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that is sheerly a matter of opinion and one that I strongly disagree with...
that is sheerly a matter of opinion and one that I strongly disagree with...
And downright 1 that anyone knows about. I fail to see how quantity eclipses quality, though.
I wouldn't say Gears or Bioshock is disqualified seeing as Microsoft have an interest in the PC and 360 (for obvious reasons).
Not really. Mass Effect has sold 1.6 million copies so far. Compare that to 8.1 copies of Halo 3 just over 100 days. Some 17.7 million 360s have been sold world wide.I'm pretty sure Mass Effect (as an RPG similar to KOTOR) appeals to a wide audience despite having a few things which needed to be fixed up (the equipment screen for example).
I'll give you Dead Rising, it's very popular with the nerds. Other than that, only fanboys can love each of those games.Since we're counting multiplatform as only PS3 and 360 (based on Ferrari Challenge not being on 360) I'd say TDU, Forza 2, PGR 3 and 4, Dead Rising, Crackdown, Ace Combat 6, Halo 3 and Saints Row were and are still very appealing games.
Just look at the release list for PS3.At the moment the only exclusive PS3 game that appeals to me are Motorstorm, Uncharted and Ratchet and Clank. Although I will say like I said before, I see a brighter future for the PS3 than 360 this year.
Perfect Dark Zero, off the top of my head. I would also love to know why you care (meaning, I know perfectly well why, but I want you hear what you will say about it).Name one on the 360 besides Halo 3. I had to tell people about Bioshock, they had no clue what it was. After telling them it was a FPS, they didn't seem much interested in the game.
1.6 million copies of a game isn't a failure by any stretch.Not really. Mass Effect has sold 1.6 million copies so far. Compare that to 8.1 copies of Halo 3 just over 100 days. Some 17.7 million 360s have been sold world wide.
I didn't flunk out of logic, and I could tell you that just because a game doesn't have as wide of an audience as Halo (which is roughly 75% of the games on the market) doesn't mean it isn't a wide audience.I don't know, I failed Algebra 2, but 8 is bigger than ~2.
That is hilarious fallacy, and too stupid of a sentence to even bother rebutting. What is your definition of a game that only fanboys would love? 360 exclusives? You're funny.Other than that, only fanboys can love each of those games.
So, you are slanting him for what? Did he not already say the PS3 would have a better upcoming year? Or was it that he did not not say that the 360 was going to have a year of pure trash, and that no one ever should buy another one.Just look at the release list for PS3.
Perfect Dark Zero, off the top of my head. I would also love to know why you care (meaning, I know perfectly well why, but I want you hear what you will say about it).
Name one on the 360 besides Halo 3. I had to tell people about Bioshock, they had no clue what it was. After telling them it was a FPS, they didn't seem much interested in the game.
Then UT3 is now un-disqualified for PS3, using that logic.
Not really. Mass Effect has sold 1.6 million copies so far. Compare that to 8.1 copies of Halo 3 just over 100 days. Some 17.7 million 360s have been sold world wide.
I don't know, I failed Algebra 2, but 8 is bigger than ~2.
I'll give you Dead Rising, it's very popular with the nerds. Other than that, only fanboys can love each of those games.
Just look at the release list for PS3.
I owned the PC version as well and I played the 360 version, and it is one of the few FPS games I really enjoyed (although I was thoroughly miffed over the cropped widescreen, especially when even the developers at 2K Games claimed it wasn’t, and then later had to admit that it was), and I would still rank it as one of the best games of 2007.I will tell you right now that I don't see a single game for the PS3 that can touch BioShock. That being said, I state that tall order based on the fact that I own the PC version, so it is moot regardless.
That's a shame, as I normally don't like FPS games, but I loved Bioshock! Great story, beautiful visuals, excellent sounds, amazing envirmoments, and wide variety of strategies and tactics. I've recommended Bioshock to just about everyone I know. 👍Name one on the 360 besides Halo 3. I had to tell people about Bioshock, they had no clue what it was. After telling them it was a FPS, they didn't seem much interested in the game.
I think the point SolidFro was making is that apparently only 10% of 360 owners bought it. Sure, selling 1.6 million games should return a healthy profit, but selling to only 10% of your target market is not an indicator that the game had a wide appeal.1.6 million copies of a game isn't a failure by any stretch
I agree, just like someone who owns a PS3 and casts judgment over the overall quality and quantity of PS3 games, yet never heard of Folklore, one of the more interesting and creative games from 2007 with some truly stunning graphics. Heck, if you download demos and video trailers from the PSN stores, it would have been next to impossible to miss it. It also was nominated and won several awards on various annual game review sites.Okay if people owned a 360 and failed to know about Bioshock (it's not really an FPS either, I'd say it's one of those hybrid action/adventure games) I would say they're not buying games regularly/don't keep up with any sort of gaming news.
