PS3 General Discussion

If we're trying to find answers on the interweb we won't find them 'coz they're not there. Any speculation is just that.
However in my mind it would be foolish of Sony to make their games AND console pricier than their competition. I think a lot of people would be put off.
Saying that I'm expecting games in the UK to be £49.99 on release with some at £45.
Also are they saying it costs $19.99 to make 1 BD-r or $19.99 at retail? If it's a retail price then it's pretty irrelevant. If it's $19.99 to make then that is a lot.
Still, this is proof that there is a vast amount of negative press going around about the PS3, regardless of whether it's true or bogus.
Could care less about Final Fantasy, or Metal Gear Solid 4, or GTA, or anything else you mentioned, except GT5. On the 360, there's Halo 3, Forza 2, Test Drive Unlimited, etc. Yet to still come out.

Oh yeah, GTA, and FF, and MGS, and whatever is going to be the same was as Halo 3....

Larger Levels
Better Graphics
New Weapons

Just as you mentioned it.

GT5 is the only thing for me to get a PS3. And even then, unless it completely bewilderes me, It'll hold off an extra year.
Duck, do you really "love" your 360 games that much or did it just come out first hence it has your loyalty?
Duck, do you really "love" your 360 games that much or did it just come out first hence it has your loyalty?
I love 'em. Battlefield 2 I play nearly every day, GRAW is literally awesome, NFS: MW is just plain great, Madden 06 is the first Madden that's actually really fun, and really entertaining, PGR3 is great, Fight Night 3 is hard but keeps me coming back again and again (nothing like button mashing and pwning at the same time), and Burnout Revenge is hard, but really, really fun and rewarding when you perfect a rank. Heck, even Bankshot Billiards 2 (an Xbox Live Arcade game you buy) is really fun.

I think the only lackluster 360 game I've owned is NBA Live, since it gets boring real quick (perfect Gamestop trade-in). I've rented Table Tennis and Ridge Racer 6, and they both sucked (good thing I rented them :)).

I'm trying to get Call of Duty 2 also, since the demo is flat-out mind blowing (reason I don't have it is because parents won't approve :ouch:), the TD:U preview demo is really fun, and once it's released it's a definite buy, same thing with Forza 2.

I love my games because they're, well, really fun and they provide long lasting entertainment, not because the 360 was released first.
I love my games because they're, well, really fun and they provide long lasting entertainment, not because the 360 was released first.

Hmm...I wonder if that would've been the case if the 360 and PS3 were released at the same time?

Almost all the game syou mentioned have direct counterparts on the PS2 or the PS3. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy your games. Just that since the 360 came out first and much earlier then the PS3, it techically has no competion. So there wasn't anything else to compare it to. That's all.

I'm quite sure that the games you're playing are good fun. And that's what gaming is about...FUN!
Could care less about Final Fantasy, or Metal Gear Solid 4, or GTA, or anything else you mentioned, except GT5. On the 360, there's Halo 3, Forza 2, Test Drive Unlimited, etc. Yet to still come out.

Oh yeah, GTA, and FF, and MGS, and whatever is going to be the same was as Halo 3....

Larger Levels
Better Graphics
New Weapons

Just as you mentioned it.

GT5 is the only thing for me to get a PS3. And even then, unless it completely bewilderes me, It'll hold off an extra year.

Right, or obviously you haven't read jack or squat about these upcoming games.

FF - New battle systems and customization systems in each game, new story, new characters, new mini-games and features.

MGS4 - Completely new stealth system with octa-cam, brand new enemy AI system that works not off of "you / enemy" system, rather everyone is "neutral" and you ultimately determine who is the enemy based on your actions, VERY different from previous metal gear titles.

GTA - who knows and who cares, it wasn't one of the exclisives I mentioned.

The fact is, you willfully turn a blind eye to great upcoming titles that will features great upgrades in order to justify your puchase and further negate the need to purchase a PS3.

As for Forza 2, I'm ultimately not excited about it, because the 1st let me down, and I'm not expecting much from the second.

