Project Cars or Assetto Corsa

Assetto Corsa or Project Cars?

  • Assetto Corsa

    Votes: 41 34.2%
  • Project Cars

    Votes: 30 25.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 49 40.8%

  • Total voters
O_o I just watched one of my YouTube videos where I reviewed my experience at Gadget Show Live and in it I said I tried Assetto Corsa and might actually buy it. I'm confused O_o I don't remember ever playing it before making this thread. Back at GS Live 2015 I was using a driving wheel and pedals so maybe that's why I said I'd buy it
Jokes aside, heard from ppl that AC is a better sim but would be helpful if someone who owns both can list some pros and cons in this thread.
When people say that they really mean 'I like AC better than PC', which is fine. (Same applies the other way around of course) But rarely are they able to post objective reasons that one is better than the other. I can name a few (e.g. FFB out of the box in AC is better, while PC's FFB allows more finetuning, but OOTB is not so great, better controller handling in AC, triple screen support), but I can also name several drawbacks (e.g. no brake fade, no dynamic track conditions, no volumetric throttle simulation, split tire model), but especially since the latest patches on both ends, they're both pretty epic, just different. And there are more differences (e.g. AI, career, track/car list, etc.) of course, but physics wise, it's a pretty even match.

But it's very hard for people to get off their high horse and objectively look at their favorite game, they feel personally insulted if you mention any negative. People keep throwing around their personal opinion as an absolute truth. Personally I love the competition, because it means better sims/games for us. :cheers: I also believe we have reached a level of simulation where the average player is not even capable anymore of judging wether one is more realistic than the other (because of approaching a level of complexity closer to life).
Have only PC so not voting until AC is released on ps4 next year :lol:. Jokes aside, heard from ppl that AC is a better sim but would be helpful if someone who owns both can list some pros and cons in this thread.

This is a legitimate question, but at the end of the day, it all depend on what is important for you.
It all depend on where you are coming from and where you are at in your SIM/racing game journey.
Wheel or pad, online or offline, race cars or street cars, PC or console, cruising, modding, drifting, short races, endurance racing, etc.... you know what I mean, just too many aspect to consider, that make my experience and your experience of the same game very different at the end.
Considering it is so easy and ( for most of us) so cheap to try any of them, listing my pro and cons seems like a waste of time.
Look at @Cursed DICE it took him 40 minutes to shelve AC and for me after more than 1,400 hours, I feel I have barely scratched the surface. Go figure!:crazy:
Exactly. I think the simple answer is buy both. I certainly will have both on PS4 and will continue to support both.

On my old creaking PC (not up to Pcars or AC) I also have (Game) Stock Car Extreme which is a brilliant simulator but has lower system resources. It keeps getting updated with new content, tyre models/physics and other features. It does some things better than other sims and there are plenty of extra cars and tracks that can be imported.

Having said that I have pretty much played Project Cars exclusively since release.
Of the two, PCars keeps me going back and its become my groups game of choice. AC is good, but it is sooo incredibly stale by comparison. I do a couple of races and lose interest. I think it has better physics and in some instances better sound (PCars sound is one of its biggest downfalls).

But for a fun game with more car selection and MUCH better track selection w/o needing mods? PCars all day. I mod a lot of games like other people, but with what PCars has point in modding AC. It doesn't bring much to the table.
Of the two, PCars keeps me going back and its become my groups game of choice. AC is good, but it is sooo incredibly stale by comparison. I do a couple of races and lose interest. I think it has better physics and in some instances better sound (PCars sound is one of its biggest downfalls).

But for a fun game with more car selection and MUCH better track selection w/o needing mods? PCars all day. I mod a lot of games like other people, but with what PCars has point in modding AC. It doesn't bring much to the table.

I agree with the stale sentiment, but I get a bit more of a kick visibly catching the AI in AC than PC (although in PC I was leading so they had to catch me)

Bought Project Cars yesterday and almost used my two hour time limit.

