PS3 General Discussion

In addition, with games rapidly growing in size, well beyond the limitations of a DVD, the problems with multi-disc releases for consoles, and the limited number of 360 owners with significant HDD space, considering the current status of the HD DVD format, will Microsoft release a new console with a Blu-ray drive?

Exact-a-mundo. MS is probably safe from the DVD multi-disk bugabear this generation. But beginning with the 720 (or whatever the official name becomes) the likelihood MS can convince and help developers keep their products within the confines of a single DVD is gonna be pretty slim I think. And if the ability to play HD movies is a significant customer desire the next go around, coupled with the very likely possibility that BR establishes itself as the HD media standard by then, that's really gonna paint MS into a corner. Either they bite the bullet and pay the BR Assoc for a license, with some portion of that fee going directly to Sony, they keep HD-DVD around on life support or they prop up their own HD format. Maybe I'm missing an avenue of escape for them, but in this one regard it sure is an ominous view looking forward right now.

As always it'll be interesting as things play out, but WB sure as heck didn't do MS any favors with this surprise announcement. Another good question, do the content owners fear MS dominating the future direct/digital download landscape enough to help Sony out now by intentionally trying to sink HD-DVD?
Most people that I know went with the X360 earlier on, when I ask them why the answer is usually the lower price and Halo 3. I was the first person I know that bought a PS3 and have been telling people to get them since but they don't really seem to listen. Now there are about 20 people that I actually know have a PS3 and when I go to the X360 people I say again, "Why don't you get a PS3?" They answer, "The price is still too high." I respond with, "Well you might as well get one soon because come next Christmas when you want one, you won't be able to find one in-stock."

Also interesting, when I talk to the people who said that their motivation to get a 360 was because of Halo 3, they say they hardly play it anymore and have moved to a different game, mostly Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

EDIT: D-N, how many weeks is that last chart based on?

My friends follow exactly the same pattern. Although I only know a few people that have PS3's.

Whats funny is that my best friend has always wanted a PS3 over a 360 but finally opted for a 360 because he didnt have enough money for a PS3 and all of his friends played Halo 3. Well we went out to target, so I could use my 10% discount on his purchase, and bought it. Exactly one week later, I get a call from him saying that his 360 freezes up after about ten minutes of playing it. M$ is sending him a box so that he can send his 360 in for a new one.

Its nice to finally see you again, DN.
I agree that Microsoft failed to pit the 360 against the PS3. The guys who have a 360 have it and those who want it look at the PS3 instead.

He rattled off the $399 price of the 40GB like if it was his birthday. I believe Sony's marketing is miles ahead of Microsoft's during the holidays.

I dunno about this, a few of my friends just bought 360s (bringing the total up to about 6 or 7) whereas I only know two other people who have PS3s at the moment. Pretty much everyone is anticipating a few games on the PS3 (MGS 4, GT5) but they all know that there are much better quality games on the 360 at the moment (and I think that as well).
EDIT: D-N, how many weeks is that last chart based on?
400 Weeks. Like rings on a tree, you can tell each year by the jump in sales in December.

Another good question, do the content owners fear MS dominating the future direct/digital download landscape enough to help Sony out now by intentionally trying to sink HD-DVD?
That’s a great question, and it's definitely a very hot topic among many consumers, especially those who prefer to own their content, rather than rent or pay per view, as much of the speculation over MS plans for their media DD content network system is that they would like nothing more than to make all content license agreements, thus giving them control over the content... and of course the cost.

In many ways MS's plan, if true, sounds very much like a download version of DIVX (not the codec, but the failed DRM format that initially competed against DVD), but the added convenience of downloading content may allow this kind of pay-per-view video distribution system succeed, despite the repressions to those who prefer to own and have more control over when and where they watch their content.

Its nice to finally see you again, DN.
Thanks. I'd say I missed you guys... but I was having much too much fun to notice. ;)

But glad to be back in the mix and keeping up with my fellow GTPers. 👍
Considering he even thought a 360/PS2 comparison was even right worries me a bit. That or Microsoft has failed to make it obvious to the average Joe that the 360 is next gen (current gen) and not just a minor XBox upgrade.

Well, techy people hear Blu-Ray and think of blue lasers and everyone who knows about these things knows that red lasers are so last decade.

Well, you need to know the details because if you don't set up your devices to be allowed by the security then it won't connect, because it thinks it is not an allowed device that is trying to get on the network.

