[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Better! I'll add you to the waiting list and I will invite you to events when there is room.

Inactivity, most likely. Did you even know this club was inactive for a bit, or if the thread was locked?

Since Xdjz and redbullrider20 left, two spots have opened which will allow @BurntBreadz and @JordzDaBest in officially. I'll add you to my friends list so I can invite you into lobbies.
I am also updating the event list.
Uh... I kinda solely played Gta Online:embarrassed: because of you guys. Then when none of you guys were online, and you wrote that you were only going to play on weekends but there still were no lobbies, I kinda tought that our RP team were disbanded. So I kinda left my PS3.
Going to try and make one of these week's events, if I don't please put me in the Q section for now, as if I'm going to be busy I shouldn't be holding up a spot. And let one of the new guys in the Q section take my place. :)

When I'm un-busy if there's a spot open I'll ask to re-join again (as the same character) if that's possible :gtpflag:
The recent apps are pretty decent, but I don't understand why everybody has to be a millionaire. It's totally up to you, but some diversity would be nice.

So your character was becoming a cop, quit, then he decided to go to pilot school and work for the cartel leader Martin Madrazo, then he stopped working for Madrazo because of a job gone wrong...?

I'm sure this would be a good story if you put it some more detail. There's just large gaps missing about how the parents died and how he became a 'hitman'.

Three sentence applications are not acceptable. I would like more information on your character's life choices, please.

There hasn't been an event in about a week, as I have been away. Other than that, I have no reason to not invite you to the lobbies. I'm pretty sure I invite everyone who is a part of the club when I make the chat room and the lobby, if they are online. If you come online after I made the chat room and lobby, feel free to message me to make sure I invite you to the rooms. If you don't, I probably won't notice you come online and you will not be invited.

I would rather have you be either fully in or fully out. The queue list is there as a waiting list for members who have been accepted, and are waiting for a spot. It's not there for members who are somewhat inactive.

You two have been accepted, but I have placed you on the queue list. The club is currently full, and I can not add you to my friends list to invite you to events. You'll have to wait until a spot clears up for yourselves.
Yes, but he gave his money to Madrazo and works as prívate pilot
By the way, just in case you didn't know @Pinkintron, I haven't been able to make recent events because I'm roughly 1,917 miles away from home, and I won't be getting back until the 24th. I suppose we can just say Kristi went on her own little holiday too. :P
Event after 9 mins? @Pinkintron or further? I would really enjoy it if I could join today if possible.
You are still on the queue list, which means you're in line for a spot in the club when there is a spot available. I will not add you nor invite you until a spot opens in the club for you. If someone else wants to add you, that's fine, but I won't add you until there is a space for you.

I feel like this isn't implied enough. The waiting list is pretty much where you wait. You can have someone else who is a full member invite you, though, because I won't.

@Pinkintron sorry for the inconvenience, can you please check out my application when you're free? Thanks!
I like chicken nuggets.
Name: Mousa Bermamet
Age: 16
PSN: Role Play experience: Frequent lobby host of cruising lobbies on Gran Tursimo 6 / frequent cruiser on Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto 4. Prefer following the rules of the road while driving.

In Character (IC)
Name: Richard Jackson

Age: 34

Job/Career/Money Source: Owner of a 20% share of Ponsonbys clothing franchise.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born in the roots of Sandy Shores in a caravan, Richard did not have a very pleasant childhood. He lived with his parents till he was taken away by the Child Protection Agency at the age of 7; his neighbors reported: “My husband and I saw Sara, Richard’s mother, passed out on the side of the road with a bottle of whiskey resting in her hand. Richard’s father has a troubled history of addictive use of drugs and was witnessed to be very abusive towards his family; his wife is usually bruised up and limping to get around.” Richard had been moving from one foster home to another until he was finally adopted at the age of 13 by a recently married couple. The husband was a very famous businessman in Los Santos, known in the clothing market. His wife had been living off her parent’s money till she got married and started enjoying the rich people’s life. Richard had a complete new life style; he was wearing the fanciest clothes, living in the richest houses and was in the best private school in the country. He finished school at the age of 18 and got into university and majored in business, Richard got a job as a CEO in one of his dad’s clothing brands. Richard refused to take a cent of his parents after the age of 24, he decided he would build his own future and that he wanted to live amongst middle classed people. Richard is very conscious about his financial state and even though he has a significant amount of money, he puts in the bank rather than on the road. He is a giving person, donates generous amount of money on a monthly bases to foster homes and multiple charities. Richard is currently engaged to a girl he lived with in a foster home and randomly bumped into 7 months ago. For the future, Richard and Jennifer, his wife, are planning to have 2-3 children so they can have the family they always dreamed of. Richard is a big fan of cars, he knows a lot about them and he loves to visit car shows. He drives a Baller (Range Rover Sport 2014) that he enjoys to take off road in areas like mount Chiliad.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc.): Richard is a very energetic person, on the holidays (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) he drives up to various different hiking locations, he enjoys being on adventures; finding animals, swimming in lakes, climbing. Richard is a very happy person, usually. He suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder; he likes to be clean and neat. His house is very organized, everything aligned in a specific way that suits his taste. His car is always scratch free and usually clean. He washes it every other day and cleans the interior and engine bay every week. He is reasonably patient, he doesn’t mind waiting as long as it’s not too excessive. He is told to be a very funny person, his jokes are very original.