I have a few questions for people who own it
- Is the game stupidly buggy? Some of the billboards and barriers around Monza are graphically bugged
- What's the best technique for cornering? I'm using a controller, assists off (except race line and gears) and sometimes I miss the corner after feathering the brakes to prevent a lock up, but the AI brake far later than me and can make it
- Is the game really easy? I won an 80% AI difficulty quick race on my first day of owning this. AC gave me the impression that it would be a while before I could win at 80%

What's people's opinion on the AI? Just lost a race by 16 seconds in the wet, so I guess they're not as easy as I thought they were
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I have a few questions for people who own it
- Is the game stupidly buggy? Some of the billboards and barriers around Monza are graphically bugged
Bugs seem to be an individual experience, some have them some don't. If that's the worst you have so far, consider yourself lucky.

- What's the best technique for cornering? I'm using a controller, assists off (except race line and gears) and sometimes I miss the corner after feathering the brakes to prevent a lock up, but the AI brake far later than me and can make it
Depends on the car. Best cornering techniques are like real life. Brake mostly in a straight line, weight shift to the front for more turn in, weight shift to the back for more understeer if needed, hit your apex, stay on the racing line...etc. If it works in real life it will work in the game.

- Is the game really easy? I won an 80% AI difficulty quick race on my first day of owning this. AC gave me the impression that it would be a while before I could win at 80%
Turn up the slider, that's what it's for.
PCAR the game is very buggy. 50% pit changes wrong tire. Yes 50%. AI is very stupid and prefer to ram u rather than brake or change line. You either have to get in front of them quickly and then drive alone, or you have to stay behind and pass in one quick shot, or they'll literately turn into u for no good reason.
If I could only have one, it would be pCars on PC because I find it an overall more complete plug-n-play experience. However, if you setup AC on a PC correctly, add-on the best community mods, I have found that tiny bits of AC is more immersive and "jaw dropping" than pCars can ever hope to have. In AC, nothing has ever come close to the experience of driving the incredible Mazda 787b add-on. Fire up a 50" monitor, crank up the volume and G27 FFB........... and the immersive visuals, sounds, and violent experience of piloting that damn car on the Nordschleife in AC is absolutely stunning.
PCAR the game is very buggy. 50% pit changes wrong tire. Yes 50%. AI is very stupid and prefer to ram u rather than brake or change line. You either have to get in front of them quickly and then drive alone, or you have to stay behind and pass in one quick shot, or they'll literately turn into u for no good reason.

I've experienced the smallest of issues. Some Monza billboards and barriers are graphically bugged, replay transitions are sometimes not smooth and stutter. AI rarely rams me, in fact I can squeeze them out and defend from them pretty well and go nose to tail without either of us ever touching. Battled with one for several corners the other day (or was it yesterday), but he must have got tired of me cause got hit on the exit of one corner (I was off-line, coming back on and the AI was on line). Most collisions, when I look at the replay you can find the cause of. They do take tothe gras a little too easily though. From my point of view game is working fine. The Codemasters F1 games were and still are far worse for bugs. Driveclub's AI is far worse for ramming and situation awareness, except for when you are perfectly stationary (I tested this for a good 15 minutes to half an hour when I first got the game)
PCAR the game is very buggy. 50% pit changes wrong tire. Yes 50%. AI is very stupid and prefer to ram u rather than brake or change line. You either have to get in front of them quickly and then drive alone, or you have to stay behind and pass in one quick shot, or they'll literately turn into u for no good reason.

Which platform do you use? My perception is that Xbone is the buggiest, PS4 is buggy and PC has relatively fewer bugs.
It's always a difficult thing to get a good picture of just from opinions!

