PS3 General Discussion

Yep, Even these angels can't help the 360 in Japan,:sly:

:lol: :lol: :lol: they could help me anytime :D :embarrassed:
When the average consumer, who is generally not informed well, sees the $300 price tag of the 360, next to the $500 tag of the PS3, they'll be more inclined to buy the 360, even though it is really inferior to the PS3.
From what I understand, the salesmen selling to a 360 customer clue them into the differences and they get informed well pretty quickly. After that, they only buy the $300 core 360 if they're cheap or desperate. This will pit the $400 360, the REAL 360, against the $500 PS3, which is still a real PS3. We'll be finding out in a few months how the holiday sales shake out. If the Wii is there in numbers with quality release games, I think the 360 and PS3 will sell fairly evenly - and the PS3 sell out world wide, but that's just my guess.

Now, if Microsoft had some gaming angels like the beauties above, sales figures might be a scouche different. :D
Exclusive: PS3Land Interviews Play Ten Studios!
by Dusty Stokes & Bhavin Shah

PS3Land has had the honour of conducting an exclusive Q&A with Play Ten, creators of The Wall.

The game, currently scheduled for the first quarter of 2008, takes a unique approach the the well-established first person shooter genre, with improved graphics, better AI and physics, and a brand new weapon system.

The immersive storyline with the non-linear gameplay allows players to determine events based on their actions.

In addition to the standard FPS environment, The Wall will also feature underwater levels and the ability to drive vehicles.

"Using a multitude of different weapons, which are individually customizable, the player discovers throughout the course of the
game his true purpose and his true identity."

The Play Ten team were kind enough to take part in an interview with PS3Land. Special thanks to Yaroslav for being so co-operative.

PS3Land: What is the story behind Burut, how did you guys get started and where are you at now in terms of staff and game developement?

Play Ten: “Burut CT” is one of the major Russian companies in the field of PC game development.

Today “Burut CT” company owns a few development studios, a sound production department and the department of animation, localization and programming studios. In the whole the company unites more than a 100 professionals – game designers, 3D modelers and designers, 2D designers, animators, programmers, script programmers, vizualizers, sound engineers, translators, artists, testers.

We maintain business collaboration with the best Russian and foreign publishers, like “Play Ten Interactive”, “Akella”, "CDV Software Entertainment", "Playlogic Entertainment". “Burut CT” offers in-house, thoroughly developed PC games where we try to cover interesting game genres, splendid graphics, fascinating storyline, appealing animations... Well, a picture is worth a thousand words!

My name is Alexander Borodetsky, I am the project lead and the main programmer of “The Wall”.

PS3Land: What was your inspiration for The Wall, what kind of games, movies, etc. inspired the game and its characters?

Play Ten: I believe the concept of "The Wall" world is a grotesque reflection of the modern world. We want to show all the avarice and ambition of transnational corporations, who pursue their business targets regardless of the consequences. In their quest for profit often the great treasures of the past, the cultural heritage of Humanity is sacrificed. Trying to improve the world, some greedy corporate giants are destroying it in fact, without paying any attention to this sad truth and firmly believing in the righteousness of their ways. They continue to push the deadly balance wheel, which is poised to crush them in the end.

Also we want to show the religious fanaticism with it’s terrible bigotry and superstition. Often the fundamentalist zealots are ready to devastate the existing world, just to create an ideal one they imagine in it’s place.

The main idea behind the game, and the main source of contradictions, will be the problem of miscommunication between people, and between entire societies. As you probably guessed it already, one of the strong background trends is that someone can cause lots of suffering and do all sorts of vile things, but still consider himself to be a great deliverer from evils and savior of people.

PS3Land: How long has the game been in development?

Play Ten: The game is now in the preproduction stage. We’re doing this for almost a year now. This happened because we approach the task in a very responsible manner.

A next-gen project must be next-gen in everything, starting from setting and high level concept. We’ve thought over each gameplay element, chose the time and the place of the game’s events very carefully. Some time was spent on the motives and aims of each side present in “The Wall”. Special attention was paid to the features.

PS3Land: What is the story of The Wall?

Play Ten: The game’s story unfolds after a global cataclysm, which forever changed the face of Earth. Due to the global warming, the ocean level has risen, and big parts of former continents are now underwater. In some places the seas retreated a little, leaving the ruins of former proud cities covered by algae and conches. Most of the people from the times before the flood died during the catastrophe and after it, and the ones who lived through built new societies, filled with new dangers and far more hostile and dangerous. The soil
was expensive enough before the cataclysm, but now it is worth gold.

