PS3 General Discussion

I tried searching for Custom avatar and it turned up 19 threads or so and the titles the search churned out didnt look promising so here goes.

I recently managed to change the picture of my login name (PSN ID) on the left hand side of the XMB? or whatever its called. I replaced the standard square face with one of my own pictures. :)

Question: is this also possible for my PSN ID in the list on the right hand side of that same menu, the one that shows your friends. I know you can choose from a PS3 standard list but they're hmm ..... how shall I put it politely ......:yuck:

I'd like to replace mine with a jpg photo Ive taken.


There could be problems with users using their own pictures.
There could be problems with users using their own pictures.
Or inappropriate adult pics.

You get this a lot already with people using their PS Eye to take snap shots of offensive photos and put them in the online game they are playing, like Burnout Paradise.

The worst experience I had was while playing and enjoying a friendly game of High Stakes Poker on the PSN in a video only room, until some whack job (literally and figuratively) entered the table we were all playing at and proceeded to take all his clothes off to play with his 'monkey'. :eek:

Besides high tailing it out of there, it was a useful reminder to NEVER let my kids play an online game without any supervision... hopefully when they get older they will be wise enough to want to avoid creeps like that.
The worst experience I had was while playing and enjoying a friendly game of High Stakes Poker on the PSN in a video only room, until some whack job (literally and figuratively) entered the table we were all playing at and proceeded to take all his clothes off to play with his 'monkey'. :eek:
OMG! Why? Just, randomly?
The whole inappropriate behavious on camera was and probably still is rampant through XBL, I remember playing Uno and seeing some very un-Uno related things.
OMG! Why? Just, randomly?

Fortunately I didn't stick around to ask. :)

I suppose there was always the possibility that one of the other players already at the table invited him... but I also would not be shocked to have found out that he was just a pervert looking for a video playmate. 👎:yuck:
The worst experience I had was while playing and enjoying a friendly game of High Stakes Poker on the PSN in a video only room, until some whack job (literally and figuratively) entered the table we were all playing at and proceeded to take all his clothes off to play with his 'monkey'. :eek:
While this was very innapropriate, and no doubt ruined the game for those involved, I had to laugh.

But you do make a good point about adult supervision.
Quick question for anyone who has Rock Band.

Is there a trick to using the microphone?

My wife got it for me for my birthday and I can't get the mic to work. I have tried every USB slot, every slot on the USB hub, DS3 controller on, Sixaxis controller on, both controllers wireless and plugged in with USB cables, with the guitar connected, with the drums connected. Nothing. When I try to access anything microphone related it tells me that it isn't connected.

I am thinking that it is a faulty mic because my PC recognized it was plugged in but didn't read any input.

I just want to make sure I'm not missing something before I call EA.
Quick question for anyone who has Rock Band.

Is there a trick to using the microphone?

My wife got it for me for my birthday and I can't get the mic to work. I have tried every USB slot, every slot on the USB hub, DS3 controller on, Sixaxis controller on, both controllers wireless and plugged in with USB cables, with the guitar connected, with the drums connected. Nothing. When I try to access anything microphone related it tells me that it isn't connected.

I am thinking that it is a faulty mic because my PC recognized it was plugged in but didn't read any input.

I just want to make sure I'm not missing something before I call EA.

[stupid answer]
You have to use the controller to select stuff
[/stupid answer]

I'd say that was pretty faulty, I think the singstar mics work if you've got that, but I'd go to and get it sorted first.

[stupid answer]
You have to use the controller to select stuff
[/stupid answer]
Yeah, I noticed everything online says you have to have a controller plugged in, and I am thinking, "Um, how else did I select an option?" I mean are people out there just plugging in a mic and then looking for buttons?

I'd say that was pretty faulty, I think the singstar mics work if you've got that, but I'd go to and get it sorted first.
As I am not really looking forward to singing I don't have Singstar, or any other karaoke style game. But I did see on Wiki that about five songs can be unlocked on Easy mode for singing that are normal or above for everything else.

And yes, I know the code to unlock everything, and that will only be used when friends visit and want to play. I would like to unlock as much as possible.

I'm in Berlin on drums right now. Green Grass and High Tides handed me my butt in a sling a number of times before I beat that.
Bluetooth? That's all I have.

But I am of the opinion that if we paid for it then it should work.

Just fill out everything in EA's support site, if you've got a credit card they'll send you a new mic in a box to ship the old one back in, without a credit card though, they'll just send you a box that you have to send back then get your mic.

Also, any USB mic should work, not bluetooth though.

Just fill out everything in EA's support site, if you've got a credit card they'll send you a new mic in a box to ship the old one back in, without a credit card though, they'll just send you a box that you have to send back then get your mic.
Just tells me to call a number. I'll have to do that tonight.

