PS3 General Discussion

GTA4 was a huge disappointment... graphically I was not impressed, and it was just no fun (don't get me started on the driving physics). I'm seriously thinking about getting Saints Row 2... hopefully its more like Vice City, which was the best GTA so far.

Saints Row 2 is more like San Andrea. you know, the one with a lot more to do than Vice City :) I personally like GTA4. And Vice City's Poor Vehicle handling is sad compared to San Andrea.

I am at a cross Road as i have decided to buy one new game but can not decide which one. I have Midnight Club LA and love it.

Little Big Planet
Fallout 3
Saints Row 2 is more like San Andrea. you know, the one with a lot more to do than Vice City :) I personally like GTA4. And Vice City's Poor Vehicle handling is sad compared to San Andrea.

I am at a cross Road as i have decided to buy one new game but can not decide which one. I have Midnight Club LA and love it.

Little Big Planet
Fallout 3

rent bioshock. Ive heard that once you beat it there is little replay value. Farcry two is awesome but pretty repetitive. Id say best value for money would be Little Big Planet. Just my opinion however.
Anyone try out the End War demo? The voice command actually works!

Yeah, EndWar is awesome. I love being Army QB. No surprise that the guy who did Rome Total War (one of my favorite games ever) is the director for this game too.

It's tough on my wallet and my time with all these great games out. LittleBigPlanet, EndWar, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, and Fallout 3. So far I just have LBP, but man do I want the others.
Yeah, EndWar is awesome. I love being Army QB. No surprise that the guy who did Rome Total War (one of my favorite games ever) is the director for this game too.

It's tough on my wallet and my time with all these great games out. LittleBigPlanet, EndWar, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, and Fallout 3. So far I just have LBP, but man do I want the others.

Under Obama's tax plan, he will take money from me and give it to you, so you buy more PS3 games.

Seriously though, try Game Fly?
We're in a minority here, but I agree entirely.

Add another one here, Vice City was (for me) easily the most enjoyable of the series.

GTA3 was ground breaking but aged very quickly, SA was fun but some of the travel distances involved were simply stupid, fail a mission and have to start again from the other side of the map. GTA4 looks slick and has some nice touches but just did not engage me in any way at all, its simply not fun.

Once my current game blitz is finished (replaying BF:BC, playing Far Cry 2 and LBP next week) I am strongly considering picking up Saints Row 2, simply because it looks fun.


Not an RTS fan I take it?

Not when it comes to military games. I want to be more involved with the action.

Just finished GT5P, but just need to get cars I want, and earn a few golds I didn't get on the first try. Some were really hard, like S-6. I either come in second or third, but never first, after trying it about 10 times. I couldn't quite get gold on the Ford GT timed S race (S-5?) but I'll try to get them all.

Overall, I didn't like the handling of the cars. It was 'more real' than the PSN demos, but cars are more horrible to control with a controller, which made the game less fun and more frustrating. I need Logitech's new GT wheel. I'd just have to use the paddles or shifter to accelerate of brake. Anybody ever try that? How was it?

I think I'll stop playing GT5P and start on my Bioshock game, that arrived yesterday.

GameFly is pretty good, Omnis. I'd give it try. I did just recently, after being more-than-fed-up with Blockbuster.
It's tough on my wallet and my time with all these great games out. LittleBigPlanet, EndWar, Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, and Fallout 3. So far I just have LBP, but man do I want the others.

I hear ya. At some point I need to chill out. Fallout 3 has been begging for my attention but with Resistance 2 right around the corner along with Gears of War 2, not sure if Fallout 3 will get the attention it deserves (unless the game really is that short....).
Played the EndWar Demo didnt think much of it, to me the camera is annoying and the voice thing is kinda gimmicy.. Oh and the PS Eye feature has been dropped. :indiff:

Still playing the R2 beat (which has been extended to the 3rd) lots of fun but not visually special :)


I know you aren't into this type of game but have you really given any of the PS2 generation a good try beyond an hour or two?
Yes, my roommate owned GTA3 and Vice City. They are good games, but the story is not my cup of tea. I spent all my time finding ways to jump the cars. I can recognize them for what they are, but I don't enjoy them personally. It is why I have never really trash-talked them, because I can see that they are good games. I mean, it isn't like the Halo series, that justifiably turned me off after Halo 2 (as if the Library level in the first one wasn't enough, or the unoriginal plot element).

For some reason GTA 1 & 2 had this odd charm to them that I liked that I just never found in the 3-D renditions.
Yes, my roommate owned GTA3 and Vice City. They are good games, but the story is not my cup of tea. I spent all my time finding ways to jump the cars. I can recognize them for what they are, but I don't enjoy them personally. It is why I have never really trash-talked them, because I can see that they are good games. I mean, it isn't like the Halo series, that justifiably turned me off after Halo 2 (as if the Library level in the first one wasn't enough, or the unoriginal plot element).

For some reason GTA 1 & 2 had this odd charm to them that I liked that I just never found in the 3-D renditions.

well that's about as fair an unbiased an opinion as one can have 👍

I like the early gta's but I only ever played them after becoming thoroughly addicted to gta3 so maybe I'm just a little spoiled
well that's about as fair an unbiased an opinion as one can have 👍

I like the early gta's but I only ever played them after becoming thoroughly addicted to gta3 so maybe I'm just a little spoiled
I know sometimes my video game tastes don't fall in line with everyone else. I thought Resistance was OK, but just good enough to buy used, Gears of War did nothing for me, I have zero interest in Fable 2 or Fallout 3. (Brace yourselves for this one) I have never even seen gameplay footage of any Half Life game.