All the life in this brave new world is concentrated on small islands, packed to the brim with the population. So the conflicts there are common, and weapons are the ultimate judge.

In this grim future a gun became a necessary thing for everyone, like watches or a cell phone for us.

PS3Land: What are some of the technical features of The Wall (Ex: physics, animation, resolution)

Play Ten: Surely you understand we cannot explain all the technical features. But we’re willing to share a few things with PS3Land.

64-bit rendering. The dynamic control of brightness and contrast of the image. (The detalization of texture elements remains permanent both in bright and dark spaces). The high accuracy of image post-processing effects. Practically unlimited strength of light sources.

A flexible system of material description based on .FX files. The material fully describes the interaction between the current surface and light sources. There is a set of standard materials which allows adding specific materials without making any changes in the engine code.

The physical model of building and rendering volume dynamic clouds on the basis of physical characteristics, taking into account the scattering of the light and its passing through clouds. Building of light rays and shadows on the surface. Interaction with space modifiers.

The system of the image post-processing. The dynamic control of the image brightness. Bloom. Physically accurate light dispersion in lenses. The refraction of the light in volumes with different temperature.

The visualization of volume effects of the interaction between the light and the space. The volume light, fog, dust and so on.

Combined model of the shadow building.

A multilayer animation model for various elements of the object. An advanced control system of blending different types of animations (usual, procedural, on the basis of physical model) and inverse kinematics in order to achieve the realistic behavior of the object or the character.

GP on GPU, like physical simulation of fabric and so on.

Usage of different methods for increasing the detalization and realism of the image (parallax occlusion mapping, horizon mapping and so on).

Mathematical model of lighting outdoor spaces on the basis of spherical harmonics and PRT. Calculation of model parameters is performed by means of assigning weather conditions and the time of the day.

PS3Land: Will The Wall be exclusively to PS3? What kind of thought goes into making this decision?

Play Ten: We expect to make a PC version as well, for promotion purposes and hard-core gamers.

PS3Land: Developing for the Sony Playstation 3 and its next gen hardware, how is it? Further more, are you happy with having much larger disc storage in Blu-Ray...allowing for more capacity for game content?

Play Ten: We expect the game to take one double-layered DVD of 8 Gbytes. But who knows, times change, and requirements too.

PS3Land: In your personal opinion, do you see a difference in PS3 vs Xbox 360? Hardware and Games (ex: graphically, processing, etc.)

Play Ten: This is a tricky question. From one side, the differences are obvious. Both platforms have certain strong and weak points. But I’d prefer not to comment on them, to avoid embarking on a next-gen crusade or a holy war between the platforms, or something. Let’s say we chose PS3 after a long research and many hot arguments.

PS3Land: Will The Wall utilize the new sensor system in the PS3 controller? And were you shocked by the new addition of the sensor system?

Play Ten: Honestly, we were confused by the sudden announcement of SONY during the E3, and were totally unprepared to implement this. We even thought about asking our friends in
the SCEE team to learn more about the issue. Right now I can only say that we’re rather keen on exploring such a nice opportunity. It offers incredible possibilities in human – machine interaction, which lies underneath the core of a perfect gameplay. To put it in a nutshell, this heralds a totally new era of gaming.

PS3Land: How far along are you in the development process?

Play Ten: We’re finishing the preproduction stage and already have a working engine in place. Now
we’re building the graphical assets and expect to resolve the question of next-gen physics
pretty soon.

PS3Land: Do you have any other projects in the works? Do you plan to continue creating for the PS3?

Play Ten: Yes, we’re working on many projects simultaneously. Our company consists of different studios, each of them has at least 1 game in the development.

PS3Land: What is one of your favorite features in The Wall?

Play Ten: I have two really loveable ones:
- Customizable weapons (this is not something you expect to see at all)
- Competition and cooperation with NPCs. This is something totally unfamiliar for modern 3D shooters, and will add a lot of new colors to the traditional gameplay.

PS3Land:: What is it like developing on the Cell processor?

Play Ten: It’s hard to explain, kind of driving a Ferrari after pedaling on a bike for a long time!

PS3Land: Will The Wall have any sort of online content or multiplayer (downloadable content, coop, etc)?

Play Ten: Definitely there will be a multiplayer part, this is very important for the next generation of consoles and games for them. We do not plan to add any downloadable content yet.

