[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

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I like Chicken Nuggets and love them to bits ;)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Joe Terry
Age: 16
PSN: RandomStaffieHD
Role Play experience: Cruising in GT6 and GTA V. Driving like AI.

In Character (IC)
Name: Jacob Smith

Age: 23

Job/Career/Money Source: Assisstant Manager of Downtown Cab Co.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): At birth, Jacob was poorly treated until he was 12 years old, then his father died in a plane crash from North Yankton to Los Santos. As the mother was always depressed and always looking for another man. The new boyfriend of the Mother was call Jim and killed family pets and people for a living, and when Jacob was 17, Jim killed the mother because she crashed a car into his bosses car, leading Jim to get sacked from his job.
So Jacob moved to a small bungalow in Paleto Bay where he has been living there for a few weeks and also has a large warehouse near the Airport storing expensive cars that Jacob has saved up for all of his life and the yearly pay of the Taxi service.
Jacob has always shown a deep interest in vehicles and has saved up for expensive cars all through his life.
Jacob started giving rides to poor people and also family and friends in his Ingot. So he thought that a career in the Taxi service would give him a chance at showing himself off to the public. As of last week, he was given a promotion to Assistant Manager, meaning that he had control of all the Cabs and making sure they were clean and fit for public service.
Jacob has recently saved peoples lives by taking them off the roads and giving people rides to save traffic jams ect.
The Taxi Service has also started to issue minibuses at Los Santos International Airport for large groups of people who are wanting to go to parties ect.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Jacob is very in-depth in most topics, and is often disliked by the public. He is very obsessive over cars and always wants to be the driver. He is very happy and rarely sad.

Vehicle: Granger, Jackal and the Hakuchou

Photograph (If available):
Taxi Service.jpg
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Out Of Charakter (OOC)
Name: Sinan
Role Play experience: serious GT6 cruising, GTA Cruising, some 'real life days' at GTA

In Character (IC)

Name: Jeffrey Richman
Age: 57
Job/Career/Money Source: CEO of Lifeinvader
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals)
Jeffrey was born as a child of a rich family with a big house at vinewood hills. He had a happy childhood and he wanted to work on something all the time. When he was 15, he got a really good PC with a designing program. He spent much time with that and even started designing websites for company's. He got more and more money from that after some time and when he finished the college, he had some jobs at clothing company's for their web design, but he got bored after some time. But then, he saw that lifeinvader searched a person for cleaning up the office. He got the job because he was the only person who applicated for the job. After months of cleaning, one of these guys at the computers had a problem and he couldn't fix it. As Jeffey is good at computers, he said he could help him. He successfully fixed the problem and the manager of lifeinvader saw that. He asked him what he learned to do, and Jeffrey told him that he is very good at web design. He got a place at a PC to show what he can, and he was incredibly good. He got a job as the second designer of the lifeinvader page right away. The first designer was pretty old so he wouldn't be there such a long time anymore. After three years the first designer into pension, so Jeffey got the good job as the first designer of the lifeinvader website. At this place, you don't need to do so much things anymore and you get much money. Jeffrey is doing that for 20 years now and he is very successful. In the future he will get the CEO of lifeinvader when the actual CEO goes into pension. Jeffey is already quite rich and has two houses, one luxury apartment in Los Santos and a small holiday house at paleto bay. He likes to drive around in nice cars, he Likes boat tours, offroading and golf. He spents much time with his friends and enjoying his free time. He is also well known at the business class of Los Santos and has also some contacts to a few criminal guys for getting some drugs.
Well, that's a little problem in his social life. He smokes much weed, likes good whiskey and chicken nuggets.

Personality: Jeffrey is a calmed person but If someone destroys or scratches his cars, he gets angry. He is a workaholic and he finishes his plans and jobs.

