[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
That's how I (used to) do it

-Have a general plan of what can I possibly do for the session
-Do the stuff
-If I coincide with another player, interact with him/her, or at least try to
-Do stuff that comes to my mind at the moment
-Report everything I did in the thread

Worked wonders when I RP'd in Minecraft that's how I tried to do it in the session, I also tried the way you do it, but it just does not work for me :( that's why I didn't do a report of the RP session
That's how I'd imagine most people do when they're in my lobbies. Sure, a lot of it is simply improv, but it's still enjoyable. Anyway, thanks for taking interest in the club - I'll remove you and add someone from the waiting list in :)
That's how I'd imagine most people do when they're in my lobbies. Sure, a lot of it is simply improv, but it's still enjoyable. Anyway, thanks for taking interest in the club - I'll remove you and add someone from the waiting list in :)

Did you read my app thingy? :confused:
Out of Character (OOC)
Name: Peter
Age: 14 years
PSN: Pete2279
Role Play Experiences: Lots of experience in clean driving and in game cruising (GTA, Gran Turismo, etc) Cars are my main interest.
In Character (IC)
Name: Ryan White
Age: 22 years
Job/Career/Money Source: Ryan White's main occupation is an Engineer who works for various companies in this industry, specialising in Cars. He is also friends with many Garage owners such as the one at LSC and often helps him (part time). Along with that he some times has project cars which he will sell on for a profit. He takes the daily trip from Paleto bay to Los Santos, early in the morning. To deliver the specified parts the customer was expecting.

Bio: Ryan White is a young man who was born in the UK, he lived with both parents, when Ryan got into secondary school he started to struggle, as he was becoming bored in most lessons, so he decided to move elsewhere. He then got in to an engineering school, and progressed very well. He went and got a degree in engineering after this. After a while Ryan decided to move to the USA, San Andreas. He sometimes gets involved with drug trafficking if some customers do not pay him in time to pay his utility bills, this very rarely happens... At this point in time Ryan is wanting his parents to visit, as he hasn't seen them in some time. At the moment Ryan owns a little bungalow in Paleto Bay, which he hasn't owned for long, but has managed to revamp the place as it was a little run down... He really likes his new house now after the refurbishment he committed to doing.

Personality: Ryan is a very generous person who tries to help as many friends as possible, He is normally a chilled guy but sometimes work can take over and he can become stressed, he may snap if you hit his car though. when it comes to work, he puts all the effort in, to get the best results. He has Friends who he sometimes goes out at night with, when he's drunk he can be disruptive.

Vehicle: TurboCharged Futo & a few projects, Along with his work Truck of course! (His truck smells of chicken nuggets)
Out Of Character (OOC)
Age: 13
PSN: samurai8juicebox
Role Play experience: GTA Roadtrip Club.

In Character (IC)

Henrik Koenisaab
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money Source: Unemployed Swedish Immigrant

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Henrik was born in Sweden. He was born into a family of car lovers, and is one himself. His father was a car mechanic, and just loved cars.

His mother left him when Henrik was only 4. That was when Henrik felt like a depressed little kid. His mother was gone off into a foreign country, and his father was always working.

That's when Henrik started driving karts. He discovered the world of karting, and loved it. He was very good at it too. At age eight he won the town's karting championship, clinching it in the fifth race. There were twelve.

At age 14, Henrik won the Scandinavian Karting Championship.

But, when Henrik was age 16, there was a terrible accident. His kart blew a tire and he flipped it, breaking all of his limbs. Forcing him to end his promising karting career. Henrik spent months in the hospital.

When he got out, he set one goal for himself, to move to Los Santos. He got a job working at a factory in Sweden, assembling car parts, at age 17. When he turned 21, Henrik decided he had enough money to move to Los Santos, so he did. He took his dad with him too.

Henrik ended up finding a nice house for a mere $75,000 in the Vinewood Hills(He paid for it in cash). His dad ended up finding a job at Los Santos Customs, while Henrik found a job working at Mors Mutual Insurance.

Henrik got fired from MMI for punching a computer when he got mad at a client over the phone. His father is still working at LSC, and now also delivers his son's cars to him, but for a small fee.

Now at Age 22, Henrik is an unemployed Swedish immigrant who sits in his apartment most of the day, or drives around in his nice Albany Primo. His dream car is to own an Entity XF, but just can't afford that yet.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Henrik was a hard working, outgoing person, until his injury. Now Henrik is in a shell. He doesn't get out much. He doesn't love chicken nuggets either. But he will be willing to meet some new people to get his boring life going.

Albany Primo, but also has a Vapid Stanier and a Bravado Bison in his garage.
Out of Character (OOC)
Name: Peter
Age: 14 years
PSN: Pete2279
Role Play Experiences: Lots of experience in clean driving and in game cruising (GTA, Gran Turismo, etc) Cars are my main interest.
In Character (IC)
Name: Ryan White
Age: 22 years
Job/Career/Money Source: Ryan White's main occupation is an Engineer who works for various companies in this industry, specialising in Cars. He is also friends with many Garage owners such as the one at LSC and often helps him (part time). Along with that he some times has project cars which he will sell on for a profit. He takes the daily trip from Paleto bay to Los Santos, early in the morning. To deliver the specified parts the customer was expecting.