👍To me if a game is good thats all that matters. If something is better, it doesn't matter. Because no one is going to play one single player game over and over and over because other games are not as great as that one game.
I wouldn't expect much from CES in regards to new console related announcments, but if you check out the official developer's blog for the PS3 you'll find some coverage and videos from CES regarding the PS3.Did any news about the PS3 come out of CES yesturday? All i can find is that they are definitly going to allow in-game XMB sometime in 2008. Although there must be more than that!!
Ask and yee shall receive... I added GameCube to the mix to show the drastic turn around from Nintendo's 6th and 7th gen game console:My one point of interest would be the a comparison of Wii units to PS2 units. 👍
I agree 100%. It's also for this reason why they are for the most part already competing for a different market, although many consumers belong to both markets.I'm willing to bet this new generation of games will eventually reveal a price mark where serious gamers and casual gamers are divided. Wii and PS2 sell for far less than a PS3 and X360 and now sales seem to suggest that the rate of growth is steady but the numbers of units sold will always be higher for the cheaper system.
Except that wasn't the case with quite a few "cheap" consoles, like the Game Cube, which was also the least expensive console last gen. I think the big difference now is that while the Wii remains largely based on last gen technology, it's focus is on a very specific style of gaming, and really isn't after the same market as the other guys. Basically what Nintendo did with the Wii was create a new untapped market.Simply put- less expensive systems sell more.
I don't know about this. You have to also consider the number of households that still don't have an HDTV. If you track HDTV sales over the years, and they are growing at an unbelievable pace right now, you can see the effect it has had on HD related products, like HD camcorders, HD DVR, HD subscriptions through cable and satellite providers, etc.Expensive systems like the PS3 and 360 will continue to hold a spot in the market but they will never claim market share like the very capable and far less costly systems.
Has anyone noticed that you can see through Blu-Ray disks? atleast the motorstorm game?
While Nintendo must be congratulated for their remarkable turnaround and success, it's also a mistake in my opinion to compare the Wii closely to the PS3 and 360. Nintendo took an entirely different approach this generation, and thus the games that sell well on the Wii don't sell well on the PS3 and 360, and vice versa. In other words, they really aren't competing for the same market.
I agree, just like someone who owns a PS3 and casts judgment over the overall quality and quantity of PS3 games, yet never heard of Folklore, one of the more interesting and creative games from 2007 with some truly stunning graphics. Heck, if you download demos and video trailers from the PSN stores, it would have been next to impossible to miss it. It also was nominated and won several awards on various annual game review sites.
Also, someone who admits they haven't heard of nearly half of the games in that very trimmed down list of upcoming exclusive PS3 games, also doesn't keep up with any sort of gaming news, as you said.
Oh veey.![]()
That said, one must also congratulate Sony for having the foresight not to drop support for the PS2, in recognition that many consumers are not ready to take full advantage of what the PS3 has to offer, and thus they continue to purchase PS2's and PS2 games.
Yeah good on Sony for getting rid of backwards compatibility in their 40GB PS3 based on customer demand! A good corporate decision sure (more monies), but it doesn't really say much to customers of the company.
Well you said you never heard of it before, so in order to skip over it you'd also have to have known what it was. You also must rarely ever download things from the PSN stores, as there have been at least a dozen add-ons and videos, as well as two different demos added to the stores over several months.Looking over the wiki page for Folklore I can see why I never heard of it before, I probably skipped over that news...that kind of 'fantasy' is not really my genre (btw it only got 74 on metacritic so it doesn't seem like that big a game to me, seems more like a flop).
If they go around making public their opinions and judgments of future PS3 games in general, I would hope and suspect they would. If not, I would think less of their opinion, as the information on these games are readily available to anyone willing to take a few minutes to read up on them.I think if you asked a few other gamers on the PS3 forum you'd find a lot of them wouldn't have heard of them either.![]()
Based on your response I think you misunderstood or misread my remark. The point is many people are not ready to buy a "next gen" console, and thus are still buying PS2 at a surprisingly high rate for a seven year old console. In fact, PS2's have outsold even 360s for several months over the last two years since the 360 was released.Yeah good on Sony for getting rid of backwards compatibility in their 40GB PS3 based on customer demand! A good corporate decision sure (more monies), but it doesn't really say much to customers of the company.
Well you said you never heard of it before, so in order to skip over it you'd also have to have known what it was. You also must rarely ever download things from the PSN stores, as there have been at least a dozen add-ons and videos, as well as two different demos added to the stores over several months.