I think the following (I own pCARS, AC, rF2. Have played iRacing, GSCE):

- is more immersive in the cockpit (Helmet cam, sound, dynamic shadows, viewpoint control, ORift etc)
- has more 'game'
- receives regular new content and has a better roster of cars (IMO, some people find Lambo/Alpha mandatory, etc), personal opinion
- has better graphics (again subjective, others think the opposite)
- has better audio
- has a better (more complex) FFB system (Fact), but the FEEL is more inconsistent. AC is pretty good all round.
- is still a developing engine (even though based on Shift tech, most of it got complete re-writes). As you'd have noticed there have been plenty of bugs and issues and numerous changes as the patches come out to tyre, physics etc...
- has telemetry apps and API
- dynamic time of day and weather which really is well implemented
- live track, though not as complex as iRacing etc, dependent on track temp, conditions, race length etc.
- which leads to...I think pCARS is the better long term proposition. Work on pCARS2 (and the visibility of how much cool stuff is coming by being a member of the new forum!) benefits pC1 where possible tech wise, the tyre model appears far more advanced (going by available information) and the regular content and patch updates, with pC2 derived tech and the track roster, career mode, new online features etc, I'd put my money on pCARS being the more 'complete' product soon enough, especially as I'm sure AC will be quite consumed with the console conversion work in the next 6 months at least.

- is more consistent in feel and behaviour, as in it does what you expect
- Has in some ways better content by popularity (Lambo, Ferarri, Alpha etc)
- Has good, consistent FFB and gamepad control
- I find it a bit sterile and boring in the cockpit, but that's personal opinion
- AC is an evolution of an accomplished engine, so quite stable and familiar
- has very desirable content coming
- has laser scanned tracks, including arguably the best Nordschleife version around.
- has a decent modding scene, which pCARS almost entirely lacks save some GT3 cars in progress.
- has 'apps' and API
- has a better replay system
- simple live-track, track temperature
- more tuning options in terms of tire selection and upgrade kits for some models
- which leads to...I think AC is a great effort for the small team making it and feels really polished, but it lacks in some important areas: FFB depth, future roadmap, track diversity, overal graphics/sound polish while being not quite there with AI, online, pits and rules etc. Modding and 'big name brands' along with laser scanned tracks are big positive points.

Other options:
rF2: a very 'complete' game simulation content wise, dynamic time of day and weather, excellent and detailed FFB, but can be hit and miss with the car behaviour/feel and sounds. Lacks graphics and content depth of other titles.

R3E: Also excellent sound model, though I haven't played it really to judge further on handling, graphics, content etc. Content selection seems comparable with AC.

iRacing: the game of choice for competitive online racing. Only offline practice, physics can feel hit and miss between cars. Great sounds and features - replays, spotter, live track, rules, etc. All laser scanned tracks. No weather, ToD.

GSCE: often stated by the community as best FFB/physics bar none. Great content for small team, nice selection and consistent in feel and behaviour. Dated game engine and personally I found it quite dull to actually drive, but personal opinion and all that.

There you go, hope that helps!
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It's all about maxing out the potential of your PC. For AC, a 970 card and an I7 CPU should be considered, to get the best out of it. I also use SweetFX, particularly LumaSharpen

A lot of people go on about Project Cars GFX but to my eye it looks cartoonish, with the mods available in AC you can make it look very,very good.
If you modds for a game to look good compared to a game that doesn't need modds to look good should be a no brainer
It's always a difficult thing to get a good picture of just from opinions!

