Project CARS General Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Terronium-12
So one other thing I was wondering about that isn't talked about publicly is the Indycar license. Yeah it was announced and we heard that all the cars, drivers and IMS will all be licensed. Is there anything else that the license entails? Other tracks that they run on? Is there any talk about it going on inside WMD?
So one other thing I was wondering about that isn't talked about publicly is the Indycar license. Yeah it was announced and we heard that all the cars, drivers and IMS will all be licensed. Is there anything else that the license entails? Other tracks that they run on? Is there any talk about it going on inside WMD?
I haven't heard a thing.
Critiquing the driving and the grammar of a person that took the time to create a video of a requested vehicle. Classy.

Doing one quick lap gives no indication of what the car is or kart is like it took about half an hour to get those two laps because if you dropped a wheel or was slightly too wide you would ruin the lap and in karts that's very easy to do.
You'll will find many you tubers only upload a few laps or one quick lap what you don't see is the time before and after when they were playing.

Im not that creative so my videos will less edited than most however it might give many people a better insight into the the game. Also when it takes 6hrs to upload the last thing you want to do is increase the file size.


I'm deeply sorry for rustling your jimmies. :cheers:
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We still haven't had the full details of the Indycar license yet, I believe that there are going to be more tracks added with the deal, but we've yet to get the full details. I'm personally hoping for some street tracks and possibly Mid Ohio.
The IndyCar license is what fully sold me on this game, so I'm hoping they get some of their tracks in (like Pocono, Auto Club and Long Beach). Also wondering if they're including the aero kits that will get added next year.
We still haven't had the full details of the Indycar license yet, I believe that there are going to be more tracks added with the deal, but we've yet to get the full details. I'm personally hoping for some street tracks and possibly Mid Ohio.
Yeah I would like to see more or at least hear what they have planned for it. BTW I went to the Mid-Ohio race this year and I would just love to have it in the game.

The IndyCar license is what fully sold me on this game, so I'm hoping they get some of their tracks in (like Pocono, Auto Club and Long Beach). Also wondering if they're including the aero kits that will get added next year.
Yeah when I heard about the Indy license I was very excited cause I used to play the crap out of CART: Flag to Flag on dreamcast. Would love to see Barber, Belle Isle, Houston, Toronto.

But was just wondering. I hope they have some kind of game plan set out for it.
When is it coming out, how much will it be and whats included?
I would say next year, I saw in WMD forum (public session) that they intend to have all cars and teams from the 2015 season.

Plus this:
Ian Bell - Head of Studio

Let me just say that there's more to come soon from this license announcement.
The word 'tracks' comes to mind.
I have pre ordered a copy of for ps4 but have not yet purchased a ps4 as I'm still torn between buying a ps4 and building a gaming pc. I have a t500 so wheel compatibility isn't a issue.
can I get an idea of what pc requirement would be required to match a ps4 and what would be required to run it at 100%. I would only be using it for p cars. Any info would be appreciated
Can anyone tell me how large PCARS is, I know it is not final but I was trying to get an idea of what size SSD I would need to install both the OS and PCARS on SSD to avoid slower HDD seeks and read times.
I have pre ordered a copy of for ps4 but have not yet purchased a ps4 as I'm still torn between buying a ps4 and building a gaming pc. I have a t500 so wheel compatibility isn't a issue.
can I get an idea of what pc requirement would be required to match a ps4 and what would be required to run it at 100%. I would only be using it for p cars. Any info would be appreciated

I would love to know the answer to this question, I posted a similar question, only I have a PS4 but since I have a G27, I would have to buy a wheel, so I was thinking I would just buy or build a Gaming PC and like you, it will only be used for PCARS, nothing else, but I want it to look it's best.
I have pre ordered a copy of for ps4 but have not yet purchased a ps4 as I'm still torn between buying a ps4 and building a gaming pc. I have a t500 so wheel compatibility isn't a issue.
can I get an idea of what pc requirement would be required to match a ps4 and what would be required to run it at 100%. I would only be using it for p cars. Any info would be appreciated

If my wheel would be compatible I guess I would buy it for PS4. But I also play Assetto Corsa so I builded me an nice gaming PC. There are also 2-3 other games that interest me, like company of heroes 2, maybe iRacing, Anno...

And there is also another problem with an PC that I am actually facing. The power consumption of an high end PC is huge. Running a game with all details can take up to 700-800 watt. On the PS4 it is about 140 watt!

I have 2 R9 280x graphics cards and can run them in crossfire mode. But that would cost so much energy so I will sell one of the cards. I even put framerate limits to 60FPS in games because then the cards need less energy.
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If my wheel would be compatible I guess I would buy it for PS4. But I also play Assetto Corsa so I builded me an nice gaming PC. There are also 2-3 other games that interest me, like company of heroes 2, maybe iRacing, Anno...