Thanks very much to Play Ten Studios for this Q&A. Stay tuned for some more exclusives in the near future!
I hope the final price of PS3 titles is not £50, because thats the price on But I just seen this bad news:


UK to get 150K PS3s? Nope!

That's the latest word according to the Official PlayStation mag - or is it? We tell you the real story inside

You've got to love the wondernet. Someone thinks they've read something, publishes it on their site, and it becomes a whisper, that whisper quickly becomes a rumour, then rumour swiftly makes a leap to becoming a strong rumour, which in turn becomes reality and then becomes an ESTABLISHED FACT.

Ahem anyway, such was the case today when some European and US websites thought they'd dug up a real exclusive from our colleagues over at Official PlayStation Magazine, claiming that in their latest issue OPM had categorically said the UK would get 150,000 shiny new PS3s come launch time in November. A quick call quickly put us right, with OPM pointing out they'd, erm, actually said no such thing and that it was based on a speculative corporate analyst's quote.

If anything, a 150k allocation of PS3s would be seriously short of the mark for Sony's UK target. We know we should expect some kind of launch shortage, but seriously, that's around 100k short of what we'd want the UK to receive. Games mad Brits actually account for close to 13.3 percent of the global software market, so we'd expect Sony to do the decent (and profitable thing) and pump the third largest allocation our way, if not a bit more.

Anyway, glad we could clear that one up for you. Our best estimate for the UK allocation stands at around 250k, although that's strictly unofficial of course and Sony might even spare us a few more.
I hope the final price of PS3 titles is not £50, because thats the price on But I just seen this bad news:


UK to get 150K PS3s? Nope!

That's the latest word according to the Official PlayStation mag - or is it? We tell you the real story inside

You've got to love the wondernet. Someone thinks they've read something, publishes it on their site, and it becomes a whisper, that whisper quickly becomes a rumour, then rumour swiftly makes a leap to becoming a strong rumour, which in turn becomes reality and then becomes an ESTABLISHED FACT.

Ahem anyway, such was the case today when some European and US websites thought they'd dug up a real exclusive from our colleagues over at Official PlayStation Magazine, claiming that in their latest issue OPM had categorically said the UK would get 150,000 shiny new PS3s come launch time in November. A quick call quickly put us right, with OPM pointing out they'd, erm, actually said no such thing and that it was based on a speculative corporate analyst's quote.

If anything, a 150k allocation of PS3s would be seriously short of the mark for Sony's UK target. We know we should expect some kind of launch shortage, but seriously, that's around 100k short of what we'd want the UK to receive. Games mad Brits actually account for close to 13.3 percent of the global software market, so we'd expect Sony to do the decent (and profitable thing) and pump the third largest allocation our way, if not a bit more.

Anyway, glad we could clear that one up for you. Our best estimate for the UK allocation stands at around 250k, although that's strictly unofficial of course and Sony might even spare us a few more.

thats not bad news, thats good news, if we were going to get 150,000 units then that would be bad new, they are sujesting that we are to get even more than the 150,000. 250,000 is a great number, and this is still just speculation.

PS3 Portal
A recent PlayStation 3 rumor has been floating around the web that the United Kingdom was allocated to receive 150,000 PlayStation 3 units at launch in November this year. However, a Sony spokesperson has since quashed the rumor.

"We have yet to confirm allocation for the UK territory. We're on target to ship 2 million units globally at launch and 6 million units by end of fiscal year."

The UK is a primary territory for Sony and chances are that 150,000 will be the minimum number of units hitting the shelves on November 17th.

Sony has only so far confirmed that will be shipping the 60GB PlayStation 3 model, priced at £425. As for the cheaper 20GB PlayStation 3 model, the company has remained silent.

The rumors are said to have originated from an article published in the Official PlayStation Magazine. In their defense the magazine representatives claim the 150,000 figure was based on analysts' estimates and not on information provided by Sony Corp.

Just to add the official word instead of heresay. 👍
According to Sony has taken out a large (about 80 billion yen ... or $698 million) loan "to diversify funding". Why should we care? Let's think about all that money... that would be about enough to cover their double-taxation claim, a lost law suit (Immersion Technologies), and probably a bit of their pricey PS3 production costs.

