PS3 General Discussion

A question for the tech fellows:
I'm hoping to be able to connect my Mac cinema display to the premium PS3 via a dvi/hdmi converter. The display has a native resolution of 1680x1050 and it also supports 1344x840, 1280x800 and 1024x640. From what's known at present, is it likely that I'll be able to get a decent picture out of the screen, or will the odd resolutions be a problem, and thus the image will be deformed, stretched etc?
Tenacious D
Well, then I suppose there should be copious articles dealing with how easy it is to code for the PS2? :D

Seriously, when I looked at multiple sources which quote Phil Harrison, George Bain and Mark DeLoura as making sure developers found the PS3 to be headache and bottleneck free, and every online game magazine saying that though Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 was a great game, some stuff just wouldn't fit into that stingy architecture. Like wooden walls looking like steel or stone because the texture ram was just not there.

Gee, I guess the whole freaking internet is one big cesspool of misinformation, huh? :P

Boy, some people are defensive... you act like I said the PS2 is a POS. I like it a lot, but it has issues, and the GameCube has pushed the most polys in game among it, the XBox and PS2. In fact, the PS2 is the worst performing system of that gen. Ya know, ya gotta call it like it is.

Oh, and Swift, I'd hardly call Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube Mario Kart level gaming.

This will be my post on the subject. I'm not being defensive, I'm correcting your misinterpretation.

The PS2 is dated, your complaining about it's limited VRAM and multi-processor architecture does not make it hard to develop for, it makes it underpowered.

You have taken all of those articles and misinterpreted. I'm not going to comment any further.
I shouldn't have posted this on the couch last night after waking up. I would have had a bit more to say in this regard. But really, you guys act like 4megs of VRam in a game console is plenty. How many video cards do you see for sale with 32megs of ram on board these days? Any??

Does an "underpowered system" mean that it's difficult to accomplishing the dazzling graphics you have to have in your game in order to attract people wanting to spend money? Or is this just me blowing vapor? Let's face it. The 4megs of VRam was too little when the PS2 was released. When you want it to do even more graphical feats after 5 years, do you seriously think that the job gets easier just because you have more experience with it??

You surely know that developers aren't going to badmouth a system they're trying to code software on. When Capcom released RE4 for the PS2, they didn't lament how hard it was to fight to get the graphic features into the game which were done on the GameCube with relative ease, and having to leave stuff off so the framerate wouldn't plummet, or it just wasn't possible. They pumped all the positives, like a "near perfect" recreation of the great GameCube experience, and the bonus features they added in to please fans of the series. You don't mess with Sony, and you sure don't hurt the appeal of your own product.

Look at the PS3 and its complicated arcitecture. Suppose the dev kit tools given to developers inadequately handle the multiprocessor SPE environment. You'll have developers saying things like, "The power of the Cell itself, as well as the RSX, is going to give us more than enough power to do what we want." Or "We've been able to do some amazing things with the SPEs, and in future software you'll see what the PS3 is truly capable of."

Some of you sound like you just happened onto game industry chatter.

Well, and I'd better clarify THAT, before someone takes it the wrong way. I'm just supposing here. It's not too far offbase though. It took coders a while to come to grips with the dual processor architecture of the PC. The 360 has a triple core processor. I have heard not a word about how easy or hard it is to harness the triple core architecture power of the 360, but I bet it's not a breeze.

Now, along comes the PS3, and you have the equivalent of... well, it's a lot like taking a guy with a hopped up Mustang and giving him an F-22 Raptor next gen jet fighter. The multiprocessor architecture of the PS3 is like something right out of Star Trek. Many articles from those bottom rung sites that get quoted here indicate that the best way to harness this insane power and complexity is to bypass dev tools and write code directly to the processors with careful syncronization.

Now that is undoubtedly based on info months old, but it may still hold true. Developers will need Sony to craft some extremely powerful development tools which generate tight, efficient, stable code to take advantage of this wild multiprocessor environment. But generating code from toolkits is always less efficient than coding in machine-level language. Less efficient code results in unstable software with erratic performance. Slowdown when the screen fills with action for example.

The buzz from developers is that the dev kits from Sony are fantastic, but they don't go into detail. They don't say what sort of tools Sony gave them to make working with those SPEs transparent. Many games for the PS3 next year may ignore the SPEs entirely, except for linking to the SPE running the OS and online drivers. The Cell certainly makes the PS3 more powerful than a gaming PC.