Linksys had some crazy working you had to do. To get your model number just flip the router over. It should be on a silver sticker on the bottom or back.

Anyway, that should only matter about your connection dropping. If you can't connect at all then you need to figure out your security settings, and I wouldn't personally announce them online in hopes that some stranger can help me out. You may want to find someone you trust to help there.

thanks i got it to finally go online 👍
Pretty much everyone is anticipating a few games on the PS3 (MGS 4, GT5) but they all know that there are much better quality games on the 360 at the moment (and I think that as well).
They may think that is true, and seeing as what one person may think is quality and another may think its rubbish, maybe for them they are right, but it sounds very exaggerated to me.

For instance, of the top 15 selling 360 games only three are exclusive to the 360:
  • Halo 3
  • Gears Of War
  • Forza Motorsport 2
Even PGR4 isn't selling very well compared to these three.

Other than that, the majority of top selling 360 games are actually multi-platform games. You'd be amazed how many 360 fans don't even realize how many of their favorite 360 games are also available on the PS3.

In addition, if someone can't recognize the quality of any number of the exclusive PS3 games, like:
  • Resistance: Fall of Man
  • MotorStorm
  • Formula 1: Championship Edition
  • R&C: Tools of Destruction
  • Warhawk
  • Heavenly Sword
  • Folklore
  • Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
  • GT5: Prologue
  • SingStar
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (although this is available on PC and will likely be coming to the 360 sometime this year)
These, among others, then it sounds to me like they are showing a tremendous amount of blind bias.

In addition, if you compare upcoming high profile exclusive PS3 and 360 games, I think you'll find there are more coming out for the PS3 than the 360. For instance, while you mentioned MGS4, and GT5, you didn't mention games like:
  • Haze
  • Killzone 2
  • Ferrari Challenge
  • DC Universe
  • InFamous
  • Eight Days
  • Metal Gear Online
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Final Fantasy Versus
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • The Getaway 3
  • Heavy Rain
  • MotorStorm 2
  • White Knight Chronicles
Among others.

That said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and 360 fans are certainly entitled to believe their games are better. :)
Ya great to see you again D-N, I noticed you have been gone for a few weeks and things on the PS3 General Discussion thread kinda slowed down. We have a pretty good group of Call of Duty 4 players too you should consider buying it and mixing it up with us online, well the NA guys atleast for now.
Other than that, the majority of top selling 360 games are actually multi-platform games. You'd be amazed how many 360 fans don't even realize how many of their favorite 360 games are also available on the PS3.
To be fair, many of the favorite 360 games are EA games, and thus are available on the PS3 as totally half-assed ports. EA even managed to screw up Portal for the system.
For that matter, try having a concise discussion with a XBox fan when you debate whether Halo 3 actually is the best thing since toast. It goes from intelligent debate to borderline rabies-driven nonsense before you can finish your first sentence.
Don't get me wrong, as I know the PS3 has a good portion of games in the pipeline, but the 360 isn't going game-less. And thanks to EA's lovely effort in everything they do, most of the people I know have it in their mind that if the game is multiplatform, the 360 version will be better.
Ya great to see you again D-N, I noticed you have been gone for a few weeks and things on the PS3 General Discussion thread kinda slowed down. We have a pretty good group of Call of Duty 4 players too you should consider buying it and mixing it up with us online, well the NA guys atleast for now.
I still haven't even opened my copy of Assassin's Creed yet! I'm also not a big fan of military FPS games, but I must admit, I am tempted. I still have not picked up Warhawk yet, and after seeing some video clips of that new ship they added where you can carry multiple players on board, each controlling their own turret... now that really peaked my interest!

I'm still having a blast with Uncharted, but maybe one of these days I'll join you all in some COD4 mayhem! :D

To be fair, many of the favorite 360 games are EA games,
Many, but not the majority by no means. In fact, of the top 15 best selling games for the 360 the only EA game on that list is Madden. Of the top 30 best selling 360 games, there are only two more EA games, Fight Night Round 3 (which comparisons have shown the PS3 edition is graphically superior), and Need for Speed: Carbon (which as far as I have heard is identical to the PS3 edition).

EA games just aren't the big sellers like they used to, and as such the company has been under a great deal of pressure by investors who have watched the market value of EA drop by over $2 billion dollars these last couple months.