Should we be worried, though? Sony has given us all reason to hold our tongue with dicey promises and awkward statements. Taking out a loan to diversify funding, whether that means to pay off the accumulated debts that continue to pop up or to actually allocate funding to different corporate divisions, shouldn't really matter much in the end -- except for having to pay back the loan. Which means the PS3 needs to sell. Which is the gamble Sony is betting on. Which is dangerous. Otherwise, Sony doesn't really have a solid grip on any other market to fall back on and it may experience some heavier financial difficulties than expected.
We should not worry too much, its not the first time sony was take a loan. But with the unforseen low sells of its electronic department and the downfall of their music department $ony as a company has to make it up not just the gaming department. But sony is banking on Blu-ray and PS3 to break even in 7 years :)
Sony PlayStation 3 Could Face Problems as Insiders Leak Info about Nintendo Wii
By Christopher Hogg

Digital Journal — A recent Business Week article says Sony might have difficulty hitting its one million units a month target in the release of its upcoming PlayStation 3 console. With more than 1,700 parts inside the next-gen game system, the company faces an incredibly complex manufacturing process.

“We've learned the Sony PlayStation 3 is not just a game console. It’s a movie platform. It’s also a super-computer,” P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research told Business Week. “This is now the most complex box that’s ever been built in this industry. It’s going to have a Cell processor, it’s going to have a Blu-ray drive. The number of pieces that are going into this box are even more astounding [than the over 1,700 parts used in the Xbox 360]."

When Xbox 360 launched, Microsoft faced a number of manufacturing-related shortages. Being such a complex build, Sony’s upcoming PS3 could suffer the same setback.

However, Sony stands firm behind its promise to have two million units ready for the console’s launch in November and a total of six million shipped by the end of March 2007.

But critics aren’t so sure, as building the PS3 isn’t as easy as snapping together Lego. Analysts say this could give even more of an edge to Nintendo’s upcoming Wii. “From a manufacturing standpoint, the Wii is a simpler box to make. Architecturally there’s fewer parts. It’s just easier to make,” McNealy told Business Week.

Sony might also be facing the challenges of being last to market, as Xbox 360 has been available for more than half a year, and CNN Money is reporting the Nintendo Wii will be available in October or possible even September. Nintendo hasn’t confirmed the date, but CNN quotes “industry insiders” who also say the most likely price points for the Wii launch will be $199 or $249, making it considerably cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360.

And price could be the Achilles ’ heel for Sony — even if it manages to pump out a million units per month, the company still has to convince a million people to spend the ridiculous $600 to own one of the units. In the end, delays might actually be a good thing because tons of people are going to wait until the price tag comes down to an Earthly reality.
PS3 E-distribution explained -- more or less

Gamasutra recently interviewed John Hight, who is heading up the PS3's E-distribution project, getting a few interesting tidbits about Sony's online service along the way. Advantages of E-distribution? Selling online makes it simpler to go international, to niche and remote markets. Also, inventory no longer comes as a risk since there are no physical units being carted around (this also lowers the stacks of used games sitting at our favorite stores -- everyone knows how many copies of Madden 20xx there are when the new Madden 20xx +1 rendition appears). Another advantage that always gets mentioned -- "This new form of distribution will lower the barriers of entry for new developers. We can try out new ideas in a low risk, quick feedback environment." Hooray, mom and pop joints! Now if only they were getting the dev-kits on time like the bigger companies...

What kind of titles can we expect to be distributed via this E-contraption? "We fund development for 1st party games and we are open to self-funded games." So many of Sony's internal studio games will come to the new console this way, if the E-distribution system works properly. If they don't sell well, hopefully they'll take a note from XBox Live and let any third-party into the ... party.

Want to design a game and have it distributed via Sony's new system? Hight demands that we: "Create a high concept or, better yet, build a working prototype of [your] game. Then register on our developer website" While the submission site isn't exactly brand spankin' new, it does imply that some games (possibly our submissions) may be set up to download as a subscription or a one-time purchase. Should Sony really go the subscription route? How about for small developers using their E-distribution? Hopefully it will be a "subscribe" or "purchase" option for each ... kind of like a rental, then a purchase, for the cautious among us.
Solid Lifters
Sony PlayStation 3 Could Face Problems as Insiders Leak Info about Nintendo Wii
By Christopher Hogg

Digital Journal — A recent Business Week article says Sony might have difficulty hitting its one million units a month target in the release of its upcoming PlayStation 3 console. With more than 1,700 parts inside the next-gen game system, the company faces an incredibly complex manufacturing process.

