PS3 General Discussion

I doubt Microsoft will have much say concerning HD-DVD vs. Blu Ray. The movie studios are much more important about which side they want to support. Microsoft isn't worried about any optical formats.

When people ask me about HD movies, I only refer to Blu Ray. HD-DVD has been dead, IMO, for a while.

Your PSP should be able to connect, PeterJB. Check your settings on your router and PSP, especially the security settings.
Do you reckon it could even be down to things like "Oh Blu Ray sounds cooler and the electric blue colour of the box looks nicer than ugly burgandy"

I bet for some people this is the reason why they choose one over the other!... Its as simple as that...

Of course for the tech minded there are alot more factors...

What do you think?

No, I think HD DVD is the better name. It's just obvious, a high definition DVD. You can even say the term 'DVD' has over taken the term 'video tape'.

I never had anyone say Blu Ray must be better because it sounded cooler. These people still wonder if these new formats will play in their DVD players...
I agree with SF. At the same time to me BR boxes were always more easy on the eyes. Except for a few specific cases were HD-DVD's color scheme more naturally complimented the cover art, ie 300. From an aesthetics point of view, ideally all formats would be forced to use a black theme as that is the most neutral. For instance this is why 360 boxes look so garish in comparison to PS3 covers.

In the end it is the technology that matters most though (hopefully that's obvious ;)) so I'm glad that BR came out on top from that standpoint. I for one am not all that jazzed about the pending DD revolution, especially if MS ends up setting the rules :scared:
I agree with SF. At the same time to me BR boxes were always more easy on the eyes. Except for a few specific cases were HD-DVD's color scheme more naturally complimented the cover art, ie 300. From an aesthetics point of view, ideally all formats would be forced to use a black theme as that is the most neutral. For instance this is why 360 boxes look so garish in comparison to PS3 covers.

In the end it is the technology that matters most though (hopefully that's obvious ;)) so I'm glad that BR came out on top from that standpoint. I for one am not all that jazzed about the pending DD revolution, especially if MS ends up setting the rules :scared:

DD revolution?
Digital Download.

That is what Microsoft is worried about.

Thanks for clearing that up SF, I should have realized that it's not a very common acronym.

And to underscore digitial download is the method of movie distribution that MS has their eyes on cornering if they can, and if successful, to the tune of massive profits naturally.
I just played a match and got 17 kills and 0 deaths and it didn't give me my flawless achievement. That really killed that rather beautiful match. I finally got a 10 kill streak with my weapon and no aid of airstrikes or helicopters. And I got my collateral damage achievement across the ENTIRE map which made me practically jump out of my seat and then didn't die once but didn't get my flawless achievement. :(

Um, call of duty thread? :sly:
Guy's, DD is at a MINIMUM 10 years away from being a reality. At least a 'mainstream' reality. Even then, don't expect physical media to disappear at all. All DD means is companies can offer them over a network connection, but that does not mean they'll stop making physical media all together.
Your PSP should be able to connect, PeterJB. Check your settings on your router and PSP, especially the security settings.

I've managed to get the connection working. Took some time, but it works. Thanks, SF.
My friend is picking up a 40GB very soon. He has been saving money for a few months. He states that the PS3 is "bad ass" and looks "hella tight". He goes on to say that he rather have a 360 than a PS2, but rather have a PS3 than a 360.

Just something interesting to think about. Boots on the ground, generic young adult kinda perception of the PS3.
Does your router have a security setup?

i believe it does yeah.

Router brand and model number would help.

In some cases there are certain wireless routers that for some odd reason refuse to work well with the PS3 and you have to adjust the settings to make them get along. Mine was liek this, but it made me drop my connection off and on. It woudl still connect initially.

When you go into your wireless setup in the PS3 does it see your network and then just can't connect? Or does it just not detect any networks?

it detects the networks, but it just could not connect for some stupid reason. now it's giving me a message that it's a DNS error or something. i'll look up the router brand and model number, but as far as i know we're using a linksys one. but yeah i'll look up the model number and let you all know.
Has anyone noticed that you can see through Blu-Ray disks? atleast the motorstorm game?
Has anyone noticed that you can see through Blu-Ray disks? atleast the motorstorm game?

Yeah its a bit unnerving but knowing the Blu Ray discs are more resistant and scratch proof than DVD's makes me feel secure! Forgotten what the coating technology was called...

If you look at an angle at the front of the disc to can see the data storage layer (the silver platter) and how close it is to the surface... unbelievable!

Solid Fro
I never had anyone say Blu Ray must be better because it sounded cooler.

You wouldn't believe how many people have said that they like it because it sounds cooler! :lol:... I must keep very techy company! :lol:

I agree with SF. At the same time to me BR boxes were always more easy on the eyes. Except for a few specific cases were HD-DVD's color scheme more naturally complimented the cover art, ie 300. From an aesthetics point of view, ideally all formats would be forced to use a black theme as that is the most neutral. For instance this is why 360 boxes look so garish in comparison to PS3 covers.