As far as ports, I certainly would not characterize any port as half-assed as that conjures up visions of games that are truly unplayable, and not just some occasional minor framerate or gamma issues. While it is true there are some differences between some ports, and as you mentioned, bigger problems with Portal, in general most ports are practically, if not entirely indistinguishable, and in some cases the PS3 versions are better, like Collin McCrae's DiRT.

However, you do bring up a good point and that many 360 fans believe for the most part that most if not all multi-platform games are better on the 360, choosing to use one example and ignoring others that contradict their own personal opinion.

Unfortunately, just like trying to have a reasonable discussion with them on the virtues of Halo 3 and the reliability of the 360, they are not likely going to be receptive to ever believing a 360 version of a multi-platform game is identical or God forbid inferior to the PS3 version. :)


In related news... MGS4 *confirmed* for Winner, wins console race.
They may think that is true, and seeing as what one person may think is quality and another may think its rubbish, maybe for them they are right, but it sounds very exaggerated to me.

For instance, of the top 15 selling 360 games only three are exclusive to the 360:
  • Halo 3
  • Gears Of War
  • Forza Motorsport 2
Even PGR4 isn't selling very well compared to these three.

Other than that, the majority of top selling 360 games are actually multi-platform games. You'd be amazed how many 360 fans don't even realize how many of their favorite 360 games are also available on the PS3.

In addition, if someone can't recognize the quality of any number of the exclusive PS3 games, like:
  • Resistance: Fall of Man
  • MotorStorm
  • Formula 1: Championship Edition
  • R&C: Tools of Destruction
  • Warhawk
  • Heavenly Sword
  • Folklore
  • Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
  • GT5: Prologue
  • SingStar
  • Unreal Tournament 3 (although this is available on PC and will likely be coming to the 360 sometime this year)
These, among others, then it sounds to me like they are showing a tremendous amount of blind bias.

In addition, if you compare upcoming high profile exclusive PS3 and 360 games, I think you'll find there are more coming out for the PS3 than the 360. For instance, while you mentioned MGS4, and GT5, you didn't mention games like:
  • Haze
  • Killzone 2
  • Ferrari Challenge
  • DC Universe
  • InFamous
  • Eight Days
  • Metal Gear Online
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Final Fantasy Versus
  • God of War III
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • The Getaway 3
  • Heavy Rain
  • MotorStorm 2
  • White Knight Chronicles
Among others.

That said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and 360 fans are certainly entitled to believe their games are better. :)

Firstly, for the record I own both a PS3 and Xbox 360...and secondly, sales aren't the best measure of the QUALITY of a game. While the PS3 has some good games out for it at the moment, the 360 just has a lot more quality games which appeal to a wider audience (and are not necessarily 'exclusives', as many multiplatform games run a lot smoother on the 360 due to developer decisions).

UT3 isn't an exclusive PS3 game (as you said yourself but STILL included in your so called exclusive list), Resistance is ok but I don't find it that good of a game, Prologue is basically a demo and Singstar only has like 20 or 30 songs, not really taking advantage of the blu-ray storage or potential of the PS3 at all. The rest of the games on that list I like (never heard of Folklore though).
I most certainly agree that there are a lot of quality PS3 titles coming out in the near future (probably equal to or more so than the 360), although I must admit I haven't heard of nearly half of the games in your list (aren't Haze and Ferrari Challenge multiplatform?)
Firstly, for the record I own both a PS3 and Xbox 360...and secondly, sales aren't the best measure of the QUALITY of a game.
Right, but seeing as "quality" is a subjective opinion, where two people can disagree and both can be right, thus it doesn't carry much weight. In fact, if you browse through many 360 forums, even the one on GTP, you'll find many 360 users complaining about the lack of many quality games, especially last year.

However, the point remains that the majority of games that 360 owners actually buy are multi-platform games, and while they also like to claim most if not all the 360 editions are superior, the reality is that with only a very few exceptions favoring the 360 edition and others favoring the PS3 edition, there are no significant differences between most ports... but as I said in the follow-up, it's very unlikely you'll ever hear a diehard 360 fan admit it... quite the contrary.

(aren't Haze and Ferrari Challenge multiplatform?)
No, and not where it counts as far as this discussion.

Prior to development, Haze was being discussed by the developer as being multi-platform, then it was rumored it would be a timed exclusive for the PS3, and then back in August the developer made it clear it was a PS3 exclusive.