“We've learned the Sony PlayStation 3 is not just a game console. It’s a movie platform. It’s also a super-computer,” P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research told Business Week. “This is now the most complex box that’s ever been built in this industry. It’s going to have a Cell processor, it’s going to have a Blu-ray drive. The number of pieces that are going into this box are even more astounding [than the over 1,700 parts used in the Xbox 360]."

When Xbox 360 launched, Microsoft faced a number of manufacturing-related shortages. Being such a complex build, Sony’s upcoming PS3 could suffer the same setback.

However, Sony stands firm behind its promise to have two million units ready for the console’s launch in November and a total of six million shipped by the end of March 2007.

But critics aren’t so sure, as building the PS3 isn’t as easy as snapping together Lego. Analysts say this could give even more of an edge to Nintendo’s upcoming Wii. “From a manufacturing standpoint, the Wii is a simpler box to make. Architecturally there’s fewer parts. It’s just easier to make,” McNealy told Business Week.

Sony might also be facing the challenges of being last to market, as Xbox 360 has been available for more than half a year, and CNN Money is reporting the Nintendo Wii will be available in October or possible even September. Nintendo hasn’t confirmed the date, but CNN quotes “industry insiders” who also say the most likely price points for the Wii launch will be $199 or $249, making it considerably cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360.

And price could be the Achilles ’ heel for Sony — even if it manages to pump out a million units per month, the company still has to convince a million people to spend the ridiculous $600 to own one of the units. In the end, delays might actually be a good thing because tons of people are going to wait until the price tag comes down to an Earthly reality.

yes, no new news at this point... its just a rush for "lets make sony look bad by november thing"

most future gamers don´t even read this stuff, and for us, it really has little or no effect.

until TGS we will be seeing only this kind of s%$#. but i hope they have a final version of the PS3 running on TGS... if not, then that´s a concern...
Solid Lifters
Analysts say this could give even more of an edge to Nintendo’s upcoming Wii. “From a manufacturing standpoint, the Wii is a simpler box to make. Architecturally there’s fewer parts. It’s just easier to make,” McNealy told Business Week.

Oh yes, people are going to give up their PS3s for Nintendos just because they're easier to make. :P Just who are these 'analysts' anyway? I guess they need to make money, too.
My question is why do these analysts focus on the $599 PS3 and not $499. If you didn't know any better you would only think there is one version of the PS3. I wonder if some of these people have been paid off by M$ to come out with these reports.
Jeff Minter jumps Aboard the Anti-Sony Bandwagon

Whilst you have to respect any man (apart from Wacko Jacko) who keeps Llamas, makes mind-bogglingly strange games and defiantly chooses to live out in rural West Wales, you also have to agree that Jeff Minter is put it mildly, a bit strange.

The man who created Hover Bovver for the C64 (click for info) back in 1983 is perhaps best well known for Llamasoft and more recently for the Xbox360 interactive visualiser which he calls “The first step into a future filled with beauty, light, creativity and fun”. Being in his brain must be ace!

It seems that Minter really has fallen for the 360 dream, judging by his latest comments in his new, regular Edge magazine sound-off. Speaking about ambling into his local Carmarthen branch of GAME whilst enjoying a nice Cornish pasty, and being baffled at not wanting to put his name down on the PS3 pre-order list, Minter has a few harsh words to say about Sony.

Firstly, on the lack of a new Wipeout for the PS3 launch: “Sony could probably have completely had me if there was lovely, sweet HD footage of a new Wipeout for PS3 at E3 – I’ve made sweet, animal love to each iteration of that series over a succession of Sony consoles, and the thought of spending my Christmas in a comfortably enhanced frame of mind zooming around eye-poppingly beautiful HD circuits at insane speeds with some banging choons on would have had my name at the top of the preorder list in no time.”

Minter continues: "They seem absolutely certain that even when they say that it's going to be considerably more expensive than existing consoles, and that maybe there won't be that many titles actually available at launch, nonetheless us eager customers will rush out in droves to buy it because, hey, it's a new PlayStation."

"Yeah, you've got the lion's share of the current market, but don't get smug, Sony. Nobody likes smug, and it's not an attitude that has served companies well in the videogames industry."

Then, to really stick the knife in, he has a pop at the PSP: "Just making the shiniest, most expensive hardware doesn't cut it these days. Sure, the PSP was beautiful, shining, pretty and posh, whereas the DS was definitely the ugly sister. But hey, the ugly sister is better in the sack." This, it should be made clear, comes from a man that has animals as his best friends, plus helped design the Atari Jaguar.