I think the following (I own pCARS, AC, rF2. Have played iRacing, GSCE):

- is more immersive in the cockpit (Helmet cam, sound, dynamic shadows, viewpoint control, ORift etc)
- has more 'game'
- receives regular new content and has a better roster of cars (IMO, some people find Lambo/Alpha mandatory, etc), personal opinion
- has better graphics (again subjective, others think the opposite)
- has better audio
- has a better (more complex) FFB system (Fact), but the FEEL is more inconsistent. AC is pretty good all round.
- is still a developing engine (even though based on Shift tech, most of it got complete re-writes). As you'd have noticed there have been plenty of bugs and issues and numerous changes as the patches come out to tyre, physics etc...
- has telemetry apps and API
- dynamic time of day and weather which really is well implemented
- live track, though not as complex as iRacing etc, dependent on track temp, conditions, race length etc.
- which leads to...I think pCARS is the better long term proposition. Work on pCARS2 (and the visibility of how much cool stuff is coming by being a member of the new forum!) benefits pC1 where possible tech wise, the tyre model appears far more advanced (going by available information) and the regular content and patch updates, with pC2 derived tech and the track roster, career mode, new online features etc, I'd put my money on pCARS being the more 'complete' product soon enough, especially as I'm sure AC will be quite consumed with the console conversion work in the next 6 months at least.

- is more consistent in feel and behaviour, as in it does what you expect
- Has in some ways better content by popularity (Lambo, Ferarri, Alpha etc)
- Has good, consistent FFB and gamepad control
- I find it a bit sterile and boring in the cockpit, but that's personal opinion
- AC is an evolution of an accomplished engine, so quite stable and familiar
- has very desirable content coming
- has laser scanned tracks, including arguably the best Nordschleife version around.
- has a decent modding scene, which pCARS almost entirely lacks save some GT3 cars in progress.
- has 'apps' and API
- has a better replay system
- simple live-track, track temperature
- more tuning options in terms of tire selection and upgrade kits for some models
- which leads to...I think AC is a great effort for the small team making it and feels really polished, but it lacks in some important areas: FFB depth, future roadmap, track diversity, overal graphics/sound polish while being not quite there with AI, online, pits and rules etc. Modding and 'big name brands' along with laser scanned tracks are big positive points.

Other options:
rF2: a very 'complete' game simulation content wise, dynamic time of day and weather, excellent and detailed FFB, but can be hit and miss with the car behaviour/feel and sounds. Lacks graphics and content depth of other titles.

R3E: Also excellent sound model, though I haven't played it really to judge further on handling, graphics, content etc. Content selection seems comparable with AC.

iRacing: the game of choice for competitive online racing. Only offline practice, physics can feel hit and miss between cars. Great sounds and features - replays, spotter, live track, rules, etc. All laser scanned tracks. No weather, ToD.

GSCE: often stated by the community as best FFB/physics bar none. Great content for small team, nice selection and consistent in feel and behaviour. Dated game engine and personally I found it quite dull to actually drive, but personal opinion and all that.

There you go, hope that helps!
Look at my avatar ;)
If you modds for a game to look good compared to a game that doesn't need modds to look good should be a no brainer
The mods take literally seconds to download and install so it's not exactly a big ordeal to get them working. Much of them is just tweaking settings already available in the game. Kunos is a very small team, relative even to SMS, and they chose to leave much of the detail to the community while they focused on the core content of cars and tracks. Different approach but I like both games for different reasons.
The mods take literally seconds to download and install so it's not exactly a big ordeal to get them working. Much of them is just tweaking settings already available in the game. Kunos is a very small team, relative even to SMS, and they chose to leave much of the detail to the community while they focused on the core content of cars and tracks. Different approach but I like both games for different reasons.
What tracks :lol::lol::lol:
What tracks :lol::lol::lol:
The largest library of laser scanned tracks in all of pc sim racing outside of iRacing. Given the size of their team and the number of modelers they actually have, their output is remarkable. Personal preference, and this coming from a guy who likes a lot of tracks...I'll take 15 laser scans over 30 tracks made from pictures and GPS data any day.
I think Assetto Corsa lacks a bit of polish. In the opening video sequence for AC, the Ferrari F40's drivers side front tire is not moving while the car is shown in motion. And while the graphics are good, compared to PCars they suffer.
Although I like the engine sounds in Project Cars, Assetto Corsa engine sounds are as good as I've ever heard.