And TDU? I played it, and it was very basic, nothing too intuitive or anything that I haven't done before in a why is it such an important game?
Hmm...I wonder if that would've been the case if the 360 and PS3 were released at the same time?

Almost all the game syou mentioned have direct counterparts on the PS2 or the PS3. I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy your games. Just that since the 360 came out first and much earlier then the PS3, it techically has no competion. So there wasn't anything else to compare it to. That's all.

I'm quite sure that the games you're playing are good fun. And that's what gaming is about...FUN!
Well, a game on the PS2 may have a whole new world with it on the 360. Having hi-res textures and 720p makes a big difference. Everything is a lot sharper, clearer, lot less jaggies, etc. Take GRAW for example. On the PS2, graphics are ugly, no 3rd person view (which is almost necessary in a game like that), you have 1 teammate as opposed to 3 on the 360. And you can see what your teammates/support is looking at at the same time. And gameplay is much more fluid.

Sure, a lot of the games I mentioned are on the 360 and it's sequels will probably be on the PS3. However, slightly better graphics don't warrant the premium price for it. All the PS3 exclusives (except GT5) aren't interesting to me. The 360 ones are.
Right, or obviously you haven't read jack or squat about these upcoming games.

FF - New battle systems and customization systems in each game, new story, new characters, new mini-games and features.

MGS4 - Completely new stealth system with octa-cam, brand new enemy AI system that works not off of "you / enemy" system, rather everyone is "neutral" and you ultimately determine who is the enemy based on your actions, VERY different from previous metal gear titles.

GTA - who knows and who cares, it wasn't one of the exclisives I mentioned.

The fact is, you willfully turn a blind eye to great upcoming titles that will features great upgrades in order to justify your puchase and further negate the need to purchase a PS3.
Umm, no, I don't. I can care less about the titles you mentioned, nor do I want to play them. If you really like those titles, and you want a PS3 because of them, good for you.

As for Forza 2, I'm ultimately not excited about it, because the 1st let me down, and I'm not expecting much from the second.

And TDU? I played it, and it was very basic, nothing too intuitive or anything that I haven't done before in a why is it such an important game?
Well, they're important games for me, just like FF, and GTA, and MGS4 for you.
No, BD-R is recordable. PS3 uses standard disc that dont cost that much more than regular DVD's. That was my question. why compared the highest to the lowest. They are trying to throw people off.

Obviously to him the 360 is just a graphics update to long running series,and whatever else comes along since those games already have him hooked on the system.
No, BD-R is recordable. PS3 uses standard disc that dont cost that much more than regular DVD's. That was my question. why compared the highest to the lowest. They are trying to throw people off.

Obviously to him the 360 is just a graphics update to long running series,and whatever else comes along since those games already have him hooked on the system.
Umm, no, I don't. I can care less about the titles you mentioned, nor do I want to play them. If you really like those titles, and you want a PS3 because of them, good for you.

Well, they're important games for me, just like FF, and GTA, and MGS4 for you.

Well I just find it amusing that you say MGS4 and FF and such are games which see major upgrades inbetween each title, yet you are playing games that see incremental upgrades at most.

I mean, I've played TDU a lot, and I can't say it's anything I'm looking forward to buying that much, simply because it doesn't offer much aside from an interesting online interface. Other than that, it's a pretty bland racing game with an OK selection of cars.

Same thing with Forza 2. Unless it offers up a TON of cars for me, I'm jsut not going to have much interest in it. Forza 2 sold it self as a game that include popular rice rockets and exotic cars, with very few of everything else...

I mean, I'm not knocking your choice of games, but it seems that you are more bent on saying NOTHING on PS3 is "interesting" to you, simply because you own an X360, when in fact, the exact same could be said for the 360.
Well I just find it amusing that you say MGS4 and FF and such are games which see major upgrades inbetween each title, yet you are playing games that see incremental upgrades at most.