Vehicle: Baller (Range Rover Sport 2014)
Accepted - I'll add you to the queue list and you will be added and invited when there is a space available.
You are still on the queue list, which means you're in line for a spot in the club when there is a spot available. I will not add you nor invite you until a spot opens in the club for you. If someone else wants to add you, that's fine, but I won't add you until there is a space for you.

I feel like this isn't implied enough. The waiting list is pretty much where you wait. You can have someone else who is a full member invite you, though, because I won't.Accepted - I'll add you to the queue list and you will be added and invited when there is a space available.
Maybe you should write that under the queue bit on the OP.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 16
PSN: o6villma
Role Play experience: Fallout 3-NV, TESV: Skyrim, GT6, GTA VC, SA, LCS, VCS, IV, V, Sims 2 (Many more)

In Character (IC)

Name: Ryan Faust
Age: 32
Job/Career/Money Source: LSPD Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Ryan always had a steady childhood. Born in the state of Colorado in a small village, it wasn't hard for him to make friends. When he was 6, his parents had a divorce but the parents still maintained a healthy relationship and he saw both of them regularly. When he was 11 his mother moved out to a neighboring town and had to sacrifice his regular visits at his father's place (partially because Ryan's mother had a baby to take care of; Ryan's then 3 year old brother) which really saddened him but he was always a tough child, it never got the best of him. When he finished High-School, he got his diploma and went to a Police Academy, he had always wanted to become a Police Officer, much like every young child that had a TV in the 80-90's with cop shows. After graduating and serving his early years as a boring park cop, he instead became a full-time Detective with his own private car and everything.

He now resides in Mirror Park, in East Los Santos. His primary duties as an Detective are to investigate crime scenes and complete loads of paperwork, not that it bothers Ryan since he worked so hard just to get to this point, just know that if you see a black Oracle with a man in suit getting out of it, something happened. His goals are not to become the Sergeant or the Captain, he likes his current position very much and loves the perks that come with it, he only wants to raise a family and retire with a nice house on the beach.. that and also perhaps being the cause of a major drug-bust that would make the front page of the newspapers, but he doesn't count on it; it would never happen, right?
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Very laid back and does things in a relaxed way, he enjoys life. He's also very serious when he needs to, especially on the job, don't expect him to crack a grin on duty. He also loves chicken nuggets.

On-Duty Vehicle: Ubermacht Oracle

Off-Duty Vehicle: Gallivanter Baller (1st generation)


Photograph (If available):
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Today as Jacob Smith
Jacob arrived at the Taxi depo early as he had a long day of taking people to where they need to be.
During the day, Jacob had met a new friend called Jay Suprano (Jordz_Da_Best).
At the end of the day, Jacob drove back to the depo to find a letter with his name on it. It was a promotion to manager of the Downtown Cab Co. This makes him come in twice a week (Sunday and Thursday).
So Jacob went to get another job along with the Cab service. He had gotten a part time job as a courier for delivering computers for the Maze Bank, as Jacob only has to do Monday, Tuesday and Saturday deliveries.
Jacob also wanted to buy a new car, but is still only browsing.
Then he had a thrill ride on a boat with Jeffrey Richman, that was really fun.
After that, Jacob hired a private jet to sandy shores only to forget his suitcase, then on the way back, a tire had blown, forcing an emergancy landing at LSIA.

In today's session. Marcello collected an expensive order, took Craig on a boat trip, bonded with Alex some more, beat Alex in a street race, went skydiving and then tore apart a rival gang leaders apartment with him still in it with his brand new minigun.

No but seriously quick notes.
- Marcello has a minigun now
- Marcello has shown his true colours (to Craig at least) as a cold blooded and furious sociopath
- Marcello has plans to get rid of Alex and Jay and anyone else in cahoots with either of them
- Marcello's plans involve the acquirement of $20 million which he owes to Craig for keeping quiet and betraying Alex's crew
In today's session. Marcello collected an expensive order, took Craig on a boat trip, bonded with Alex some more, beat Alex in a street race, went skydiving and then tore apart a rival gang leaders apartment with him still in it with his brand new minigun.

No but seriously quick notes.
- Marcello has a minigun now
- Marcello has shown his true colours (to Craig at least) as a cold blooded and furious sociopath
- Marcello has plans to get rid of Alex and Jay and anyone else in cahoots with either of them
- Marcello's plans involve the acquirement of $20 million which he owes to Craig for keeping quiet and betraying Alex's crew
Oh. I see how it is. Ok. That's fine. Yeah.
Arre there any factions? If there are factions then could someone explain to me what they do, what they are, and thwir specialization...
Arre there any factions? If there are factions then could someone explain to me what they do, what they are, and thwir specialization...
No, there aren't any factions. Marcello dealing with 'rival gang members' was just tying up a loose end in his story.