PS3 General Discussion

That track back dos not interest me. maybe 2 songs.

Please say "Breed". It's about the only song i like, and i like it a lot. The others are way too overplayed for me. Long car rides with my sister listening to the entire CD when it first came out. :indiff:

And maybe "Drain You".
Here is the list of songs:

"Breed" by Nirvana
"Lounge Act" by Nirvana
"On a Plain" by Nirvana
"Polly" by Nirvana
"Something in the Way" by Nirvana
"Stay Away" by Nirvana
"Territorial Pissings" by Nirvana

Drain You will be on the RB2 disc.

Something in the Way will be the easiest song ever.

I hope we can get those other three later in a separate pack, but the way Courtney Love works she may be holding out. Or Guitar Hero may have gotten hold of them.

In all reality these may not be fun songs to play in the game, but I am too big of a Nirvana fan to pass them up.
Thanks for the list. 👍 I was trying to look for it on the Rock Band forums, but there are too many "OMG more Coheed & Cambria plox!!!!" threads.

I hope we can get those other three later in a separate pack, but the way Courtney Love works she may be holding out. Or Guitar Hero may have gotten hold of them.

In all reality these may not be fun songs to play in the game, but I am too big of a Nirvana fan to pass them up.

Those Nirvana songs have been rumored even since Rock Band first came out, so i dunno. It's probably licensing issues, not necessarily Guitar Hero.
Thanks for the list. 👍 I was trying to look for it on the Rock Band forums, but there are too many "OMG more Coheed & Cambria plox!!!!" threads.
I have given up on the Rock Band forums. The average member on there has such a huge difference in taste from me that it gives me a headache.

I got excited about bands like Boston, Rush, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and The Who and all of those announcements so often seem to have way too many "WHAT???? NO METAL?!!?!?!?!?" comments or the very sad request for more pop music or songs their girlfriends can play with them. Odd, my wife doesn't know a lot of the songs in Rock Band but she still has fun playing guitar with me. It's the sole reason I bought the Nyko Front Man with the pink pick guard. It's smaller for her hands and she likes that she can get it in pink. Note: It has an interchangeable black pick guard as well.
Giving those who don't have a PS3 yet a heads up. It appears WalMart is giving you a $75 gift card with a purchase of a PS3 bundle.
That seems like a great deal and I even passed it on to a friend, but when I looked at the deal on Wal*Mart's site "your choice" means your choice from a select list of discounted titles. I could find some of the games that I would suggest (I own two of them), but the movie list is not great.

Still, if you subtract the $75 from the bundle price it is a little bit cheaper than the 80GB by itself.
Does anyone know if I there's any way I can record sound files (through a microphone) on a PS3? It's either buy a PS3 or a computer, and I need a way to record my own voice (50/60 minutes per recording), and is there any way I can hook up a mic to a PS3?

Hyst, this is a late response obviously, and it may still not be exactly what you need, but you can record your voice, or anything else for that matter using the PS Eye (it has a multiple array mic) combined with EyeCreate (free audio/video recording and editing tool available for download from the PSN store).

I saw the Afrika review, looks pretty sweet, but no chance of an English language version?

I hope this isn't the case. It looks amazing, and a great interactive tool for kids as well. 👍

The notifier things in the top right corner are starting to annoy me. I have about 70 people on my friends list so it's frequently there. I know I can disable them in the system preferences but I would like to still be notified if I receive a message. It would be easy to implement. Anybody else annoyed by this?

I agree. It would be really nice to have some additional options for displaying messages, rather than simply all on or all off. It's bad enough when you have fifty friends on your list, I can't imagine what it would be like with a hundred. Hopefully this has been officially requested, and will make its way into a future system update.

Is there any list of all the remote play possibilities between the PS3 and PSP?

PS: "Howdy" :)
It isn't the first, nor will it be the last, game Namco whored out to Microsoft. I'll be buying the PS3 version.

End War is making me really hawt.

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End War is making me really hawt.
So, I know it has the voice commands, but is it still going to use the PS Eye too? At first I heard you could use it to actually direct troops and then just that you could use it to turn and manipulate the map view. Since then I haven't heard anything about it. I'm figuring it was dropped altogether.

Either way I am excited to get a good RTS on the PS3. I'm just afraid that in the heat of battle my voice commands will go from the preset recognized commands to, "Attack that guy, or dude, retreat." And eventually ends with "OMFG, why won't you just do what I tell you? Go there, right there!"
So, I know it has the voice commands, but is it still going to use the PS Eye too? At first I heard you could use it to actually direct troops and then just that you could use it to turn and manipulate the map view. Since then I haven't heard anything about it. I'm figuring it was dropped altogether.

