Questions and innuendos about Moderators

  • Thread starter kikie
I likely already know this answer, but would a person quoting their own post count as a double post?
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...would this count as a double post, a person quoting their own post?

I intentionally double posted to help make my point clear. Once I get an answer, then I'll edit my quoted post, and this one can be dealt with however necessary.
Yes it would be if entire process could be done in the first post.
Yes it would be if entire process could be done in the first post.
Answer received, so I'll edit my first part of the DP< and the second part may be deleted. In retrospect, likely not a decent idea, but a feeble mind will do that to you sometimes.
Can reporting a Mod's post be picked up by the mod themselves? In such a case can they admonish themselves?
It may come as a bit of a shock to you, but I was reported twice today and I just laughed as I expected it (although the 1st report was by someone I didn't expect,) and left the report open for someone else to deal with.

Damn you Cracker

In total, I've been reported 4 times too.
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If it's superfluous, yes, it's a double post. There are exceptions, of course; race series organizers tend to use a few posts at the beginning of their threads, and a few photo galleries do similar things, but typically, there's absolutely no reason it can't be dealt with by either multi-quoting or editing. The former being something that a lot of people seem to be confused by with GTP12.

The older versions of the site used anchors (I used them in the Photomode FAQ thread), which hypothetically meant a race series' entire slate of info could be in just the first post and still be linked to in sections, but the new software doesn't support it currently.

As for the question about reports on mods, I know that if I ever do see one on my own posts, I'll just leave it for another member of staff to look at. It doesn't seem entirely fair if I took care of it myself.
It may come as a bit of a shock to you, but I was reported twice today and I just laughed as I expected it (although the 1st report was by someone I didn't expect,) and left the report open for someone else to deal with.

Damn you Cracker

In total, I've been reported 4 times too.

That's it? I was reported ten times in one night by the same three members.

Let's just say that banning removes stupid stains very quickly.
That's it? I was reported ten times in one night by the same three members.
Just since GTP12 has come out. I was reported loads before, but don't have those stats to hand.
What could you (Staff) be possibly doing wrong that members have to report you? Aren't you (Staff) supposed to be "super"?
What could you (Staff) be possibly doing wrong that members have to report you?
Generally it's picking on them, abusing our power or something they think is against the AUP but isn't.
That's what I thought.

People getting jealous because you guys (Staff) have badges and power, is probably why you (Staff) get reported.

It think it's more of a curse to have a badge. :D

My previous post sounds sarcastic but it wasn't. :) Only the last sentence, of the two, was suppose to be a very little bit funny.

BUT: I think this is a valid question; if I should come across a double post of a Staff member and these two posts are posted within a few minutes and the second post doesn't have new news, can I report this Staff member of is it better to write a PM, warning him about his mistake?
BUT: I think this is a valid question; if I should come across a double post of a Staff member and these two posts are posted within a few minutes and the second post doesn't have new news, can I report this Staff member of is it better to write a PM, warning him about his mistake?
Reporting it is kinda superfluous but not unacceptable - it's probably better to just PM them.

I know, due to the internet infrastructure of the Phillippines, Niky occasionally sends "more than one" message :lol:
BUT: I think this is a valid question; if I should come across a double post of a Staff member and these two posts are posted within a few minutes and the second post doesn't have new news, can I report this Staff member of is it better to write a PM, warning him about his mistake?
Yeah, a PM is probably best.
daan has violated AUP. Better hope he avoids the banhammer. Reminds me of the time someone actually called him a troll :lol:
When you buy Premium, you're not buying the badge. You're not buying the features. You're not even buying community. You're buying self-actualisation. Premium isn't a feature, it's a way of life. A dream. You're telling yourself I am. I can. You're telling yourself that life is temporary and you need to live it while you can. Premium reminds you of your own mortality, how frail life is and how you only get one shot. It inspires you to live without restriction and by your own rules. It's setting you up to be self-reliant and to see the big picture in life. Unless it's Lifetime Premium which will live on long after you've shuffled off this mortal coil. It'll be a lasting legacy on this temporary earth. It lives on as proof that you existed. That you were here.

There. Use that.
Can't think of a particular funniest thread, without being a tad narcissistic; some of the pun sessions are good for a laugh.

Ah, this one made so little sense as to be hilarious.

You really can't pretend to be that stupid.

Oops. I just looked at the post dates in there. Sorry for "liking" some of the replies. :/
When you buy Premium, you're not buying the badge. You're not buying the features. You're not even buying community. You're buying self-actualisation. Premium isn't a feature, it's a way of life. A dream. You're telling yourself I am. I can. You're telling yourself that life is temporary and you need to live it while you can. Premium reminds you of your own mortality, how frail life is and how you only get one shot. It inspires you to live without restriction and by your own rules. It's setting you up to be self-reliant and to see the big picture in life. Unless it's Lifetime Premium which will live on long after you've shuffled off this mortal coil. It'll be a lasting legacy on this temporary earth. It lives on as proof that you existed. That you were here.

There. Use that.

Reporting it is kinda superfluous but not unacceptable - it's probably better to just PM them.

I know, due to the internet infrastructure of the Phillippines, Niky occasionally sends "more than one" message :lol:

Our network infrastructure is just like our road infrastructure... Abandon hope...