In the end it is the technology that matters most though (hopefully that's obvious ) so I'm glad that BR came out on top from that standpoint. I for one am not all that jazzed about the pending DD revolution, especially if MS ends up setting the rules

Yeah I also think they are more easy on the eyes but your right, some films like 300 look better in a red box. I think the 360 boxes look horrid! It looks immature and devaluing of the box art but im really particular about the design and aesthetics of things!

But yeah in the end its the technology but you know what they say, most things are sold by how they look on the store shelf, particularly magazines!

He goes on to say that he rather have a 360 than a PS2, but rather have a PS3 than a 360.

Just something interesting to think about. Boots on the ground, generic young adult kinda perception of the PS3.
Considering he even thought a 360/PS2 comparison was even right worries me a bit. That or Microsoft has failed to make it obvious to the average Joe that the 360 is next gen (current gen) and not just a minor XBox upgrade.

You wouldn't believe how many people have said that they like it because it sounds cooler! :lol:... I must keep very techy company! :lol:
Well, techy people hear Blu-Ray and think of blue lasers and everyone who knows about these things knows that red lasers are so last decade.

i believe it does yeah.
Well, you need to know the details because if you don't set up your devices to be allowed by the security then it won't connect, because it thinks it is not an allowed device that is trying to get on the network.

it detects the networks, but it just could not connect for some stupid reason. now it's giving me a message that it's a DNS error or something. i'll look up the router brand and model number, but as far as i know we're using a linksys one. but yeah i'll look up the model number and let you all know.
Linksys had some crazy working you had to do. To get your model number just flip the router over. It should be on a silver sticker on the bottom or back.

Anyway, that should only matter about your connection dropping. If you can't connect at all then you need to figure out your security settings, and I wouldn't personally announce them online in hopes that some stranger can help me out. You may want to find someone you trust to help there.
i believe it does yeah.

it detects the networks, but it just could not connect for some stupid reason. now it's giving me a message that it's a DNS error or something. i'll look up the router brand and model number, but as far as i know we're using a linksys one. but yeah i'll look up the model number and let you all know.

I had this same problem. Try manually adding in the IP Address, the Subnet Mask, the Default Gateway and the Primary and Secondary DNS Codes, that got it working for me.
Considering he even thought a 360/PS2 comparison was even right worries me a bit. That or Microsoft has failed to make it obvious to the average Joe that the 360 is next gen (current gen) and not just a minor XBox upgrade.

I agree that Microsoft failed to pit the 360 against the PS3. The guys who have a 360 have it and those who want it look at the PS3 instead.

He rattled off the $399 price of the 40GB like if it was his birthday. I believe Sony's marketing is miles ahead of Microsoft's during the holidays.

Seeing is believing.
Which is selling better now the PS3 or the 360?

Did anybody here if Sony annouced anything about the PS3 at that technology show this week, CES i think it is called!
No, I think HD DVD is the better name. It's just obvious, a high definition DVD. You can even say the term 'DVD' has over taken the term 'video tape'.

I never had anyone say Blu Ray must be better because it sounded cooler. These people still wonder if these new formats will play in their DVD players...

Over in the UK and Im sure in allot of other countries HD is used on everything and its so over used i think allot of people in the UK just see it as a small step up from DVD whereas Blue-ray is a radicle name change from DVD that its sound more new and superior, but at the end of the day Sony really have marketed it allot better than Toshiba have with HD-DVD and it goes without saying the PS3 has contributed allot to the format.
Which is selling better now the PS3 or the 360?
I know Sony say they sold something like 1.2 million PS3s in December and Microsoft is just talking about year-end revenue, so until official numbers come out it is hard to say.

Unless I missed them.

Did anybody here if Sony annouced anything about the PS3 at that technology show this week, CES i think it is called!
What I have gathered so far:

  • PSP will get Skype (slims only)
  • PSP will get GPS for US
  • Blu-Ray 2.0 discs can have PSP format versions of films
  • 16gb Sony Memory Stick for $300. - that's actually larger than my iPod's hard drive so once prices drop this will finally make my PSP all around better than my iPod. Time though.

This is all mainly PSP related so far. They are supposed to have their PS3 presentation at 1:00 pm today. If I have my time zones correct that would mean it starts in about 45 minutes from me posting this.

Here's Sony's CES page.
Which is selling better now the PS3 or the 360?
Currently, worldwide the PS3 is slightly outselling the 360. The PS3 has been, and continues to outsell the 360 in every market except the US.

Did anybody here if Sony announced anything about the PS3 at that technology show this week, CES i think it is called!
CES only just started this weekend, and typically consoles are not a high profile topic during CES. However, due to the PS3 playing a significant role in the success of the Blu-ray format, and that its capabilities make it a more central entertainment system, this has changed things quite a bit. Still, Sony did not make any major PS3 announcements so far, other than repeating some of the sales data, specifically the sale of 1.2 million PS3s between Thanksgiving and Christmas, that they had released earlier in a press release leading up to the opening of CES.