I mean, I've played TDU a lot, and I can't say it's anything I'm looking forward to buying that much, simply because it doesn't offer much aside from an interesting online interface. Other than that, it's a pretty bland racing game with an OK selection of cars.

Same thing with Forza 2. Unless it offers up a TON of cars for me, I'm jsut not going to have much interest in it. Forza 2 sold it self as a game that include popular rice rockets and exotic cars, with very few of everything else...

I mean, I'm not knocking your choice of games, but it seems that you are more bent on saying NOTHING on PS3 is "interesting" to you, simply because you own an X360, when in fact, the exact same could be said for the 360.
Dude, even if someone gave me a PS3, I wouldn't buy those games you mentioned. Period.

And no, even if I didn't have a 360, I would still say the same thing.
I must be lucky (or have no taste) as I like plenty of 360 games and pretty much the majority of PS3 games too. Damn it's nice to have so much choice! And since I rent games I don't have to pay out too much cash to play 'em all!
There are some games I don't touch, particularly sport sims etc, with the exception of Fight Night 3.
I just like games, don't really care who makes 'em. I should try out some Nintendo games but I've never got round to it. Maybe I'll get the Wii next year.
No, BD-R is recordable. PS3 uses standard disc that dont cost that much more than regular DVD's. That was my question. why compared the highest to the lowest. They are trying to throw people off.
Exactly. New recordable media like DVD-Rs always begin their lives at $30-50 per disc. The platters which get stamped at the factory with software content are always drastically less than that, no matter what the media is. Blu-ray disc blanks are estimated to cost a fraction more than DVDs initially, but as production gets underway, the cost will be comparable to DVD. They won't be anywhere near 200 times more expensive.

This sounds like more brain dead writer drivel we've been wading through for the past year from sources like 1UP, mixing apples and Ferraris. :P
I wonder if Lucas is gonna sue the US site for using a design extremely similar to Vader's activation scene in episode 3.
In a huge case of the pot calling the kettle black, Sony Computer Entertainment America head Kaz Hirai has chastised Microsoft for "copying" Sony's video game strategies and suggested that the Redmond-based company intends to copy Sony in other areas as well. This coming from Sony, whose new motion-sensitive controller has seen accusations of "ripping off" Nintendo's Wii-mote and whose new PlayStation Network Platform has been called an Xbox Live! rip-off. Either way, Sony is now the one lobbying accusations at their competitors.

In an interview with PlayStation Magazine, when asked about Microsoft and Sony's respective gaming paths, Hirai stated, "We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they're right there - we just can't shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do. If you look at their strategy in other business areas as well, they tend to do that. And the other thing is, you take a look at, for example, the fact that we incorporate the Blu-ray drive from day one. You're not going to be asking me, 'So, talk to me about this Blu-ray add-on that you have. Does it work for games? Is it just for movies?' That's exactly the kind of pitfall you fall into if you launch something that's too early, too premature..."

Hirai went on to comment on the potential price of PS3 software; any interested parties might want to take note. Remember how bad the backlash was when Xbox 360 games were priced at $59.99? Then this should be a huge outrage. "... what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say 'PS3 Games now $99.99.' I don't think consumers expect software pricing to suddenly double," Hirai explained. "So, the quick answer is that we want to make it as affordable as possible, knowing that there is a set consumer expectation for what software has cost for the past twelve years. That's kind of the best answer I can give you. So, if it becomes a bit higher than $59, don't ding me, but, again, I don't expect it to be $100."

OK, Sony, here's a wake up call for you. Your new console is $500, minimum. Now you're saying that the software for this machine might be MORE that $60 a shot? Do you honestly think that your gamers have tons and tons of cash to just spend on a whim? While it's still cheaper than getting a first-generation Blu-ray player will be (assuming there hasn't been a price drop by this November), most gamers I know simply don't have that kind of coin to drop on a video game system. If I have to pay $560 + tax just to see how Metal Gear Solid 4 is, I'll pass; Nintendo's Wii console has enough games and features to keep me happy, and the Xbox 360 offers a similar next-gen experience for less money. You might want to rethink your strategy, Sony, because I know I'm not alone here.
Ok let me add my 2 pennys. The PS3 will cost way above what people thought or hoped, but I personally dont care, I want one and im getting one, If PS3 games are expensive say $60 - $80 or £33 - £44 (direct conversions rounded up to the nearest £) I dont care, Im more than likely going to buy 1 or 2 games im not going to buy all launch games, and as soon as ive done playing them I will trade them in and get the next games cheaper.