Since then, many diehard 360 fans continue to suggest this is not the case, despite many follow up announcements and interviews with the developers making it clear it is a PS3 exclusive.

For instance, here is an excerpt from an interview between Justin Pinter at PSU and Rob Yescombe and Derek Littlewood, developers of Haze from Free Radical from just over a month ago:

PSU: What was the reason behind dropping development on the Xbox 360 and PC?

Derek: From a development point of view, exclusive development is attractive because you can really focus on getting the best out of just one platform, rather than always needing to split your efforts across multiple versions of the game. And this is why exclusive PS3 development has been so useful to us, as the entire team has been able to work very closely with the PS3 hardware.

As for why the PS3 was our platform of choice, the company has a history of getting good results out of PlayStation hardware from our days working on the PS2, but also, out of the three platforms, the PS3 is still the youngest and so represented the best opportunity for us to get a game out into an uncrowded market where it was likely to get the best recognition.

There are a few threads even on GTP that have lots of info and details on Haze if you are interested:

Back in March, System 3 said Ferrari Challenge would be coming out on the PS3 with versions also available on PSP, Wii, and DS (although no mention on how these editions will differ from the PS3 one) . There were rumors back in November that a 360 edition was in the works based on some comments Bruno Senna made, but there remains no official word of any 360 edition.

Keep in mind, there have also been countless rumors over the year that Konami was going to release MGS4 on the 360 as well, despite official word that is not the case, and despite the fact that MGS4 would have to be released on at least 4 DVDs if it were ever released on the 360 in its current form. Although it's always possible some kind of trimmed down edition might be made in the future, but I wouldn't count on it.

As far as 360 users go though, Ferrari Challenge is an exclusive as there are no official plans for a 360 edition.

There is also a dedicated thread on GTP on Ferrari Challenge if you want more info:

PS: That "so-called exlusive list", as you called it, is but just a small sample. In total there about 100 PS3 exclusive games released, upcoming, and announced - so there are far more games that I didn't even bother to mention, but I also wouldn't expect many 360 fans to be aware of that fact.
Firstly, for the record I own both a PS3 and Xbox 360...and secondly, sales aren't the best measure of the QUALITY of a game. While the PS3 has some good games out for it at the moment, the 360 just has a lot more quality games which appeal to a wider audience...

Like what?

If you would say Mass Effect or Bioshock, you would be incorrect. Neither appeal to a wide audience and I would argue on the quality of both games. Gears of War is disqualified because it's no longer exclusive to the 360.
^I agree.

Wider audience? He mean in masses not popular game variety right?

Oh The Agency looks like its going to be killer app next year.

I read somewhere that Mass Effect is headed to PC. Multiplatform games are not nearly as bad as people say. The games are playable, thats all that matters.
I think Sony Purposely under advertised the PS3 the first year to save money until the system cost were lower. MS simply flooded the retailers with all they had in stock. MS is going to sell more systems this year not to new system buyers, but to those who want the 65nm chip systems, if those get the RRoD that should be interesting.

I own both systems FTR(for the record).
what's this about?

Your PS3 will make a copy of a Blu Ray movie and transfer it to your PSP for your viewing pleasure.
That means: 2 for the price of 1. Hmm, no wonder they announced a 16gb card on the same day. And of course, this benefits Sony to allow this because it limits hackers' need or desire to break the DRM just to hack a copy onto their PSP the way many DVDs have been done.

And since, from what I hear, the iPod uses the same MP4 video format it could also mean it will work for the iPod. Somehow though I imagine Sony not allowing that.

Most people that I know went with the X360 earlier on, when I ask them why the answer is usually the lower price and Halo 3. I was the first person I know that bought a PS3 and have been telling people to get them since but they don't really seem to listen. Now there are about 20 people that I actually know have a PS3 and when I go to the X360 people I say again, "Why don't you get a PS3?" They answer, "The price is still too high."
Ironic considering they can get a PS3 now for cheaper than their launch 360.

To be fair, many of the favorite 360 games are EA games, and thus are available on the PS3 as totally half-assed ports. EA even managed to screw up Portal for the system.
While EA can be blamed for many a bad port (bad games in general if you ask me) you have to blame Valve for anything in the Orange Box as they basically said they thought the PS3 was rubbish and they were in no hurry, nor did they care.

