I still believe a majority of Xbox problems stem from owners not taking proper care of their system. Mine broke because it fell off the table, which is no ones fault except my own. I was an idiot therefore I had to accept the consequences.
I think if it was owner issues Microsoft wouldn't have owned up and paid up. I know a guy who collects consoles and games, has them all still in perfect working condition, and got a 360 from the pre-launch Mt. Dew giveaway. He's on his seventh console now. He got his last one after Microsoft owned up and it hasn't caused any problems so far. Anyone else and I would think it could be user created. Not that his single case is everyone, but he is an example of someone who knows how to care for his stuff.
Plus, if it were user created I believe we would see a 30%-70% (depending on who you ask) failure rate on all consoles and electronics as opposed to the industry expected ~3%.
Basically, the RROD and Microsoft admitting blame has caused people to back off that were on the fence and factor reliability into it. It made me decide to give it another year. Of course, my original XBox was free, so obviously I can wait.
He said all xbox owners are young and annoying, I did not agree with that assumption.
And I agree. I am just saying to not take offense because I don't think he meant any. If he comes on and says he did then I will eat my cold Egg McMuffin sitting on my desk right now.
Halo is really the only game on Xbox live I have ever experienced screaming kids on, but playing Forza, TD:U, PGR4, etc. I have never had a problem. You get the occasional idiot but like on PS3 they are told to go play Halo.
It may just be Halo, which points more to my theory that more total players = more immature players, so they find each other easier.
I was never able to play Warhawk since it would never let me join a game and when it did I got booted for some reason. I lost interest in it real quick after that. It's probably better now and I do need to check it out again.
Yeah that was a server side refresh rate issue. It was fixed a while back. Now that might only happen 1 out of 10 times to me and it is a case of only one spot being open on the server. Plus in the game server list the refresh button works now so you can update the info before trying to join.
As for getting booted, were you on a Sony server or private server? I have been booted and even banned from one private server because I join and it turns out to be a bunch of noobs or poor players and after I kill them all or snag flags they boot me. I have only gotten knocked off a Sony server when my wife decided to visit bandwidth hogging myspace pages. And her new Webkinz (WTH is that!?) seems to do it as well.
Motorstorm which I thought was awful and it seemed rather rushed and unfinished to me.
I didn't like it either, but for different reasons.
The Formula One game that once I played through had no replay value so I traded it in.
F1:CE? But it's online. Unless you weren't wanting that.
Resistance: Fall of Man, which didn't have a story line that really drew me in...it was like Halo, COD, and Half-Life all rolled into one but not really doing it for me.
I actually feel the story has an interesting take. I love the alternate history aspect. It kind of reminds me of some of the What If? comics. Otherwise, yeah it is still just another FPS, although it is well done in my opinion.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune which had a story line I could not even remotely stand because of the idiocy of pot hunting.
We've covered this before. I understand your POV.
Warhawk which I have said I couldn't play because I would be booted from games or couldn't even connect.
I do suggest you try it again. Although you will have a server-side update or two when you log on.
GTHD which was just a demo so I can't really say much about that.
I take it you didn't get the Prologue demo?
As for game I enjoy racing games and RPG's for the most part.
Yeah, as far as exclusives go you probably are waiting then.
I would suggest checking out some of the PSN games. I am addicted to Super Stardust HD, which has a demo up. Those PSN games combined with older games that will also play on my PSP have managed to tap a direct line into my wallet.