I'm looking forward to details from developers next year which go into how they approach programming the new Playstation, when the need for secrecy drops.
Nope, you are right in a way. But a lot of it, not all could be countered by different approaches such as better use of streaming. The PS2 was underpowered, and it didn't help, but at the end of the day, developers could still avoid all problems related to the console being underpowered by developing a game for it, not for the XBox and then having trouble porting it over. The Gamecube version of RE4 had a lot of stuff left out Capcom would have kiled to have included but couldn't because of the GC's limitations.If you design a game for a system, the difficulties regarding it's limitations are easier overcome. The area developers mostly complained was a lack of support libraries from Sony.
Supposedly the PC game F.E.A.R is coming to the PS3 according to CVG - Link. I'm sceptical until a apecific press release is issued but CVG tend to be reliable.
Thing is I've not played F.E.A.R but I have heard it's quite good. Anyone looking forward to this, assuming it is PS3 bound?
Supposedly the PC game F.E.A.R is coming to the PS3 according to CVG - Link. I'm sceptical until a apecific press release is issued but CVG tend to be reliable.
Thing is I've not played F.E.A.R but I have heard it's quite good. Anyone looking forward to this, assuming it is PS3 bound?
I've created a topic, with the story posted directly in the topic, so people don't have to click on the link if they don't want.
Phil Harrison.

Phil Harrison Spins Another Blu-Ray Lie


Bill Harris over at Dubious Quality poses Phil Harrison an excellent question: why the hell should anyone believe what he and Sony says about the PS3's capabilities when they're being out-and-out caught in lies now?
Phil Harrison on the number of Blu-Ray movies available:
We have shown more playable games than ever before, so the signs are good, and right now there are more than 100 Blu-ray movies available today, in the US. More than 100 games are in development, and all the major third-party publishers have pledged their strategic support for the platform.
Bill's retort:
Well, that sounds pretty good. I didn't even know that a hundred movies were available on Blu-Ray right now. Oh, wait--I didn't know it because it's bull****. It's only true in Sony Fantasy Land, where $600 for a game machine is a bargain and all ponies go to heaven.

In fact, right now, there are only twenty four Blu-Ray movies available. When the console launches, there will only be a little more than fifty available. Florian Eckhardt
Phil Harrison Makes Stuff Up To Please Us [Dubious Quality]
Whoever that guy is that wrote that isn't too smart. There are over 100 movies available on Blue Ray, does hw think where he lives is the only place in the world that counts. He's got a biased opinion and his point is false and proves that he's stupid.

I'm not against people not liking Sony or the PS3, but at least use a valid reason.
He-he, that was a funny read.

Oh, and his source for BD movies was a site that has no affiliation with movie studios. Notice, Charlie's Angeles movie was mentioned ready for BD a long time ago, but it's not listed. How odd.

Here's the list for BD movies... well over 100...

Title Studio Info
50 First Dates Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
A Knight's Tale Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Aeon Flux Paramount
American Psycho Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
Amityville Horror MGM Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Angel Seekers Air TBS Japan only
Armageddon Disney
Basic Instinct Lionsgate Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Basic Instinct 2 MGM Release date: July 11, 2006
Batman Begins Warner
Behind Enemy Lines Fox
Benchwarmers Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Big Hit Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Black Hawk Down Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Blazing Saddles Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Bram Stoker's Dracula Sony
Bridge on the River Kwai Sony
Brothers Grimm Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Warner
Chicken Little Disney Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Chronos Goldhil Documentary, Release date: May 23, 2006
Constantine Warner
Crash Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Crimson Tide Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Dark Water Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Desperado Sony
Devil's Rejects Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Dinosaur Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Dukes of Hazzard Warner
Dune Lionsgate TV miniseries aka Frank Herbert's Dune, Release date: June/July
Eight Below Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Everest Disney Documentary
Fantastic Four Fox
Fifth Element Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Flightplan Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
For a Few Dollars More MGM
Four Brothers Paramount
Full Metal Jacket Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Gattaca Sony Release date: October 17, 2006
Glory Road Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Gone in Sixty Seconds Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Good Night, and Good Luck Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Goodfellas Warner Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Great Raid Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Green Mile Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Guns of Navarone Sony
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Haunted Mansion Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Hero Disney
Hitch Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
House of Flying Daggers Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Ice Age Fox
Incredibles Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Into The Blue Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Italian Job Paramount
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Kill Bill Vol. 1 Disney
King Arthur Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Kiss of the Dragon Fox
Kung Fu Hustle Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Ladder 49 Disney
Lake House Warner Release date: September 26, 2006
Last Samurai Warner
Last Waltz MGM Documentary, Release date: June 27, 2006
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Fox
Legends of the Fall Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Lethal Weapon Warner
Lord of War Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Manchurian Candidate Paramount
Matrix Warner
Matrix Reloaded Warner Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Memento Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Million Dollar Baby Warner
Mission Impossible Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Mission Impossible II Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Mission Impossible III Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
New Cinema Paradise Asmik Ace Japan only
Ocean's Twelve Warner
Phantom of the Opera Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Pirates of the Caribbean Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Professionals Sony Release date: October 17, 2006
Punisher Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Rambo: First Blood Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
Reservoir Dogs Lionsgate Release date: October 24, 2006
Resident Evil Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Resident Evil: Apocalypse Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Robocop MGM Release date: August 15, 2006
Rumor Has It Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
RV Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
S.W.A.T. Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Sahara Paramount
Saw Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Saw II Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
See No Evil Lionsgate
Sense and Sensibility Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Silent Hill Sony Release date: August 22, 2006
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Paramount
Sleepy Hollow Paramount
Species MGM Release date: July 25, 2006
Spider-Man Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Stargate Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Stargate Atlantis MGM TV series, Release date: June/July
Stealth Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Steamboy Bandai Visual Japan only
Step Into Liquid Lionsgate
Stir of Echoes Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Swordfish Warner
Syriana Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Tears of the Sun Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Terminator MGM Release date: June 20, 2006
Terminator 2: Judgment Day Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Warner
Tomb Raider Paramount
Total Recall Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Training Day Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Troy Warner
Twister Warner
U2: Rattle and Hum Paramount Documentary
Ultraviolet Sony Release date: June 27, 2006
Underworld: Evolution Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Unforgiven Warner
We Were Soldiers Paramount
xXx Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
xXx: State of the Union Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Young Guns Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
This very funny indeed. Infact even if it weren't ture would that still make him a liar, or someone misinformed or other wise just incorrect :). Why would he lie about something anyone who knows how to boot an internet connected pc can find out about.
and why do people still belive this rubbish, It makes me laugh at the people who actually go out of thier way to post such rubbish, and make it look as tho this guy knows what he is talking about.

