What a game. Just finished a playthrough on YouTube, and while I'll get to the ending in a minute, I must say that I really enjoyed the game's story. I can honestly say I've never been, well, "attached" to characters like this before. Joel and Ellie - definitely in my Top 10 Favorite Characters list. It was nice seeing their relationship change. From Joel not seeing her as much more than a mission objective, to caring enough to save her from being killed. But the ending makes me wonder. Did Joel lie to her because he thought it was the right thing to do? Did he think that she'd hate him for not letting her die? Then again, Ellie DID say at one point "After all we've been through, it can't be for nothing." I dunno what to think of the ending, honestly. I mean, it was such a cliffhanger, and as much as I wanted to see an Epilogue of Joel teaching Ellie how to swim or play guitar, I think the ending fit, and as PewDiePie said, "I feel like I lost 2 friends today." And with that, I have to give this game a 5/5.