Either way I am excited to get a good RTS on the PS3. I'm just afraid that in the heat of battle my voice commands will go from the preset recognized commands to, "Attack that guy, or dude, retreat." And eventually ends with "OMFG, why won't you just do what I tell you? Go there, right there!"

Haha I know right. Another thing is that I already get made fun of by my family for playing call of duty so much, and if I get endwar Im gonna sound like a real loser, shouting commands at my tv.
OK, so something absolutely crazy is going on.

I see online where a lot of people mentioned getting beta codes for Resistance 2, so I decide to check my Yahoo account today.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

And while in there I see an email from Best Buy saying that my LBP preorder's release date moved to today, but it is not in store for pickup, but they will ship it for free if I just give them a call. So, I should get my game Monday.
So, I know it has the voice commands, but is it still going to use the PS Eye too? At first I heard you could use it to actually direct troops and then just that you could use it to turn and manipulate the map view. Since then I haven't heard anything about it. I'm figuring it was dropped altogether.

I'm not sure, I couldn't find any information about it being in or dropped.
Just did some cleaning and now have an extra 30GB. Why I downloaded all those hockey games, when I never played them, I'll never know. Hockey sucks.
Just did some cleaning and now have an extra 30GB. Why I downloaded all those hockey games, when I never played them, I'll never know. Hockey sucks.

I never could do any good in hockey games. I am so used to basketball or football that in hockey or soccer I fail to pass properly and end up trying to run the ball/puck down the field as fast as possible.

But I download anything that is free at least temporarily.

I never could do any good in hockey games. I am so used to basketball or football that in hockey or soccer I fail to pass properly and end up trying to run the ball/puck down the field as fast as possible.

But I download anything that is free at least temporarily.

I download too much stuff too. I filled up my 60 gig a looonnnnggggg time ago and now every time I want to download something or cache information to the hdd for a game, i have to go delete something. I really need to get an external drive.
Damn, that's tempting.

Was this the 12am deal?

Ahhh! I pulled the trigger. I have a PS3 Eye coming my way.
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Damn, that's tempting.

Was this the 12am deal?
I think. It was the first one of the day. Less than 2 minutes left.

Based on their clue I am guessing the 6:00 PDT deal is Haze.

EDIT: Ignore me. The PS3 Eye is the Deal of the Day, so no rush, unless they run out.
9AM - Some dumb movie game
12PM - Some Star Wars game
3PM - Some baseball game
6PM - HDMI cable???

Pretty lame, IMO.
9AM - Some dumb movie game
12PM - Some Star Wars game
3PM - Some baseball game
6PM - HDMI cable???

Pretty lame, IMO.
9AM - I am guessing Lego Indiana Jones
12PM - I am guessing Soul Caliber IV with an outside chance of Force Unleashed
3PM - Um fairways are in golf. Tiger Woods or Hot Shots Golf
6PM - Yeah, I am thinking HDMI cable, with a very outside chance of the system itself.

Also, in case any one is jealous of the 360 getting Netflix, or you think that paying for a Live Gold membership to get Netflix is not worth it, there is a new media server coming out that will run Netflix, Hulu, and others to any media server capable machine called PlayOn.

So, the biggest jump for the NXE can be done now on the PS3 or 360. The only thing is that they won't be in HD, which is part of the 360's Netflix deal.

Based on the Watch Instantly options that was not something that made me want to get a 360 and then add on a $60 annual fee to the cost, but this may just be something I look at. This also makes any future Flash updates that don't come to the PS3's browser a non-factor.
So anyone excited about the new MK vs DC game. Looking forward to it:)

I'm iffy on it. They have had to tone it down because they want to get a Teen rating and so there won't be any ripping out spinal cords and whatnot. It's like they are taking one of the things that made MK what it is out. It won't feel like a Mortal Kombat without the gratuitous violence controversy at launch.

To be honest though, I am actually more excited to see that the Marvel vs Capcom games have been rated by the ESRB for the PSN.
Yeah, Midway said that they wanted tone it down so they can boost the sales. Even though not so much gore and such, i still interested in it and might be getting it
I'm very sad about it actually, becuase I was hyped when I head their developing a new MK game, for the PS3, but I want something realistic, and this.. noh...

Thank you UFC game coming out beg. of next year!!!!! God i'm so pumped!
I'm very sad about it actually, becuase I was hyped when I head their developing a new MK game, for the PS3, but I want something realistic, and this.. noh...
Wait, wait, wait. Adding Superman and Batman to a game about interdimensional beings entering a fighting competition for the souls of everyone on Earth, while using acid spit and freezing abilities, suddenly makes it unrealistic?

I mean I know I haven't played MK since MK Trilogy, but uh I never thought it was about the realism.

As for UFC, if you want realistic fighting that is definitely the way to go. Now, if they can just put the production value into those that they do wrestling games they would be awesome.