And there is also another problem with an PC that I am actually facing. The power consumption of an high end PC is huge. Running a game with all details can take up to 700-800 watt. On the PS4 it is about 140 watt!

I have 2 R9 280x graphics cards and can run them in crossfire mode. But that would cost so much energy so I will sell one of the cards. I even put framerate limits to 60FPS in games because then the cards need less energy.
Your PC would not use anywhere close to 700 watts. A higher end PC may require a PSU that large for startup but under operation much less.
Can anyone tell me how large PCARS is, I know it is not final but I was trying to get an idea of what size SSD I would need to install both the OS and PCARS on SSD to avoid slower HDD seeks and read times.

Current size of the folder is 13.6GiB. I don't think there is much more to add, but ask again a bit closer to the time, and I can give you an answer.
Can anyone tell me how large PCARS is, I know it is not final but I was trying to get an idea of what size SSD I would need to install both the OS and PCARS on SSD to avoid slower HDD seeks and read times.

Just get an as big SSD as you can get.
The reason I say this is because games will write save data, profiles, settings and other stuff to your My Documents folder which is present on your C-drive/boot-drive. This can be quite big as I have found out after installing a game or 200+.
Plus you also have your downloads and iTunes music that will go there by default. Not even talking about the programs you'll end up 'quickly' installing over time without bothering to change the installation path.

All of that made me realize in the past that I needed at least a 256GB drive or more. As they were still1 Euro per GigaByte 3 years ago, I went for a 256GB model even though I would love a 512GB or even a 1TB drive.
Can anyone tell me how large PCARS is, I know it is not final but I was trying to get an idea of what size SSD I would need to install both the OS and PCARS on SSD to avoid slower HDD seeks and read times.
I wouldn't try to fit everything (OS and applications) on an SSD, the biggest gain is for the OS and some applications with high writes. I boot from SSD but almost everything else I install to a good performing SATA drive (7.2K, large cache, ...). The computer boots VERY fast off an SSD, I have tested running some application/games from SSD and the difference as negligible. Now if you were multi-tasking (many applications calling for reads/writes) then an SSD will make a huge difference. While gaming, there usually isn't a lot of disk access contention.
Be careful with some of the cheaper SSD, they don't perform very well (all not created equal). But it's only money, buy a largest SSD you can afford :)

Check out what a new gen graphics card need. About 350-400 watt alone.
Selecting a PSU is based on "peak" use, but "continuous" is a lot less; other factors (efficiency,...) that figure in to the PSU selection/draw equation. Also, if I replace a 500W PS with a 1000W, my computer doesn't consume more electricity, it's the sum of the components that require/consume power.
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My sub £350 build PC takes about 150-250W at the wall when gaming and can play pCARS about 60FPS 1080p at full detail.

Hi, where do you get the parts from, i spent £350 just on the Graph card and i dont get more than 40 fps so just wondering what kind of rig did u get to build?

Hi, where do you get the parts from, i spent £350 just on the Graph card and i dont get more than 40 fps so just wondering what kind of rig did u get to build?

i suspect it involved sales and discounts if shop wisely it can be alot cheaper
here the build notes for today's team member + update
Build 790 (18/08/14, Team Member+) - >420 MB

