He-he, that was a funny read.
Oh, and his source for BD movies was a site that has no affiliation with movie studios. Notice, Charlie's Angeles movie was mentioned ready for BD a long time ago, but it's not listed. How odd.
Here's the list for BD movies... well over 100...
Title Studio Info
50 First Dates Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
A Knight's Tale Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Aeon Flux Paramount
American Psycho Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
Amityville Horror MGM Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Angel Seekers Air TBS Japan only
Armageddon Disney
Basic Instinct Lionsgate Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Basic Instinct 2 MGM Release date: July 11, 2006
Batman Begins Warner
Behind Enemy Lines Fox
Benchwarmers Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Big Hit Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Black Hawk Down Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Blazing Saddles Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Bram Stoker's Dracula Sony
Bridge on the River Kwai Sony
Brothers Grimm Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Warner
Chicken Little Disney Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Chronos Goldhil Documentary, Release date: May 23, 2006
Constantine Warner
Crash Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Crimson Tide Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Dark Water Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Desperado Sony
Devil's Rejects Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Dinosaur Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Dukes of Hazzard Warner
Dune Lionsgate TV miniseries aka Frank Herbert's Dune, Release date: June/July
Eight Below Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Everest Disney Documentary
Fantastic Four Fox
Fifth Element Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Flightplan Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
For a Few Dollars More MGM
Four Brothers Paramount
Full Metal Jacket Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Gattaca Sony Release date: October 17, 2006
Glory Road Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Gone in Sixty Seconds Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Good Night, and Good Luck Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Goodfellas Warner Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Great Raid Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Green Mile Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Guns of Navarone Sony
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Haunted Mansion Disney Release date: October 17, 2006
Hero Disney
Hitch Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
House of Flying Daggers Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Ice Age Fox
Incredibles Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Into The Blue Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Italian Job Paramount
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Disney Release date: September 19, 2006
Kill Bill Vol. 1 Disney
King Arthur Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Kiss of the Dragon Fox
Kung Fu Hustle Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Ladder 49 Disney
Lake House Warner Release date: September 26, 2006
Last Samurai Warner
Last Waltz MGM Documentary, Release date: June 27, 2006
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Fox
Legends of the Fall Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Lethal Weapon Warner
Lord of War Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Manchurian Candidate Paramount
Matrix Warner
Matrix Reloaded Warner Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Memento Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Million Dollar Baby Warner
Mission Impossible Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Mission Impossible II Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
Mission Impossible III Paramount Not a launch title, to be released later in 2006
New Cinema Paradise Asmik Ace Japan only
Ocean's Twelve Warner
Phantom of the Opera Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Pirates of the Caribbean Disney Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Professionals Sony Release date: October 17, 2006
Punisher Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Rambo: First Blood Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
Reservoir Dogs Lionsgate Release date: October 24, 2006
Resident Evil Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Resident Evil: Apocalypse Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Robocop MGM Release date: August 15, 2006
Rumor Has It Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
RV Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
S.W.A.T. Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Sahara Paramount
Saw Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Saw II Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006
See No Evil Lionsgate
Sense and Sensibility Sony Release date: August 15, 2006
Silent Hill Sony Release date: August 22, 2006
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Paramount
Sleepy Hollow Paramount
Species MGM Release date: July 25, 2006
Spider-Man Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Stargate Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Stargate Atlantis MGM TV series, Release date: June/July
Stealth Sony Release date: July 25, 2006
Steamboy Bandai Visual Japan only
Step Into Liquid Lionsgate
Stir of Echoes Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Swordfish Warner
Syriana Warner Not yet announced, but Warner has stated that they will release all their titles in both formats
Tears of the Sun Sony Release date: September 19, 2006
Terminator MGM Release date: June 20, 2006
Terminator 2: Judgment Day Lionsgate Release date: June 27, 2006
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Warner
Tomb Raider Paramount
Total Recall Lionsgate Release date: August 22, 2006
Training Day Warner Release date: August 1, 2006
Troy Warner
Twister Warner
U2: Rattle and Hum Paramount Documentary
Ultraviolet Sony Release date: June 27, 2006
Underworld: Evolution Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
Unforgiven Warner
We Were Soldiers Paramount
xXx Sony Release date: June 20, 2006
xXx: State of the Union Sony Not yet announced, but packaging shown at CES
Young Guns Lionsgate Release date: October 17, 2006