Bio: Ryan White is a young man who was born in the UK, he lived with both parents, when Ryan got into secondary school he started to struggle, as he was becoming bored in most lessons, so he decided to move elsewhere. He then got in to an engineering school, and progressed very well. He went and got a degree in engineering after this. After a while Ryan decided to move to the USA, San Andreas. He sometimes gets involved with drug trafficking if some customers do not pay him in time to pay his utility bills, this very rarely happens... At this point in time Ryan is wanting his parents to visit, as he hasn't seen them in some time. At the moment Ryan owns a little bungalow in Paleto Bay, which he hasn't owned for long, but has managed to revamp the place as it was a little run down... He really likes his new house now after the refurbishment he committed to doing.

Personality: Ryan is a very generous person who tries to help as many friends as possible, He is normally a chilled guy but sometimes work can take over and he can become stressed, he may snap if you hit his car though. when it comes to work, he puts all the effort in, to get the best results. He has Friends who he sometimes goes out at night with, when he's drunk he can be disruptive.

Vehicle: TurboCharged Futo & a few projects, Along with his work Truck of course! (His truck smells of chicken nuggets)
Alright yes accepted okay yeah blahbh waiting/queue list.
I tried to come up with a good excuse of why I haven't started the lobby yet. I was sleeping. That wasn't a good excuse.
PS3 still ain't connecting... probably wouldn't be able to join today anyway. I'll try and get it working by Sunday.
Touched down in the UK and I'm back home, which means Kristi should be back in Los Santos too from... wherever she went. :P
Touched down in the UK and I'm back home, which means Kristi should be back in Los Santos too from... wherever she went. :P
Vice City? I also have to inform you that I moved houses, but I haven't touched your stuff so until you come get your stuff, I'm stuck with two houses.

Also, @Pinkintron decided to be a dumnut and stay up til 6 AM PDT, so I know that he will be late as hell and I might kick start the event for him if there is a desire for it today. It also depends if I'm available at the time.
Jacob has just arrived back in Los Santos and currently driving up to Paleto Bay after a really nice holiday!
Looking forward to tonight's RP... (If it's on)
Might as well end the RP summary drought with 2 summaries! I'll also hop on.

Last RP Summary - Marco Kane:

2 sessions ago RP Summary - Marco Kane:
[Please read this summary first, as this connects with the most recent summary]

After taking his leave from the conversation with Dougie McGregor at the Kortz Center, Kane went to visit cancer suffering Aunt Erin's house as promised to check up on how she's doing. Aware that she is too weak to open the door for Kane, he knocked in a unique way that would allow her to recognise that Kane is at the door before going in. Entering the house, he noticed a substantial pile of letters all addressed to Aunt Erin at his feet. Taking a quick browse, he spotted a few utility bill letters that he will need to help Aunt Erin to pay but he places the letters aside for later. Smelling something odd in the air, he also briefly visited the kitchen to throw away anything that has already expired and check for items nearing expiration. Mentally noting the items that are almost out of date, which he will use in a dish for Aunt Erin to eat, Kane heads upstairs and heads towards Aunt Erin's bedroom. He opens the door, and sees Aunt Erin lying in bed with a very noticeable blood stain on the blanket. Shaking vigorously and without realising, he sprints closer to the bed and inadvertently sees everything: Aunt Erin's eyes were still wide open, possibly from the moment of death, but had sunken into her skull. Her skin was a green-blue colour instead of the pearl white skin Kane was so used to see, and huge blisters of skin had formed (some of which had already bursted open). Scanning down the body, Kane notices a familiar object thrusted into where her chest would be. Still trembling, he takes it out and identifies it as a knife and its blade had already been stained by Aunt Erin's blood. His brain attempts to crank into gear to figure out how this could have all happened, then Kane notices the window to the room. Shattered. Kane barely manages to call 911, before he passes out from trauma.

...Kane is lying on his bed, still dazed. But a buzz to his apartment snapped him out of his reverie. Wondering who on earth would want to visit him at this time, he struggles out of bed and checks on the door. It turns out to be Dougie McGregor, the person he was talking to at the Kortz Center, who wanted to catch up with Kane. Not wanting to turn down the request, Kane invites him in, gets him a drink and sits down with him to have a chat. There, Kane tells Dougie that his Auntie had been murdered with Dougie offering consultation for Kane. Having already avenged for his sister, who fortunately survived the attack, Dougie suggests that Kane avenges for his auntie. Of course, much preparation must be done as this is a high risk task. Kane has never used a gun before and Dougie mentions that Kane is in no form to handle the recoils on them. Kane also suggests that they should contact Marcello as he seemed to know about guns, having seen him use it the time at the pier. They manage to get hold of him, and they arrange a meeting for preparations...

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