For that matter, try having a concise discussion with a XBox fan when you debate whether Halo 3 actually is the best thing since toast. It goes from intelligent debate to borderline rabies-driven nonsense before you can finish your first sentence.
That's just Halo 3 fans. One of my best friends has a Wii60 and he alternates between Gears and Super Mario Galaxy. But he takes any opportunity he can to play Warhawk on my PS3.

He only talked about Halo 3 after it first launched, then it was back to Gears.

Don't get me wrong, as I know the PS3 has a good portion of games in the pipeline, but the 360 isn't going game-less. And thanks to EA's lovely effort in everything they do, most of the people I know have it in their mind that if the game is multiplatform, the 360 version will be better.
As I have a huge distaste for EA I have found that most other multiplatform games do well.
While EA can be blamed for many a bad port (bad games in general if you ask me) you have to blame Valve for anything in the Orange Box as they basically said they thought the PS3 was rubbish and they were in no hurry, nor did they care.
Valve's comments are notable, but they didn't handle the PS3 port. EA did.

That's just Halo 3 fans.
A large majority, I must say.

Solid Fro
If you would say Mass Effect or Bioshock, you would be incorrect. Neither appeal to a wide audience and I would argue on the quality of both games.
I will tell you right now that I don't see a single game for the PS3 that can touch BioShock. That being said, I state that tall order based on the fact that I own the PC version, so it is moot regardless.
Did any news about the PS3 come out of CES yesturday? All i can find is that they are definitly going to allow in-game XMB sometime in 2008. Although there must be more than that!!
I will tell you right now that I don't see a single game for the PS3 that can touch BioShock. That being said, I state that tall order based on the fact that I own the PC version, so it is moot regardless.

There are plenty of FPS on the PS3.
There are plenty of FPS on the PS3.

To me if a game is good thats all that matters. If something is better, it doesn't matter. Because no one is going to play one single player game over and over and over because other games are not as great as that one game.
However, the point remains that the majority of games that 360 owners actually buy are multi-platform games, and while they also like to claim most if not all the 360 editions are superior, the reality is that with only a very few exceptions favoring the 360 edition and others favoring the PS3 edition, there are no significant differences between most ports... but as I said in the follow-up, it's very unlikely you'll ever hear a diehard 360 fan admit it... quite the contrary.

But the 360 does have an advantage with their controller.
But the 360 does have an advantage with their controller.

I would say the complete opposite, I prefer the PS3/Dual Shock controller over the Xbox and 360 controllers. The DS seems to fit in my hand so nicely and where the triggers are is perfect for me I dont even have to press it really, I just kinda give it a little tap with the side of my finger. My most favourite controller for me was the N64 though, I really liked using it when I was younger.
that is sheerly a matter of opinion and one that I strongly disagree with...

I agree with you and I must say that I personally think that the only 'thing' that the XBOX360 controller is better the original ANCHOR that shipped with the old XBOX.
Like what?

If you would say Mass Effect or Bioshock, you would be incorrect. Neither appeal to a wide audience and I would argue on the quality of both games. Gears of War is disqualified because it's no longer exclusive to the 360.

I wouldn't say Gears or Bioshock is disqualified seeing as Microsoft have an interest in the PC and 360 (for obvious reasons). I'm pretty sure Mass Effect (as an RPG similar to KOTOR) appeals to a wide audience despite having a few things which needed to be fixed up (the equipment screen for example).
Since we're counting multiplatform as only PS3 and 360 (based on Ferrari Challenge not being on 360) I'd say TDU, Forza 2, PGR 3 and 4, Dead Rising, Crackdown, Ace Combat 6, Halo 3 and Saints Row were and are still very appealing games.

At the moment the only exclusive PS3 game that appeals to me are Motorstorm, Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank. Although I will say like I said before, I see a brighter future for the PS3 than 360 this year.
It did take me a little while to get used to, but it feels like the 360 fits perfectly in my hands. The analog sticks are placed nicely for games like Forza. I tried the PS3 controller on GT4HD and I immediately found myself going back to using the d-pad. The triggers also have a better feel. And for some reason in games where there is shooting involved on the PS3, they use R1 instead of the R2 trigger. To me it seems like the Xbox controller has a better and more comfortable layout.

edit: I must say that my hands aren't very big, so that might be a part of it.