[PS3]The Last of Us

  • Thread starter gtone339
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like it could be fun.

It's hard type of multiplayer. What make it so hard is you have to keep your clan Healthy and survive 12 weeks. During every single match you will gather supplies and kill enemies. For this your clan will grow, more people start to join (not like real one, virtual once) and this would require from you to gather more supplies to sustain it alive. You gather supplies from looting crates, crafting stuff like molotovs and bombs. Also Killing more enemies and finish them off or do other stuff that is required in some missions gives you those supplies.

What it makes really hard is every 3 weeks you got really hard missions with 60% threatening to your society. If you fail then your clan dies and you have to start your 12 weeks journey from beginning. But you can keep your level of experience, i think. I'm not playing this multi so much.

You play this multiplayer differently, it requires from you to stick to your team buddies and help each-other out.

I'm still waiting for Single player add on :) This is going to be fun
While I am eager to check this out, at the same time I feel a little underwhelmed, especially since I have read the American Dreams comics. So I already know about Ellie and Riley's bond.

I was hoping this DLC would focus on on someone else besides Joel or Ellie. But any chance to see more of the Last of Us univere is still cool.
Might be good. Dissapointed about the lack of release date and Price though. Also Wonder why they hinted at Ish, when that wasn't the focus...
Aww. Well tbh, I would have been much more happy if it would have been about Ish. Not sure I wanna play as Ellie again, since I thought the original story made for a pretty complete experience as it was. Hmm.
I haven't read the American Dreams comics. So if this DLC is basically an interactive interpretation of what happens around the time when Ellie and Riley were together, I'll give it a try.

Spring 2014 is still a way off though. Even further away than the recent predictions made out. Better be worth the wait.

Also Wonder why they hinted at Ish, when that wasn't the focus...

It's easy to construe Bruce Straley saying "soon-ish" as a reference to a character who will play a part in future story arc. But it probably didn't mean anything to begin with. Capitalise the "I" in "Ish" however, and you'd definitely clock onto it as being a real clue.
So this is on psn for 20. But there is a version for29.99 as well. Just wondering if the cheaper one comes with an online pass or not?
The price seems more than reasonable. Especially if they cut it down to just under £10, though I can't be sure about that. Should be worth it either way.
Currently playing Survivor Plus right now. Hoping to get this finished so my next playthrough will just be an Easy Plus in attempt to get all the collectibles.
Going to do the same as i did with the actual game and not watch any trailers or read any reviews for the dlc!

After playing through this game and being left amazed the single player DLC is a day one purchase.

As many of you i have so much praise for this title. As far as story based single player games go this and bioshock were definally the stand outs from this generation from me… roll on february!!
So I am going to do yet another playthrough from scratch on Survivor difficulty before the DLC comes out. Having the menu music playing in the background while I finish up some things on the PC, and it's just so amazing. How is this music so brilliant?

Maybe I'll manage to find all those bloody comics this time around.

Also, on another note. In case anyone missed it, you can unlock outfits and concept art in the menu. The concept art is really neat, and definately worth checking out.
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So I am going to do yet another playthrough from scratch on Survivor difficulty before the DLC comes out. Having the menu music playing in the background while I finish up some things on the PC, and it's just so amazing. How is this music so brilliant?

Maybe I'll manage to find all those bloody comics this time around.

Also, on another note. In case anyone missed it, you can unlock outfits and concept art in the menu. The concept art is really neat, and definately worth checking out.
Some of the costumes are too - I currently have Ellie wearing an ND camouflage T-shirt. You're right though, the option isn't immediately visible.
I'll be starting this game after finishing Uncharted 3, looking forward to it!
You wont be disappointed. One of the best games of 2013 IMO. I don't know what the GOTY 2013 was but I bet this won some awards for sure in the single player categories.
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You wont be disappointed. One of the best games of 2013 IMO. I don't know what the GOTY 2013 was but I bet this won some awards for sure in the single player categories.

Oh, it definitely won GOTY. I've seen it win GOTY on three websites, two of them being Kotaku and Destructoid. This game deserves all the praise it gets.
Indeed it does! I keep being amazed at how outstanding and intense the gunfights feel. It's just so well done.
Dynamic AI, coupled with precious few bullets make for some truely tense moments.

Just today, I was making my way through the Capital building, with next to no health left for fighting the last two guys. I decided it would be fun to take one hostage, and what a horrible idea that turned out to be. I got a hold of him, only for the 2nd guy to start screaming at me. I tried to shoot him, but he was wearing proper body armor, and my hostage kept struggeling, making head shots near impossible. He then got lose, knocked me to the ground, and beat the living hell out of me. Was friggin awesome! :lol:
I nearly got slapped because of this game. I just told my girlfriend "I can't wait for Valentines Day", she thought it was really cute until I said TLoU DLC comes out.....