I actually own only 3 PS2 games (Silent Hill 2, GT4, and Ridge Racer 5) and my dad owns 3 too (Everybodys Golf 5, GT3, Toca 2006) and I have 3 Gamecube games and my dad has 2 Gamecube games, so all in all we have a fair few games between us, but not allot individually.

So as you can see gameing where the games are concerned is not too bad, all in all I have probably spent less that £100 on games in the last 2 years so its not a big deal, infact i have spent more on going out and drinking than playing games, and I have more PC games than PS2 and GC combined, so prices dont bother me one bit.

The only thing that dose bother me about the price is second hand prices, I bet they will be a little higher, just hope the cash you get back inflates with the cost.

Again, we're stuck with people posting / reading / believing this trash.

How many times are you going to misinterpret this article people? Whatever, this is why I dont' visit GTP to much any more, too many members will believe anything and it almost makes me feel like I'm among a community of the naive...

Just don't read it, post it, think about it. It's nonsense, the man says multiple times that he doesn't expect it to be that high, he'd find it hard to believe they would EVER be that high, and that it's a STRETCH to say they would be that high.
I love 'em. Battlefield 2 I play nearly every day, GRAW is literally awesome, NFS: MW is just plain great, Madden 06 is the first Madden that's actually really fun, and really entertaining, PGR3 is great, Fight Night 3 is hard but keeps me coming back again and again (nothing like button mashing and pwning at the same time), and Burnout Revenge is hard, but really, really fun and rewarding when you perfect a rank. Heck, even Bankshot Billiards 2 (an Xbox Live Arcade game you buy) is really fun.

Dude, even if someone gave me a PS3, I wouldn't buy those games you mentioned. Period.

And no, even if I didn't have a 360, I would still say the same thing.

Duck, if the PS3 and Xbox 360 would've been released closer together I'm betting you would've went for the PS3. Why? GTV. You've already said that it's a game you would by for the PS3. All the games you mentioned with the exception of PGR3 are on or will be on a Playstation system. So, that tells me that you would've forked over the extra cash(actually saving money byt not buying two systems) and picked up the PS3. That would be logical since buying 2 systems at the same time isn't finacially sound.

See the logic there?
Duck, if the PS3 and Xbox 360 would've been released closer together I'm betting you would've went for the PS3. Why? GTV. You've already said that it's a game you would by for the PS3. All the games you mentioned with the exception of PGR3 are on or will be on a Playstation system. So, that tells me that you would've forked over the extra cash(actually saving money byt not buying two systems) and picked up the PS3. That would be logical since buying 2 systems at the same time isn't finacially sound.

See the logic there?
GT5 will probably be at least released at the end of 2007. Forza 2 and TD:U is coming out this fall on the 360, and I'm really looking forward to those games. I would buy the 360 anyway for Forza and TD:U (yes, I know TD:U is coming out on both 360 and PS2, except the PS2 version will probably be really dumbed down, like GRAW on the PS2).

Now, if the PS3 had Battlefield, Burnout, TDU, GT5, and Forza, etc, I would get it instead of the 360.

I know for sure at one point in time I'll have all 3 systems. I have the 360 now, and I'll be getting a Wii on launch. I'll wait a few years for the PS3, when the price goes down a lot.

Now, if the PS3 and the 360 were released at the same time... I'll get back to you on that.