Ive got a funny feeling that this may be my last post in this thread, as it seems to have been taken over by 360 fanboys. Im not apposed to bad news, but when they are blatent lies about anything even if it was MS not just Sony hateing, it just makes for a dull and un-entertaining read. Its not as iff these stories actually hold any value in regards to the PS3.

Could we have a seperate thread for rumors and rubbish bit of news and keep this for the read interesting stuff, and real news, this is a PS3 thread, not a we all hate Sony so we post cr*p thread.

Just my two bucks worth, its been a bad day :grumpy: 👎 👎 :banghead: 🤬
and why do people still belive this rubbish, It makes me laugh at the people who actually go out of thier way to post such rubbish, and make it look as tho this guy knows what he is talking about.

Ive got a funny feeling that this may be my last post in this thread, as it seems to have been taken over by 360 fanboys. Im not apposed to bad news, but when they are blatent lies about anything even if it was MS not just Sony hateing, it just makes for a dull and un-entertaining read. Its not as iff these stories actually hold any value in regards to the PS3.

Could we have a seperate thread for rumors and rubbish bit of news and keep this for the read interesting stuff, and real news, this is a PS3 thread, not a we all hate Sony so we post cr*p thread.

Just my two bucks worth, its been a bad day :grumpy: 👎 👎 :banghead: 🤬
I know the feeling.
It's been like this since E3 last year and it's got worse since E3 this year. Don't expect it to lay off after the PS3 ships. I'm sure there'll be some reports of malfunctioning PS3's and you know every little thing is going to be jumped on by those so insecure that they feel compelled to bad mouth something just to convince themselves of their supposed superiority in making an alternative choice.
Too many forums have a playground atmosphere; it's all "this is better than that" and "this is faster than that" and "the xxx has better (insert current console buzz word) than xxx). Honestly, you'd think they were comparing themselves in showers! All this willy waving is childish, pointless and ultimatley redundant. I just want information. I ask a question and hopefully someone is kind enough to answer. Usually that's all I want....except some porn now and again!:lol:

Anyway, Duċk. I don't beleive there's been any official word yet. It could be Fox (or Lucas himself) is holding out to see what comes out on top, HD-DVD or Blu-ray. But it may just be a decision has yet to be made. However I believe Fox is in the Blu-ray camp (are they doing cross platform HD films?) and so Blu-ray Star Wars looks likely at some point.
and why do people still belive this rubbish, It makes me laugh at the people who actually go out of thier way to post such rubbish, and make it look as tho this guy knows what he is talking about.

Ive got a funny feeling that this may be my last post in this thread, as it seems to have been taken over by 360 fanboys. Im not apposed to bad news, but when they are blatent lies about anything even if it was MS not just Sony hateing, it just makes for a dull and un-entertaining read. Its not as iff these stories actually hold any value in regards to the PS3.

Could we have a seperate thread for rumors and rubbish bit of news and keep this for the read interesting stuff, and real news, this is a PS3 thread, not a we all hate Sony so we post cr*p thread.