Refilling the thirsty 750i


Lovely work place, in the background you can see his lovely Rolls Royce


Taking a break at a business trip
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Simeon
Age: 13
PSN: KingSimeonTV
Role Play experience: GTA SAMP, GTA IV

In Character (IC)

Name: Simeon King
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Simeon is a contract killer from his very early stages of his life.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Simeon King was born in Palamino Creek and his mother and father were killed when he was only 10 years old and he was left on the streets. His family was murdured by a sort-of looking business man which had a silenced pistol and seemed like he knew who Simeon was. Simeon was just outside when he saw what happened in a refflection in the window. He quickly ran away being scared just sat on a road far away from his street and covered himself. Because it was winter time Simeon was very cold and him remembering what happened a minute ago did not help him heat up. Simeon slept on the street for a day begging for some money and getting them to buy some food and water. While begging for money he was found by a strange man on the street who promised to not hurt him if he went with him, and with the little kid having no choice went with the man. As he was going with the man he got into a very expencive looking car which Simeon would seen on TV a couple of days before. The kid not questioning it goes in the car and starts driving with the man. Simeon asks a lot of questions but the man ignores it but at one question he responded, and it was "Did you murder my family?" the man stunned by the question answered calmly "No". The boy was confused and asked who he was and he said that he was a friend but he wasen't comftrable to give his name out. Simeon drove with the man for almost an hour and arrived at a farm where they both exited and entered a barn. Simeon looked confused but when the man clapped his hands 2 lights came on showing a table full with weapons and a door next to it. The man told Simeon to grab a weapon go in the door and shoot anything he sees, and the boy did it as he did not have any other choice. He walked to the table grabbed a pistol went in the room shot the targets and then the man signaled to some other people something. Simeon did not know what it was but he got dragged out and then he was explained what happened. He was told that those men were there to protect him in one condition, if he would accept to work in this business, not tell no one and kill whoever they say for payment. Simeon on only 10 years was told that he would live in a big house for 8 more years then he would go to work. After 8 years of him living in a mansion it came to his first easy contract. Simeon walked up to the man, then walked behind him pulled out a sillenced pistol and shot the man in the back killing him with 2 shots. Simeon felt no guilt and continued doing his job. He was turned into a killer. He is a bit mentally insane and sometimes enjoyes his job and sometimes hates it but he has no choice and he must always stay there or he will be punished with death. But on one contract someone yelled "I like chicken nuggets" and Simeon did find it strange. His future goals are to continue his job and to leave anyone who has come to his attention in the dust. Becoming rich having a big house and a good car is not all in life... the only thing Simeon wanted was to have a family now it is impossible and he has to keep working and serving for his boss. Simeon had a thought which he would never ask again but he almost was sure, that the man who ruined his life and killed his family is the same man who he is serving for... of course he would never ask that because it would cost his life which he would not care to give away but it would hurt others.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Simeon is almost always angry and depressed because of his early life dramas and his current career which has ruined his life.

Vehicle: Ocelot F620

Photograph (If available): To protect Simeon's identity no photograph can be provided.
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I like chicken nuggets. *****Edited

Out of Character (OOC)

Name: Peter

Age: 14 years

PSN: Pete2279

Role Play Experiences: Lots of experience in clean driving and in game cruising (GTA, Gran Turismo, etc) Cars are my main interest.

In Character (IC)

Name: Ryan White

Age: 22 years

Job/Career/Money Source: Ryan White's main occupation is an Engineer who works for various companies in this industry, specialising in Cars. He is also friends with many Garage owners such as the one at LSC and often helps him (part time). This makes him kinda rich.

Bio: Ryan White is a young man who was born in the UK, he lived with both parents, when Ryan got into secondary school he started to struggle, as he was becoming bored in most lessons, so he decided to move elsewhere. He then got in to an engineering school, and progressed very well. He went and got a degree in engineering after this. After a while Ryan decided to move to the USA, San Andreas. He sometimes gets involved with drug trafficking if some customers do not pay him in time to pay his utility bills, this very rarely happens... At this point in time Ryan is wanting his parents to visit, as he hasn't seen them in some time. At the moment Ryan owns a little bungalow in Paleto Bay, which he hasn't owned for long, but has managed to revamp the place as it was a little run down...

Personality: Ryan is a very generous person who tries to help as many friends as possible, He is normally a chilled guy but sometimes work can take over and he can become stressed, he may snap if you hit his car though. when it comes to work, he puts all the effort in, to get the best results. He has Friends who he sometimes goes out at night with, when he's drunk he can be disruptive.