They'll probably make me do 100 things to see if it works.

Is that a hole in one on a par 4? Or a two shot on a par 5?

I liked the demo, but I will say that as I golf in real life (well, I hit balls with clubs, some might not call it golf) I prefer playing the Tiger Woods games on my Wii. I like making a real life swing and feeling it in my muscles when I haven't played in a while.

It isn't a perfect control simulation but it does a good enough job when the weather doesn't allow for me to hit the driving range.
I keep wanting to get the Hot Shots game, I looked at it at Best Buy the other day, but decided that I needed to fill up my car so I passed. I might trade in some games here soon and get it, I've always liked golf games since I can't play the real game all that well any more since my knee gave out.
Is that a hole in one on a par 4? Or a two shot on a par 5?
556y Par 5... I posted the details in the link that you quoted (post #15). 👍

I liked the demo, but I will say that as I golf in real life (well, I hit balls with clubs, some might not call it golf) I prefer playing the Tiger Woods games on my Wii.
I felt the same way, and originally bought HSG for the kids... but not only have my wife and I really had a blast playing it, but it's quickly become a favorite among our friends as well. 👍

What's great is that there are so many options such that you can have a game where very young kids can easily play against very advanced players... and not just by using the handicap point system, but by the player, club, ball, shot mode, etc, selections. 👍

I keep wanting to get the Hot Shots game, I looked at it at Best Buy the other day, but decided that I needed to fill up my car so I passed. I might trade in some games here soon and get it, I've always liked golf games since I can't play the real game all that well any more since my knee gave out.
I bought a brand new copy on eBay for only $40 a couple months ago, so you may want to check out the listings there for some good deals. I know you can also get some pretty good deals on used games at

However, if any game has proven to be worth $60, this game has and then some! It has a ton of replay value... and will likely take us over a year just to unlock everything. :eek:

It also has very popular and extensive online gameplay modes and tournaments. 👍
What's great is that there are so many options such that you can have a game where very young kids can easily play against very advanced players... and not just by using the handicap point system, but by the player, club, ball, shot mode, etc, selections. 👍
TW on the Wii does that. It simulated my slice so well that I had to put the swing controls on easy just to compete in the career mode.

Like I said, from the demo this certainly seems like a fun game if you are looking for more fun than simulation.

I know you can also get some pretty good deals on used games at
Not this though. Apparently no Golf games are for sale on the PS3 on Gamefly. Although, if you are a member you may be able to get a Keep It deal.

That said, some people may want to look at them right now as they are having a bargain bin sale and a few games are currently under $20. Uncharted is at $32.

The most notable titles are Unreal Tournament 3 and Devil May Cry 4 both for under $20.

Only 15 games are listed but $32 is the most expensive. Although, that might include my 10% discount, so it may be more like $35.
I bought a brand new copy on eBay for only $40 a couple months ago, so you may want to check out the listings there for some good deals. I know you can also get some pretty good deals on used games at

However, if any game has proven to be worth $60, this game has and then some! It has a ton of replay value... and will likely take us over a year just to unlock everything. :eek:

It also has very popular and extensive online gameplay modes and tournaments. 👍

Cool, thanks for the heads up. I'll have to do some scouting around.
Wow... so I've been playing nothing but MGS4 since I got it on Saturday. Tonight while waiting for the update (still going and taking forever...) I decide to play RSV2 on the 360. It froze once again... I quickly shut it off and said [censored] that... Geez, I knew the 360 was bad, but after playing on a system that doesn't freeze I think I've been kidding myself into thinking the games and even controller was enough to make me stay on the 360 instead of the PS3. I really don't miss the 360 or the 360 controller or even RSV2 since playing MGS4. In fact I've been thinking about getting RSV2 on the PS3 and trying it.

Sad thing at this point is I can't get rid of the 360 even if I wanted to because 1. my friend and I wouldn't be able to play online together then and two I still have 2 years of live left to kill that I bought. :rolleyes:

I guess you can consider me a "born again PS3 fan". :dopey:

Oh, since I won't be needing my 360 for now I think I might have it fixed via Microcenter where I got it. They said it would take a week...
So, something totally amazing happened last night.

To my wife playing games means playing Sims. That or silly little flash-based point and click games.

Well, for my birthday I got Rock Band on my PS3. Last night I finished up playing through all my DLC songs and asked her if she wanted to try it. She did.

Before I go further, she has a musical background. I don't. She laughs at me for having to quietly count the beats in Patapon under my breath in order to stay in Fever mode. Then she laughs at me when I play drums in Rock Band and keep getting my hand motions messed up when I have to use the foot pedal.