Elsewhere in Edge, the Sony-bashing continues unabated, with Mr Biffo sticking his funny old oar in. Here's Biffo on Sony: "When the games were unveiled at E3 it was obvious the console falls far short of the sort of power Sony has been hyping. It was a bit like the disparity between Spinal Tap's vision of a towering tryptych and the on-stage reality."

Sony-bashing – harmless bit of fun or misguided bandwagon jumping? Let us know what you think in the forum.
I bought something that can support HD-DVD & BluRay at the same time.

ATI leads High Definition disc playback with H.264 Acceleration
As Blu-ray® and HD-DVD technology begin to appear on the marketplace and revolutionize video as we know it, ensure you are prepared with ATI video and display technology. In the early stages of the development of these new disc formats, ATI demonstrated the first ever PC-based hardware acceleration for H.264 decoding. ATI’s demonstration, using ATI Radeon® graphics cards, was a testament to the video expertise and flexibility upon which ATI’s Avivo™ technology is built on. ATI’s enablement of hardware acceleration for H.264 playback was a key piece in making Blu-ray and HD-DVD a reality in the PC environment. Now you will be able to enjoy high definition picture fidelity on the PC unlike anything ever seen before.

I bought a X1600 Pro to replace my broken 9800 pro. the performance is about the same, but there more stuff the X1600 pro can do over my old card. :)

Now just need a disk reader to enjoy the HD video. :sly:
I thought blu-ray and Hd-DVD retail movies were both mpeg layer 2?

Nope. They actually have several different codecs this time around. HD-DVD uses VC-1 and H.264. Blu-Ray uses VC-1, H.264, and MPEG-2.

I'll just point out that while hardware H.264 decoding is nice and all, it will only work on HD movies that are encoded as such. To my knowledge, most HD-DVDs use VC-1, and most Blu-Ray movies use MPEG-2. So none of them will play on this device. Not quite the breakthrough ATI was hoping for, methinks.

Hey, Solid.. think you could turn those energies of yours to actually looking around the 'net for news that's actually positive about the Playstation 3? I'm getting sick of this endless negativity in practically every post of yours.
Nope. They actually have several different codecs this time around. HD-DVD uses VC-1 and H.264. Blu-Ray uses VC-1, H.264, and MPEG-2.

I'll just point out that while hardware H.264 decoding is nice and all, it will only work on HD movies that are encoded as such. To my knowledge, most HD-DVDs use VC-1, and most Blu-Ray movies use MPEG-2. So none of them will play on this device. Not quite the breakthrough ATI was hoping for, methinks.

Hey, Solid.. think you could turn those energies of yours to actually looking around the 'net for news that's actually positive about the Playstation 3? I'm getting sick of this endless negativity in practically every post of yours.
If you don't like them, then don't read them. Simple.
Solid Lifters
If you don't like them, then don't read them. Simple.

I don't, actually. It's like the FBI warnings and Previews on the front of a DVD. You skip past them, but they just keep coming, again and again. Sure, you don't read them.. but it doesn't make them any less annoying. The proper thing to do would be to post a link to the article, rather than copying and pasting the whole thing here.

You didn't answer my other question, though.. why not some positive news now and again? Why the negativity?
You didn't answer my other question, though.. why not some positive news now and again? Why the negativity?

You know, positive news are hard to find around these day on the internet. There are too many hardcore 360 fanboys and analysts who sleeping with their 360s:indiff:
I don't, actually. It's like the FBI warnings and Previews on the front of a DVD. You skip past them, but they just keep coming, again and again. Sure, you don't read them.. but it doesn't make them any less annoying. The proper thing to do would be to post a link to the article, rather than copying and pasting the whole thing here.

You didn't answer my other question, though.. why not some positive news now and again? Why the negativity?

Well, quite frankly, there isn't any news, let alone positive. So Solid just runs about the internet scrounging up any word or paragraph that he can rush back here to post, even though all of us have probably seen it, and really don't care to reat the rumor riddin into he clutters up the page with.

Honestly, I'd rather read post after post of people asking questions like "How much will PS3 cost" and "When does it come out" than have to scroll through the paragraphs of mindless dribble he finds it so necessary to post for his own self significance.
At least he's posting something relating to the PS3 rather than sly remarks about other members.
Well he started this thread so i guess he can post what he likes dispite it being the only general PS3 thread. I'm not sick of him posting the news, just the fact that this crap exists.