Vehicle: TurboCharged Futo & a few projects, Along with his work van of course
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Can I change change Craig's appearance to Liam's? It's just the fact that i'd rather go back to my high-level character than grind my way up again.
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The recent apps are pretty decent, but I don't understand why everybody has to be a millionaire. It's totally up to you, but some diversity would be nice.

Hope i am accepted

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Fernando
Age:15 years
Role Play experience:Elder scrolls

In Character (IC)
Name: Malek Morgan
Age: 35
Job/Career/Money Source: Pilot/Driver/Security
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
-He was born and raised in Los Santos and lived in east los santos.
-His father died when he was 10 and his mother took care of him.
-He met a girl named Emma at school when he was 18
-He spent some years in the police department where he learned how to use a gun properly, but he left it because he didn't find the job interesing.
-He got married with Emma when he was 23 and had kids, the boy is 10 and named Marco and the girl is 8 and its named Lucie.
-Emma is a housewive, they lived in an apartment at Weazel plaza.
-At 27, he found interest on flying planes, so he went to the flight school and two years later got a flying license.
-Started working for Martin Madrazo 2 years later, as personal pilot and made a lot of money
-He got divorced after his wife found out he was working for Martin Madrazo, his family moved out to a house in north Los Santos.
-After a job went wrong, Madrazo proposed to spare his life if he gave him all of his money he accepted and lost all of his savings.
-4 years later, Hes working as a prívate jet pilot, but hes still looking for more ways to make money, as he wants to give his kids the opportunities he never had.
-He has a contact at Pegasus that can provide vehicules for some jobs.
Personality: Takes his Job seriously, will do anything for his family and friends, likes to smoke and drink, will search for opportunities to make money.
Vehicle: Vapid Stanier, likes trucks and SUV, owns a luxor jet.
So your character was becoming a cop, quit, then he decided to go to pilot school and work for the cartel leader Martin Madrazo, then he stopped working for Madrazo because of a job gone wrong...?

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Simeon
Age: 13
PSN: KingSimeonTV
Role Play experience: GTA SAMP, GTA IV

In Character (IC)

Name: Simeon King
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Simeon is a contract killer from his very early stages of his life.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Simeon King was born in Palamino Creek and his mother and father were killed when he was only 10 years old and he was left on the streets. He was founded by a strange man on the street who promised to not hurt him if he went with him, and with the little kid having no choice went with the man and was turned into the killer that he is now when he is 25. He is a bit mentally insane and sometimes enjoyes his job and sometimes hates it but he has no choice and he must always stay there or he will be punished with death. But on one contract someone yelled "I like chicken nuggets" and Simeon did find it strange. His future goals are to continue his job and to leave anyone who has come to his attention in the dust. Becoming rich having a big house and a good car is not all in life... the only thing Simeon wanted was to have a family now it is impossible and he has to keep working and serving for his boss.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Simeon is almost always angry and depressed because of his early life dramas and his current career which has ruined his life.
Vehicle: Ocelot F620

Photograph (If available): To protect Simeon's identity no photograph can be provided.
I'm sure this would be a good story if you put it some more detail. There's just large gaps missing about how the parents died and how he became a 'hitman'.

I like chicken nuggets.

Out of Character (OOC)

Name: Peter

Age: 14 years

PSN: Pete2279

Role Play Experiences: Lots of experience in clean driving and in game cruising (GTA, Gran Turismo, etc) Cars are my main interest.

In Character (IC)

Name: Ryan White

Age: 22 years

Job/Career/Money Source: Ryan White's main occupation is an Engineer who works for various companies in this industry, specialising in Cars. He is also friends with many Garage owners such as the one at LSC and often helps him (part time). This makes him kinda rich.

Bio: Ryan White is a young man who was born in the UK, he lived with both parents, when Ryan got into secondary school he started to struggle, as he was becoming bored in most lessons, so he decided to move elsewhere. He then got in to an engineering school, and progressed very well. He went and got a degree in engineering after this. After a while Ryan decided to move to the USA, San Andreas.

Personality: Ryan is a very generous person who tries to help as many friends as possible, He is normally a chilled guy but sometimes work can take over and he can become stressed, he may snap if you hit his car though. when it comes to work, he puts all the effort in, to get the best results. He has Friends who he sometimes goes out at night with, when he's drunk he can be disruptive.