The thing about PCars is despite the bugs, there are times both on-line and locally that you get pulled in.
FFB works, the tires work and it comes together to make for a standout driving experience.
The graphics are gorgeous. The tracks and backgrounds are detailed. I took the plunge and added a GTX 980 SC.
The look and I think game performance to a step up.

Then replay system conspires to ruin all of the positives I just named. I think a bug less, more polished UI and online mode as well as VOIP chat would make PCars hard to beat. It's still a work in progress.

As for the driving experience, I use a G27. And I am still learning to properly dial in FFB settings for PCars.
That is a daunting task to say the least. And changing to Assetto in the middle of learning PCars is shall we say fun?

The settings to get the best driving feel out of either game is still something of a mystery to me. But by far I think Project Cars offers the best chance for me to find a happy ending. I have to learn what settings make Assetto Corsa feel good to me. That said, I would not sleep on Corsa. I think they will resolve their issues and be a strong contender in the race simulation market. In fact, they will need to do major UI work to get on consoles. And that's a good thing.
I haven't voted

I have both on PC, but I rarely play AC and here's why...

AC's FFB feels like 'normal' FFB
PCars FFB, (once configured for your hardware & personal taste) is just incredibly nuanced and now whenever I try to play another driving / racing game they feel so bland.

PCars weather & time effects are second to none, whenever I play AC I find myself yearning for some weather.

My advice would be to buy AC - and play it a lot. Get some real enjoyment out of it.

Then buy PCars, because despite all the buggy frustration with the game, if you get FFB dialled in, nothing else will feel good again :(

I love PCars, I hate PCars - it has destroyed my ability to enjoy any of my other driving games :(

good luck
For grins I decided to give an AC v pC comp test drive.

I took the McLaren 12C GT3 to Imola on both. No tunes, just straight out of the box.

It was prety easy to be quick with pC. After a lap in pC I was able to grasp the limits of the car and track. After four or five laps, I felt quick.

In AC, the car immediately felt much more dangerous. I could sense the weight transfer in more detail and lightness of the rear when slipping. It took much longer to find the limits. Truly, I'm not sure I ever did find them. The consequences of slight errors with throttle inputs were significantly more severe.

As an aside, I've been tooling around with a free trial in iRacing. The only car I've driven in it is the MX5 Cup Car at Laguna. I know that combo well from hours and hours of GT5 and GT6 racing. iRacing makes even that 170 hp car feel "deadly". I often feel inept at driving when I drive this combo in iR if only because I know how I can drive it in GT. It's made me question everything I've ever thought about my own skill.

Now, I can't very well compare that car/track combo with AC or pC, but the feeling of relative "danger" seems to be much more closely simulated in AC. It seems a lot closer to iR in that regard.

All that being said, I think pC is more fun. I love the Career Mode in pC. If only every racing game had a Career Mode that epic.
The mods take literally seconds to download and install so it's not exactly a big ordeal to get them working. Much of them is just tweaking settings already available in the game. Kunos is a very small team, relative even to SMS, and they chose to leave much of the detail to the community while they focused on the core content of cars and tracks. Different approach but I like both games for different reasons.
Well, this might be true. But having just DLd the Natural Graphics mod, I have no idea where to install it. Any help on where the AC Root folder is? PC, Steam user.
Racing against AI? PC no question. 👍

The AI on AC has been greatly improved with the recent release. It provides great competition although from car to car and track to track the competitive level is somewhat spotty. This is easily corrected by dialing the AI level up or down to give you a real race. This is a weakness in career mode as some events are easily won and others are judged to be impossible even by aliens.
Well... I like the game and will buy the PS4 version just to support Kunos but honestly, it looks outdaited. Mainly the surroundings and especially the foliage. I had hoped that they would increase the quality in these areas with the fixed optimisation for the consles but that was obviously too optimistic.

That FXX K sure sounds great, though. Lets hope they at least improved the mega cumbersome online GUI.

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