning() not being called when leaving the garage via multiplayer invitations.
* WMD-6091: Only count career races completed if the player actually finishes the race (i.e. disallow DQ, retire or skip-to-end)
* Fix for bad controller settings being applied when selecting 'Reset'.
* Fix for bad controller settings being applied when switching between Default/Classic/Analog gamepad presets in controller configuration screen.
* Fix for bad controller settings being applied when reassigning the steering controls.
* Fix for Controller Input Mode related settings not being applied when selecting 'Custom Controller' preset.
* Tweak to controller mode default deadzones to prevent phantom movement when throttle/brake are assigned to a thumbstick.
* Pit fuel animations: GT_L_RC: bmw_m1, bmw_m3_gt, bmw_z4, ford_gt40_mkiv, gin_g40, gin_g55_gt3, gin_g55_gt4, gum_apollo, lmp_pm6a, lmp_rwd_p30, lmp2_marek, lmp2_rwd_p20
* Issuing extra delay when stopping for only a minor engine /other repair, not to drive directly away
* Updating pitboard occupied message to cover also other pitstop requests then players one FIX for WMD-2630
* WMD-6087: Career - Invitational events - Qualifying doesn't have an effect on race starts
* Removed carcass +25 heating per WMD-5806
* WMD-5850: AI - AI tyre wear does not reset when they pit
* RUF RGT-8: Shadow flag fixes (WMD-6077)
* Gumpert Apollo: Mirror fixes (WMD-6076)
* Animated part damage fix for BMW M1 Procar, McLaren P1, and Pagani Huayra
* McLaren 12C GT3: Removed Gulf, K-Pax and all 2013/2014 liveries (approval request WMD-5821)
* McLaren P1: Added crumple damage to animated rear wing now that code bug is resolved. WMD-3481
* McLaren F1: Fixed crumple damage on animated rear spoiler now that code bug is resolved. WMD-3481
* Formula A: Added missing crumple damage rear wing DRS part now that code bug is resolved. WMD-3481
* Audi R8 V10+: Fixed crumple damage to animated rear spoiler now that code bug is resolved. WMD-3481
* BMW 1M: Added missing crumple damage on pop up headlights now that code bug is resolved. Fixed missing damage on LODC parts. WMD-3481
Right. Business as usual. This week's build notes:
looks like they're pretty busy with pit stops which might mean they'll be fully working at release. nice.

on a separate note, i'd forgotten Jin Ding was in this game, hardly see any footage of that track on youtube. will have to have a hunt around.

thanks for these build updates, makes for interesting reading.
looks like they're pretty busy with pit stops which might mean they'll be fully working at release. nice.

on a separate note, i'd forgotten Jin Ding was in this game, hardly see any footage of that track on youtube. will have to have a hunt around.

thanks for these build updates, makes for interesting reading.
There are a few tracks that are under nda's. but there's plenty of old build videos with it in.
Yeah those build notes make great reading. I think it's pretty clear though that, although frustrating, a delay was the right decision with all the bugs being crunched in those notes.
on a separate note, i'd forgotten Jin Ding was in this game
Is that a Chinese track? *not being racist*

Edit: when I google it I get images like this :lol:

Wait why did they remove the Mclaren 12c GT3 good liveries?! NO 2013/2014 liveries?! Guess we're back to the white and the orange Mclaren. :banghead:
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