Just my two bucks worth, its been a bad day :grumpy: 👎 👎 :banghead: 🤬

unfortunately we have our own version of major nelson here at GTP. and we hate it:grumpy:

lately not a lot of interesting info on the PS3, only old stories trying to show who´s the biggest fanboy...

i wish some good info comes out of leipzig this month...
Just 1 month before we get any real info before TGS. But the anti-sony trend rolls on until Sony can shut them up with so info on games online service downloadable games, Heck even the downloadable PS1 games on PS3 are a mystery still.
Just 1 month before we get any real info before TGS. But the anti-sony trend rolls on until Sony can shut them up with so info on games online service downloadable games, Heck even the downloadable PS1 games on PS3 are a mystery still.
I didn't even know the PS3 was supposed to be able to download PS1 games. Maybe you're confusing it with the PSP?
I didn't even know the PS3 was supposed to be able to download PS1 games. Maybe you're confusing it with the PSP?
Of course the PS3 will download back catalog games for the PS1 and PS2. In fact, Sony cannot afford not to.

Third party developers will be able to provide all previous PlayStation games downloads which will help both Sony with the cost of the online service and help new gamers experience games that aren't available for purchase otherwise.

Why would Sony spend so much time and money on backwards compatibility for both PS1 and PS2 games and then not do this? I don't understand that.

Just think, would you not purchase Jet Moto for $3 or $4? I would.
The chance to download PSOne games, though limited at first no doubt, is one of the most appealing aspects of the PS3's online service.
Now of course as far as I know it hasn't been written in stone (little of Sony's online plans has been) but it is a safe assumption to make.
However don't put it beyond Sony to miss this trick. Something tells me there will be disappointments along the way to the launch. But then again maybe not. It could be ggod news all the way. But I must admit that seems to rarely happen nowadays.
Nope PSP's has been demonstrated and confirmed but not for PS3. I would buy a Jetmoto 3 pack for $10 :). But mostly I'd be playing PSone games on my PSP and storing them on PS3. I just want to download them from PS3 for easy storage. I still own GT2 and a few PS1 games. If we can purchase PS2 games, download and play them on PS3 that would be amazing if they were sold at a low low price and have all regional games.
I'd say, while it's not confirmed, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Sony confirmed at some point in time that PS1 games will be downloadable on PS3.

The PSP will play PS1 games via emulation, and I find it incredibly hard to believe that a similar emulator will not be included with the PS3. I find it impossible actually.

Sony, and 3rd party developers, only stand to make money from downloadable content, and giving users access to PS1 games only "1 up's" XBL Arcade, since Sony would be offering, in a sense, superior games to XBL's 1980's arcade titles, and flash games and so on.

Though, I would honestly expect each title to retail for around $9.99. That is the *minimum* they will retail for online, should the download service be readily available on PS3.

That is also the price they will more than likely retail for on the PSP.
I think $10 is too high for an old PS1 game and I would never pay that amount. Sony will hurt themselves and third party developers if they decided to charge that much for old PS1 games.

I'd be better off buying old PS1 games on the net or in newspapers for three to five dollars each. Hell, you can find PS2 games for that price at Circuit City. They had a PS2 Syphon Filter game, brand new, for just $3.99.
Solid Lifters
I think $10 is too high for an old PS1 game and I would never pay that amount. Sony will hurt themselves and third party developers if they decided to charge that much for old PS1 games.

I'd be better off buying old PS1 games on the net or in newspapers for three to five dollars each. Hell, you can find PS2 games for that price at Circuit City. They had a PS2 Syphon Filter game, brand new, for just $3.99.

Old PS1 games worth more than 10$. FF7, FF8, Valkyrie Profile, Dragon Quest VIII, Chrono Cross, Xenogears... etc, etc... They worth more than 10$.

I said $10 for a 3 pack of games. Seems reasonable for a series of the same game.
I was referring to JR, not you. I guess I should have quoted him.

$10 for a 3 pack seems fine, but what if I don't all three? I will be forced to purchase something I don't want. I don't like that. Again, $3-$4 for a downloaded PS1 or PS2 game sounds golden and I bet a big money maker for both Sony and the game companies.

Big hit PS1 and PS2 games that are collectable will obviously go for more money. Duh.
Well, I'm just using the common logic in buisness.

The competitor (Microsoft) retails a large amount of it's Xbox Live Arcade titles for $9.99 (examples: SFH2, and soon Castlevania: SOTN). Given that these titles are PS1 and older generation titles, it is very easy to assume that Sony will Offer their content (PS1 titles) at the "standard" price that XBL Arcade games go for.

Perhaps some titles will retail for a lesser price, but htat remains to be seen, and I still believe that $9.99 would be the initial price for all games, perhaps with games getting some sort of "greatest hits download" price later.