As far as ratings go, have you ever liked a game or movie that has scored less than 75 on Metacritic? Do you allow the opinions of a handful of people you don't even know judge the quality of a game or movie for you? Reviews are almost always subjective opinions, and from a very limited pool of people as well... Vanilla or chocolate?
In addition, there are plenty of reviews that have given Folklore a 90, and even IGN awarded it with the Editors top pick. Also, you conveniently left out the fact that the average user rating on Metacritic for Folklore was 85. In addition, it's received many other awards from other sites... so no, those are hardly indications of the game being a flop, at least in terms of its quality. More positive indications are the popularity of it's add-ons on the PSN stores.
Sure, I can understand why some people, like yourself might not like that type of game, or at least unwilling to try it. However, if I was going to make public my personal opinion and judgment over the general quality of PS3 games, I would personally do my best to familiarize myself with all those games, or else be willing to admit my opinion is based on a limited amount of information, and possibly biased based on my unwillingness to play a game, try its demo, watch trailers of it, or even just read up on it... but maybe that's just me.
Besides, not only will your opinion mean more if you are more familiar with the games you lump together in your judgments, but who knows, you might discover a game that you like despite being a style or genre you normally don't have any interest in. I suspect a lot of people who don't like FPS games, like me, who would really like Bioshock if they gave it a try.
Based on your response I think you misunderstood or misread my remark. The point is many people are not ready to buy a "next gen" console, and thus are still buying PS2 at a surprisingly high rate for a seven year old console. In fact, PS2's have outsold even 360s for several months over the last two years since the 360 was released.
As far as backward capability, unless I'm mistaken, there have always been, and continues to be PS3 models that have BC support. The purpose of the lower priced PS3 is to give those prospective customers who don't care about having the PS3 play PS2 games, and want to save $100 in the process that opportunity. I'm not sure why you would find fault in that, but that's here nor there.
I respect the fact that you feel the PS3's future is bright, but to be frank, your assessment on the current slate of PS3 games does seem somewhat biased. It's here nor there though, after all, so far much of what you've shared is subjective opinion, and thus one will always find disagreements as it's only human for us all to have different criteria for what we consider appealing.
Unless you feel more needs to be said, I'll gladly buy the first round of drinks, and toast at least our mutual appreciation for quality games, even if they might have different titles.
Bioshock isn't really referred to as an FPS by most places, most say it is an action/adventure game(e.g. metacritic). I think it does fall into that rather newly created genre, as it has a lot more elements within it than the simple point and shoot.
But the 360 does have an advantage with their controller.
because we love to buy batteries, or spend half of the price of the controller to buy recharge batteries.
PS3 controllers have built in recharble batteries with a cable that comes standard.
PS3 has so many features included that 360 users have to pay extra for, its simply a no brainer choice between PS3 and 360 these days. Especially with the price so close.
Built in wifi,
recharble controller
40gb vs 20gb
etc etc
And with the PS3 games list growing rapidly AS well as blu-ray kicking arse its looking like a good year for PS3.
More and more customers are understanding what blu-ray is and thus are already leaning towards PS3.
I was having this exact argument with someone the other day. A friend is still complaining about the current price of a PS3 (which is £300 retail, £20 off some retailers). An Xbox Premium console is still £280 retail (£30 off in some retailers), and as you say, to get wireless you have to pay for the pricy adaptor, then there's the HD-DVD drive, and 20GB less hard drive space...Indeed.
Wireless adapter is $160
HD-DVD drive is $249
Xbox Premium is $529 with forza2 and viva pinata
PS3 40gb is $687 with a free game
Motorstorm or Resistance or Genji or F1.
throw in the blu-ray speal and its not a hard cross sell.
You mean like how CD's and DVD's have always been?![]()
Really? I've never noticed you can see the front label from the back of a DVD
You've always been able to see through discs. They have a hole in the middle...
Really? I've never noticed you can see the front label from the back of a DVD
And don't forget online play with the 360, or even access to some content on XBL. That's another £70 or $50 a year. After just four years, that's already an additional £280 or $200 added to the cost. Basically with the 360 you have an a la carte menu, which while initially can be less expensive. Even without any add-ons, and just a subscription to Gold to play online for only a few years takes the 360 price above and beyond the PS3.I was having this exact argument with someone the other day. A friend is still complaining about the current price of a PS3 (which is £300 retail, £20 off some retailers). An Xbox Premium console is still £280 retail (£30 off in some retailers), and as you say, to get wireless you have to pay for the pricy adaptor, then there's the HD-DVD drive, and 20GB less hard drive space...
And he still thinks it's expensive.![]()