But I think that PAIN and High Velocity Bowling are top notch titles. And I bought 1942: Joint Strike on day one.

Speaking of; really, only three of us are interested in an online High Velocity Bowling league?
You are not the only one FK, I'm not much into the newer shooters nor I have not played much of Half-Life. The older games like Quake 3 are a great joy to play, though nowadays I'm more of a casual player than a hardcore one.
You are not the only one FK, I'm not much into the newer shooters nor I have not played much of Half-Life. The older games like Quake 3 are a great joy to play, though nowadays I'm more of a casual player than a hardcore one.
Quake 3.... I never got past Quake 2. Granted, I remember when Wolfenstein was new and arcades had these $5 a play VR headsets for it.

My favorite FPS were Quake 1&2, Doom 2, and Duke Nukem 3D.

My PC days were spent on RTSs mainly though, which is why I am excited about Endwar, and will actually contemplate buying a 360 if Halo Wars works out. I also want to see what the new Sim City on the Wii plays like. It is also why I was extremely excited to see this story yesterday:

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 is coming to PS3, but has been delayed to properly optimize it for the PS3, as opposed to just bringing over a crappy port. Now, keyboard and mouse support please? I wonder if they could port the Dune RTSs over. It was the same engine and producers. I always liked those better than C&C because the sandworms added this neutral third-party aspect. The tide of a battle could immediately change after a couple of tanks got eaten. You had to battle for position on rocks if you wanted to avoid the risk of having your expensive, battle-winning vehicles eaten in one gulp.
I preferred Unreal over Quake for online fun with friends. I also got a bit fed up with GTA 3. It just involved too much work, going to the gym etc. I preferred the earlier more basic versions.

On that, slightly biased, basis I haven't looked at the latest version. On the other hand I haven't finished Metal Gear yet!

I will however buy Resistance 2 when it comes out here.
Hello. I have a question. What was your PS3 buying experience? Mine was rather interesting.

I got one 2 weeks ago. I purposely went to the mall, where there's tons of people around. Why? Because i've been reading in my local paper about increasing muggings and store robberies in small shops that are easy targets because there aren't as many people around, especially after dark. I was attaacked last January by a gang of teens, so nowadays i think about my surroundings more often.

Anyways, it was a spontaneous decision to buy a PS3. I made the decision at just about 7pm, so it was after dark. The idea of going to one of the game stores near me (but not in the mall) brought a tinge of paranoia with it. I just kept picturing me buying this expensive toy and someone watching me, then coming at me with a gun demanding it. I'm not trying to be funny, or witty...i really mean it. THAT'S how paranoid i was.

So i went to the mall instead, which was PACKED of course, being friday nite and all. This means i had to park over a quarter mile away. :nervous:

:( Got right in and didn't mess around. Bought the PS3, started heading out of hte mall. I'm carrying this big bag of course...with the giant GameStop logo on it! There's alot of punk kids around, i swear one of them looks right at me and nudges his friend.

So now i start to run. I literally ran to my car! Out in the lot, i purposely left one of the rear doors open so i could put the game console in the back seat! :lol: But i made it back. :scared:

Anyone else have any interesting stories, or is that the only one?
I think thats called post traumatic stress. Of course you have to be careful with such items when your carrying them around, but had you fallen whilst running with it you could have smashed it! :scared:

When I got mine we put it into 2 of those fragile gamestop bags. It was a bit too heavy for them, and like you I had to walk a long journey back to the car. The bag was tearing the whole time, and the person I was with kept wanting to walk round town :scared:. Made it back to the car, but then before we got back home, she wanted to get something to eat :crazy:, she was trying to drive me crazy!
I went to Best Buy, parked in the third row, picked it up off the shelf, bought it, and walked out in the well lit day to my car. Then I drove home like mad man so I could hurry up and hook it up.
I went to Best Buy, parked in the third row, picked it up off the shelf, bought it, and walked out in the well lit day to my car. Then I drove home like mad man so I could hurry up and hook it up.
Ditto, Sept i didnt drive home like a mad man, I drove home like i was a D1 driver playing the roll of "The Transporter"
My PS3 buying experience? Went to Best Buy, talked with the salesmen who tried to sell me a warranty on everything I looked at which annoyed me a bit. Walked around the store for a bit, came back, got a different salesmen who was quite nice and knowledgeable about products who went in the back and got the system for me. Went to my truck, threw it in the back, went to GameStop to get a couple used games and came home to hook it up to my TV. About the same way I buy anything.
Well I got it back in February of 07. I cant believe its been that long since I've had it. BUT, my girlfriend at the time was working at Target, and since she got a 10% discount, I decided to get it there. But I only had about 400 dollars, and at the time the 60gig was 600, so I was going to keep on saving up, BUT, my dad had just signed me up to get braces, and I had to get 4 teeth pulled, and he felt really sorry for me, so he gave me the rest of the money so I could get it before id be out of school, so Id have something to do.

So he transferred the money i needed into my account, and I went to the bank and pulled out 700 dollars in cash. (I had to pay in cash because at target, in order to use the ten percent discount, you have to pay with cash or a giftcard, or a target credit/debit card.) So I bought it, and long story short I ended up having to pay my dad back for the money he lent me. haha.
Wife went to shop, phoned to check she'd got the right thing, paid, took it home on the train :-)

Mugging isn't really a problem here.