Now, moving on:

So, she does the Basic Guitar tutorial and gets the controls down. Then she goes into Quickplay and selects a couple of songs. First she does Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash. She gets 92% and four stars. I start to worry. Then she does Mississippi Queen by Mountain. 96% and four stars and she gets over 5,000 points in the big rock ending, because she naturally knows how to time her fret fingers and strumming that fast. It looked like the tutorial demo where the whole screen starts flashing like mad.

It occurs to me that my wife, within 15 minutes has nearly matched my Rock Band abilities. It scared me at first, but then she asked to play drums tonight and said that we could play together and start a band. And she wants me to get my replacement microphone in so that she can sing too.

Anyway, the idea that I finally found a gaming experience that will get my wife more involved than just watching has me excited. You know what they say, couples that play together stay together.

I just need to let me competitiveness go because I think that if she plays regularly she will be kicking my butt in no time.

The funny thing is that I actually turned my nose up at the Guitar Hero games and even Rock Band until a night drinking at a friend's house led me to sit in on drums while another guy took a break. A few more times of playing with them and I realized I wanted this game.
FoolKiller, that's pretty cool. I read on Yahoo a few weeks ago about Rock Band saving someone's marriage. I think as time goes on, gaming time for spouses will fall in the same category as joining a softball league or any other hobby a person has, not the "kid stuff" stigma that it still carries with a large portion of the population today.
FoolKiller, that's pretty cool. I read on Yahoo a few weeks ago about Rock Band saving someone's marriage. I think as time goes on, gaming time for spouses will fall in the same category as joining a softball league or any other hobby a person has, not the "kid stuff" stigma that it still carries with a large portion of the population today.
Well, last night was our third anniversary and when I got home with a card and flowers all she wanted to do was go to dinner and then come home and play Rock Band.

Also, my new microphone is on its way.
I knew it, You can have more PS3s for better gaming :)
Now all we need is 2 more Ps3s and compatible games haha
I bet you With all 3 PS3s we can have CRISIS level of detail in a console game. :)
400 x 3 = 1,200$
For Crisis, I am Running a 2,000 + PC (not including Monitors, Keyborads, Mouse)
Ultra/Very High settings. at 1440x900 FPS is around 17-25 FPS
I bet with 3 PS3s at 720p or 1080p you can almost get the same resluts for less. :)

Anyone has that disc? I think I will buy it and test it out :)
Can you do any kind of Windows emulation on Linux? I have tons of Windows compliant software that I'd hate to lose and I doubt my wife would be up to learning a new OS, or lose her Sims games.

But if I could get around that I would use a 40GB PS3 with upgraded hard drive in an instant instead of buying a computer next time around.
Can you do any kind of Windows emulation on Linux? I have tons of Windows compliant software that I'd hate to lose and I doubt my wife would be up to learning a new OS, or lose her Sims games.

But if I could get around that I would use a 40GB PS3 with upgraded hard drive in an instant instead of buying a computer next time around.

Yes there is a program called wine which emulates windows programs, see here for a status of a windows program here.

@NoxNoctis Umbra- See this:
I knew it, You can have more PS3s for better gaming :)
Now all we need is 2 more Ps3s and compatible games haha
I bet you With all 3 PS3s we can have CRISIS level of detail in a console game. :)
400 x 3 = 1,200$
For Crisis, I am Running a 2,000 + PC (not including Monitors, Keyborads, Mouse)
Ultra/Very High settings. at 1440x900 FPS is around 17-25 FPS
I bet with 3 PS3s at 720p or 1080p you can almost get the same resluts for less. :)

The date that video was posted on YouTube (April 1, 2007) might inspire skepticism, but IBM's Interactive Ray Tracer for Cell Broadband Engine is the real deal. You can read up on the technology in that link, as well as download a higher resolution video of the same clip shown above.

However, the footage of the Enzo is more my style. :)


(click HERE to see some screen shots of the Enzo in various forms)

BTW: For those interested, you may enjoy reading through some of the articles on IBM's Cell Broadband Engine technology and the various projects they have been developing for it... some pretty cool stuff!

Speaking of IBM and their Interactive Ray Tracer, another gaming related technology they have been developing that may be worth checking out is their Head-Tracking Pointer, as seen in this video demo:

That was from the GDC show in San Francisco held last year in March. For those interested, you can watch or download the HD version of that same clip HERE.

I have yet to use Linux Yellow Dog for the PS3, but I know at least a couple people who post here have done it, and Pako even made the effort to document his experience in installing it:
You may want to consider posting your question in that thread, as you'll likely get more responses regarding installign and using Linux on the PS3.