* PS4: Updated FMOD thread affinity.
* XB1: Switched to 10bit Linear Colour
* XB1: Ring Buffer sized for the whole frame
* XB1: Brightness/gamma fix (GUI and track no longer look desaturated)
* XB1: Fix B&W intro video (the background video is still green/weird, but that should be fixed with a new Bink)
* Ford GT40 MKIV: Incar and external engine sets, plus an AI version. Includes other vehicle events tranny, gears, backfires, distant roll-offs and trajectory.Uses the LATEST distant based reverb/echo effect.
* Oculus Rift: Force full dynamic envmap update - reduces frame variance time, improving smoothness of head-tracking
* Switch to Oculus SDK 0.4.1 (programmers - requires Visual Studio solution reload)
* DX11: Fix for debug assert (no longer valid)
* Fix erroneous flush happening when loading up a car.
* Shaders Omni directional lighting for particles
* Updated skintest_alphatest shader to use new global params system
* Code to allow us to scale the rain particles based on the camera FOV
* Reposition CTRL<S> FPS stats when running with Oculus Rift so that they are visible.
* DX11: Added creation of m_ShaderResourceViewSRGB for 128 and 64 bit RGBA float textures
* Fix for flush that should not be in place. This would cause full reloads on the character even if not required.
* DX11: Remove un-used GetType primitive call + optimise SetTextureParams : 1.8x faster when skipping unused params
* DX11/PS4: Changed MSAA centroid position to use SV_POSITION/ScreenPos, this saves an interpolator register and a divide.
* DX11: RenderMeshPrimitive optimised - removal of virtual function calls + per thread data grouped together (saves aroun 1.4% CPU on PC, 2.2% on XB1)
* Subtitles updated and some usage notes attached
* Monitor screen fixes: Not resetting monitor camera when chaging participant view, Made all monitor on-screen options work in track-side camera, Changes UI buttons around & layout & positioning, Made font smaller for Quick Guide screen
* More monitor & standings screens fixups: Duplicated all changes from monitor screen to standings screen as well, Repositioned the HUD map for the monitor screen to be raised a little to avoid overlap with the new button positions, Added confirmation dialog for retire to pits
* Fix MP Join in progress crash, make JIP car spawn on button press for better debugging.
* Updated gamepad preset 2 from Bruno
* Updates to Jerry's gamepad presets + fix for low lock steer sens flag, increased gamepad preset 1's deadzone based on Jerry's feedback
* Drivers: Helmet view for GT, F1 and KART updated exports + paths under main folder, Added missing textures from helmetview, Updated all driver versions ingame with latest updates on variations materials
* RUF RGT8 : Updated with visor up animation
* Modified trigger tracking
* Added logging per physics vehicle
* Tyre wear AI pit calculation tweaks
* Increase AI tyre wear to better match players wear
* Changed physics accelerate debug key to on/off state
* Change speed calculations to prevent front to back impact
* Added modifiers for AI cold tyres, tyre wear and fuel load
* Fixed a bug where the driver predicted speed was not being updated every frame
* Only init pit strategy for AI in qualify/practice - fixes AI getting fresh tyres on pitting
* Attempt to protect from the ProcessHazard::Process() seg fault by null protecting the driver class
* Added some AI Behavior debugging info and made small tweaks to the conditions for triggering SingleFile and SlowSpeed behaviors
* Savegame size reduction and fixes for career
* POD fix
* Formula A: More AI model tuning. Added grip to AI tires
* Lotus 72D: Aero tweaks, finished heat & wear model, revised tire
* Lotus 78: Small aero tweaks, heat & wear model finished, tire update
* Lotus 98T: Fixed brake wear rate mistake, fuel consumption, heat & wear model, setup adjustments, tire heating and new tech
* STM updates: Disable slow ticking of HD vehicle when under AI control, Fixed delta length for STM, Added logging of all inputs into STM, Adjusted STM float configs for PC
* Pagani Huayra: LOD tweaks to reduce popping
* Pagani Zonda Cinque: LOD tweaks to reduce popping
* Caterham SP300R: Custom dirt texture to fix issues with ugly dirt inside the cockpit
* Ginetta G55 GT4: Added windscreen reflections, wheels dds texture, misc dds texture, lights dds texture, brake disc dds texture - new texture, windscreen banner dds texture, badges - initial check in
* Upping ambient shadow tweakable distances.
* Oulton Park: Added new small txt for fences, new texture maps, fixed black parts, tweaked metal parts
* Monterey: Added latest missing assets from TomT + updated xml files, updated xml files - add some assets, fix position...
* Wisconsin Raceway: Updated, remaped and newly textures terrain, fixed wrong places, reworked the king part, fixed problematic (wrong) kerbs, relofted most of the walls, armco and fences, WIP of tree adding also proper 3D trees, new RL branding

Known issues:
- Replays: Working but sometimes you can't watch saved replays plus other issues
- Player loses control of the car after accessing the Setup and Strategy.
- Speed sensitive camera option is missing from UI
- Mandatory delete of the local WTC files (if you haven't done previously)
sorry for double posting couldn't edit my post i did on my tablet for some reason
Hi, where do you get the parts from, i spent £350 just on the Graph card and i dont get more than 40 fps so just wondering what kind of rig did u get to build?

I got from eBay mostly. List of the parts I bought nearly a year a go now or some even longer than a year ago:

Intel Core i5 4430 Retail (CPU)
Noctua NH-C14 (Cooler)
8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600MHz 1.35V (Ram)
Silverstone Strider Plus 1000W Modular 80 Plus Silver SST-ST1000-P (PSU)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 2GB Windforce 3X (GPU)
Samsung F3 HD103SJ 1TB 3.5" (HDD)
Silverstone SST-GD08B (Case)

I assume you got an AMD gpu, for whatever reason they seem under utilised in pCARS on PC at the moment, maybe by final version there will be big improvements but that is a guess.
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I got from eBay mostly. List of the parts I bought nearly a year a go now or some even longer than a year ago:

Intel Core i5 4430 Retail (CPU)
Noctua NH-C14 (Cooler)
8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600MHz 1.35V (Ram)
Silverstone Strider Plus 1000W Modular 80 Plus Silver SST-ST1000-P (PSU)
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 2GB Windforce 3X (GPU)
Samsung F3 HD103SJ 1TB 3.5" (HDD)
Silverstone SST-GD08B (Case)

I assume you got an AMD gpu, for whatever reason they seem under utilised in pCARS on PC at the moment, maybe by final version there will be big improvements but that is a guess.
I never thought about getting bits of eBay