CES is the largest show of its kind and covers every conceivable consumer electronic product you can think of and then some. Despite this, and despite the relatively small market share that HD DVD & Blu-ray have in the marketplace, the hottest topic at CES this year has been on the format war between these formats... and this was before Warner Bros. dropped the bomb on HD DVD (Notably Toshiba, NEC, and Microsoft) with their surprise announcement on their decision to exclusively back Blu-ray, leaving HD DVD with only two major film studios supporting HD DVD (Universal and Paramount).

Obviously the fallout from this announcement last Friday has been massive. No more so than the effect it had on the HD DVD Groups' highly anticipated press conference which was scheduled for Sunday, but after the news from Warner they immediately canceled the conference.

In addition, Paramount, who was expected to announce a lengthy list of newly planned HD DVD titles has also canceled that announcement.

It was also speculated heavily these last couple months that Microsoft was going to announce a new 360 with built-in HD DVD drive, but this latest shift in the format war may very well have put the kibosh on that.

The next few weeks are going to be very interesting in regards to the future development of these HD formats.

As far as the PS3 is concerned, this is likely to boost sales even further should Blu-ray's momentum continue to grow. This is especially true when you consider the huge jump in HDTV sales, and with so many switching over to HDTVs, many consumers will be looking for products that can fully take advantage of what their TV is capable of doing, like games and movies in native HD, and not just scaled up 480p DVD.

Speaking of console sales though. It surprises me to still see some people and even main stream media reporting "abysmal" sales for the PS3, when in fact, when comparing sales from launch, as one must to get an accurate comparison, not only has the PS3 been selling just as well as the 360, but both are not that far off PS2 sales.


Now the big question is can either or both the 360 and PS3 be able to continue to closely match the sales growth of the PS2, which even today continues to sell very well and in fact has once again outsold the 360 these last couple weeks.

In addition, with games rapidly growing in size, well beyond the limitations of a DVD, the problems with multi-disc releases for consoles, and the limited number of 360 owners with significant HDD space, considering the current status of the HD DVD format, will Microsoft release a new console with a Blu-ray drive?
Oh, looks like I missed the PSP keyboard for 2009.

Looks like I bought a PSP just in time.

All the PS3 news I have gotten today is Kaz Hirai saying the PS3 should be profitable next fiscal year, which starts in April.

Is any site live blogging the CES PS3 presentation going on now?
No, I think everyone is copying from the same Sony press release.

Which is selling better now the PS3 or the 360?

Obviously, the 360. We won't have the NPD numbers for the holiday season until next week.

In my personal view, I only know one person who actually has a 360. However, I have never seen her play it. As for the PS3, I know several people who own it.
In my personal view, I only know one person who actually has a 360. However, I have never seen her play it. As for the PS3, I know several people who own it.
I'm the opposite as I knew plenty of people with 360s and I was the first to get a PS3, but now more people have PS3s.
  • PSP will get Skype (slims only)
  • PSP will get GPS for US
  • Blu-Ray 2.0 discs can have PSP format versions of films????
  • 16gb Sony Memory Stick for $300. - that's actually larger than my iPod's hard drive so once prices drop this will finally make my PSP all around better than my iPod. Time though.

what's this about?
will Microsoft release a new console with a Blu-ray drive?
I doubt it (because I'm assuming you mean BD games). The fallout would be immense, and Microsoft wouldn't be able to fix that fallout by throwing money at it. Not to mention it would most likely erase any price difference between the two.
Maybe you could call it stubborn on Microsoft's part (and I don't doubt that would be a sizable part of it). But I don't see it that way. I think it would probably be smarter to just ignore BD entirely. There are only a couple of more years left in the 360, and the retooling for BD (not to mention the licencing) would just lose Microsoft more money. Besides, its not like multi-disc games are that big a deal at the moment.

I was looking at this graph and wondering what last gen's (Game Cube, PS2, Xbox) 61 week from launch comparative sales looked like:


While not as closely grouped as the first graph, it’s closer than I would have thought.

However, it goes to show that things can change rapidly over a few years:


So despite similar 61 week sales for PS2, PS3, and 360, anything can happen after that.
Most people that I know went with the X360 earlier on, when I ask them why the answer is usually the lower price and Halo 3. I was the first person I know that bought a PS3 and have been telling people to get them since but they don't really seem to listen. Now there are about 20 people that I actually know have a PS3 and when I go to the X360 people I say again, "Why don't you get a PS3?" They answer, "The price is still too high." I respond with, "Well you might as well get one soon because come next Christmas when you want one, you won't be able to find one in-stock."

Also interesting, when I talk to the people who said that their motivation to get a 360 was because of Halo 3, they say they hardly play it anymore and have moved to a different game, mostly Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

EDIT: D-N, how many weeks is that last chart based on?