Vehicle: TurboCharged Futo & a few projects, Along with his work van of course
Three sentence applications are not acceptable. I would like more information on your character's life choices, please.

Has there been any events lately cause I have been invited to them in awhile
There hasn't been an event in about a week, as I have been away. Other than that, I have no reason to not invite you to the lobbies. I'm pretty sure I invite everyone who is a part of the club when I make the chat room and the lobby, if they are online. If you come online after I made the chat room and lobby, feel free to message me to make sure I invite you to the rooms. If you don't, I probably won't notice you come online and you will not be invited.

@Pinkintron may you please just throw me down in the queue as I am really few and far between the events I can make. I want there to be a space for a more able member to have room priority over me so they don't miss out.
I would rather have you be either fully in or fully out. The queue list is there as a waiting list for members who have been accepted, and are waiting for a spot. It's not there for members who are somewhat inactive.

You two have been accepted, but I have placed you on the queue list. The club is currently full, and I can not add you to my friends list to invite you to events. You'll have to wait until a spot clears up for yourselves.
The recent apps are pretty decent, but I don't understand why everybody has to be a millionaire. It's totally up to you, but some diversity would be nice.

So your character was becoming a cop, quit, then he decided to go to pilot school and work for the cartel leader Martin Madrazo, then he stopped working for Madrazo because of a job gone wrong...?

I'm sure this would be a good story if you put it some more detail. There's just large gaps missing about how the parents died and how he became a 'hitman'.

Three sentence applications are not acceptable. I would like more information on your character's life choices, please.

There hasn't been an event in about a week, as I have been away. Other than that, I have no reason to not invite you to the lobbies. I'm pretty sure I invite everyone who is a part of the club when I make the chat room and the lobby, if they are online. If you come online after I made the chat room and lobby, feel free to message me to make sure I invite you to the rooms. If you don't, I probably won't notice you come online and you will not be invited.

I would rather have you be either fully in or fully out. The queue list is there as a waiting list for members who have been accepted, and are waiting for a spot. It's not there for members who are somewhat inactive.

You two have been accepted, but I have placed you on the queue list. The club is currently full, and I can not add you to my friends list to invite you to events. You'll have to wait until a spot clears up for yourselves.
Thanks, I really appreciate it! Looking forward to joining :)
@Pinkintron if that's the case then please remove me from the list. I'd like to be able to do this but I join very few events and I'm sure someone else deserves the slot more than I do. Thanks for running this and I hope it goes well for you.
The recent apps are pretty decent, but I don't understand why everybody has to be a millionaire. It's totally up to you, but some diversity would be nice.

So your character was becoming a cop, quit, then he decided to go to pilot school and work for the cartel leader Martin Madrazo, then he stopped working for Madrazo because of a job gone wrong...?

I'm sure this would be a good story if you put it some more detail. There's just large gaps missing about how the parents died and how he became a 'hitman'.

Three sentence applications are not acceptable. I would like more information on your character's life choices, please.

There hasn't been an event in about a week, as I have been away. Other than that, I have no reason to not invite you to the lobbies. I'm pretty sure I invite everyone who is a part of the club when I make the chat room and the lobby, if they are online. If you come online after I made the chat room and lobby, feel free to message me to make sure I invite you to the rooms. If you don't, I probably won't notice you come online and you will not be invited.

I would rather have you be either fully in or fully out. The queue list is there as a waiting list for members who have been accepted, and are waiting for a spot. It's not there for members who are somewhat inactive.

You two have been accepted, but I have placed you on the queue list. The club is currently full, and I can not add you to my friends list to invite you to events. You'll have to wait until a spot clears up for yourselves.

Thank you very much :) I can't wait for the day I can get in the lobbies but I'm already very happy that I've been accepted!
I like chicken nuggets.
Name: Mousa Bermamet
Age: 16
PSN: Role Play experience: Frequent lobby host of cruising lobbies on Gran Tursimo 6 / frequent cruiser on Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto 4. Prefer following the rules of the road while driving.