Just don't read it, post it, think about it. It's nonsense, the man says multiple times that he doesn't expect it to be that high, he'd find it hard to believe they would EVER be that high, and that it's a STRETCH to say they would be that high.
Then how come he says "I don't expect it to be $99.99" and "Don't ding me if it's over $59" and all that stuff. It might not happen, but it's possible.
Now, if the PS3 and the 360 were released at the same time... I'll get back to you on that.

That was the ENTIRE point of my post. And you seemed to have missed that in your post that laid things out nicely, but was completly avoiding the question.
That was the ENTIRE point of my post. And you seemed to have missed that in your post that laid things out nicely, but was completly avoiding the question.
Well, I said I'd get back to you on that, didn't I? ;)
GT5 will probably be at least released at the end of 2007. Forza 2 and TD:U is coming out this fall on the 360, and I'm really looking forward to those games. I would buy the 360 anyway for Forza and TD:U (yes, I know TD:U is coming out on both 360 and PS2, except the PS2 version will probably be really dumbed down, like GRAW on the PS2).

Now, if the PS3 had Battlefield, Burnout, TDU, GT5, and Forza, etc, I would get it instead of the 360.

I know for sure at one point in time I'll have all 3 systems. I have the 360 now, and I'll be getting a Wii on launch. I'll wait a few years for the PS3, when the price goes down a lot.

Now, if the PS3 and the 360 were released at the same time... I'll get back to you on that.

Then how come he says "I don't expect it to be $99.99" and "Don't ding me if it's over $59" and all that stuff. It might not happen, but it's possible.

It's quite possible that the PS3 will get a version of TDU, or a future Test Drive. It is also extremely probable that both BF and Burnout will appear on the PS3 at some point or another.

Also, I had no idea that a TIME FRAME for Forza had been announced. Don't forget it's nothing short of delay friendly, just like GT has been. In fact, AFAIK, there has been absolutely no announcement what so ever about a date, time, or even Quarter when Forza 2 will be released.

That having been said, I still believe that the 360 is a great console, and I own one, however, I gladly would have traded in the money spent to money saved for the future...

As for Kaz, come on. Again, price of games is a developer choice, and being as the price of development hasn't gone up drastically for most first gen games, prices won't rise past the $60 mark. The medium (Blu-Ray) is only marginally more expensive than DVD, so that isn't a factor at all. Point is, it'll be very very difficult for PS3 games to be priced over $59 unless they are collectors edition or limited edition box sets.
Ok, to answer your question, Swift, I would've gotten a PS3. But not by much. I don't regret buying my 360 at all, but if I had the choice, I would've bought the PS3, but it's a tough decision.

It's quite possible that the PS3 will get a version of TDU, or a future Test Drive. It is also extremely probable that both BF and Burnout will appear on the PS3 at some point or another.

Also, I had no idea that a TIME FRAME for Forza had been announced. Don't forget it's nothing short of delay friendly, just like GT has been. In fact, AFAIK, there has been absolutely no announcement what so ever about a date, time, or even Quarter when Forza 2 will be released.
In the official Forza 2 E3 press release, and on Forza's website, and on, it says the release date is Holiday 2006. And Forza 2 won't be delayed, unless they decide to include an in-car camera, or some knucklehead thinks they'll get more money selling it Summer 2007 than at Christmas 06 time.
That having been said, I still believe that the 360 is a great console, and I own one, however, I gladly would have traded in the money spent to money saved for the future...
It's nice to hear that you're not a complete Sony fanboy. :)

As for Kaz, come on. Again, price of games is a developer choice, and being as the price of development hasn't gone up drastically for most first gen games, prices won't rise past the $60 mark. The medium (Blu-Ray) is only marginally more expensive than DVD, so that isn't a factor at all. Point is, it'll be very very difficult for PS3 games to be priced over $59 unless they are collectors edition or limited edition box sets.

Good point.
Ok, to answer your question, Swift, I would've gotten a PS3. But not by much. I don't regret buying my 360 at all, but if I had the choice, I would've bought the PS3, but it's a tough decision.

I never said it was a no brainer, just that you would've gotten the PS3 if you were given the choice. :sly: And I was right. :D