In Character (IC)
Name: Ashley Jackson

Age: 34

Job/Career/Money Source: Owner of a 20% share of Ponsonbys clothing franchise.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born in the roots of Sandy Shores in a caravan, Ashley did not have a very pleasant childhood. She lived with her parents till she was taken away by the Child Protection Agency at the age of 7; her neighbors reported: “My husband and I saw Sara, Ashley’s mother, passed out on the side of the road with a bottle of whiskey resting in her hand. Ashley’s father has a troubled history of addictive use of drugs and was witnessed to be very abusive towards his family; his wife is usually bruised up and limping to get around.” Richard had been moving from one foster home to another until he was finally adopted at the age of 13 by a recently married couple. The husband was a very famous businessman in Los Santos, known in the clothing market. His wife had been living off her parent’s money till she got married and started enjoying the rich people’s life. Richard had a complete new life style; he was wearing the fanciest clothes, living in the richest houses and was in the best private school in the country. He finished school at the age of 18 and got into university and majored in business, Richard got a job as a CEO in one of his dad’s clothing brands. Richard refused to take a cent of his parents after the age of 24, he decided he would build his own future and that he wanted to live amongst middle classed people. Richard is very conscious about his financial state and even though she has a significant amount of money, she puts in the bank rather than on the road. She is a giving person, donates generous amount of money on a monthly bases to foster homes and multiple charities. Ashley is currently engaged to a guy she lived with in a foster home and randomly bumped into 7 months ago. For the future, Ashley and Richard, her husband, are planning to have 2-3 children so they can have the family they always dreamed of. Ashley is a big fan of cars, she knows a lot about them and she loves to visit car shows. She drives a Baller (Range Rover Sport 2014) that she enjoys to take off road in areas like mount Chiliad.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc.): Ashley is a very energetic person, on the holidays (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) she drives up to various different hiking locations, she enjoys being on adventures; finding animals, swimming in lakes, climbing. Ashleyis a very happy person, usually. She suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder; she likes to be clean and neat. Her house is very organized, everything aligned in a specific way that suits her taste. Her car is always scratch free and usually clean. She washes it every other day and cleans the interior and engine bay every week. She is reasonably patient, she doesn’t mind waiting as long as it’s not too excessive. She is told to be a very funny person, her jokes are very original.

Vehicle: Baller (Range Rover Sport 2014)
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Matthijs
Age: 16
PSN: Oockeshoek1
Role Play experience: GTA 4 LCPDFR

In Character (IC)

Name: Matt Farah

Age: 31

Job/Career/Money Source: Car reviewer, part-time Cop.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Matt is born in Vinewood, coming from a family that had high expectations, Matt was supposed to become a lawyer, he would be the 3rd generation in a row. Matt though, had a different interest: Cars. Matt's been a car enthusiast since he was young, his first car was a Declasse Rhapsody, which he could afford by working as a Cop, after he quit the army, though his Rhapsody, was not just any Rhapsody. Matt took out the engine and put in a Chevrolet Small-block. Though after 5 months of driving it, he trashed it driving 130mph. It was a fatal crash, 3 of his friends didn't come out alive. Matt survived and was very, very sad, so he started eating Chicken Nuggets. I like Chicken nuggets. After revalidating for 5 months, he saw his love of his live, a C5 corvette, he tuned it. At the moment, a company called Drive, was looking for custom cars they could review. That's the moment when Matt sent them a letter. They agreed to review his car and liked him so much, they asked him to work for them. Matt agreed immediately and let his parents down. Two weeks after the review of the C5, it got stolen, Matt started eating Nuggets again. Now, 5 years later, he's got 2 huge garages and drives various types of different cars, Matt is still working as a part-time cop.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Obsessed with cars, calm, though very energetic, and nice.
Vehicle: Cop vehicle, or one of his cars from the collection, he mostly drives his Baller or Warrener.



This is a picture taken 5 years ago. Matt underwent some changes after he gave his hair to charity 5 years ago.


This is Matt right now, driving one of his cars and not on duty.
Guys, after posting my application, I got positive feedback from PeteWheet while Pink wasn't around, and I've seen some people who posted their applications after mine who have been accepted, but I haven't had any confirmation on my application. Have I been accepted?
My apologies - I forgot to add you. You've been added to the queue list until there is space available. I will also read the other applications a little later.

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